Enjoying on the road Learn English through story level 2

riding a motorbike is a great way to


who cares if the bike is an old norton

or a shiny new suzuki

it’s the speed

the noise of the wind in your ears the

engine roaring under you

burning up the miles

bikers are free alone

they go where they want



sometimes lonely

and danger waits

at every bend in the road

but for roy

riding home to auckland as night falls

it’s still a great feeling


coming up from the river towards the


roy looked at his watch

it was half past four

it was cooler now

he could do an hour or two of the

journey before dark

he started off down the road feeling the

heavy fish in the bag against his leg as

he walked

he played the fish again in his mind

feeling it pull on the line

fighting him all the way

he walked happily through the afternoon


a car was parked off the road by the


with three men standing beside it

they watched him coming

they stood drinking from metal cups

looking pleased with themselves

pleased with the wild boar they had shot

it was tied to the roof of their old

american car

they looked at roy and his fish as he

came by

good fishing then

one of them said


roy said

it looks like everybody’s got what they

came for

he stepped into the long grass

found his old norton

and pushed it up to the road

he felt the men watching him

have a beer

one of them offered

well thanks

roy said

he took a cup from one of the bags on

his bike

and went over to the car

that’s a nice fish

the man said

filling his cup with beer

not bad roy said

he nearly took the fly last night

and i went back to get him today

he drank his beer

he must have a poor memory then

the man said

he just loves black gnats

roy said

touching the fishing fly pinned to his


they all

looked you could tell that they were not


roy looked at the dead bore with its

long dangerous teeth

big one

he said

and finished the beer

the guy offered the bottle

no thanks

i’ve got to get going

he walked back to the bike and went on


the men stood around with their beer

watching him

roy picked up the fish

and held it up to show them how big it


and they smiled

he packed it away in one of the bags

he sat down on the grass and pulled on

his boots

thinking that it hadn’t been a bad


he felt the men watching him

they were friendly

but there was something about it

a kind of feeling he wasn’t sure about

he put on his crash helmet and his


then he started the bike

and waved goodbye

the men smiled

and one of them lifted his beer for good


i’m on my own

roy thought

that’s what it is

they’re three friends out together in

the afternoon

and i’m on my own

with 200 miles to go

it’s a small thing

but that’s what it is all right

he turned away

and rode the norton down the road

the road stayed near the river for the

next eight or ten miles

sometimes the rocky walls of the valley

hid the river

and sometimes you could see it far below


in places

road and river went side by side

and you could see the wet rocks shining

in the late afternoon sun

and the deep black water at the bends

it was always good to be close to a

river roy thought

next time he would fish down river from

the bridge

the road

turned away from the river at last and

joined the highway

roy let the bike go faster

he felt the old feeling coming as the

miles went by

all the things that hurt


all the things that didn’t matter

he didn’t need to think

not about being alone

not about anything

he did 65 miles in the first hour

he felt calm and easy

sometimes it worried him riding fast but

this afternoon was fine

when it was dark he would slow down

he rode on past the rich farmland

he thought about the farmers

finishing work

perhaps having their tea

that made him feel a little hungry

maybe about halfway he would stop for a

cup of coffee and something to eat

he came round a bend

and saw a car just disappearing around

the next bend

he slowed down a little

waiting for a place to pass it

it was a big old car

and as he came up behind it

the driver speeded up and went fast into

the next bend

roy stayed behind him

waiting for a straight piece of road

maybe the guy just didn’t like bikes

the place came at last

half a mile of straight empty road going

up a small hill

he checked his mirror

and passed the car

he went up the hill leaving the car


and he was alone again on a straight


and then the world exploded underneath


it came with a sudden crash

like a shot from a gun behind him

a moment later he realized what it was

he was riding a flying machine on a back

tire in pieces

fighting wildly to stay on and to slow

the norton down from 65 to zero

the big bike flew from one side of the

road to the other

but as it went up the hill

it began to go slower

then a car was coming

and he was off the road

and at last the bike ran hard against a


and stopped

roy turned off the engine

and sat back

then the car he had passed came up and

stopped beside him

an unpleasant face stared at him from

the front passenger seat

bad luck

voice sounded pleased

somebody laughed

then the old car roared away and

disappeared over the hill

roy got off the bike

he was shaking just a little

he decided not to think about the guys

in the car for a while

he wanted to calm down first

he looked down the road

half a mile of it


with no ditch

and he felt how lucky he had been

a long straight road and no ditch man

he turned and looked up the road

there was a house near the top of the


he half walked

half road the bike to the farm gate

they would let him leave his bike there


he stopped by the back door

and turned off the engine

a big man in jeans

with only socks on his feet came to the


roy felt the farmer looking at him

deciding about him

while he explained

on your own


just a minute

the farmer said

and got his boots

they put the bike in one of the farm


and roy felt better about it

lucky it happened there the farmer said

that’s true said roy and lucky it was

the back wheel

i used to have one of these things

the farmer said

and he reached over to hold the bike

he seemed to be looking back in time

it’ll be safe here he said

roy took out the fish and gave it to him

well he’s a big one

said the farmer

we’ll keep him for you


roy said

give him to the cook.

do you think i’ll get a ride this time

of day

easy the farmer said

one of those cattle trucks is what you


take you all the way to westfield

thanks again roy said

and walked back up to the road

it was nearly dark

he took his gloves and put his crash

helmet on

then people will see i’m not just out

walking he thought

that was what he thought

at the beginning

the first two or three cars

did not matter

but then he knew he had a long walk in

front of him

most people did not even slow down

before they decided not to take him

he was halfway up the second long hill

and it was quite dark

when he heard the first cattle truck

he waited as the big truck came closer

then he saw the driver’s face looking at


and he remembered it when the truck had


it wasn’t unfriendly he thought

the guy just didn’t care

he watched the truck go slowly up the


he started to walk again

he felt a kind of loneliness walking in

the dark

it was the way the truck driver had

looked at him

the guy just didn’t care

or maybe he didn’t want a stranger with

him all that way

maybe he just didn’t want to talk

more cars passed

but he didn’t even try asking for a ride


he walked on

not caring

knowing how alone in the world he was

he had walked perhaps another five miles

when he heard his favorite sound

a bike came up fast behind him and went

round the next corner

roy heard it slow down


and come back

rider stopped

and waited for roy

it was a big modern bike

japanese he guessed

the rider sat looking back at him crash

helmet shining

roy was next to the bike before he


that the rider was a girl

a tall leggy girl

in jeans and boots

and perhaps there was fair hair under

the helmet

roy stared as they spoke

which way you going mister


that makes two of us

you have a crash

tyre went

no fun

roy felt her eyes watching him as she



she said

talking about it won’t get us home

sure said roy

his ears were getting hot under his

crash helmet

he climbed up behind her and they were


she rode fast from the beginning

this was a real bike and a real rider

roy felt good about it

good to be on wheels again

good that somebody cared enough to stop

close to his face the girl asked

what kind of bike mister



front wheel or back


not so bad she said

better back than front any day

sure roy said

he wanted to talk to this girl

but he could not get the words out

they rode on in silence in the dark

she knew about bikes all right

with a guy it’s easy roy thought

you have a crash

you get a ride

you climb on the bike

you don’t even notice that he can ride

it well

but this is a girl

and she knows what she’s doing

that doesn’t mean you can’t talk to her

he told himself

you’ve seen girls before man

her voice came back to him

where have you come from mr

pukatia valley


how was the fishing

not bad

roy said before he had time to wonder at

her question

nice water by the old bridge

what were they taking

black gnat he said

and there was more than wonder

he felt that hot pain behind his eyes

wet or dry


said roy

and his voice shook a little with the

wonder of it

and in his heart

he felt an ache that came from a kind of


this was the girl he’d been longing for

all his life

a tall

leggy girl who rode a

750 cc suzuki

and knew about fly fishing

for a while they rode and did not speak


back on straight road

the girl said close to his face

my brother caught a six pound fish under

that bridge one year


roy was beginning to understand

how long ago was that

maybe five years ago

ross played him for half an hour before

he pulled him in

sounds like he’s a good fisherman your


roy said

he was

she said

and that was all

and roy

guessing what she meant

knew it was not the kind of thing you

could shout about above the noise of the

wind and the engine

after a few miles

the girl said

my name’s k mister

roy said his own name

it sounded strange to him

well roy

you’re going to buy me a cup of coffee

when we get to the next town


roy said

sure thing k

they dropped their speed and rode into

the town

it was quiet on a sunday evening

they found the place they wanted and got

off the bike

her hair was long and fair and blown

about by the wind

in the coffee shop he saw her face for

the first time

and he felt that kind of longing from

way back

and he sat down beside her knowing what

it was

how long were you walking back there

her voice was soft and pleasant

after the shouted conversation on the


perhaps five or six miles roy said

nobody was interested

they never are

it’s not the kind of thing you worry


he said


they sat drinking their coffee watching

and listening

getting the idea of each other

you go fishing a lot

she said



moving around

always travel alone

my friend got killed

roy said

it came out

like that

there was not much else that he could


he felt a kind of softness in her eyes

that took him by the heart

what about you

he said

what about me

i mean

you can tell me about your brother

he saw her eyes

their softness

the quiet hurt as his words hit her

ross got killed in the army

she said

it was his first week

just a stupid accident

he was only 20.

he fell off the back of a truck and hit

his head

he used to do wild crazy things all the


but then what killed him

was just a stupid accident

he played with his spoon in the coffee

what about your friend

she asked after a while


roy said

another thing that just couldn’t happen

he saw it in his mind

the broken plane

that moment he could never forget for

the rest of his life

this was something they both knew

he and this girl

a death that you couldn’t believe

and that feeling was always with you


like a voice that whispers in your ear

there will never be enough road anymore

enough water

enough air

but beyond the feelings of hurt

old and new

he knew that they were telling each

other the truth about themselves

not hiding things

was he choosing the right words

it didn’t matter

now he asked

where have you been today then on your

big bike


stay the weekend

down this morning

it’s only 260 miles there and back she


my father’s in a kind of hospital down


i don’t stay because one visit each time

is all i can do

i’m sorry

roy said

it was all in her eyes

in his mind

roy saw a strong man broken

the father who would never get old

never die

how could you believe it

live with it

maybe he taught them to fish roy thought

this girl and her brother dead at 20

from his accident

maybe he taught them all those good


and they all had fun together

and then suddenly she looked around

and she was the only one left

maybe that’s why she rides the big bike

the time was starting to get heavy now

what to say we get on the road


they went out

and roy felt the heaviness going

it was all right if you knew when to get

up and go

they put on their crash helmets

and the tall leggy girl started her bike

roy climbed on behind her

and they went away laughing

they rode gently out of the sleepy town

then they reached the highway

and the bike roared away into the night

roy felt all right about riding on the


sometimes if you weren’t sure about the


you weren’t happy when he went fast

but this girl was okay

they rode

not talking

enjoying the night ride on their big

fast machine

roy thought about the things they were


the cattle in the fields the night

sounds of the farms

lights appeared and cars sped past

and he thought about all the people

going places

he felt kaye close to him

with her long friendly shoulders and her

fair hair flying back from under her


he could go on

and on

he didn’t care about the people who

hated you before they saw you

or enjoyed watching you in trouble on

the road

or let you walk because they didn’t want

to think about you

he felt that none of it could touch him


or ever

that all the hurt had gone

and the shock from the deaths of friends

and the bad feelings that came from

people’s unkind words

a notice

warned of bends in the road

and k cut their speed

and they rode the big bike down into the

first bend

cars came up from down below

their lights showing the narrow road and

the banks on each side

most of the cars seem to be in too much

of a hurry roy thought

they reached the bottom of the narrow

valley where he knew the river ran close

to the road

he thought about that clear mountain

water among the trees

then they started to climb

they rode up the hill

and into the first bend

and death came down to meet them

on the wrong side of the road

the lights of the car were right in

front of them they had nowhere to go

and not enough time to hate the guy who

was killing them

roy put his arms around k

he felt his face against her shoulder

their helmets close together

then they were off the road and into the

ditch as the car went past moving too

late to its own side of the road

they went on and on fighting the ditch

crashing into the bank and then they

were over the bank and sailing

a moment’s space before the hurt that

was coming

they crashed down the bank

and roy hill tight decay

and they were off the bike and dying


and the ground came up to knock the life

out of his body and he reached for k as

he fell


he was still alive

but as he fell crashed broke

he didn’t care

he only reached for k

longed for her

he came to rest

there was a taste of blood

and a whisper of pain through the shock

and he felt cold water around him

he lay in the icy water of the ditch and

knew he was still alive

then he was moving along the ditch on

hands and knees searching for k through

the pain and shock

he pulled himself along the ditch

until he found her

she was lying face down

he touched her

and turned her over as gently as he


time had stopped

it was like a bad dream

made of all the deaths that had gone


he said her name and it came thick and

strange through his painful lips

she looked at him

and he waited for an impossible moment

and then she began to cry as the shock

hit her

and that was all the hope he needed

he took off her helmet

and gently pushed her hair back

and somewhere above them he heard voices

and a crushing sound as help came

the pain in his legs began to come alive

he put his arm around k

loving the life that returned as she

cried life and pain coming together

and that was all the hope he needed

he guessed it must be all the hope in

the world

because for all the time that it lasted

they would have it together



