ENGLISH SPEECH SCARLETT JOHANSSON Take Time for Yourself English Subtitles

Scarlett Johansson:
Hello, everyone.

I’m so happy to be here.

Arianna Huffington:
I’m so happy to have you here.

So, are you thinking of running for office?

Scarlett Johansson:
Oh, I don’t know.

I mean, I think, like I said, I’ve always
been interested in local politics.

I think that’s where you make the most effective
changes in your community.

And I don’t know.

I would never rule anything out, but I have
a very full life right now.

And I think that, with a very young daughter
and, I have a lot that I want to do still

with my career.

I can’t imagine that would be a possibility
for a long time.

Arianna Huffington:
But, New York mayor, wouldn’t that be great?

Local politics.

Scarlett Johansson:
It would be great.

I would like to see more affordable housing
in New York City, and I’d like to see a greener


But I also believe that there are, there are
people that are, I have certainly, in the

past have supported Scott Stringer and his
mayoral run.

And I really believe a lot in his experience
and his platform.

So, I think you can infect a lot of change
by just by supporting a political candidate

and perhaps redirecting the spotlight onto
somebody, whose policies you really stand



Arianna Huffington:
I have an idea that the third feminist movement

has to include going beyond giving us the
vote or giving us access to every job and

the top of every profession, to helping us
change the nature of work and of life so that

we don’t assume that it has to be fueled by
stress and burnout and being always on.

And I was thinking about you in her when you
played Samantha, this AI, kind of Siri and

the fascination with technology and our addiction
to technology and how much this adds to the

stress and burnout of modern life.

So, I wonder whether both your kind of view
of feminism in this era of incredible technological

addiction and your own relationship to your
devices has changed.

For example, let me start with a simple question.

Do you sleep with your phone?

Scarlett Johansson:
My phone is off.

I don’t ever put my ringer on to the, probably
much to the concern of every person that works

with me, but I just can’t stand it.

I’m not a very, I don’t, I’m not no social
media presence.

I live quite an analog life.

But I do find that my phone adds a lot of
stress to my life, and it’s an unnecessary

stress because life is stressful obviously,
and it’s complicated.

And especially, I think when you’re, it’s
stressful in general.


I find as a working parent, life is, there’s
a lot of other added stresses that come along

with that where you’re constantly feeling
like there’s just not enough of you, you know?

And then what’s left for you even, you know
what I mean?

So, to then have the addition of not just
the availability of information and news,

I mean, actually I, at one point, right after
Trump was elected, I was getting such panic

because I was constantly, I found myself constantly,
I would wake up and then I would check, of

course, the Huffington post.

And then I would look at, political or whatever
other sites.

And then I’d make my coffee and I would have
CNN on.

And then before that I’d have listened to
NPR, I was manic.

And then in the taxicab, everywhere I was
at any given moment, I had this newsfeed constantly

in my ear, that plus work being constantly,
being constantly available for work or constantly,

or being able to go down a rabbit hole and
look at that a comment board.

And, I mean, it’s so much, it’s just too much,
it’s too much.

I think if we, there is a responsible way
I think to live our lives with technology

where we also take care of ourselves, take
care of our mental state, give ourselves time

and space to be clear in our mind so that
we can focus on our own empowerment and focus

on our own goals, how we want to get there,
take the time to meditate, take the time to

sit down with your coffee or whatever it is
you do, and not be staring at your thing and

not be just absorbing all of this constant
information, but actually strategize with


Try to envision a goal for yourself and, try
to try to think about what kind of active

choices you’re making in your life, take time
for yourself.

I think that helps, that is empowering.

Arianna Huffington:
Right now, women need to lead the way into

changing our relationship with stress and
technology, because it’s really driving everybody


Scarlett Johansson:

I think it’s; I try to stop myself from,
I go wait, do I need to be doing this right


I don’t, I do not need to be, like going down
the rabbit hole of, what the first production

of glass menagerie, like that’s okay.

I can put that away for a minute.

I can just put it away.

Arianna Huffington:
And how has your life changed since you became

a mother, which is now two and a half years?

Scarlett Johansson:

It’s two and a half years.

And it is so profound the change, I can’t
even begin to summarize it.

But it’s just, I think I really enjoy, when
I am disconnected from this thing, it really

allows me to be really connected with my two-and-a-half-year-old

And just, I just love, and I’ve been fascinated
also, this idea also in my work as an actor,

this kind of paring away of all this noise
and kind of return to almost this child state,

where you see, with your child, they’re so
imaginative and the, this imaginative play

that they do, I love to watch her come up
with all kinds of stories and games.

And, it’s such a magical, magical of course,
that word’s so overused, but it’s such an

opportunity to really enjoy just life and,
and the simple things that, that connect us

to one another, this human experience that
we share, it’s so wonderful to be able to

have this tiny person to, to interact with
and share that part of life where it’s been


What can I say?

Arianna Huffington:
And it’s this tiny bilingual person, Rose

speaks English and French forcing her mother
to learn French.

Scarlett Johansson:
She is.

I know, and she doesn’t like it when I speak
French for some reason, I don’t know why.

She’d go, no, no French, daddy talks that.

I’m like, you are a bossy kid?

Arianna Huffington:
I wonder where she took that from.

I wonder where she took the bossy part from.

Remember, Cheryl Sandberg…

Scarlett Johansson:
Don’t ask her father that.

Arianna Huffington:
We shouldn’t call our daughter’s bossy.

We should say that they have leadership abilities.


I do wish you had more time, but I just want
to thank you so much for being not just a

brilliant, amazing, and indeed magical actor,
but for being such a wise woman, sharing your

wisdom with us.

Thank you so much.

Scarlett Johansson:
Thank you so much.

It’s been a pleasure.