Most Romantic love story ever part 1 Learn English through story level 3

chapter one

news of a wedding

scarlett o’hara was not beautiful

but men did not realize this when caught

by her charm as the tartan twins

were her eyes were green

and her skin was that soft white skin

which southern women valued so highly

and covered so carefully from the hot

georgia sun with hats and gloves

on that bright april afternoon of 1861

sixteen-year-old scarlet sat in the cool

shadows of the house at tara her

father’s plantation

stuart and brent tarlton sat each side

of her

they were friendly young men

with deep red brown hair

and were clever in the things that

mattered in north georgia at that time

growing good cotton

riding well

shooting straight and behaving like a


don’t you two care about being sent home

from the university of georgia for bad


scarlett was saying

the war will start soon

said brent

you didn’t think we’d stay in university

with a war going on did you

there isn’t going to be a war

said scarlett looking bored

ashley wilkes and his father told paw

just last week that our men in

washington will come to an agreement

with mr lincoln about the confederacy

anyway the yankees are too frightened of

us to fight

and if you say war once more i’ll go

inside the house and shut the door

they looked across the red earth of

gerald o’hara’s land which stretched

away as far as the eye could see

the white house was like an island

sitting in a wild red sea

the earth blood-colored after the rains

of recent weeks


you’ll promise to dance with us at the

party at 12 oaks tomorrow won’t you

said brent

if you do

we’ll tell you a secret

said stuart

what secret

asked scarlett

who told you

miss pity pat hamilton ashley wilkes’s

cousin who lives in atlanta

charles and melanie hamilton’s aunt

said stuart

she said that we’ll hear news of a

wedding tomorrow night at the party

said brent

oh i know that

said scarlet disappointed

it’s about charlie hamilton and honey


everyone knows they’ll get married



it’s about ashley

said stuart

he’s going to marry charlie’s sister

miss melanie

scarlett’s face did not change

but her lips went white

like a person who is in the first

moments of shock

they weren’t going to marry until next


said stuart

but with all the talk of war

both families think it will be better if

they’re married soon

he smiled

now scarlett you must promise to eat

supper with us at the party

of course i will

said scarlet automatically

and give us plenty of dances


she spoke as if in a dream

and sit with us at lunch too

said brent


said scarlet



of course

the twins were unable to believe their

good luck

they talked on about the dance

and ashley wilkes and melanie hamilton

they laughed and joked

and waited for scarlett to invite them

to supper

and it was some time before they

realized she was not listening to them

scarlett watched the twins right away

ashley was going to marry melanie


oh it couldn’t be true

it was all a mistake

ashley was in love with her

not melanie

mamie came out of the house

she was a big old negro who loved ellen

o’hara and her family

are the gentlemen gone

she asked

why didn’t you ask them to stay to


i didn’t want to listen to them talking

to paw about the war all through supper

said scarlett oh you just ain’t polite

miss scarlet

said mammy

now come into the house before you get


i want to watch the sun go down

said scarlett i’ll sit here until paul

comes home

just fetch me a light coat mammy

mammy went back into the house

and scarlett made a sudden decision

i’ll go and meet paw

she thought

he’ll be coming back from twelve oaks

soon and he’ll know about ashley

as a child scarlett had not given ashley

wilkes a single thought

but two years ago he had arrived home

after touring europe

riding up to tara with the sun so bright

on his fair hair that it’s shown like


you’ve grown up scarlet

he had said

kissing her hand

and from that moment on

she wanted him

as simply as she wanted food to eat and

horses to ride

and a soft bed to sleep in

for two years he took her to dances and


and a week did not go past without

ashley calling at tara

it was true he never spoke to her of


and his clear gray eyes never burned

with that hot light scarlet knew so well

in other men

but she was sure that he loved her

she saw him looking at her sometimes in

that sad

strange way of his

scarlett heard the sound of gerald

o’hara’s horse and saw him coming across

the fields at full speed

gerald was 60 years old

a small man with silver white hair and

hard little blue eyes

he was surprised to see her

how is everyone at 12 oaks

she asked him

they’re all talking about the war

he said

and uh

did they speak about the party

scarlett asked quickly

yes i think they did

said gerald

miss melanie hamilton and her brother

charles have come from atlanta and

oh so she did come

scarlett’s heart became heavy

was ashley there too

yes he was

gerald looked closely at his daughter

that’s why you came to meet me isn’t it

why didn’t you say so before

now what’s all this about you and ashley

there’s nothing pa

she said

has he asked to marry you


said scarlett quietly

and he won’t

said gerald

john wilkes says that ashley is to marry

miss melanie

they’ll tell everyone tomorrow

a pain cut across scarlet’s heart

and she found it hard to breathe

her father watched her

and looked uncomfortable

have you run after a man who’s not in

love with you


said scarlet

you’re lying

said gerald

then went on in a kind way

there are lots of other young men


i want you to be happy

and you wouldn’t be happy with him


i would

i would

the wilks are different from other


said gerald

they marry their cousins and keep their

strangeness in the family

look how they read books and go to

boston and new york to see paintings and

hear music

nobody rides a horse better than ashley

said scarlett

oh yes

ashley can ride and drink with the best

of man

but he cares nothing about those things

said gerald

now listen

there are other fine boys to marry

scarlet and when i’m gone

i’ll leave tara to you and

i don’t want tara

cried scarlett angrily

plantations don’t mean anything when

she was going to say when you don’t have

the man you want

but gerald shout stopped her

not mean anything

land is the only thing in the world that

does mean anything

he cried

it will come to you scarlet this love of

the land it’s in your blood

and there’s no denying it

he held her arm as they walked towards

the house

i’ll not worry your mother with this


you they met ellen o’hara at the door

she was carrying the black bag in which

she always kept the medicines she used

for the slaves

mammy was with her

and did not look pleased

mr o’hara

ellen said

a baby is dying at the slattery house

and mammy and i are going to see what we

can do

the slatteries shouted gerald

those white trash

she is always nursing negroes and white

trash who could look after themselves

said mammy annoyed

take my place at supper scarlet

said ellen touching her daughter’s cheek

she was a tall woman with a quiet gentle

voice and a warm smile that charmed


there was something magical about her

mother’s touch thought scarlett

and for a moment forgot all about ashley

but later

an idea came to her

ashley doesn’t know i love him

she thought

he thinks i love brent or stuart and

he’s marrying melanie because he thinks

he can’t have me

i must tell him

then we can run off to jonesborough and

get married

by this time tomorrow night

i might be mrs ashley wilkes

chapter 2

brett butler

early the next morning

gerald told his plantation manager jonas


to pack his things and leave

jonas ellen had discovered was the

father of emmy slattery’s dead baby and

now ellen would not have him working at


jonas was a yankee and hated all


and he was angry at losing the best

managers job in the neighborhood

ellen told gerald that she was not going

to the party at twelve oaks

i must check jonas’s figures in the

plantation books

she said

mammy will stay and help me

so gerald rode on his horse beside the

carriage that took scarlett and her two


down the road to 12 oaks

scarlett thought about her plans to

marry ashley

no one must suspect anything she thought

so i’ll flirt with every man there from

old frank kennedy to shy charlie


it will be cruel to ashley but it will

make him want me more

i don’t know why you look so happy this


said her sister sue ellen looking at


you know ashley’s going to marry melanie

pau said so

and i know you love

ashley sue ellen that’s not true

said karine the youngest of the three

it’s brent that scarlett cares about

the whole family knew that kareem loved

brent tarlton

but he never gave her a thought

except to scarlett’s baby sister

i don’t care about brent

said scarlett smiling

and he doesn’t care about me

he’s waiting for you to grow up

karine went red in the face

oh scarlet

is he really

she said

they went over the hill and saw 12 oaks

the house was white and beautiful under

the blue sky

lunch was going to be served outside

and scarlett saw the tarleton twins with

their two brothers boyd and tom

and alex and tony fontaine

and the two calvert boys rayford and



everyone is here


scarlett john wilkes stood on the

entrance steps

a silver-haired man with a quiet charm

that was as warm as a summer sun

next to him was his daughter honeywilks

his other daughter india was nowhere to

be seen

and scarlet guessed that she was in the

kitchen giving final orders to the


poor india

thought scarlet

she’s been so busy looking after 12 oaks

since her mother died that she’s had no

time to catch any man except stuart

taulton and it’s not my problem if he

thinks i’m prettier than her

john wilkes helped scarlet from the


and frank kennedy hurried to give a

helping hand to sue ellen who went red

but looked delighted

frank was 40

with a thin red beard

he was nervous with women and was

surprised when scarlett remembering her


gave him one of her best smiles

stewart and brent tarlton moved towards

her and scarlett looked around as she

talked and laughed with them

suddenly she noticed a stranger standing


he looked at least 35

and was tall and strong with a black


scarlett went red as he stared at her

with a cool smile

then he turned away as someone called


red butler

rhett butler

did she know the name

scarlett’s thoughts turned to ashley and

she forgot about the smiling man

i must go and comb my hair

she told stuart and brent

you boys wait for me and don’t run off

with any other girl

as she went up the wide stairs a shy

voice behind her called her name

scarlett turned and saw charles hamilton

a nice looking boy with soft brown hair

and deep brown eyes

she gave him her biggest

smile why

charles hamilton you handsome old thing

i’m sure you came all the way from

atlanta just to break my poor heart

charles almost fainted

this was the way girls talk to other

boys not to him

now you wait here until i come back

said scarlet

and don’t talk to those other girls or

i’ll be very jealous


i won’t

he said

scarlett saw rhett butler a few feet


he was smiling again

and had a strange look in his eye as he

stared at her

scarlett went red again and hurried on

up the stairs

kathleen calvert was in the bedroom


said scarlett

who is that nasty man butler

my dear don’t you know

whispered kathleen excitedly

he’s from charleston but his family

won’t speak to him

really said scarlett


he took a girl out riding in a carriage

one afternoon and they stayed out nearly

all night when they finally arrived home

he said that the horse ran away and that

they got lost in the forest

and guess what

tell me

said scarlet hoping for the worst

he refused to marry her the next day


said scarlet disappointed

he said that he did nothing to her but

her brother invited him to fight and mr

butler shot him

well after that mr butler had to leave


did she have a baby

whispered scarlet


said kathleen

but no one will ever marry her now

i wish ashley would stay out all night

with me

thought scarlett

he’s too much of a gentleman not to

marry me afterwards

chapter three


scarlett sat under a large tree with her

lunch on a plate in front of her

but although there were seven handsome

young men sitting around her

ashley was not one of them

and she was not happy

he was sitting on the grass

with melanie hamilton

talking quietly and smiling the slow

lazy smile that scarlett loved

melanie had dark hair and a heart-shaped


she was small but seemed older than her

17 years

scarlett saw fred butler talking to john


he looked at her and laughed and she had

the feeling that this nasty man knew her

true feelings about ashley

and was amused

it was two o’clock

and the sun was warm

scarlett was just wondering if india

would suggest that the ladies went into

the house when she heard gerald arguing

with john wilkes

hope for peace with the yankees

gerald was shouting


the south must show that it’s strong and

ready for a fight

other men joined in the discussion

of course we’ll fight

yankee thieves

one southerner can fight 20 yankees

charles hamilton found himself alone

with scarlet as the others moved away

miss o’hara

he said

if i go to fight

will you be sorry

scarlett thought men were stupid to

think women were interested in these


but she answered

i’ll cry into my pillow every night

not meaning a word of it

miss o’hara

i must tell you something

said charles suddenly feeling brave


i love you

i want to marry you

scarlett wanted to tell charles he

looked silly but said automatically

this is so sudden

i don’t know what to say

i’ll wait forever

cried charles

scarlett noticed that ashley was now

with the group of men

if georgia fights

i’ll go with her

ashley was saying

but most of the sadness in the world was

caused by wars

and when they were over

no one knew what they were about

more arguing burst out after this until

rhett butler spoke


he said

can i say a word

there’s not one gun factory in the south

and not a wool or cotton factory either

we haven’t a single warship and the

yankees could quickly stop us selling

our cotton abroad with a blockade

they have all the things we haven’t got


all we have is cotton and slaves

and brave talk

everyone was shocked

but scarlett could not help feeling he

was right

she had never seen a factory

and did not know anyone who had

but he’s no gentleman to say these

things at a party where everyone is

having a good time

she thought

it was late afternoon and the ladies

were resting in the six great bedrooms

at 12 oaks to be ready for the dance

that evening

they had their dresses off and most were


scarlett checked that melanie was lying

down next to honey wilkes before she

quietly left the room

and went down the stairs

from a window she saw ashley drinking

and talking with a group of men on a

step outside

she walked silently across to the


i’ll wait in here until he comes into

the house

she thought

and then i’ll call to him

the library was half dark with the

curtains closed to keep out the sun

across the room was a sofa with its high

back towards her

and around the walls were hundreds of


scarlett left the door open and tried to

remember what she was going to say to


perhaps it will help if i pray

she thought

and closed her eyes


it was ashley’s voice

she opened her eyes and saw him looking

at her from the doorway

are you hiding from charles or the


he said

she pulled him into the room

what is it he said

have you got a secret to tell me

yes a secret she said

i love you

he was silent

and there was a worried and confused

look in his eyes

then he made himself smile and said


you have every other man’s heart here

today scarlett

isn’t that enough

do you want mine too


you’ve always had it

he doesn’t believe me she thought

he thinks i’m just flirting with him

scarlett looked into his eyes


tell me you love me my dear

she cried

he put his hand across her lips

don’t say these things

but i love you

she cried

and i know you love me

ashley you do care don’t you


he said quietly

i care

and you do want to marry me

she said

i’m going to marry melanie he replied

he took her hands in his

how can i make you understand scarlett

love just isn’t enough when two people

are as different as we are


you said you cared for me

said scarlet

i was wrong to say it

she began to get angry

you’re afraid to marry me

she said her voice getting louder

you’ll marry that stupid little fool who

can only say no and yes

ashley’s face went white


he said

she pulled away from him

i’ll hate you until i die

she shouted

and she hit him hard across the face

he said nothing but lifted her hand to

his lips and kissed it

then he was gone

and the memory of the sad and hopeless

look on his face would stay with her

until the day she died

scarlet began to shake

now he’ll hate me

she thought

every time he looks at me he’ll remember

me saying all those things

she began to feel hot all over

did other people know how she felt about


was everyone laughing at her

her hand dropped to a little table next

to her and her fingers closed around a

pretty glass bowl

she picked it up and threw it wildly

across the room

it missed the top of the sofa but

crashed against the wall beyond


said a voice from the other side of the


is too much

a man had been lying on it

but now he stood up

it was rhett butler

scarlett almost fainted


she said

you are no gentleman to listen to other

people’s conversations

and you miss

a no lady

he said

but ladies rarely interest me and i

cannot understand my dear miss o’hara

what a wild and hot-blooded girl like

you can find to like about the handsome

but very boring mr wilkes

you aren’t good enough to clean his


she shouted

he laughed

and you were going to hate him all your


she wanted to kill him

but she walked out of the room and

pulled the heavy door shut behind her

with a crash

a horse came fast towards the house

its rider low over the animal’s back

excitement was in every line of the

man’s face as he jumped down

the other men crowded round him and he

spoke quickly

suddenly stuart tolton gave a shout

scarlett saw these things through a

window as she went quietly back up the


somebody’s house must be on fire she


she went on to the bedroom and was about

to open the door when she heard voices


scarlet flirted with every man here

today honey wilkes was saying

she was certainly going after charles

and you know charles and i are going to

be married

are you really

whispered other voices excitedly

yes but don’t tell anybody yet

said honey

but there’s only one person scarlett

cares about and that’s ashley

honey you know that isn’t true

said melanie and it’s so unkind to say


it is true

scarlett took stewart from india and

today she tried to take mr kennedy from

sue ellen and ashley

ran back down the stairs

i must get home she thought

but when she was on the steps outside

she stopped

she couldn’t go home

she couldn’t run away and show them how

ashamed she was feeling

it would only make things worse

she hated them

she hated ashley

she hated everyone

i’ll stay and make them sorry

she thought

i will

she turned towards the house

and saw charles hamilton

do you know what’s happened he cried

she said nothing

only stared at him

mr lincoln called for soldiers he said

75 000 of them

of course it will mean fighting miss

scarlet but don’t you worry

it’ll be all over in a month

scarlett was only half listening

he has plenty of money

she was thinking

he lives in atlanta

and if i marry him quickly

it will show ashley that i don’t care

that i was only flirting with him

and it will just kill honey

she’ll never get another man and

everyone will laugh at her and it will

hurt melanie because she loves charles

so much

will you wait for me miss scarlet

charles was saying

scarlett made a decision

i don’t want to wait

she said

he held her hand his mouth wide open

twice he tried to say something but the

words wouldn’t come

at last he said


can you possibly

love me

she said nothing but looked down at the


pretending to be shy

charles wanted to shout and sing and

kiss her

and then to tell everyone that scarlett

o’hara loved him

will you marry me soon

he said

not daring to breathe

the sooner the better

she said

within two weeks

ashley was married to melanie and

scarlett was married to charles

two months later

she was a widow

charles died from typhoid

he never fought a battle

he never got close to a yankee

soon after scarlet discovered that she

was going to have a baby

and she became the mother of charles’s


she called him wade

she did not love or want the child

and it did not seem possible that he was


every time she thought of ashley

she cried

and went back to her bed and refused to


ellen tried to help but failed

and then charles’s aunt miss pity pat

hamilton wrote asking if scarlett could

come to atlanta for a long visit

she and melanie wanted very much to see

charlie’s dear little baby

so scarlett went to atlanta with wade

and prissy her young slave

she did not want to go

but any change was welcome

chapter 4 atlanta

the war was making atlanta a busy city

trains thundered in and out and the

narrow muddy streets were full of army

wagons and ambulances

scarlett rode from the railway station

in miss pity pat’s carriage with uncle


a tall thin negro who was aunt pity’s

old slave

she saw a tall handsome woman in a

bright colored dress and with hair so

red that it couldn’t possibly be the

real color

who is that uncle peter she whispered

i don’t know said uncle peter looking

away quickly

yes you do

who is she

bill wattling

he said after a moment

miss pity ain’t going to like you asking

questions about women like that

scarlett was suddenly shocked

she must be a bad woman

she thought

staring she had never seen a prostitute


miss pity pat’s red brick house was on

peachtree road

and aunt pity was waiting excitedly on

the front step

melanie was with her and scarlett saw

the loving smile of welcome on the

little heart-shaped face

and felt a rush of dislike

this jealous dislike grew as the days

went by

and sometimes scarlett had to leave the

room when melanie talked about ashley

but atlanta was more interesting than


and she was busy nursing at the hospital

with mrs mead the doctor’s wife and

other women

all married women in atlanta nursed the


and most were glad to do it

but scarlett was a nurse only because

she had to be

melanie is content to stay at home and

never go to parties and to wear black

for her brother when she’s only 18 years

old fought scarlet

but she was never popular like me

and she doesn’t miss the things i miss

and she’s got ashley and i haven’t got


and she began to cry

one afternoon

two ladies of the town mrs merryweather

and mrs elsing

visited aunt pity

the mcclure girls were called to

virginia to bring home their brother

mrs elsing told them

he was hurt

pity we need you and melanie to take

their places at the sale tonight

said mrs merryweather

oh but we can’t go

said aunt pity with poor charlie dead

only uh don’t say can’t to me pity pat


said mrs merriweather

we need you to watch the negroes with

the food

and we need melanie for the mcclure

girls table

just remember

it’s to make money for the cause

i think we should go

said scarlett suddenly trying not to

look too enthusiastic

we must do it for the

hospital they all looked surprised that

it was scarlett who offered

but mrs merryweather said

scarlett’s right

you must all come

scarlett sat behind a table with melanie

at the sale

they were in a large room which was

usually full of soldiers learning the

business of war

but tonight

there were flowers and colored lights

around the room

and music was playing there would be

dancing soon

but already scarlett’s feet were

secretly moving in time with the music

across the room a tall man dressed in

black with a fine white shirt

was staring at her

he smiled and she smiled back

until she remembered who he was

and then her hand flew to her mouth

it was rhett butler and now he was

coming over

i did not think you would remember me

miss o’hara

he said

there was laughter in his eyes and

scarlett’s face went bright red as she

remembered their last meeting

melanie turned at the sound of his voice


it’s mr rhett butler isn’t it

she said smiling i met you at 12 oaks

he finished for her

what are you doing so far from

charleston mr butler


he said

i find i must not only bring things into

your city but must also stay here to

sell them

melanie gave him a delighted smile

you must be the famous captain butler

we’ve heard so much about the blockade


scarlett what’s the matter

are you feeling faint

scarlett sat down on a chair

of all the people to come here she was


why did he have to come

it’s quite warm in here

rhett was saying

can i take you across to a window miss



said scarlet

so rudely that melanie stared

she’s not miss o’hara any longer

said melanie smiling in a kind way

she is mrs hamilton

and my sister now


said rhett

looking closely at scarlet


are your husbands here tonight

my husband is in virginia

said melanie proudly

but charles

she could not go on

charles is dead

said scarlett

oh my dear ladies

said rhett i’m so sorry

but to die for once country is to live


melanie smiled at him through her tears

while scarlett felt herself hating him

he doesn’t mean a word

she thought

melanie forgot about captain butler and

scarlet as customers crowded round her


scarlett sat quietly on her chair

wishing that captain butler was back on

his ship

has your husband been dead long

he asked her


almost a year


this is the first time


i know it looks strange

she said

but the mcclure girls couldn’t come

so melanie and i

came for the cause

he finished for her

why does he make it sound so cheap

thought scarlett

when mrs merryweather spoke of the cause

she spoke proudly

scarlett wanted to tell him this but

then remembered she was only here

because she was tired of sitting at home

he seemed to guess her thoughts

because he said

would you be here if the confederacy

didn’t need you mrs hamilton

of course not

said scarlett

people would think i hadn’t loved

and she stopped

she could not pretend to him that she

had loved charlie

not after the things he had heard in the

library at twelve oaks

he moved close to her

don’t worry

he whispered

your guilty secret is safe with me

how can you say those things

she said angrily

but then she looked at him

saw the laughter in his eyes

and realized he was joking with her

and she found herself laughing too

several people near them were shocked to

see charles’s widow laughing with a

strange man and began to whisper about


dr mead called for everyone to be quiet


he said

if you want to dance with a lady this


you must pay for her


all the money is for the cause

the young girls whispered excitedly

while the men laughed


if only i could wear an apple green

dress and have flowers in my hair

thought scarlett

twenty men would fight to dance with me

and pay their money to the doctor

rhett butler was watching her

suddenly he called out

mrs charles hamilton



in gold

scarlett was so surprised

she could not move

everyone looked at her

and she saw the doctor whisper to rhett


probably telling him that widows could

not dance

another one of our young ladies perhaps

said dr mead


said rhett

mrs hamilton


said the doctor mrs hamilton will not


i will

scarlett heard herself shout

she saw the shocked faces of melanie and

the older women

she saw the surprised and annoyed faces

of the younger girls

but scarlett didn’t care

she was going to dance again


i’m doing it for the cause

scarlett told rhett

and he began to laugh

stop laughing everyone is looking at us

do you care if people talk

said rhett no but


a nice girl is supposed to care

she changed the subject

tell me

do you have a lot of money

what a rude question mrs hamilton

he laughed

but the answer is yes

and i’ll make a million on the blockade

one can always make money from a war

whether one is on the winning side or


do you think the confederacy will lose


he said



these things bore me

said scarlet

captain butler

don’t hold me so tightly

people are looking

if no one was looking

would you care

he said smiling

captain butler she said pretending to be


then added

you dance very well for a big man

but it will be years and years before

i’ll dance again

i’ll offer more money for you in the

next dance

he said

and the next

and the next


it’s the end of the music

said scarlet

and here’s aunt pity pat coming out of

the back room

i suppose mrs merriweather told her

her eyes are as big as saucers

i don’t care if they talk

said scarlett next morning

i’m sure i made more money for the

hospital than any girl there

what does the money matter

cried aunt pity

poor charlie dead only a year

and that captain butler is a terrible

person scarlet

i can’t believe he’s all that bad

said melanie gently

when you think how brave he’s been

running the blockade

he isn’t brave

said scarlett he does it for money he

doesn’t care about the confederacy

and he says we’re going to lose

but he dances wonderfully

pity pat and melanie were so shocked

they could not speak

i’m tired of sitting at home and i’m not

going to do it anymore

scarlet went on

if they all talked about me last night

then it won’t matter what they say about

me now

melanie put her arm round scarlet

you did a brave thing last night

she said

and it’s going to help the hospital a


and pity it’s been difficult for scarlet

and war times aren’t like other times

think of all the soldiers who are far

from home and without friends

we’ve been selfish

we must have a soldier here to dinner

every sunday from now on

chapter five


the autumn of 1862 went quickly for

scarlet with nursing parties and visits

to tara

the visits to tara were disappointing

because ellen worked from morning until


and gerald was busy because he could not

get a manager to take jonas wilkerson’s


sue ellen was waiting for the war to end

so that she could marry frank kennedy

and karine dreamed about brent tarleton

so scarlett was never sorry to return

from tara to atlanta

there were many things she did not tell


but her biggest secret

was that rhett butler called at aunt

pity pat’s house whenever he was in town

scarlett went riding with him in his


and he took her to dances and sales

she looked forward to his visits because

there was something exciting about him

something different from any other man

she knew

it’s as if i’m in love with him

she thought

but i’m not

he sat and listened to melanie for hours

as she talked about ashley and how proud

she was of him

but i only have to say ashley’s name

and he smiles nastily at me

thought scarlett

why are you nicer to melanie than to me

she asked him one day

i am much prettier than she is

dare i hope that you’re jealous

he said smiling

don’t be silly she said

another hope gone

if i am nicer to mrs wilkes

it’s because she is one of the very few

kind and unselfish people i know

and although she is still young

she is one of the few great ladies i

have been lucky enough to meet

don’t you think i’m a great lady too

said scarlett

my dear

i think we agreed when we first met

that you were no lady at all

said rhett

oh you rude horrible man reminding me of

that again she said

but he only laughed at her

the older men and women in atlanta did

not like rhett

but they agreed that he was brave

but when they told him this he replied

that he was as frightened as the brave

boys who were fighting

this annoyed them because everyone knew

there wasn’t a cowardly confederate

soldier anywhere

he always said

our brave boys


our heroes in grey

but made it sound like an insult

and when young ladies thanked him for

being one of the heroes who fought for


he smiled and said that he would do the

same thing for yankee women if the

yankees paid him enough money

at an evening of music at mrs elsing’s


rent was talking with a group of men

when scarlett heard an angry voice

arguing with him

are you saying sir that the cause for

which our heroes are dying is not sacred

all wars are sacred to those who have to

fight them

replied rhett

in a bored and lazy voice

if the people who started wars didn’t

pretend they were sacred

who would be foolish enough to fight

no it’s money that wars are really

fought about

but few people realize it

their ears are too full of fine words

from stay-at-home speakers

and before scarlett could reach him

he was leaving

let him go

said mrs elsing holding her arm he’s not

one of us

he’s a snake in the grass who we were

foolish enough to invite into our homes

later mrs merryweather rode home in aunt

pity’s carriage and immediately said

what she thought

he insulted us all and the confederacy


she said

saying that we were fighting for money

saying that our leaders have lied to us

pity you must never let that man into

your house again

she turned to scarlet and melanie

and i don’t want to hear you two girls

speaking to him again


what’s the matter

melanie was white and her eyes were wide


i will speak to him again

she said in a low voice

i will not be rude to him

i will not tell him to stay away from

the house

mrs merriweather’s mouth fell open

and ant pities did the same

uncle peter turned to stare

now why didn’t i say that

thought scarlett

melanie’s hands were shaking but she

went on quickly

i won’t be rude to him because of what

he said

because it’s

it’s what ashley thinks

melanie hamilton that’s a lie

said mrs merryweather

there was never a wilkes who was a


i never said ashley was a coward

said melanie

i said he thinks what captain butler

thinks and he does

but he says it differently

in his letters ashley says we should not

be fighting the yankees

he says war isn’t wonderful or sacred or

any of those things

it’s just dirty and useless and a

terrible waste of men’s lives

scarlet said nothing

she was shocked to realize anyone as

perfect as ashley could think the same

as a man like red butler

they both understand what is true about


she thought

but ashley will fight and die for

it was all very confusing

chapter six


in the early part of 1863

the war went well for the confederacy

but on the fourth day of july there was

news about hard fighting in pennsylvania

near a little town called

gettysburg the news came slowly and fear

began to spread across the town

mothers prayed that their boys were not

in pennsylvania

but those who knew their relations were

fighting next to dr mead’s son darcy

said they were proud for them to be in

the big fight that would win the war

in aunt pity’s house the three women

looked into each other’s eyes with fear

ashley was fighting with darcy

people waited outside the newspaper

office for news

scarlett melanie and aunt pity came and

waited in their carriage

scarlett saw mrs mead with her youngest

son phil waiting for news of darcy

then the crowd began to move as rhett

butler came through on his horse

the first lists will be out soon he said

yes look

the side window of the newspaper office

opened and a hand came out

in it were the lists of the dead

long narrow pieces of paper

with the names close together

the crowd began to fight for them and

there were shouts of let me through

rhett got off his horse and pushed his

way forward his heavy shoulders above

the rest of the crowd

then he was back with five or six lists

in his hand

he gave one to melanie and the others to

the ladies in the carriages near him

melanie’s hands shook so much that she

gave the list to scarlet who quickly

began to read

white wilkins win


oh melanie he’s not on it he’s not on it

melanie began to cry with happiness

while scarlett’s heart seemed ready to


ashley was alive

ashley was alive

mrs mead sat in her carriage and looked

across at melanie

darcy won’t need those new boots now

she said


my dear

cried melanie and jumped from her



you still got me

said phil

and if you’ll just let me i’ll go and

kill all the yankees

no cried mrs mead

phil mead don’t talk like that said

melanie climbing in with mrs mead

drive us home

captain butler can you tell the doctor

he’s at the hospital

scarlet looked at the list again

so many names from atlanta

and from all of georgia



monroe and surely there couldn’t be

three tarletons

but there were




and thomas

and boyd killed the first year somewhere

in virginia

all the tarleton boys gone

i’m sorry scarlet

said rhett

many of your friends


she said

oh red

why do there have to be wars

why didn’t the yankees just pay for the


or why didn’t we just give them the

negroes for nothing

it isn’t about the negroes scarlet

he said

they were just the excuse

there’ll always be wars because men love


he turned away


i’m going to find dr mead

after losing the battle of gettysburg

the tired and much smaller confederate

army were pushed back into virginia for

the winter

as christmas got closer

ashley came home for a week

his father and his sisters honey and

india came to atlanta to join him and

melanie scarlett wanted to cry with

happiness when she saw him

there was something new and strange in

the lines of his sunburned face

he was the same handsome ashley

but much more exciting

he looked at her and said

oh scarlett you pretty pretty thing

and kissed her on the cheek

each day she tried to speak to ashley


but melanie was always with him

they all had questions to ask him about

the war but

although he told them jokes and funny

stories about friends

it seemed to scarlet that he did this to

stop them asking the questions he did

not want to answer

the week passed quickly

and ashley had to return to virginia

he said goodbye to melanie in their room

and then scarlett was at last able to

see him alone


may i go to the station with you

she asked him

father and the girls will be there he


i want to remember you saying goodbye


will you let me do that

ashley i’d do anything for you

she said

would you

he said

there’s something you can do for me

what is it

she asked happily

will you look after melanie for me

he said

look after melanie

she said disappointed

she loves you so much he said

scarlet when i think of what might

happen to her if i was killed

don’t say it she said

it’s bad luck to speak of death

i can’t tell what will happen to me

or to any of us

said ashley

but when the end comes

if i’m alive

i’ll be far away from here

too far to look after melanie


the end

said scarlet

the end of the war and

the end of the world


surely you don’t think the yankees will


all this week i’ve talked lies

he said i didn’t want to frighten

melanie or aunt pity

but yes scarlett

i think the yankees will win

gettysburg was the beginning of the end

i couldn’t live if you were dead she

thought wildly

don’t repeat what i’ve said

he told her

i don’t want to frighten the others

you’re strong

and it will be good to know that you and

melanie are together if anything happens

to me

you will promise won’t you

oh yes

she cried

ready to promise him anything


i can’t let you go away

i can’t be brave about it

you must be brave

he said

he took her face in his hands

and kissed her lightly



you’re so fine and good and strong

so beautiful

not just your sweet face my dear

but your mind and your body



she whispered happily

waiting for him to say the three magic


i love you

but they didn’t come


she heard uncle peter with the carriage



ashley said softly

kiss me

she whispered kiss me goodbye

at the first touch of his lips on hers

she threw her arms around his neck

and pulled him to her

for a moment he held her close

but then quickly pushed her away

no scarlet


he said in a low voice

i love you

she cried ashley

say you love me

she looked into his face

and it was the unhappiest face she was

ever to see


he said

his voice a whisper

for the next two months

scarlett was happy

she had felt the quickness of ashley’s

heart when her arms went round his neck

she had seen the look on his face


he loved her

she was sure of this now

and could almost feel sorry for melanie

but then in march

melanie said that she was going to have

a baby

and a sharp pain cut right through


dr mead says it will be here in late

august or september

melanie said happily oh scarlet isn’t it


dear god

thought scarlett a baby

ashley’s baby

oh how could he when he loves me and not


i can’t go on living here now

i’ll go home to tara

and the next morning she got up

intending to pack her things

but something happened that stopped her

news came that ashley was missing

he’d been missing for three days after

going on a five-man search to discover

where the yankee army were preparing to

fight their next battle

a shocked scarlet was certain that god

was punishing her for loving a married


melanie’s face was white and frightened

like a child lost in the dark


she said

you’re all i’ve got now


i know ashley is dead

suddenly she was in scarlet’s arms and

they were crying and holding each other


at least i’ve got his baby

whispered melanie

and i’ve got nothing

thought scarlett

nothing but the look on his face when he

said goodbye

the first reports were


believed killed

but they changed to


believed to be a prisoner

melanie her hopes alive again met every

train praying for a letter

she refused to obey dr mead and stay in


and one afternoon she fainted at the


and rhett butler brought her home

mrs wilkes you’re going to have a baby

aren’t you

he said

and when she gave an embarrassed nod he

went on

then you must take better care of


or you’ll harm the baby

i’ll talk to some people i know in


if mr wilkes is a prisoner

he’ll be on a prisoner’s list

and if he isn’t

well there’s nothing worse than not


but you must promise me you’ll take care

of yourself

or i won’t help

oh you’re so kind

cried melanie

a month later rhett brought news that

ashley was not dead

but at rock island a cruel and terrible

prison in illinois

where many men would die before the end

of the war

he had a chance to get out

but refused it

said red

the yankees need men to fight the

indians in the west

and any prisoner who will join the

yankee army and fight the indians for

two years

can get out of prison

why didn’t he do that

cried scarlet why didn’t he join and

then run away and come home as soon as

he got out

melanie became angry

how can you suggest that

i’d prefer to know he was dead at rock

island and he was no longer a

confederate but a yankee soldier

of course he refused

when scarlett was alone with rent she


wouldn’t you join the yankees to get out

of that place and then run away

of course

said rhett with a cold smile

then why didn’t ashley

said scarlett

he’s a gentleman

said rhett

meaning ashley was a fool

chapter 7

news from tara

that summer for the first time since the

war began

the people of atlanta heard the sound of


the yankees were getting closer

many old men like john wilkes and young

boys like phil mead were sent to guard

the bridges at chattahoochee river at

the back of the main confederate army

then on a hot july afternoon

after a terrible battle at peachtree

creek a stream of confederate soldiers

began to arrive in atlanta

some were covered in blood

others helped those who couldn’t walk to

get to the hospitals

within days the yankees were on three

sides of atlanta and the railway to

tennessee was under yankee control

only one railway to the south to macon

was still open

but if they could hold it atlanta could

stand against the yankees

but when shells began to fall in the


women children and old people began

leaving the city

mrs elsing and mrs merryweather refused

to leave

they were needed at the hospital they

said proudly and no yankee was going to

run them out of their homes

mrs mead also refused

phil was fighting not far away

and she wanted to be near

aunt pity was among the first to leave

she went to macon to stay with a cousin

you girls should come with me

she said

but scarlett did not lie can’t pity’s


i’ll go to tara and melanie can go to

macon with you she said


don’t leave me

cried melanie

i’ll die if you aren’t with me when the

baby comes

you promised ashley that you’d take care

of me

he told me he was going to ask you

i’ll keep my promise scarlett said


but i won’t go to macon

i’ll go home to tara and you can come

with me

but dr mead stopped melanie going to

macon ortara

you cannot travel he said

it might be dangerous

miss pity you go to macon and leave the

young ladies here

miss melanie you must stay in bed until

the baby comes

he spoke privately to scarlet

she is going to have a difficult time

he said

you must stay with her until the baby


with these shells falling

it may be at any time

so aunt pity went to macon

taking uncle peter with her

and scarlett and melanie were left alone

in atlanta with wade and prissy

those first days scarlett would not go

into the streets every time she heard

the scream of a shell coming she rushed

to melanie’s room and threw herself on

the bed

and the two of them hid their heads in

the pillow

prissy and wade hid under a table


wade crying and prissy screaming

i’d rather let melanie die than go out

and find the doctor when the shells are


thought scarlett

but prissy calms scarlett’s fears

don’t you worry miss scarlet i know all

about delivering babies

she said

ain’t my mother told me all about it

just leave it to me

at the end of july scarlett received a

letter from gerald telling her that

karine was ill with typhoid and that

scarlet must not come home

that night she sat outside the house and

thought of tara

life there would never be the same

she would never again hear the wild

happy voices of the tarleton boys

or the monroe boys

or little joe fontaine


the front gate opened

and she quickly brushed tears from her

face before looking up

it was rhett butler

so you didn’t go to macon

he said

why did you stay

to be with melanie



she can’t go just now

is mrs wilkes still here he said

he lit a cigar

and you stayed with her

how strange

i see nothing strange about it

she said uncomfortably

you think mrs wilkes is silly and stupid

he said

so why do you stay when there are yankee

shells falling all around

because she’s charlie’s sister and

and like a sister to me

said scarlett her cheeks getting hot

you mean because she’s ashley wilkes’s


said rhett

scarlett became angry

she liked to think she was a mystery to

men but rhett could see through her like


he took her hand in his

how lucky to find you alone he said

and something in his voice made her face

go hot again

he’s going to tell me he loves me

she thought

then i can tell him he’s wasting his

time and he’ll feel a fool

he kissed her hand

and something electric passed through

her whole body as his warm mouth touched

her skin

i’m not in love with him she told


i’m in love with ashley


you do like me don’t you

he said


sometimes she said

could you ever love me

i’ve got him she thought

and answered in a cool voice

certainly not

not until you behave like a real


and i don’t intend to do that

he said

so you don’t love me


because although i like you scarlett

i don’t love you

and i didn’t want to be the second man

not to return your love my dear


you don’t love me

she said

did you hope that i did

i’m sorry but i do like you a lot

i know you still think lovingly of the

wooden-headed mr wilks who has probably

been dead these last six months

but there must be room in your heart for

me too


i want you more than i’ve ever wanted

any woman

scarlett was surprised and confused

are you asking me to marry you

she said

he dropped her hand and laughed loudly


i’m not a marrying man didn’t i tell you






my dear

he said quietly

i’m asking you to be my lover

love her

scarlet felt shock and disappointment at

the same time

get out

she cried

get out and don’t ever come back


i’ll tell my father and he’ll kill you

she watched him smile

he was not ashamed

he was amused

she ran into the house and tried to

crash the door shut behind her but it

was too heavy

may i help you

he asked

and he crashed it shut for her as she

ran upstairs

as the hot noisy days of august came to

an end

the shelling stopped

then worrying news came from the south

the yankees were trying to take the

railway at jonesboro

and tara was close to the fighting

eventually a soldier came to say that

the confederate army had pushed the

yankees back

but the railway was damaged and it would

be some time before trains could travel


he brought scarlett a letter from her

father after meeting him in jonesboro

and was able to tell her that the

yankees hadn’t got to tara

but what was pa doing in jonesborough

she asked

the soldier looked nervous


he was looking for an army doctor to go

to tara with him

he said

scarlet opened her father’s letter and

began to read

dear daughter

your mother and both girls have typhoid

and are very ill

but we must hope for the best

when your mother went to her bed she

told me to write and say that you must

not come home and put yourself and wade

in danger too

she sends her love

and asks you to pray for her

for the next week scarlett waited

nervously for more news but none came

no one knew where the confederates were

or what the yankees were doing

she had seen enough typhoid in the

atlanta hospitals to know that a week

was a long time with that terrible

illness and she wanted to be at home

why doesn’t this baby come

she thought

the last day of august arrived

and with it came rumors of a big battle

south of atlanta

people waited for news

if the yankees won the macon railway

they would soon be in atlanta

on the first of september scarlet woke

to hear a sound like distant thunder

rain coming

she thought at first

then she went to the window

no not rain guns

and from the south

there lay jonesborough tara

and her mother

scarlet went to melanie’s room

melanie was in bed her eyes closed and

with dark circles around them

she looked worse than any sick person

scarlett had ever seen

then her eyes opened and a soft warm

smile lit her face


she said

there’s something i want to ask you

scarlett sat down on the bed

and melanie held her hand

i’m sorry about the guns dear said


they’re towards jonesborough aren’t they

i know how worried you are

you could be at home if it weren’t for


couldn’t you


said scarlet rudely

you’re so good to me

and i love you for it

if i die

i want you to take my baby

will you do that scarlett pulled her

hand away frightened

don’t be silly melanie she said

you’re not going to die

promise me scarlet

then i won’t be afraid

said melanie

i’m sure my baby will come today

oh all right i promise

said scarlett

why do you think it will come today

i’ve been having pains

i’ll send prissy for dr mead

said scarlet


you know how busy he is

just send for mrs mead

chapter 8

the yankees are coming

scarlett sent prissy for mrs mead and

after a long time

the little black girl returned alone

she wasn’t there

said prissy

she got news that mr phil was shot and

she went with a carriage to fetch him


scarlett stared wanting to shake her


don’t just stand there go and fetch mrs


she ain’t there

said prissy

i stopped on my way home but the house

was shut up

she’s probably at the hospital

scarlett thought for a moment

go to mrs elsing and explain everything

she said

ask her to come and hurry

she went back to melanie’s room where

melanie was lying on her side

her face white

mrs mead is at the hospital

lied scarlet

she didn’t want to worry melanie by

telling her about phil getting shot

but mrs elsing is coming

it was an hour before prissy came back

walking slowly along the road

scarlett hurried out to meet her

mrs l singh is over at the hospital

said prissy

a lot of soldiers came in on the early


most of them hurt bad

you must go to the hospital said scarlet

i’ll give you a letter for dr mead but

if he isn’t there give it to one of the

other doctors

and hurry back this time

minutes later percy went off with a

letter and scarlett went back upstairs

melanie asked no questions but her face

was full of pain

an hour passed and then another

afternoon came and melanie’s pains were


where was prissy

why didn’t she come

scarlett went to the window

had the sound of the guns died away or

was it her imagination

then she saw prissy running down the


fear written all over her little black


scarlet quickly moved from the window

i’ll get some cooler water

she told melanie

she got downstairs as prissy came in

they’re fighting at jonesborough miss


they say we’re losing the war

where’s dr mead

where is he coming

said scarlet

he ain’t at the hospital

mrs merriweather and mrs elson ain’t

there either

a man told me the doctor was down at the

railway station with the soldiers from


but miss scarlet i was too frightened to

go down there

people are dying down there

and i’m frightened of dead people

what about the other doctors asked


miss garnet i couldn’t get them to read

your letter said prissy

they’re working in the hospital like

they’re all crazy

don’t worry me about babies when we’ve

got men dying here one of them shouted

at me

listen said scarlet

i’ll get dr mead and you sit with miss


don’t tell her where the fighting is

and don’t tell her that the other

doctors won’t come do you hear

scarlet hurried out of the house and

into the hot sun

a soldier came riding past and she

stopped him

are the yankees coming she asked him

yes miss he said

the army are leaving atlanta soon

scarlet began to run

people rushed past her as she pushed her

way through the crowd and on towards the


but as she went round the side of the

atlanta hotel

she stopped


lying on the ground under the heat of

the sun

were hundreds and hundreds of men

some were screaming with pain

there was blood everywhere

and the smell of unwashed bodies came to

meet her

she put a hand across her mouth and nose

then she lifted her skirts and stepped

over dead men

and men with blood on their uniforms

and men making sounds which had to mean



dr mead

cried scarlet

is dr mead here

a man looked up

it was the doctor

his shirt and trousers were red with


and his face was gray with tiredness

thank god you’re here he said to scarlet

i can use every pair of hands quickly

come here she went to him as fast as she

could across the rows of bodies


you must come

melanie is having her baby


thundered the doctor

are you crazy

i can’t leave these men

get some woman to help you

get my wife

she started to tell him why mrs mead

could not come then stopped

she could not tell him his son was hurt

doctor please she cried

please come

he looked at her

the yankees are coming and the army is

moving out of town

i don’t know what they’ll do with these


there aren’t any trains the makin line

is under yankee control


i can’t promise scarlett but i’ll try

scarlett went back through the rows of


on the streets beyond the atlanta hotel

soldiers were moving out of the city

there seemed to be thousands of them

wagons went past throwing up clouds of


there were drunken women with painted

faces among the crowd

scarlett saw belle wattling

and heard her drunken laugh as she held

on to a one-armed soldier

scarlett began to run again

when she got back to the house

wade was waiting outside

wade hungry

he cried

be quiet said scarlett

go and play in the back garden

she looked up and saw prissy at the

bedroom window

scarlett waved at her to come down

then went into the house

prissy came down the stairs three at a


the doctors can’t come

said scarlett

you’ve got to deliver the baby and i’ll

help you

prissy’s mouth fell open

what’s the matter

said scarlet


miss scarlet

i don’t know nothing about delivering


said prissy looking at the floor

scarlett took prissy’s arm and squeezed


you black liar what do you mean

you said you knew everything about i was

lying miss scarlett cried prissy

scarlett had never hit a slave in all

her life

but she hit prissy’s black cheek as hard

as she could

prissy screamed loudly and tried to pull



is it you

melanie’s weak voice came from upstairs

please come


scarlett tried to remember what mammy

and ellen did when wade was born

build a fire and make sure there’s

plenty of water she told prissy

bring all the towels you can find

and some string and a pair of scissors


she pushed prissy towards the kitchen

then took a deep breath before going


there was never an afternoon as long as

this one

or as hot

scarlett pulled the bedroom curtains

across to keep out the sun

melanie tried to be brave but when

evening came

she began calling for ashley

over and over

until scarlett wanted to cover her face

with a pillow

perhaps the doctor will come after all

thought scarlett

and she told prissy to go to the mead’s

house and see if he or mrs mead were


prissy went but came back soon after


the doctor ain’t been home all day

she reported in

miss scarlet

mr phil is dead

he was shot

i didn’t see mrs mead because she was

getting his body ready for

all right said scarlett quickly

melanie opened her eyes and whispered

are the yankees coming


said scarlet prissy’s a liar

yes miss i am

agreed prissy

the yankees

are coming

whispered bellamy guessing correctly

oh my poor baby scarlet

you mustn’t stay here

you know i won’t leave you

said scarlett

why not

said melanie

i’m going to die anyway

chapter 9

escape from atlanta

scarlet came down the dark stairs slowly

like an old woman

she went outside and sat on the front


it was all over

melanie was not dead

and prissy was giving the small baby boy

his first bath while melanie was asleep

the night air was cool and fresh on her

face and arms

more soldiers were leaving the city

passing by the house

although she could not see them clearly

in the darkness

what could she do

where could she turn for help

scarlett remembered rhett

he was strong and clever

and he wasn’t afraid of the yankees

and he had a horse and carriage too

she called prissy

captain butler lives at the atlanta


she said

go there quickly and tell him about the


tell him that i want him to get us out

of here

suppose captain butler ain’t at the


said prissy

go to the bar rooms go to bel watling’s

house said scarlet just find him or the

yankees will get us all

scarlett went back into the house and


after some time she saw that the sky was

becoming pink over the east of the city

then a large flame shot high into the


the yankees are burning the city

she thought

moments later prissy ran into the room

the yankees scarlet began


it’s our men

said prissy

they’re burning the gun factory and what

the army left

we’re all going to burn up

did you see captain butler

said scarlett


i saw him and i says come quick captain

butler and bring your horse and carriage

and he says they took his horse but

he’ll steal another one

he’s coming

he’s going to bring a horse

so he says

scarlet began to feel better

she would forgive rent anything if he

got them out of this mess

wake up wade and dress him

she told prissy

then pack some clothes for all of us

don’t tell miss melanie we’re going

not yet

but put two thick towels around the baby

and pack his clothes too

it seemed hours before rhett finally

came with a wagon

he was dressed as if he was going

dancing in a white coat and trousers

he carried two guns and his pockets were

full of bullets

good evening

he said smiling and taking off his hat

fine weather we’re having

i hear you’re going on a trip

if you make any jokes i’ll never speak

to you again

said scarlett her voice shaking you’re


he pretended to be surprised

yes i am

and if you had any sense you’d be

frightened too

she said

we must get out of here


where are you going

he asked politely

i’m going home

she said

you mean to tara

he said

scarlett are you mad

the yankees may be all over tara by now

you can’t go right through the yankee


i will go home

she cried

tears running down her cheeks

suddenly she was in his arms

his hand smoothed her hair gently

and when he spoke his voice was gentle


don’t cry my brave little girl

he said

i’ll take you home

rent turned west along the narrow street

and the wheel of the wagon hit a stone

so hard that melanie cried out in the

back of the wagon

wade and prissy were next to her with

the new baby

scarlet was in the front next to red

must we go through the fire she asked


not if we hurry

he said

he stopped the horse suddenly

soldiers he said

long lines of confederate soldiers

walked through marietta street

too tired to care about the burning

buildings around them

many had no shoes

and their uniforms were torn and dirty

they went past silently

like ghosts

take a good look

said rhett

so you can tell your grandchildren that

you saw the last soldiers of the sacred


suddenly she hated him for insulting

these broken men

she thought of charles of ashley who

might be dead

and all those brave young boys now dead

she forgot that she had once thought

they were fools

rhett watched the soldiers with a

strange and thoughtful look on his face

then there was a crash of falling wood

and scarlet saw a thin flame above the

building next to them


hurry she shouted

they went quickly from one narrow street

to another

until the sound of the flames died

behind them

rhett did not speak

his face looked cold and hard

as if he’d forgotten where he was

scarlett wanted him to say something


but he only sat and stared at the dark

road ahead

oh rhett she said

i’m so glad you aren’t in the army

at this

he turned his head

and she saw in his eyes how angry and

confused he was

after that

she said nothing

at last they were on a wider smoother


we’re out of the city said rhett

do you still want to do this crazy thing

the yankee army are between you and tara

yes she said

please rent let’s hurry

you can’t go to jonesborough down this

road he said

they’ve been fighting up and down there

all day

do you know any wagon paths

oh yes cried scarlet i know a wagon path

pond i used to ride it

it comes out only a mile from tara


said red

maybe the yankees aren’t there yet

maybe you can get through if

i can get through

aren’t you going to take us


he said i’m leaving you here

leaving us

she said wildly

where are you going

i’m going with the army he said

red stop joking

i’m not joking my dear

he said smiling

think how delighted our soldiers will be

at my last minute appearance

oh rhett

she cried

why are you going

he laughed


because i’m a southerner


i’m ashamed

who knows

you should die of shame leaving us alone

and helpless


anyone as selfish and strong-minded as

you is never helpless

god help the yankees if they get you

he stepped down from the wagon

then he put his hands up

caught her under the arms and brought

her to the ground next to him

he took her several steps away from the


i’m not asking you to understand

or forgive

he said

i’ll never understand or forgive myself

for this foolishness

but the south needs every man

so i’m off to the wars

his warm strong hands moved upper arms

i do love you scarlet

although i told you i

didn’t do you want to change your mind

about what i suggested before

a soldier would go to his death with

beautiful memories

he was kissing her now

with slow

hot lips

charles had never kissed her like this

the kisses of the tarleton and calvert

boys never made her go hot and cold like


a voice came from the wagon

it was wade’s

wade frightened

and suddenly scarlett remembered that

she was frightened too

and that rhett was leaving her

and on top of it all he was insulting

her with his shocking suggestions

she pulled herself away from him

you coward

she screamed

you nasty horrible thing

and she hid him across the mouth with

all her strength

he put a hand to his face

i see

he said quietly

go on

cried scarlet

i don’t want to see you ever again

i hope a shell lands right on you

i hope it blows you into a million


i hope never mind the rest

said rat smiling i understand your

general idea

he walked back to the wagon

mrs wilkes

prissy’s frightened voice answered from

the wagon

this melanie fainted a long way back

captain butler

that’s probably best

he said

if she was awake

i doubt that she could live through all

the pain

take good care of her prissy

he turned round

goodbye scarlett

scarlett knew he was looking at her

but she did not speak

she saw his big shoulders moving in the


then he was gone

she came slowly back to the wagon

her knees

shaking she put her head against the

neck of the horse

and cried

chapter 10


many times on that journey scarlett

heard soldiers coming

and had to hide the wagon in fields

among the trees

then wait

while the men went past like ghosts in

the darkness

she lost her way and cried when she

could not find the little wagon path she

knew so well

but a few miles after she found it

the horse dropped to its knees

too tired to go any further

scarlett climbed into the back of the


heard melanie whisper


can i have some water please

and heard herself answer

there isn’t any

before she went to sleep

when she woke

the sun was pouring through the trees

and everything was silent

she sat up and looked round quickly

but there were no soldiers anywhere

in the wagon

melanie lay so still and white

that at first scarlett thought she must

be dead

but then she saw melanie’s shallow


they were under some trees in someone’s

front garden

scarlet noticed

it’s the mallory place she thought

excited at the thought of friends and


but the stillness of death lay over the

plantation and

when she looked towards the house

there were only some smoke blackened

stones left

is this what tara will be like

she thought

she woke prissy then looked over and saw

that melanie’s eyes were open

scarlett found some apples under the


then got some water from a stream near

the house

they all had a drink

then scarlett gave the rest of the water

to the horse

the animal was on its feet again

but it was very old she saw now

they were 15 miles from tara

but the horse moved so slowly it took

all day to travel there

every empty burned out house they passed

frightened scarlet more

there were dead men and dead horses

lying by the road

and the fields and trees seemed full of

ghosts in the afternoon sun

there was a sudden noise and prissy

screamed loudly

but it was only a cow

coming from behind some trees

the animal looked at them with large

frightened eyes

she needs milken

said prissy

it must be one of mr mcintosh’s that the

yankees didn’t get

said scarlet

we’ll take it with us

then we can have some milk for the baby

it was evening when they reached the top

of a hill

and went down through the line of trees

that led to

was it there

or was the darkness hiding just a few

smoke blackened stones like the

macintosh place

but no

tara had escaped

it was there the white wall showed

through the darkness

then scarlett saw a shadow come from

inside the house

someone was home

a shout of delight started in her throat

but died there

the shadow did not move or called to her


stiffly and slowly

came down the steps

she whispered

it’s me


i’ve come home

her father looked at her



said daughter

he’s an old man

thought scarlet


a baby’s cry came from the wagon

and gerald looked across

it’s melanie and her baby

whispered scarlet

she’s very ill

i brought her home

gerald went to the wagon

straightening his shoulders

cousin melanie

he said

twelve oaks is burned

you must stay with us

we must carry her said scarlett

she can’t walk

another person came from the house

it was pork

gerald’s personal slave

he ran down the steps


scarlet caught him by the arms and felt

his tears on her hands as he held them


glared your back

he cried

it was pork who carried melanie indoors

prissy took the baby

wade followed them up the steps into the


scarlett caught her father’s arm before

he could follow two

did they get well paw

she said

the girls are

getting better

he said

your mother


your mother died yesterday

said gerald

gerald said it over and over again

as he followed scarlet around the house

she died yesterday

she died yesterday

scarlett felt nothing

except a great tiredness

she would think of mother later

or she would simply cry and cry

later when she was alone with her father

she asked

why didn’t the yankees burn tara

they used the house for offices

said gerald


in this house

the thought made her feel sick

they were daughter

said gerald

we saw the smoke from twelve oaks before

they came

but miss honey and miss india were in


so we didn’t worry about them

we couldn’t go to macon

the girls were so sick

well your mother

we couldn’t go

our negroes ran away

they stole the wagons and the horses

only mammy

dilsey and pork stayed

the yankees came up the road from the


and i met them at the front door

oh brave little gerald

thought scarlet

they told me to leave

went on gerald

they told me they were going to burn the


i told them that we had typhoid in the


and they would burn it over the heads of


dying women

the young officer was

was a gentleman

a yankee gentleman


a gentleman

said gerald

he rode away and came back with an army

doctor who looked at the girls

and your mother

you let a yankee into their room

he had medicine

and we had none

he saved your sisters

said gerald

they didn’t burn the house

they moved in

the officers filled all the rooms except

the sick room and the soldiers lived in

tents around the place

they killed the cows the chickens and

the pigs

they took the pictures

and some of the furniture

and and mother

did she know yankees were in the house

she never knew anything

thank god

said scarlet

and then they moved on

he was silent for a long time

and then he held her hand

i’m glad you’re home

he said simply

after gerald went to bed

scarlett went to the room where karine

and sue ellen were sleeping

mammy was there watching them

her eyes lit up when she saw scarlet

my child is home

mammy said softly

oh miss scarlett

now that miss helen is dead

what are we going to do

scarlett sat down next to the bed

i want you to tell me about mother

she said

i just couldn’t ask paw about her

tears came from mammy’s eyes

it was those slattery trash that killed

miss ellen

i told her and told her not to


scarlett was confused

emmy slattery was sick with typhoid

and miss ellen went to nurser

said mammy

i told her to leave those white trash


but she didn’t listen

then when emmy was getting better

miss karine went down with typhoid

and then miss sue ellen

so miss ellen had to nurse them too

with all the fighting up the road and

the yankees across the river and the

field negroes running off every night

i was nearly crazy with worry

but miss allen was cool and calm

except that she worried

because we couldn’t get medicines

and then she went down with typhoid too

mammy dried her tears before she went on

miss helen went fast miss scarlett

even that nice yankee doctor couldn’t do

anything for her

she died a few nights after the cotton


has the cotton gone

said scarlet

tell me

yes miss scarlett

the yankees burned it

three years cotton

thought scarlet

150 000

in one



chapter 11


next morning when scarlet went down to


gerald was sitting at the table

as scarlett sat down he said

we will wait for mrs o’hara

she is late

scarlett stared at him

he was looking at her in a strange and

confused way

and his hands were shaking

has paw lost his mind

thought scarlett


he’ll get better

he must get better

i won’t think about it now

i won’t think of him or mother or any of

these awful things

she left the room without eating

pork was outside the house

have you been over to twelve oaks or the

macintosh place to see if there’s

anything left in the gardens that we can


scarlet asked him

no miss

said pork

we ain’t left tara

you go to macintosh and i’ll go to

twelve oaks she said

the road was hot and dusty but she was

hungry and they needed food from


at the bottom of the hill was the river

and scarlett took off her shoes and put

her feet into the cool water before

going on to twelve oaks

it was burned down

and just a few blackened stones were

left of the house where she had danced

and flirted with the men

and dreamed her dreams of marrying




i hope you are dead she thought

i don’t want you to see this

she walked to the garden and found some

potatoes in the soft earth

without stopping to clean it scarlett

picked up a potato and began to eat

but it was old and the taste was bitter

and scarlet was sick almost immediately

then she lay down

her face against the earth and thought

of the people who were dead

the way of life that had gone forever

and the dark and frightening future

but the past was the past scarlett told

herself sitting up

those lazy happy old days were gone

never to return

there was no going back

i’m going to live through this

she said loud

and when it’s over

i’m never going to be hungry again

if i have to steal or kill as god is my


i’m never going to be hungry again

after two weeks

she knew that her father would never get

any better

he would always be waiting for ellen

always listening for her

when scarlett asked him for advice his

only answer was

do what you think best daughter

one morning she was at the open window

of her bedroom

she had heard her foot and was sitting

in a chair

melanie was in her room with the

children karine and sue ellen were in

their room and gerald mammy pork and

dilsi were in the fields

scarlett was wondering how they were

going to buy food

the only money in the house was

confederate money

and that had almost no value now

and if i can get my hands on some money

she thought

how can we carry food from jonesborough

to tara

the old horse that brought them from

atlanta had died

it was while she was worrying that she

heard the sound of a horse

she looked up quickly

and saw a yankee soldier

he was a rough looking man with an

untidy black beard

and a gun

and he was getting off his horse outside

the front door

scarlett heard him come into the house

and walk through the rooms downstairs

in a moment she thought

he’ll walk into the kitchen


cooking over the fire in two large pots

or apples and vegetables

brought painfully from twelve oaks and

the macintosh garden

dinner for nine hungry people

but only really enough for two

the thought of the yankee eating their

meal made scarlet so angry that she

began to shake

she went to the cupboard and took out

the heavy gun which charles had never


then quickly and silently she ran


holding it behind her

who’s there

he shouted

and she stopped in the middle of the


he was standing in the doorway of the

dining room

his gun in one hand


there is somebody home

he said

smiling and putting his gun away

he walked across until he was standing

below her

all alone little lady

he said

before he could move again

scarlett lifted her gun and shot him in

the face

the noise filled her ears and the man

crashed backwards onto the floor

scarlet ran down and stood over him

looking into what was left of his face

as she looked

two streams of blood ran across the


one from his face

and one from the back of his head

he was dead

she had killed a man


she thought

i’ve done murder

oh this can’t be happening to me

a sound behind her made scarlet turn


melanie wearing only a night dress was

coming down the stairs

she saw the dead yankee

then smiled proudly at scarlet


she’s like me

thought scarlett

she would do the same thing



cried the frightened voices of her


then wade began to scream

melanie climbed back up the stairs and

opened the door of the girl’s room

don’t be frightened

she said laughing

your sister was trying to clean

charles’s gun

and it went off and nearly frightened

her to death


your mother just shot your dear paws gun

when you get older she’ll let you shoot

it too

what a cool liar

thought scarlett

i couldn’t think that quickly

but why did she lie

they’ve got to know i’ve done it

melanie came back downstairs although

she was weak and in pain


we must get him out of here she said

he may not be alone

and if more soldiers come and find him

he must be alone

said scarlet

i didn’t see any others from the

upstairs window

well no one must know about it

said melanie

the negros might talk and then they’ll

come and get you

we must hide him before they come back

i could dig a hole in the corner of the

garden and put him in it said scarlet

but how will i get him there

we’ll each take a leg and pull him

said melanie

you couldn’t pull a cat

you’ll kill yourself

all right said melanie

you pull him out and i’ll clean up the


but can’t we go through his bag in his

pockets first he might have something to


scarlett found a wallet inside his coat

it was full of money

united states money as well as

confederate money

and one ten dollar gold coin and two

five dollar gold coins

melanie found some coffee in the bag and

there were rings and other small pieces

of jewelry in his pockets

a thief whispered melanie

he stole all this

i’m glad you killed him scarlett

no one asked where the horse came from

they were just pleased to have him

the yankee lay covered in the hole in

the corner of the garden

no ghost came to frighten scarlet during

the long nights when she lay awake


i won’t think about it

she said to herself

but whenever she had to do something

difficult after this she thought

i’ve done murder

so i can do this

chapter 12

peace at last

by may


the war was over

and the confederacy had lost

the dream they had loved and hoped for

the cause which took the lives of their


was finished

but scarlett cried no tears

she simply thought thank god

now the cow won’t be stolen

now the horse is safe

now i won’t be afraid to drive round the

country looking for something to eat

and if ashley is alive

he’ll be coming home

in that warm summer after peace came

a stream of confederate soldiers came

through tara on their way home

most were walking although a few lucky

ones had a horse

they asked each soldier for news of

ashley and sue ellen asked about mr

kennedy but none of them knew anything

one afternoon

uncle peter surprised them all by

arriving from atlanta

he came on an old horse and brought news

of aunt pity

who wanted melanie and scarlett to come

back to live with her again

he also brought a letter

from ashley

he’s coming home

uncle peter told them



melanie fainted

but scarlett took the letter and opened

it quickly

she recognized ashley’s writing

my love

i am coming home to you

tears filled her eyes so that she could

not read anymore

holding the letter

she ran to her mother’s room while the

others tried to help melanie

she shut the door then crying and

laughing and kissing the letter she


my love

i am coming home to you

when weeks went by and ashley did not


scarlett began to worry that something

had happened to him along the way

the never-ending line of soldiers went


and scarlett’s heart began to grow hard

they were eating the food which was

meant for the mouths of tara

food was hard to get

and the money in the yankees wallet

would not last forever

will bentine was a soldier who was very

ill when he arrived

one of his legs finished at the knee and

a roughly cut wooden leg was fitted to


he looked like a poor farmer not a

plantation owner

but this did not stop the girls working

to save his life

then one day he opened his light blue

eyes and saw a kareen sitting beside him

then you weren’t a dream after all

he said

will had owned a small farm in georgia

and two negroes

he knew that his slaves were free now

and that his farm was burned

but these things did not seem to worry


you’ve been good to me miss scarlett he


and if you let me

i’m going to stay here and help you with

all the work until i’ve paid you back

i can’t ever pay at all

because there’s no price a man can pay

for his life

so he stayed and

slowly and quietly

a large part of the work and worry of


passed from scarlet to him

it was a warm september afternoon

and will was sitting on the front steps

of tara

talking to scarlet

melanie came out to join them

although she did her share of the work

at tara she was thin and never

completely well

will was talking about his trip to

fayetteville that morning

when he looked along the road leading to


another soldier

he said

scarlett looked and saw a man with a

beard wearing the usual gray and blue

uniform which was dusty and torn

i hope he isn’t very hungry she said

he’ll be hungry said will

melanie stood up

i’ll tell dilsey to

she stopped so suddenly that scarlett

turned to look at her

melanie’s hand was at her throat and her

face was white

she’s going to faint thought scarlett

jumping to her feet

but melanie was running down the steps

her arms stretching out towards the


and then scarlett knew the truth

the man lifted his face and looked

towards the house as if he was too tired

to take another

step melanie crying out threw herself

into his arms

scarlett took two steps forward but will

stopped her

don’t spoil it

he said quietly let me go you fool

let me go

it’s ashley

will held her

he’s her husband amy

he said calmly

scarlett looked at him angrily

and in the quiet kindness of his eyes

she saw understanding

and pity
