Avoid Repeating BECAUSE Use these ADVANCED English alternatives


hello everyone and welcome back

to english with lucy today i’m going to

teach you not only

how to improve your vocabulary but also

how to improve your writing i think this

lesson is really

important we’re going to take a look at


and because of as well these words tend

to be repeated

far too often i do it myself i write an


and i find myself using because because

because of because of

all the time but you can’t just pick

another word

and put it in there it has to fit and it

has to work

grammatically in this lesson i’m going

to give you a selection of

alternative words that you can use in


of because and because of you have to be

careful with those two but i will

explain to help you

even more with your english learning

journey i have created

a free pdf and a quiz for this lesson

so you can test out your learning and


if you’d like to download the free pdf

and quiz all you have to do is click on

the link in the description box

enter your name and your email address

you sign up to my mailing list

and i send the pdf directly to your

inbox before we get started i would like

to thank the sponsor of today’s video

skillshare which is an online learning


with thousands of inspiring classes for


and creative people it’s a place where

you can explore new skills

deepen existing passions and get lost

in creativity there are so many classes

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she is a youtuber

it’s called portrait photography shoot

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so you can explore your creativity right

let’s get started with the lesson


let’s take a look at the difference

between because

and because of it might sound simple but

it really isn’t it stumps

confuses a lot of my students because

on its own is a conjunction and it’s

followed by a subject

and a verb because she felt

tired she didn’t go out because she felt


she didn’t go out because of

is a two-word preposition it’s followed

by a noun phrase

or verb ing because

of her tiredness that’s a noun phrase

she didn’t go out or because

of her feeling tired she didn’t go out

there’s a lot more to say on this matter

but i think that’s enough for now enough

for you to

understand all of these alternatives for


and because of that i’m going to show

you so

to show you all of the alternatives i’m

going to tell you a story so it’s not so

boring i’m going to tell you

about my education my journey through

various schools and whether i found it

easy or difficult

i’m first going to show you the sentence

using because

or because of and then i’m going to show

you that same

sentence with an alternative for because

or because of let’s begin with number


when i was a child i lived in a tiny


because my parents loved the peaceful


now here we can replace because

with as as is a direct

synonym for because but it’s a secondary


as can be used quite easily in place

of because when i was a child i lived in

a tiny village

as my parents loved the peaceful


another example only 60 students

attended the local primary school

as it was very rural so you can use

because here

or as because it was very rural

as it was very rural rural is a word

that lots of students

struggle to pronounce rural

it means isolated or surrounded by


no towns or cities around let’s move on

to the next alternative because of this

we were blessed with a great ratio of

teachers to students

so here i’ve used because of we can

replace this

with due to due to this

we were blessed with a great ratio of

teachers to students

another example due to the small class


i had to invite the entire school year

to my birthday parties but don’t worry

in my year there were three boys and

four girls

at one point there were seven students

in my entire year at school

let me know how many students there were

at your first

school i would love to know in the whole


for me 60 students because of the small

class sizes

due to the small class sizes both work


due to describes results and effects

let’s move on to the next alternative

here’s the first sentence

when i was nine i moved up to a middle


with 500 students i was so excited

because i would get to meet

new people we can replace because

with due to the fact that so

because of due to because

due to the fact that due to the fact

that might sound quite long

but it’s a really great alternative if

you can keep it in your head

it replaces because not because of

really really well i was so excited due

to the fact that i would get to meet new


due to the fact that can you hear when i

say i’m not saying

due to the fact that i say

due to the fact that due to the fact


fact that i miss out that t sound

when i’m speaking quickly because it’s

too much effort for my tongue

to say fact that factor that

due to the fact that another example i

found this school

difficult due to the fact that i’d never

interacted with so many people before

i went from knowing 60 students to 500


and i remember it was a much bigger


i got lost in it let’s move on

to another alternative we have the

example sentence

eventually i moved to a girls school i

hated this school because i found the

girls to be very unfriendly

we can replace because with since

and since it’s quite a formal equivalent

for because

i hated this school since i found the

girls to be very unfriendly

another example since the school was

very far away

i had to get up at six in the morning

and i didn’t get home

till after six in the evening so for

four years of my life

i had a 12 hour school day

which i wasn’t too happy about my

parents never planned for

the day to be so long but after i

enrolled in this school

the council started building a new road

and the road took four years to complete

so instead of going directly

on the bus to the school we had to go

all the way

around and it took two hours each way

let’s move on to the next one

another alternative for because of i

didn’t have much free time

because of this i lived for the weekends

we can replace because of this with

as a result of this this is very similar

to due to

as a result of this i lived for the


i always remember feeling really excited

on a friday when i got home

and really depressed on a sunday night

when i realized

i’d have to get up at five something

to catch the bus at six o’clock i bet

lots of people who commute to work can

relate to that

another example during this period i

missed a lot of school

as a result of an illness called


because of an illness as a result of an

illness both work

and this is true i caught an illness

called mononucleosis it’s also known as

glandular fever lots of young people

catch this illness

and most people recover in a couple of


i will tell you what happened in the

next example i recovered from the virus

in three months but i spent the next

three to four years

suffering from severe fatigue

i became depressed because of this here

we can replace

because of with thanks to

i became depressed thanks to this

thanks to this i became depressed thanks

to could be used for both

positive and negative outcomes so this

is a negative one

thanks to my illness i was depressed

obviously that’s

negative an example of a positive

outcome with thanks to

thanks to the support of my family i

slowly made a full recovery

because of the support of my family i

slowly made a full recovery

i was 14 when i caught that virus and it

took until i was

16 to feel near normal

and 18 before i felt completely normal

again it was

so strange post-viral fatigue at 16 i

returned to a co-educational high school

co-ed short for co-educational is a

school with both genders rather than a

girls school or a boys school

called single-sex schools i found it

very strange to be around

boys because i had spent four years with


here we can replace because with

four and this is slightly more formal

it’s often used in poetry i found it

very strange to be around

boys for i had spent four years with

girls it does sound very poetic but i

like it

another example i found it hard to make


for everyone had known one another for

many years

i’ve got two more examples another


i focused on studying spanish because of

my desire to escape my situation

here we can replace because of with

out of out of serves to explain

feelings and emotions you’ll often hear

i did something

out of curiosity because of due to


out of with feelings and emotions i

focused on studying spanish

out of my desire to escape my situation

and the last alternative

hopefully ending this story on a

positive note because i speak a second


i feel so much happier as a person we

can replace this with

now that now that i speak a second


i feel so much happier as a person and

it’s true

learning a second language absolutely

changed my life

i was one of those people who really

didn’t enjoy school

i did the majority of my learning once

i’d left school that’s when i started

experimenting with languages

learning how to teach learning how to

create videos

i wonder if any of you would like to

share your experience with school

in the comments section i know that so

many people absolutely loved school i

mean my fiance will

adored his school days and for me

it’s really strange it’s hard for me to

understand because for me

school was such a negative thing however

i do think

predominantly it was a me problem my


not the school’s problems because lots

of other people seem to have

a fantastic time there anyway happy now

i really hope you enjoyed this lesson

don’t forget to complete the quiz you

can share your results in the comments

section if you’d like to download the


with that quiz it’s completely free

click on the link in the description box

you enter your name and your email


you sign up to my mailing list and i

send it directly to your inbox

if you’re looking to practice your

listening skills i have fully

subtitled vlogs of my life here in the

english countryside

on my other channel lucy bella don’t

forget to connect with me on all of my

social media

i’ve got my instagram and my website


i’ve got a really cool pronunciation

tool that you can use for free you can

click on any sound

and hear how i pronounce it i will see

you soon for another lesson


