English Listening Practice Talking About a School Trip in the United States

hi everyone

i’m gabriella how are your english

listening skills

in this video you’ll have a chance to

test them out with a quiz

first you’ll see an image and hear a

question next comes a short dialogue

listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the

answer at the end

are you ready a teacher

is talking to some students what will

the students bring with them the next



tomorrow we’re going to a museum bring a


and notebook and something to drink

we’ll have lunch in the restaurant

at the museum so you don’t need to bring

a sandwich

what about an umbrella it might be

raining so please bring one


what will the students bring with them

the next day

a teacher is talking to some students

what will the students bring with them

the next day

tomorrow we’re going to a museum bring a


and notebook and something to drink

we’ll have lunch in the restaurant at

the museum

so you don’t need to bring a sandwich

what about an umbrella

it might be raining so please bring one


did you get it right i hope you learned

something from this quiz

let us know if you have any questions

see you next time
