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ya vamos a la playa now we’re going to

the beach hi everybody welcome back to

top words my name is Alisha and today

we’re gonna be talking about 20 travel

phrases that you should know so let’s go

do you have any recommendations the

first phrase is do you have any

recommendations this is great to use

when you get to a restaurant where you

don’t know what the food is you don’t

know anything about the local cuisine or

you’re just feeling a little bit

adventurous you can ask the waitstaff do

you have any recommendations how much is

this how much is this this is useful

when you’re out shopping or when you’re

in a restaurant and the price is not

clearly marked or something is not clear

to you so you can ask how much is this

usually when you point to something I

would recommend like pointing to the

menu are pointing to an item how much is

this I’d like this you can point to

something and say I’d like this if you

want to say I’d like one for example I

don’t know you’re getting beer I’d like

one of these if however you’re in a

situation where you can’t point you can

say I’d like ten of the blah blah blah

I’d like ten of blue t-shirts please can

I try this on is useful when you’re

shopping for clothes so you find

something that you’d like to try just

ask the staff can I try this on you can

just say I want to try this on if you

like do you speak English you might get

asked this phrase so you should say if

you’re watching this videos you’d

probably say yes or you can say yes a

little if you’re not feeling very

confident if you’re watching this video

and you’re understanding this part and

you say no then things that’s a little


I have a reservation usually the staff

will greet you and you can say I have a


hello I have a reservation it’s at 7

o’clock the name is Alisha usually we

say the name is or it’s under meaning

the reservation is under my name or it’s

for name or it’s in name

water please depending on which country

are from water may or

may not automatically be brought to your

table when you’re in a restaurant if you

would like more water however you can

say water please to make it a little

more polite

I would like wave at the waitstaff and

say could I please have some more water

do you take credit cards do you take

credit cards in case you’re not sure if

the shop that you’re in will accept

credit cards or debit cards you can ask

them do you take credit cards

it’s so it doesn’t mean do you take

meaning are you going to take my card

but this take means do you accept credit

cards this isn’t what I ordered so if

you’re at a restaurant you order steak

and you get lobster instead you can look

at it and go uh this isn’t what I


be careful though saying this politely

if you look at the waitstaff and you say

this isn’t what I ordered

they’re gonna be like I don’t know just

be a nice customer excuse me but I don’t

think this is what I ordered or this

isn’t what I ordered

can you please check could we have the

menu please if for some reason you don’t

receive a menu when you come to the

table you can again just wave it a

member of the staff and say could we

have the menu please could you give me a

discount could you give me a discount

means I would like a cheaper price

essentially it depends on which country

you’re in if haggling or bargaining

meaning talking to the seller to try to

reduce the price and my family didn’t

bargain we didn’t haggle so I don’t

haggle it depends on you and your

culture but just yeah just be be aware

of the culture that you’re in and the

place that you’re in before you ask this

question do you have any vegetarian


ah this is useful some people have

specific eating requirements or eating

needs maybe food allergies for example

you can replace vegetarian with the

specific dietary requirement that you

have do you have any vegan dishes do you

have any gluten-free dishes do you have

any low-fat dishes do you have any

low-carb dishes do you have any fish

free dishes do you have any could you

take a picture of me please if you are

in a location where you would like to

take a picture but you don’t want to do

a selfie or you don’t have a selfie

stick or whatever you

someone else to take a picture of you a

stranger that you don’t know you can ask

them could you take a picture of me

please or excuse me would you mind

taking a picture of me please I’m

allergic to blah blah blah if you have a

food allergy or even an allergy to a

medicine this is the phrase you can use

to explain that I’m allergic to wheat or

I can’t eat wheat for example is the

Wi-Fi free meaning can I use the Wi-Fi

free of charge

keep in mind some places have a password

that you have to ask the staff for so

you can say is the Wi-Fi free if they

say yes you can then follow that up with

can I have the password I’d like to have

a non-smoking seat please so when you go

to a restaurant you have an option

between smoking and non-smoking sections

the staff will say smoking or

non-smoking you can say I’d like to have

a non-smoking seat please

quite honestly though the most natural

response is just to say non-smoking

could I get a map maybe it’s a map of

the subway system for the city that

you’re in or maybe it’s a map of the

area around your hotel you could say

could I have a map as well could I have

the check you’re finished it’s your cafe

you’re finished at the restaurant and

it’s time to leave it’s time to pay so

you say to the waitstaff excuse me could

I have the check another more common

expression perhaps is excuse me check


you might also hear bill excuse me can I

have the bill where is the bathroom very

important question if you’re traveling

in America we don’t really use the word

toilet or washroom very much we use

bathroom or restroom to talk about

toilet facilities excuse me can you tell

me where the bathroom is or excuse me

I’m looking for the bathroom or I’m

looking for the restroom is this the

train for blah blah blah or is this the

train that goes to blah blah blah to

confirm with someone that I’m indeed on

the correct train line if I say is this

the train bound for San Francisco you

can use that to check if you’re correct

ten compliments that you always want to

hear let’s go I love your cooking this

is my personal favorite

limit oh my god I love cooking like I’m

always posting like pictures of things

that I cooked on Twitter I’m just like

crazy about food so this would be a

compliment that I would love to get like

the ultimate compliment for me that

would be will you make my birthday cake

that would be such a compliment like

it’s a question but it’s it there’s so

much behind that will you make my

birthday cake yeah you would give that

to me so maybe after you can use this

after a meal for example I love your

cooking and the other person will be

like next is great job great job this is

a compliment that you can use anytime

you can use it to your with your friend

with your not with your boss your boss

might use it with you an employee a

co-worker or colleague pet even whatever

it’s it’s just a very small scale very

easy to use compliment and it means you

think whatever has just happened is good

I use great job all the time I use great

job and I use good job sometimes when I

make a mistake or something funny

happens and I’m alone at my house and I

want to make fun of myself I’ll be like

yeah great job Alicia but if I’m if I’m

trying to be positive about a failure or

laugh at myself a bit but in general

it’s just a good easy compliment to give

someone great job you have a way with

words you have a way with words this can

be speaking this can be writing it means

you think that the other person is a

good communicator or maybe even more so

than just a good communicator you think

that the way they speak or the way that

they write is particularly good so that

could mean funny it could mean romantic

it could mean dramatic something about

the way they speak or the way that they

write you really enjoy that you can say

you have a way with words it’s quite a

nice compliment I think it’s kind of

like a you know it’s smart it’s a bit of

a smart thing you have a way with words

or you can say you’re good with words

you’re really good with words yeah

all right next one you look gorgeous you

look gorgeous very nice compliment to

give just be very careful with the way

that you say this for an everyday

compliment I tend not

to say you look nice or you look

gorgeous today or something like that

because the underlying comment there is

on the other days that person doesn’t

look nice like so if I want to

compliment someone’s appearance I try to

pick a specific thing I’m like oh I’ve

never seen you wear that sweater before

it looks nice on you something like that

like yesterday my friend had a new dress

on and like is that a new dress and cuz

I thought she looked nice but I didn’t I

didn’t want to make it sound like I

don’t think she looks nice every day so

I said he’s not a new dress and she goes

yeah and I said I think that color is

really really nice on you it looks

really good and she was so happy about

that so yes there there are these

compliments like you look nice you look

great you look gorgeous and so on but I

personally kind of prefer to level them

up a little bit and just say pick a

specific thing like did you get a new

haircut did you dye your hair or you did

you get something

did something happen like what whatever

it is trying to pick up on a specific

thing because then that shows you’re

paying attention to the other person and

you think that whatever they have chosen

to do whatever like clothing or whatever

haircut whatever it is you think that

they have good sense there too or good

style so it’s kind of like a double it’s

a very subtle double compliment yeah the

next word is you have good tastes you

have good taste this can be for food

fashion style for decorating sense music

in movies whatever if you think that

that person’s artistic selection is in

whatever capacity if you think that that

person makes good choices with their

their appearance or their hobbies or

whatever you can say you have good taste

this is a fairly sophisticated

compliment I think we use you have good

taste for something like it’s it sounds

a bit more sophisticated maybe if you

both choose the same bottle of wine

perhaps like it has kind of a more

formal adult dish sophisticated feeling

about it this compliment so yeah maybe

maybe wine is a good example of that


oh nice bottle choice like I really like

that you have good taste you can follow

this by the way you have good taste in

blah blah blah you have good taste in

movies you have good taste in music if

you want to be specific about something

that you think that person is really

good at choosing you have good taste in

now okay okay um next one is you have a

great sense of humor you have a great

sense of humor this is the this is the

underlying compliment in the phrase you

are so funny this is the underlying

compliment you have a great sense of

humor means the other person thinks you

are funny that you are good at telling

jokes or you make them laugh this is

actually one of my favorite compliments

to get you have a great sense of humor

yeah because I think that like you know

people like to laugh so it’s an it’s an

if someone makes you laugh you can say

this you have a great sense of humor or

you’re very funny yeah it’s a good one

it’s a really good one so you could say

after a joke for example or after maybe

you’ve you’re you finished laughing it’s

something the other person has said you

can say ah you have a great sense of

humor good next one is your resume is

impressive this is a weird compliment to

say to your friends unless you’re like

reviewing your friends resume it’s a bit

weird this is something that perhaps

someone interviewing another person for

a job would say the candidate comes in

for the interview the interviewer says

why your resume is very impressive I’d

like to ask you a few questions about it

so this is good to hear in a work

situation yeah you really probably won’t

need to use this with your friends if

you do it’s kind of weird oh wow this

next one is quite a compliment

nobody’s ever says this yeah to be fair

if somebody said this next one to me I

would feel a little bit of like pressure

the compliment here is you make me want

to be a better person this is something

that I think you see in movies from time

to time yeah I’ve had I had one person

say like like oh that something you did

inspired me and that was like really

like wow that was really exciting like

somebody was inspired by something like

wow that’s great I want to be like you

that’s a really cool compliment but if

someone says you want to

make me be a better person it’s like oh

wow like that means I’m really important

to that person which is really

flattering but at the same time if

someone said that I would also be like

if it’s like my friend I would be like

but I want you to be you like I think

you’re a cool person already yeah it’s

like oh you make me want to be a better

person like in that person’s viewpoint

you’re like somehow above them and

that’s uncomfortable yeah just I would

rather say you inspire me I think that

that or like this thing that you did

really inspired me like if somebody said

like I saw that picture that she posted

on Twitter of that pizza today Alicia

and it really inspired me and I made my

own pizza

I’d be like yay Oh next one is nice

actually I say this to my friends quite

a bit you are an awesome friend this is

really really good to use after your

friend has helped you with something

maybe you’re moving to a new apartment

or new house or maybe you’ve had some

trouble and your friend gave you some

good advice or your friend just listened

to you when you really needed to talk to

someone after that experience you could

say thanks so much you were an awesome

friend or maybe your friend did

something really really cool and you

just want to like tell them like I think

you’re really awesome just say you are

an awesome friend they’ll be happy to

hear that or just you can abbreviate it

  • you are awesome not just you’re an

awesome friend just you are awesome

you’re a cool person you are awesome

you’re fantastic you are an awesome

foreign you’re an awesome friend ten

ways to motivate yourself when learning

English let’s go the first way to

motivate yourself is to imagine that one

day you will live in the United States

so to do this imagine what is your day

going to be like when you live in the

u.s. where will you go who will you meet

where will you shop and so on imagine

your day in the United States

okay the second way to motivate yourself

when you’re studying English is to study

other aspects of the culture - which

makes it more rewarding to study English

okay so this means of course studying

English as a language but if there’s a

specific country that you would like to

visit or a specific part of that

country’s culture try to learn about

that - if you like music

you like the food if you like the

history try to find something about a

specific country or a specific part of

that country’s culture that you enjoy in

addition to studying the language okay

way number three to motivate yourself is

finding funny words in English okay

so finding a word that sounds funny or a

word that you enjoy using or a phrase

that you enjoy using can really increase

your motivation for using that word and

for interacting with people so if you

can find those phrases that you think

are funny or are fun they can be really

really helpful for you as you learn your

language the next way to motivate

yourself is to make friends with people

who speak English so of course if you

don’t have any friends who are English

speakers especially native English

speakers it’s a really good idea to make

some friends

this way you can practice with them you

can learn from them and you can just see

maybe what their life is like and how

their life is different from yours so

this is a great way to practice a great

way to learn and a great way to think

more internationally as well the next

way to motivate yourself is watching

youtube videos of other people who have

successfully learned English so you can

listen to people what worked for them

how did they study where did they go

what materials did they use what did

they find

not helpful so you can try to find a

strategy that works well for you through

using resources like YouTube for example

it’s a great way to find people that

maybe match with what you need okay the

next way to motivate yourself is by

watching English movies and TV shows and

enjoying the feeling when you can

understand a word or a sentence yeah I

do this too when you enjoy something

when you find entertainment value in

something like music movies TV and you

there’s that moment when you pick up or

when you understand what your favorite

character said or you understand it like

a key point in the story it’s a really

really good feeling it makes you want to

continue watching I think so that’s a

really really nice feeling I think and

you can do that by enjoying media

so it’s a fun way to learn and it’s a

fun feeling to experience okay the next

way to motivate yourself is by reading

English news articles blogs and

magazines to get a feel for formal and

casual language so the style that we use

here like an English class 101 and this

on the videos on this channel is quite

casual most of the time or at least in

these videos it’s very casual but the

way that I speak in the way a newspaper

is written the way a magazine is written

the way a a newscaster presents the

information these are all different ways

of communicating we’re using the same

language yes but there are different

styles so it’s important to try to

understand those differences and to

become familiar with them so try to find

a few different things that you can

enjoy the next way to motivate yourself

is after dinner you write about your day

in a journal in English okay this is an

interesting idea so just take a few

minutes after dinner or before you go to

bed to write something in English about

what you did that day or maybe so you

have a chance to talk about future tense

or to use the future tense you can use

you can talk about your upcoming plans

or the things you’re going to do the

next day so you can talk about past

tense what you did that day maybe

present tense how you’re feeling as

you’re writing your journal for the day

and future tense to talk about your

upcoming plan so journaling can be a

really effective exercise for motivating

you okay the next way to motivate

yourself inspire practicing with

flashcards of useful words and phrases

for 15 minutes every day on the train I

actually do do this I use but I use an

application to study in Japanese to

study kanji and 15 minutes every day

adds up over the course of a week you

can learn a lot of information in a

short period of time and if you live in

the country where your target language

is spoken then you might even find the

word you studied on the train you see it

like after you leave the train you might

see that word later on in your day so

you can immediate

we feel like an extra sense of

motivation by knowing that this thing

you’re studying is applicable it’s

something you can use right away it’s a

really cool feeling so this is a tip I

honestly I use this last I make sure to

thank anyone and everyone who corrects

my English yeah I think this is really

important because people are really nice

they don’t want to correct you when you

make a mistake but sometimes people do

they’re really polite about it and they

tell you the more tell you a more

natural way or they give you a

suggestion for how to improve your

English make sure you say thank you like

repeat after them and then say thank you

so that you know it’s motivation for

them to tell you again in the future to

help you again in the future so make

sure to say thank you to anyone who

helps you with your English hi everybody

my name is Alisha welcome back to our

English class Channel today we’re gonna

be talking about the difference between

bye and until so let’s get started okay

so first we’re gonna talk about bye-bye

marks a deadline for an action to finish

by marks the point where an action

completes or is replaced by another

action so really think about using bi to

express a deadline something is going to

stop or you must finish an action at

this point in time so we can think about

bi as marking some point in the future

so by mark some point in the future

where an action is going to finish an

action is going to be completed so in an

example sentence I have I’ll be at the

office by 7:00 p.m. so in this sentence

the speaker is not at the office but

7:00 p.m. is the deadline this is the

point in time at which the speaker will

be at the office the speaker is not at

the office now but by 7:00 p.m. by the

7:00 p.m. deadline the speaker will be

at the office this will shows us this is

a future tense Express

and by shows us the deadline the point

at which that expression or the point at

which that action is going to be

completed so this is how we use by to

think about it like a deadline at some

point in time at which an action will be

completed or finished okay so let’s

continue on to the other grammar point

for today which is until until also has

a more casual form we can use till TI ll

or apostrophe TI l you might see both

spellings used for until til or til in

most cases it’s good to use until in

casual speaking and maybe in casual

writing you can use the casual form but

until is always polite and is always

correct okay so when we use until let’s

talk about when to use until we use

until to talk about a continuing

situation or a continuing state now in

the present or in the future but it’s

going to change or stop so the key

difference one key difference here

perhaps is a continuing situation a

continuing state with by the nuance is a

deadline something is going to finish at

a deadline here however until gives us

the nuance of something that’s

continuing something true now for

example but that may not be true in the

future until marks the points where that

action or that state is going to finish

or change

hmm okay so we can think of it rather

than as a deadline as a key point in the

future somewhere where action a

continues until a point where we use

until and then a second action begins

hmm something is going to change at the

until point with by however we don’t

have the nuance of an

action changing we only have the nuance

of a deadline so here until is used to

show that something different is going

to happen or something something will

finish but there’s going to be a change

after the the until point so for example

this sentence very similar to the by

example sentence is I’ll be at the

office until 7:00 p.m. so here we have

the future tense aisle I will I will be

at the office until 7:00 p.m. this

sentence shows us the speaker is at the

office right now however at 7:00 p.m.

until shows us that 7:00 p.m. is the

point at which the situation or the

state is going to change so at 7:00 p.m.

the speaker is probably going to leave

the office until shows us that right

here the action or the state is going to

change so please keep that in mind

until shows you a change in something by

shows more of a deadline for an action

that is continuing so I hope that we can

practice this in a few example sentences

now ok so let’s try to choose the

correct word to use in these example

sentences should we use by or should we

use until in these cases so the first

one I have is he has to find a new job

bla bla bla March so in this case we see

a point in time we can think about it

should we use bi or until here if we use

bi we see that the deadline the deadline

nuance matches here he has to find a new

job by March if we use until he has to

find a new job until March there’s no

information in this sentence that shows

us a hint or that gives us a hint about

how the action is going to change until

does not make sense for this question so

we should

used by in this case he has to find a

new job by March is the correct answer

for this sentence in the second sentence

I’m not going to go to bed

bla bla bla I finish this movie so in

this sentence we have at the end I

finish this movie so there’s some action

maybe that’s continuing here and we have

another action I’m not going to go to

bed in this case it’s a negative so

there are two actions here this is a

pretty good hint that there’s an action

that’s going to change at some point

instead of the nuance of a deadline so

for this sentence until is the best


I’m not going to go to bed until until I

finish this movie this shows us that at

this point the point where I finish the

movie I’m going to go to bed this marks

the change in the continuing state or

the continuing situation so the next

sentence is they need to write their

reports blah blah blah tomorrow so this

sentence there’s no change in the

sentence we don’t have any hints about

some kind of different action that’s

going to happen instead we have maybe

what seems to be a deadline some

requirement here too so if we try to use

until it doesn’t make sense there’s no

changing action we can’t guess about

what might happen in the future or a

change that might happen so by is the

best answer here they need to write

their reports by tomorrow tomorrow is

the deadline so we can guess that

tomorrow is the deadline here by shows

us that it’s the deadline in this case

for this task alright let’s take a look

at something a little bit different here

we have we can’t leave the house

bla bla bla your mother calls so again

there are two situations there are two

actions involved in this sentence we

have leave the house and your mother

calls makes a phone call

so because there are two actions here we

can guess that there’s some change

that’s going to happen so because we

learned that until marks a change in

actions we know that until is the better

answer here okay we can’t leave the

house until your mother calls would be

the correct sentence here all right

so let’s look at the next sentence

though this one is a tricky sentence

this one is a little bit difficult we

have I’m not going to be there

something-something 8 p.m. hmm

so here we have 8 p.m. at the end of a

sentence which looks like a deadline

right we have going to be there mmm so

should we use by or until for this

sentence it’s difficult because actually

both are okay for this sentence I’m not

going to be there by 8:00 p.m. is

correct and I’m not going to be there

until 8 p.m. is also correct

however the meanings are very different

just as we practiced in these two

sentences I’ll be at the office until

I’ll be at the office by 7 p.m.

the same is true here I’m not going to

be there by 8:00 p.m. means I’m not

going to be there at 8 p.m. it’s not

possible for me I can’t go however I’m

not going to be there until 8 p.m. this

sentence means after 8 p.m. or beginning

at 8 p.m. and after I’m going to be

there so please be careful in some cases

both bye and until are correct but they

change the meaning of the sentence okay

let’s continue to another example

so the next example sentence is also a

little bit difficult it’s if my date

doesn’t arrive something something 7:00

p.m. I’m leaving okay so here we have we

do have to

actions doesn’t arrive my date doesn’t

arrive a negative point and I’m leaving

so it seems like there are two actions

here however we have this 7:00 p.m. this

marks a deadline right so if my date

doesn’t arrive there’s some deadline

here if this is not completed something

is going to happen the person is going

to leave so in this case 7:00 p.m. is

showing a deadline so we have to use bye

if my date doesn’t arrive until 7:00

p.m. we could use that but it doesn’t

sound so natural so the new once again

here is of a deadline there’s something

that is going to happen at 7:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m. marks the endpoint in this

situation so we use by here okay let’s

go to the next pair again these are very

interesting points we have to leave the

beach but Beaubois 10:00 a.m. and we

have to stay at the beach bla bla bla

10:00 a.m. okay so these two sentences I

included because I wanted to show the

emphasis of changing actions and

continuing actions so we can see the

verbs are different here in the first

sentence we have leave so this is a

change leaving a location in the second

sentence I have stay which shows a

continuing action stay in one place so

here as you can guess then we have to

leave the beach bla bla bla 10:00 a.m.

some change some deadline so we’ll use

by to show our deadline in the second

sentence we have to stay at the beach

stay shows a continuing action and then

it’s going to finish here so we’ll use

unto we have to stay at the beach until

10 a.m. this shows us a continuing

action and maybe at 10:00 a

we’ll leave the beach all right let’s go

on to the next sentence

I’m not going to travel abroad blah blah


I learn English okay so here there’s no

time point there’s no 10 a.m. 8 p.m.

tomorrow and so on so this is a little

more complex maybe we have travel abroad

and learn English so it seems there’s no

real deadline here but we have maybe a

change maybe this shows us some kind of

change learning English marks a change

so I’m not going to travel abroad until

I learn English hmm this shows us that

something different is going to happen

in the future so we should use until to

mark that change okay our last example

sentence for today is we told him to

wake up

bla bla bla 6 a.m. so once more our last

sentence may be a little bit simple but

6 a.m. shows us an action sort of this

deadline you can see a lot of these use

a time to mark a deadline for an action

so here we told him to wake up by 6 a.m.

this is the point at which something

must happen so we should use bye ok

great so those are a few examples

sentences that you can have a look at

and think about when you’re trying to

decide whether to use bye or until keep

in mind however there are some cases

where both by or until are correct but

the meaning is going to change

significantly depending on the one you

use so I hope this lesson was useful for

you if you have any questions or if you

want to try to make an example sentence

using bye

or until please be sure to leave us a

comment if you liked this video - please

be sure to hit the thumbs up and

subscribe to our channel if you haven’t

already thanks very much for watching

this episode and we will see you again

soon bye

ten words for connecting thoughts these

are going to be ten words that you can

use to transition between ideas very

useful in both speech and in writing

let’s move also also also is a word that

you can use to add information I went to

the store this morning also I went and

got coffee that’s true however however

however is used to contrast or to

contrast depending on your pronunciation

to differentiate to show a difference

between two pieces of information a good

pattern would be a however B so for

example I love to uncle Tadamon however

it is very high in calories so I don’t

eat it often also true on the other hand

on the other hand on the other hand is I

feel used more commonly in speech than

it is in writing again it’s used to

present like two sides to a story or two

sides to some information so for example

I’m thinking about visiting Taiwan

sometime this year but on the other hand

I’m also thinking about visiting

Thailand still so it might be common to

use still with the word like butt or

word like even though so you’re saying

even though there’s some other factor

like like I’m really really tired this

week or even though I have a lot of

homework to do I still want to go out

with my friends or I still want to see a

movie this weekend

so there’s this other there’s this thing

that’s maybe mix this other action

difficult to do or tough to do or

whatever but even though there’s this

you still have this over here so maybe

the two are kind of used as a pair I

still want to go out later even though

I’m tired

then then yes a very useful word we use

then when telling stories a lot so for

example if I could tell a story about my

morning today when I got up I brushed my

teeth and then I cooked breakfast

and I did a little bit of work then I

took a shower then I did some cooking

blah blah blah you’ll often hear and

then as well and then I and then we and

then you and so on so then it is really

really useful for sequence so a useful

word I think besides besides so it’s

commonly used in a pattern like besides

that meaning other than something else I

went out with my friends this weekend

but besides that I didn’t really do much

so another way to say that sentence is I

went out with my friends this weekend

but other than that other than that

activity I didn’t do very much ok

meanwhile meanwhile or you might hear

the similar expression in the meantime

it means while you’re doing action a at

the same times maybe somewhere else

action be is happening this is used

while telling stories a lot so for

example I was working at my office all

week last week meanwhile my co-workers

across town were having a party without

me so these two things are happening at

the same time but maybe separate from

one another

meanwhile likewise ok

likewise I don’t really use this word

personally myself at all it’s often used

after an introduction similar to the

pleasure is all mine in a formal

situation so maybe somebody says you

know hey it was really great to see you

last weekend thanks very much for coming

to my barbecue you can say yeah likewise

it was really good to see you in your

family so likewise means I have the same

feeling or I have the same idea it’s

kind of a friendly phrase but personally

I don’t really use that to transition

between thoughts um I would just use and

I suppose but mmm that’s how I would use

it instead instead so so instead it’s

used like instead of I want to a instead

of B can be used to express your plans

or what you want to do

I want to have Chinese food instead of

Italian food tonight so you’re

presenting two alternatives essentially

so instead of means in place of or as a

substitute for so I should have drank a

lot of water this morning but instead I

drank a lot of coffee that’s true I

wanted to have dinner with my friends

this weekend instead I had dinner at

home in addition in addition this is a

really good word for more formal

situations I like to use in addition in

writing I don’t really use in addition

in speaking unless I’m trying to be very

formal for some reason similar to

additionally as well so you make a point

a and point B and then when you want to

make one more point that’s related to

point a and point B you can say in

addition point C so you’re like building

an argument and in addition can be used

to kind of finish that argument off a

little bit our new marketing plan worked

really well last month we noticed

increased sales in product a in addition

we’ve gained a lot of new customers

something like that so just your your

quickly presenting a series of ideas

that are related to one another you can

use in addition to finish it off 20

words you’ll need for the beach let’s go

sunglasses the first word is sunglasses

sunglasses are those dark glasses that

you wear on your face when it’s bright

outside in a sentence I forgot my

sunglasses hold on I forgot my

sunglasses beach beach is the place near

the ocean you might have a beach in your

city or in your country the beach is

usually visited in the summertime the

image is lots of Sun you can get a tan

you can get a sunburn but it’s usually a

fun place to spend time with family and

friends in a sentence I’m going to the

beach with my friends this weekend I’m

so excited in this sentence

she walked along the beach swimming the

next word is swimming swimming is of

course a popular activity to do at the


I go swimming at the beach every summer

or in this sentence be very careful when

swimming in the Pacific Ocean might be

sharks Sun Sun is that big bright thing

in the sky that will make your skin

change color if you stay in it for too

long the Sun in a sentence the Sun is

really bright let’s get out of the Sun

palm tree the next word is palm tree so

palm trees are a type of tree they’re

usually seen in like tropical places

like Hawaii has palm trees any place

close to the equator then the middle

line of the earth I think that’s where

palm trees tend to grow it’s kind of an

image of the beach so palm trees there

are a lot of palm trees near the beach

in California that palm tree is almost

60 feet tall seashell the next word is

seashell seashell are those little

objects you find on the beach like in

the sand or in the water in some cases

they’re like shells from like clams or

maybe oysters sometimes two depending on

what you consider a seashell but if you

break the word down its sea and shell so

like something from the ocean and the

shell or like the covering the outside

of something so usually a small creature

a small animal has lived inside the

seashell and then you can collect them

and look at them or make something from

them little kids like to collect them I

used to collect seashells when I was a

kid oh my gosh look at this example

sentence it says it’s bad luck to take

seashells from the beach oops swimsuit

swimsuit is the clothing you wear to

swim in your swimming suit there are

men’s swimsuits women’s swimsuits

usually men’s swimsuits are like short

sports shorts or I suppose there’s the

what like speedo makes like the men’s

swimsuits as well the really small ones

and then for women they have one-piece

swimsuits they have and then they have

bikini swimsuits the two-piece swimsuits

so in a sentence

I hate swimsuit shopping in this

sentence I need a new swimsuit this

summer ocean the next word is oh Sh

Oshin is the big blue the big water the

big deep blue sea in a sentence the

ocean is so beautiful at night in this

sentence he dipped his feet in the ocean

lifeguard lifeguard a lifeguard is a

person at the beach life guard so

someone who guards lives if someone gets

into trouble in the water they start to

drown or they start to have trouble if

there’s an accident at the beach the

lifeguard at the beach is responsible

for handling that problem so they’ll

call an ambulance or they know how to do

first aid to save people so in a

sentence it’s important to go to beaches

where there are lifeguards available if

you need help in the sentence there

isn’t a lifeguard on duty here jetski

next word is jetski a jetski is a like a

water motorcycle you can ride around it

on with your friends alone riding jet

skis is a lot of fun in the sentence if

you have a driver’s license you can

drive a jetski beach towel the next

expression is beach towel beach towel

beach towel is different from regular

towel because usually beach towels have

like a bright color a bright pattern or

there are towels that you don’t mind or

towels that are ok to get sand or dirt

in them usually in a towel you use in

your house you don’t want to get your

towel really really dirty so a beach

towel is it’s how you use only at the

beach in a sentence I bought a new beach

towel and it has a picture of a


on it in this sentence oh no I got sand

all over my beach towel that’s the point

of beach tow' beach chair the next

expression is beach chair as you can

probably guess it is a chair you use

only at the beach so again this is a

chair you don’t mind it’s ok if it gets

dirty or sandy usually a beach chair is

easy to fold or easy to carry - in a

sentence I have a couple of beach chairs

that I’m going to bring to the barbecue

this weekend in this sentence can we use


each chairs sandcastle the next word is

sandcastle sandcastles are usually kids

make them they use like buckets so kids

will like put sand in a bucket or like

they move sand into piles and design

castles or these really complicated

mazes or something they make things make

buildings out of sand we call those sand

castles so in a sentence my brother and

I used to make sand castles on the beach

when we were kids that’s true

in this sentence get the buckets and

we’ll make a sandcastle cooler so cooler

is a noun in this case cooler is the

place you keep your drinks and your food

it’s a it looks like a suitcase but it

has a special lining inside that keeps

cold things cold so you can put ice

inside and it will keep your food and

drinks cold while you are at the beach

in the hot weather so in a sentence

did you put a bunch of beers in the

cooler I forgot ice for the cooler tide

the next word is tide tide is the level

of the water the the level of the ocean

water at different times of day so if

you are interested in this sort of thing

you might know about high tide and low

tide high tide means the water level at

the beach is high low tide means the

water level at the beach is low so tide

is how high or low the water is in this

sentence the tide ebbed and revealed a

starfish abdomens it went away a little

bit so tide is the flow of water tan so

tan is we use it as a noun like to get a

tan in a sentence it means that your

skin turns a darker color so be careful

there are two words we use in English

tan means your skin gets a little bit

darker and we also use the word sunburn

or just burn burn means your skin gets

red it means like it’s damaged it may be

your skin peels a bit so in America

anyway in the u.s. anyway a tan is

usually considered a positive thing men

people want tan skin but sunburn where

your skin is red and damaged is that so

be careful those are two different words

we use to talk about this the changing a

skin color I got a tan last summer at

the beach in this sentence you got such

a nice tan in Florida

snorkeling the next word is snorkeling

snorkeling is really really fun

snorkeling is swimming but you have a

like a hose you have a pipe that you can

breathe through as you swim so you can

you usually put goggles you wear goggles

as you’re swimming in the ocean you can

look down and see fish or you can see

things in the ocean but you can still

breathe so this is a really fun thing to

do to look at fish or just just to hang

out and see a different point of view I

went snorkeling for the first time maybe

when I was 20 to 23 in this sentence she

bought goggles so that she could go

snorkeling in Hawaii flip flop the next

word is flip flop flip flop is a very

common beach sandal many people like to

wear flip-flops in everyday life too

some people prefer not to it’s up to you

like in California I know especially in

beach towns everybody just wears

flip-flops it’s very comfortable

so flip-flops kind of have an image of

being a little bit cheaper just very

very simple it’s it’s the most basic

possible sandal why are they called

flip-flops because I always thought it

was because of the sound that they make

sound I guess maybe it sounds like

flip-flop in a sentence I usually don’t

wear flip-flops in this sentence these

flip-flops keep breaking sunscreen next

word is sunscreen sunscreen or you might

also hear sunblock these are products

you can put on your skin to prevent a

tan or to prevent a sunburn

Sun screen so it’s a protection it’s a

protection against the sunlight I just

hit this screen so sunscreen is quite

important like it is said that you

should use sunscreen to prevent to help

prevent skin cancer in a sentence I’m

out of sunscreen I need to buy more in

this scent

mom I don’t need sunscreen bikini the

next word is bikini bikini we talked

about swimsuit a little bit earlier but

bikini is usually a swimsuit for women

and it’s two pieces there’s a bottom

half and an upper half and oftentimes

the the top half of the bikini or

sometimes the bottom half you have to

tie a knot or you have to latch

something I suppose if you don’t tie it

carefully it can create a problem like

you could fall off so bikini it’s a

popular style of something for women are

you going to wear your bikini to the

beach tomorrow in this sentence

my bikini came undone in front of

everyone it was so embarrassing

five sentence patterns that you can use

as a beginner of English let’s go the

first expression that you can use as a

beginner is personally I think that or I

would just use I think that personally

makes it sound a little bit more polite

I think you can use this to introduce an

opinion for example personally I think

that pizza is amazing personally I think

that dinosaurs would have been delicious

personally I think that cars should be

made to enjoy with friends personally I

think that you shouldn’t worry about it

yes that’s probably a much more useful

sentence than dinosaurs would be the

next expression is what does blah blah


mean so we’re here is the word you don’t

know so for example what does pasta mean

what does Stegosaurus mean so a word

like Stegosaurus is a really strange

word that you probably don’t know

Stegosaurus is a type of dinosaur we’re

gonna marry dinosaurs I don’t know

Jurassic we’re on a Jurassic adventure

at the moment so this is a pattern you

use when you don’t know when you don’t

know the meaning of the word and you

would like someone to explain it to you

so if you say what does Stegosaurus mean

then someone can say oh it’s a dinosaur

it’s kind of like it’s a sort of short

it has a bunch of spikes on its back and

it has a long tail and it gets into a

fight with a Tyrannosaurus Rex if you

saw the movie Fantasia by Disney okay in

this sentence

what does complication mean means


okay the next pattern you can use is can

you tell me more about bla bla bla so on

a topic that you would like more

information about you can say can you

tell me more about the soccer game last

week can you tell me more about the plan

for the party next week so something you

would like more information about you

can say can you tell me more about this

thing okay so in a sentence can you tell

me more about your sandwich options that

is a useful sentence that is a useful

sentence okay in this sentence here we

don’t have that back home can you tell

me more about it

mmm this is used to the reverse pattern

okay the next expression is if it were

up to me if it were up to me I had to

teach this in a class couple weeks ago

actually if it were up to me means if I

could make the decision if this was my

if this were my decision

bla bla bla so meaning if I could make

the choice this is what I would do but

one point here is the nuance is it is

not my decision this is not my decision

but if it were my decision I would do

bla bla bla so for example if it were up

to me every day would be Saturday woo

but it’s not right so that’s that’s

always the underlying that’s always the

kind of basic nuance of this phrase some

this decision is not mine okay here the

example is if it were up to me I would

take my boss to dinner

oh my things just got scandalous the

next pattern is I feel like bla bla bla

you can use I feel like when you

introduce a suggestion or something that

you would like to do especially for food

drinks or activities so for example

I feel like coffee I feel like Italian


I feel like an action-movie there’s some

activity or something you would like to

do at the end of this pattern

I feel like bowling this afternoon

something needs to go here some sort of

activity of course you can use this

expression to talk about your feelings I

feel like something but this something

must be a noun it must be a noun like if

you feel really great I feel like a

million bucks for example if you feel

really bad I feel like garbage that’s a

nice expression that somehow it just

came out of my head anyway you can use

this in two ways but this must be

completed with a noun phrase at the end

of the sentence ten things to do in the

summer in the United States so let’s go

to travel abroad to travel abroad to

travel abroad abroad means outside of

your country so meaning to travel to a

place not the United States in my case

please don’t forget to in this

expression so many of my students will

say this summer I’m going Europe you

need to use two before the place you do

not however need to use two before

they’re so like students sometimes will

say I want to go to there you can’t do

that you have to use two before the

specific name of a place there is not a

specific place so you don’t need to use

to keep that one in mind to relax at the

beach to relax at the beach ah that

sounds fantastic right now to relax at

the beach you go to the beach and you

just relax there you lay in the Sun you

go swimming maybe you drink a beer you

get a tan if you would like to do that

of course some people don’t you put on

sunscreen whatever it is that you like

to do at the beach you just do that and

enjoy in a sentence I would rather relax

at the beach than have a really active

vacation to learn English with English

class 101.com to learn English with

English class 101.com Thanks so I guess

if you are

ambitious this summer good for you you

can learn English by doing what you’re

doing now or I think you can visit I

presume you can visit the website for

more content there too I’m going to put

my time to good use and learn English at

English class 101 dot-com to have a

barbecue oh yeah the next one is one of

my favorite things ever to do in summer

wherever I am it’s to have a barbecue or

to have a BB q is also okay but barbecue

usually BB q is in like writing I love

having barbecues with my friends in the

summer every fourth of July my family

has a big barbecue to party all night

the next expression is to party all

night to party all night you don’t it

doesn’t have to be summer or in the

United States to party all night just

say anyway it’s a party all night means

to do something you enjoy presumably

with your friends or not I guess I

partied like all night at home I tweeted

pajamas are the best and then I tweeted

a picture of myself really excited about

a cookie and was very embarrassed about

that the next day so I deleted it and

why since I won’t have school in the

morning I’m going to party all night in

a different sentence I don’t like

partying all night I get tired I always

hit a wall like r.e.m like I’m like yeah

and then 3 a.m. and I’m ready to sleep

to get a tan to get a tan to get a tan

it’s in some cultures this is a good

thing in some cultures it’s not a good

thing it means to sit in the Sun or lay

in the Sun and let the Sun change the

color of your skin be careful there’s

there are two expressions in English

there is one to get a tan and another is

to get a Sun burn so in u.s. culture

anyway getting a tan means like your

skin turns like a darker brown color but

when it turns red it’s bad that means

you’ve burned your skin so tan

good burn bad so we’d have two separate

words to describe them in a sentence

you’ll find me poolside getting a tan to

go hiking the next expression is to go


so hiking means walking or trekking

usually in a mountain

or in a nature setting so in a sentence

I used to go hiking with my family every


that’s roughly true in this sentence I’m

going to hike the Pacific Crest Trail to

work a part-time job the next expression

is to work a part-time job to work a

part-time job is very common if you’re a

student especially so when you have your

summer vacation it’s a chance for you to

earn a little bit of money by working at

a part-time job in a sentence

unfortunately she can’t go because she

has to work at her part-time job Wow

when I was a teenager I had a part-time

job at a golf course yeah because I was

on the golf team at school

very convenient lovely experiences a

plus everybody to have fun with friends

to have fun with friends also something

that you do not need to only do in

summer but which you can do anytime

we’re having fun now aren’t we so to

have fun with friends is just to enjoy

time with your friends it’s great in a

sentence I love having fun with my

friends whenever I can he has fun with

friends but he doesn’t do much else

to attend summer school the next one is

to attend summer school to attend summer

school usually has kind of a bad image

and I feel in you in the u.s. anyway

because it sounds like maybe you missed

something in regular school but for some

people maybe there’s a special course

they want to attend or like a special

internship program or just something

special extra that they would like to

study in a sentence I hated going to

summer school when I was a kid since I

failed the class I’ll have to attend

summer school twenty ‘must no family

word so let’s go mother mother is the

person who gave birth to you mother you

can say mom mother mom mama mummy

my mother has amazing cooking it’s true

father father father is the person who

did not give birth to you but who helped

make you happen so we say father dad

daddy pop-pop my father is a very

level-headed person that’s all

sister-sister is a female sibling so my

brother might say I have an older sister

anyone who is yeah

a female sibling or someone you can use

this for friends that you feel very very

close to like she’s like my sister

that’s fine as well

brother brother we sometimes use bro for

this I would say I have a younger

brother like sister you can use brother

for any male that you feel is similar to

a brother someone you feel very close to

so he’s like a brother to me or you’re

like my brother grandmother grandmother

when you put grande plus something else

it means the next generation or the the

previous generation so you have your

mother and father in this case grand

mother means your mother or your

father’s mother it can be either of them

so grandmother my grandmother was born a

long time ago

grandfather grandfathers are just like

grandmother your mother or your father’s

father is your grandfather my

grandfather liked to play tennis that’s


uncle uncle your uncle is either your

mother or your father’s brother someone

directly related to one of your parents

who is a man is your uncle my uncle is

very good with woodworking also true

aunt aunt you might also hear aunt both

of them are correct you can say aunt or

aunt an aunt or an aunt is your mother

or your father’s female sibling one of

my aunts gave me a stamp collection when

I was a little kid that’s also true

cousin cousin cousin is your aunt or


children it can be on any side so

typically these people are of the same

generation is you not always but cousins

are generally about the same age at

least in my family they are it’s really

fun to see all my cousins at family

barbecues nephew nephew a nephew is a

siblings male child so if you have a

brother or a sister and they have

children any may

children are your nephews nephews I

don’t have any nephews

nice nice nice so your brother or your

sisters female children any female

children they have you can say she’s my


or I have two nieces how many nieces do

you have or I have a lot of nieces wife

wife so this is a female partner that

you are married to she is my wife or how

is your wife wife is only used when you

are married to that person husband

husband is a male that someone is

married to so how is your husband this

is my husband again husband is only used

when you are married to that person

parent parent parent it’s typically used

generally for a mother or a father like

I’m a parent he is my parent she is my

parent it’s often used in the plural

they are my parents these are my parents

my parents are home my parents are not

at home but you can also use parent to

describe someone who raised you so maybe

your biological mother or father did not

raise you but someone else like an aunt

or an uncle or perhaps a different

figure in your community did raise you

you can say she’s like a parent to me or

she had a parenting role in my life

child child child is a a small human a

small human as a child it doesn’t

necessarily have to be of your family

like if you’re just at the park and you

see kids running around you can say ah

look at that child you can use a child

in the singular but be careful child

changes in the plural form to children

so not child’s but children one child

two children please be careful this has

an irregular plural form maybe I’ll have

a child someday son son is a male child

a male offspring my uncle has a lot of

sons that’s not true daughter daughter a

daughter is a female child I wonder if I

will ever have a daughter brother-in-law

brother in

law so we use in law to mean our married

partners family members not my brother

but my partner’s brother in law is used

after any family members position or

family members title to show they belong

to my partner’s family originally but

now they’re part of my extended family

as well I’m going out for drinks with my

brother-in-law tomorrow night

father-in-law father-in-law so we have

in-law here meaning my partner’s father

so my father-in-law is very kind

mother-in-law mother-in-law meaning my

partner’s mother in a sentence my

mother-in-law and I get along really

well hi everybody my name is Alicia

today I’m going to be talking about the

simple future tense today I’m going to

talk about will and won’t and going to

and not going to so these are a few

grammar points that learners make

mistakes with when should you use will

or won’t when should you use going to or

not going to so I’m going to talk about

a few of these points a few basic points

that I hope can help you decide when to

use will and when to use going to so

let’s begin okay the first point I want

to talk about is going to or not going

to the positive form and the negative

form going to not going to for today I

want to talk about two times when we’ll

use these grammar points so the first

time the first situation where you use

going to or not going to is for plans

decided before the conversation so if

you make a decision about your future

plans or someone else makes the decision

before the conversation about their

plans for the future you should use

going to or not going to it’s something

that is probably going to happen a high

certainty so this is a plan that has a

high level of certainty meaning there’s

a good chance this plan is going to


you decided it before the conversation

meaning you’ve probably had some time to

plan your future to plan your schedule a

little bit so please use going to for

something you decide before the

conversation so on a timeline it might

look like this

we have past now and future here so your

plan is for the future yes but you

decided on the plan sometime before the

conversation so if this point this is

now this is your conversation you made

the plan you made the decision before

the conversation in this case use going

to I’m going to at the beginning of this

video I said I’m going to talk about

simple future tense will and going to I

decided before this video started about

my plans I decided what I was going to

talk to you about before the video

started so I used going to to introduce

that plan so please keep this in mind

okay but let’s talk about will now so we

use will and won’t for decisions that

are made at the moment of speaking so

keep in mind will is the positive form

won’t is the negative form here so a

decision made at the moment of speaking

this is one way to use will or won’t you

can use this for example at restaurants

you can use this to talk about plans you

make quickly after learning information

from a friend

keep in mind will and won’t tends to

have a lower certainty there’s a lower

chance the plan is going to happen

because you made the plan at the moment

of speaking going to is used for plans

made before the conversation but will is

used for a plan made a

spur-of-the-moment or a very quick plan

you’ve just made so that’s kind of the

image is the decision you’ve just made

use will or use won’t in those case

if you made the decision before the

conversation there’s a good chance you

should use going to so to go back to our

timeline here if going to is used for a

decision you made in the past about your

future plans will is used for a decision

you make in the conversation during the

conversation the plan can be any time in

the future but the decision the point at

which you make the decision is the

difference here one point about this two

points about this actually first will if

you’ve made a decision at the moment of

speaking and you therefore should use

will to communicate that decision you

can improve or you can communicate that

there’s a high chance it’s going to

happen with the word probably mmm so

here I’ll show you this in an example

sentence in a moment but you can use

probably with will and won’t I’ll

probably I probably won’t remember that

order though I’ll probably or I probably

will or probably won’t mmm point number

two I want to mention about both of

these grammar points is to make your

pronunciation a little more natural try

shortening both of these expressions

going to shortens to gonna gon a gonna

I’m gonna I’m not gonna this sounds much

more natural at least in American

English for will and for won’t when you

use will use the contracted form with

your subject for example I will becomes

aisle you will becomes you’ll they will

becomes Vail using the contracted form

sounds a lot more natural and everyday

conversation it’s correct to say you

will they will but it sounds really

stiff and unnatural so please use the

contracted form to sound a bit more

natural you can use the contracted form

with probably for will aisle

probably they’ll probably we’ll probably

these are all pretty good okay so let’s

practice using them alright first

example sentence maybe something

something go hiking tomorrow so how do

we know is this a will sentence or a

going to sentence we have a hint here

maybe maybe so meaning there’s a low

level of certainty

perhaps a low chance that this is going

to happen so let’s say maybe I’ll go

hiking tomorrow this is probably the

best answer maybe I’m going to while you

can communicate the idea yes it sounds

like you decided your plan before the

conversation but you’re using maybe so

it doesn’t quite match instead use aisle

maybe I’ll go hiking tomorrow okay let’s

look at the next sentence

I’m mmm there’s a big hint here a

grammar hint I’m something something go

to France next year so next year this go

to France next year this is a pretty big

decision most people probably would not

make this decision at the moment of

speaking so we should use going to I’m

going to go to France next year this is

the correct use of going to in this case

a decision made before the moment of

speaking and there’s a high level of

certainty here okay let’s look at the

next one

I decided here’s a hint past tense

decided if you watched a different video

oops I decided that I am something

something go out for dinner I’m too

tired okay so past tense this shows us a

big hint past tense decided this implies

the decision was made before the

conversation hmm so I’m something

something go out for dinner I’m too

tired here’s another hint

so go out for dinner and too tired mmm

this should probably

I’m not going to go out for dinner I’m

too tired so this person has decided hmm

I’m not going to go out for dinner we

should use going to the negative not

going to because the speaker made the

decision before the conversation happen

and there’s a highest level of certainty

there’s a high chance that this is going

to happen so we should use going to in

this sentence okay okay so the next

sentence I included because I think it’s

a really good one to remember

any time you visit a bar a restaurant

some kind of service situation you can

use this pattern specifically to make a

request for something so let’s take a

look here my example sentence is I

something something have a glass of wine

please in this case maybe it’s at a

restaurant or at a bar but in this case

you’ve just made the decision looking at

the menu looking at a catalogue looking

at something you made a decision

just then at that moment and you’re

asking for that item you’re asking for

that service so we’ll use will I’ll have

a glass of wine please

so in this example sentence I used glass

of wine to show my request to ask for a

glass of wine but if you want to use

this pattern to make a request in a

service situation

just replace glass of wine with the item

or service that you would like so for

example I’ll have a beer I’ll have a

steak I’ll have a hamburger these are

all things you can order at a restaurant

or at a bar if you’re shopping you can

say I’ll have the blue one please for

example so just make your request using

the same pattern but replacing that

glass of wine section that I used in my

example sentence okay next one this one

is maybe a little bit challenging

it’s you’re running late so you

something-something have to take a taxi

to your next meeting so maybe this is an

assistant or someone supporting another

person with their schedule okay so in

the next sentence we’re looking at a

situation where there’s been a sudden or

quick change to a schedule someone is

running late and there’s a new decision

that’s made at the moment of speaking or

a new decision is made to reflect the

new situation so let’s take a look

you’re running late so you’ll or you

will have to take a taxi hmm

you could say you’re running late so you

have to take a taxi but maybe this is a

future plan something that’s going to

happen in an hour from now maybe this is

something the speaker is planning for

later in the day so you will is a nice

way to use that you’re running late so

you’ll have to take a taxi to the next

meeting okay the last one I want to talk

about this uses probably which I

mentioned over here so probably remember

we can use probably to sort of improve

or we can use probably to communicate a

higher level of certainty with the

decision we made at the moment of

speaking so here you’re not going to the

party then I probably something

something go either okay so either is a

big hint here remember we use either to

show agreement but negative okay so in

the last example sentence for today

we’re going to look at a situation where

the listener has heard some new

information they use the expression

you’re not going to go to the party so

they’re confirming new information they

have just heard after that they’re going

to make a decision about what their

plans are for the party so let’s take a

look we know that probably can be used

with will and won’t and we know from


the speaker just made this decision and

we know it’s a negative with either so

we should use won’t you’re not going to

go to the party and I probably won’t go


so the speaker uses won’t hear to show a

decision made at the moment of speaking

but the speaker also uses probably won’t

to show there’s a high chance that this

is going to happen there’s a high chance

that this is the future plan probably

won’t okay so there’s a lot of

information communicated there with

small words like then and either and

probably as well so please keep this in

mind when you’re trying to decide when

to use will won’t going to and not going

to okay so so that’s my recap of a few

useful grammar points how to talk about

your future tense plans so I’m going to

finish the lesson now I hope that you

enjoyed this lesson if you have any

questions please feel free to leave it

in a comment or if you want to try out a

few practice sentences please feel free

to leave those in the comment section

too if you haven’t already please be

sure to like this video and subscribe to

our channel too if you want to find more

stuff like this more lessons more

information like this you can check out

English class 101.com

thanks very much for watching this

episode and I will see you again soon

bye bye hi everybody my name is Alisha

today we’re gonna be talking about

simple past tense we’re gonna talk about

how to make simple past tense statements

in English so let’s get started okay so

first let’s talk about when we should

use the simple past tense simple past

tense statements for today are for

actions that started and ended in the

past so these are things that both

started or began and ended in the past

both of those must be true to use simple

past tense

the second point for today is these are

actions which happened at a specific

point in time so a specific point in

time can be yesterday it can be an hour

ago it can be last year it can be when

you were a kid all of these are a

specific point in time but the key is

that we know when the action happened so

specific point in time is point two for

this grammar point third we can use

simple past tense for repeated actions

in the past so things you did every week

or every month or every year every

summer every hour if you like but one

point about this make sure to include a

frequency indicator if you want to talk

about an action that repeated in the

past frequency indicator for example I

just mentioned a few every week every

month every year so frequency meaning

how often an indicator shows how often

you did that so you can use repeated

actions with past tense to show let’s

see something you did a lot in the past

for example so to give you a visual the

past is down here now is this point here

and future is up here when we use the

simple past tense it’s an action that

started and ended in the past somewhere


now that’s one it’s at a specific point

in time so this action and this action

we know when they happened it could be

this morning

it could be yesterday for example but we

know when these actions happened

third we can use for repeated action so

maybe these actions repeat but we know

when the repetition happened we know

when we repeated these actions so it’s

okay to use simple past tense to

describe those okay so now we know when

we should use simple past tense we know

why we should use simple past tense but

how do we make simple past tense stay

it’s so when you want to use the simple

past tense to explain an action that

happens in the past you need to

conjugate your verb you need to change

your verb so that means when you’re

using a regular verb you do verb plus e

d so verb plus e d is the basic form for

simple past tense verbs but keep in mind

this is only for regular verbs not all

verbs are regular verbs so for example

some common ones are talk which becomes

talked start which become started and

enjoy which becomes enjoyed please be

careful however you’ll notice that the

past tense form of verbs has a few

different pronunciations so for example

start becomes started it has an ID sound

it’s not an e D sound but an ID sound

you might hear a word like walked also

which has a sort of T sound about it

walk becomes walked started becomes

started an ID sound and then there’s

also a sound like in breathed a very

soft D sound so there are three past

tense verb sounds to listen for an e d

sound started a soft D sound like

breathed and then a more hard T sound

like walked so pay attention to that

when you’re trying to make these past

tense verb conjugations okay but some

verbs are irregular verbs irregular

verbs do not have a simple rule for

understanding past tense conjugation how

to change them in past tense there’s no

rule for these you simply have to

practice you have to remember them read

them listen to them until you can

remember the correct conjugation the

correct way to change these verbs into

the past tense so for example some

common ones are eat which becomes ate

speak becomes spoke and make becomes

made if you see a verb somewhere that

that seems a little odd or you’re not

sure what the present tense form would

be you can check a dictionary and try to


from there so now we’ve talked about

simple past tense irregular and regular

verbs let’s try to use them to make some

sentences I prepared a few example

sentences so let’s take a look okay

first sentence he something something a

towel and sunglasses to the beach so the

verb here is bring I want to use the

verb bring bring however is an irregular

verb so I can’t use the Eadie rule for

regular verbs the correct conjugation is

brought the RO u ght he brought a towel

and sunglasses to the beach this is the

correct conjugation here so bring is an

irregular verb okay let’s go to the next

sentence today something something to

the gym every day last week so here I’m

showing you a repeated action here I’m

using every day this is a frequency

indicator how often did I do that action

and last week shows the specific point

in time so I’m using both of these two

points in addition to a simple past the

basic simple past structure here so the

verb that we want to use here is go but

go is an irregular verb so we can’t use

code for example though changes to went

in the past tense so went is the correct

answer for this sentence here okay let’s

try the next one I something something

to tell my boss about my schedule so the

verb I want to use here is forget forget

is a very useful word I think to

remember but again forget is not a

regular verb forget is an irregular verb

so we cannot use the e D form forget in

the past tense becomes forgot okay

so I forgot to tell my boss about my

schedule is the correct sentence here

all right let’s go to something a little

bit different here’s a negative sentence

I don’t think they something-something a

reservation at the restaurant okay so

here I’m using a phrase I want to use

the phrase make a reservation to make a

reservation so the verb here is make

this was one of my example verbs for the

irregular form so make becomes made I

don’t think they made a reservation at

the restaurant is the correct verb form

to use here all right the next sentence

we something-something junk food almost

every day last month so here again I

have everyday but I have almost here so

almost every day not every day but close

to every day and then last month last

month is my specific point in time in

this case so here we have junk food that

means that the verb we want to use is

probably eat and we learned that eat is

an irregular verb there’s no rule for

conjugating this we just know that eat

becomes eight we ate junk food almost

every day last month great okay so next

sentence has two spaces for verbs

actually okay so the next sentence that

I’ve prepared I included because a lot

of my students asked about how to report

information when you want to report

information share something that you

heard from a friend a past tense action

you need to conjugate the reporting verb

for example say becomes said or here

becomes heard you need to conjugate this

verb and you need to conjugate the

information that you heard so there are

two past tense conjugations that should

happen when you report information let’s

take a look so here we have she

something something she something

something a great time at the party so

here she blah blah blah a great time at

the party

so we use the expression to have a great

time to have a great time again have is

an irregular verb so we conjugate it to

had she had a great time at the party

okay but then to report your speech so

someone gave you information past tense

give becomes gave you information so the

verb for giving information a neutral

way to pass information is say so to

conjugate say into the past tense it’s

an irregular verb so we use said say

becomes said so she said she had a great

time at the party okay please be careful

of your pronunciation with the word said

a lot of people I’ve heard use Sade Sade

is not correct so please use said it

sounds like sed the pronunciation but

it’s said si ID is the spelling say

becomes said she said she had a great

time at the party

okay so last one okay so the last

example sentence for today includes

spaces for a few different verbs I

included this because I wanted to show

you that you can use a lot of different

information in one sentence just by

connecting your past tense verbs

together so let’s take a look okay

yesterday I something-something late

something-something shopping and

something something to my mother okay so

the verbs I want to use for this

sentence are sleep go and speak sleep go

and speak these are all irregular verbs

there are no regular verbs in this

sentence so sleep in past tense becomes

slept go in past tense becomes went and

speak in past tense becomes spoke so

here in one sentence

I have I have explained three things

about my day yesterday

yesterday I slept late I went shopping

and I spoke to my mother so you can

explain a lot of things with past tense

and a few connecting words in this case

I’ve just used and to connect the last

two things in this sentence so please

keep this in mind when you’re sharing

information about your past events so

today we talked about the simple past

tense and we talked about how to

conjugate both regular and irregular

verbs it might seem a little bit

difficult to understand which verbs are

regular and which verbs are irregular

but with some practice it will become

easier so I hope that you enjoyed this

video if you have any questions or

comments please be sure to leave us a

comment and let us know also please be

sure to like this video and subscribe to

our channel if you haven’t already

thanks very much for watching check us

out for more in English class 101.com

and we’ll see you again soon bye
