Sharon moves to Japan or stays Practice Easy To Speak English Fluently



moves to japan or stays


i’m a barbie girl in a barbie world

hey beauty you look so good today

do you want a big kiss from a handsome

man like myself

give me a break peter have you gone


what happened to you

yes i am ecstatic over the moon

wow i have never seen you like this tell

me why

do you remember that famous director at

my concert

not really what does he look like

old tall a little bit grumpy

ah yes i remember what about him

well he wants to direct a musical play

in japan

yeah and he wanted me to do an audition

for it and

just spill it i can’t stand this


okay okay i went to the audition this

morning and the director wants me to go

to japan for the performance

oh my god congratulations peter this is

big news

i always knew he would make it big with

that amazing voice of yours

thank you anne oh but

what about sharon what does sharon think

about this

how did she react actually

i haven’t told her about it yet

i think she is too sensitive and moody i

need to wait for the right time to tell


but don’t worry about it it’s time to


do you want to go dancing with me

dancing you don’t like dancing do you

oh come on just this once go get dressed


i want to see you looking like a


what am i missing out on you two seem


alice good timing do you want to join us

for this celebration

i was chosen as the lead rule and will

be going to japan

for it oh congrats peter

i’m so happy for you but

what about sharon sharon sharon sharon

why is everybody obsessed with sharon

i am so ready for the trip and i am sure

she will be supportive and more than

willing to come with me to japan

okay then when are you leaving

i’m not sure probably in two or three


what and you haven’t even told sharon

oh relax it’s time to party isn’t it



hello ladies what have you been oh my


why are you two dressed up that dress

looks beautiful on you anne

the makeup makes you look older alice

but anyway what’s the occasion

why are you guys putting in so much

effort today

peter just got chosen for a play in

japan jack

isn’t that exciting um

does sharon know about this

she doesn’t but according to peter she

would be supportive and totally

accepting of his decision to move to


wait what that’s all he can say

how on earth would sharon be able to

agree with that

what is she going to do in japan her

whole life is here

jack who knows what she will do in japan

but it’s her and peter’s problem isn’t


why are you so worked up about it

oops i don’t really care that much

but i just don’t think sharon is going

to willingly agree to go to japan with


well that’s just what you think

sure maybe i’m wrong anyway

there is no use wondering about it

do you want to join us for peter’s

celebration party

oh not really tell peter i’m sorry okay

but i don’t feel like going out to

celebrate tonight

whatever jack you don’t know what you

are missing

goodbye bye jack



when can i get an interview sir

this friday

all right that works thank you so much



yes i got it

see you friday who was that

a potential employer why did you ask

why are you so worried about finding a

new job

well i don’t want to work as a tour

guide at the museum anymore okay

can we talk about us instead where were


last night you didn’t come home until

three a.m

i went out with ann and alice

for what um

i got chosen as the lead role for a

musical play in japan

i met with the director for an audition


and i got picked too bad he weren’t

there to witness it

everything was so amazing the director

shouted out about what a great job i did

and told me this rule was meant for me

i was so happy i still am actually

i’m really happy for you too peter

you should be happy for us both

why so because we are going to japan


build a new life just you wait only two

or three more weeks to go

you’re going with me right sharon

to japan but

but how this is a really big surprise

i never expected this

so what sharon this is obviously a great

opportunity for the two of us

don’t you see there’s nothing holding

you back

here you can escape from that terrible

job of yours

i know i know and i would love a change

as well but

not this way this is

too sudden i am really conflicted


ella love what are you cooking smells

delicious you want to kiss

stop it jack what’s wrong anne

why have you been so cold to me lately

nothing jack it clearly cannot be

nothing if you are acting like this tell

me what’s wrong

i know everything already jack i saw a

photo of you and sharon

i was cleaning when it fell from your

jacket pocket i asked sharon about it

oh did she say something

she told me you two used to be in a


it’s in the past anne do you still miss

her now though jack


what about me jack who am i to you

i thought there was something special

between us

i care about you a lot anne i always

think of you as a close friend

a good sister i get it now

i’m so sorry i don’t want to hurt your


it’s okay jack but don’t forget that


is moving to japan with peter soon


anyway thanks for watching

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