100 Short Common English Dialogs at Work

good morning

my name is alicia sharma

hello alicia

my name’s tom

robinson hi

i’m lee

hi lee

i’m janna

i’m sally james

it’s good to meet you sally


my name’s carla

pleased to meet you

my name is siddique ali

it’s a pleasure to meet you mr ali

great to meet you

you too

may i introduce maria diaz

maria is our sales manager for europe

it’s good to meet you maria

it’s a pleasure to meet you too


meet edward


amit and i work together

great to meet you edward

i’d like you to meet zoe carr

it’s nice to meet you ms carr

this is my new assistant levi

hi levi

good to meet you

i’m george i’m from the marketing

department in new york

and this is barbara

she’s from quick style printers

i’m nisha

i’m from finance

is this where i can pay


our machines are broken

are the meeting rooms all busy

yes i’m afraid so

do you have an appointment


could i make one for today please

does he work with you


he works in my office

where is the staff room

go down to the second floor

when does mia start work

she usually starts at nine

these products look great

do you have a website

yes here’s my card with all the details

how can i reach you for more information

just give me a call

call me

here’s my number

drop me a line

is this your current email address

yes it is

email me anytime

are you on job connect

no i’m not

i have a blog though

does your company have a website

no it doesn’t

it does have a mailing list

do you have a business card

yes i do

all my details are on here


what kind of job are you looking for

i don’t want to work in i.t

i hate computers

i want to be a sales manager

i like giving presentations

she looks busy


tamzin takes her work very seriously

is that design yours

it looks great

yes it’s mine

i’m very proud of it

do you like the new job

i bet the salary is higher

it is

but the hours are much longer than my

old job

i watched the game last night

it was great

i didn’t watch the game

i stayed late at work

what did you do before

i was a waitress in a cafe

my co-workers were really nice

are you busy at the moment

yes i’m writing this report for susan

who are we waiting for

i’m not sure

is james coming to this meeting

i’m free next week

what are you doing on monday

i’m working from home all day

in my opinion we need to focus on


what do you think

i can see your point but

what do you think about doing this

what do you think about this idea

i’m not sure i agree

i think

how about you

we need to focus on sales this quarter



that’s a good point

yes i agree

these interns have been a huge help

i suppose so

i suppose you’re right

i think our system needs updating

me too

so do i

i don’t like the new office at all

me neither

nor do i

we should buy more of these new models

yes but

i’m sorry

but i think i disagree

i’m afraid i don’t agree

we’ll probably finish by 5 pm

i’m not sure about that

you could be right but

this design is fantastic

i’m afraid i totally disagree

i’m sorry but i don’t agree at all

how about putting the video online

good idea

what about trying the new software

why don’t we make this a weekly meeting

let’s ask the others for their opinions

we could use the spare meeting room

i’m really sorry i left all those boxes

in your way

that’s all right

i’ll help you move them

i would like to apologize for keeping

you waiting so long

don’t worry

i could see that you were busy

i’m so sorry i’m late


but please make sure it doesn’t happen


there’s a lot to do this week

i really must apologize if your vase was

broken when it arrived

i’m afraid that’s not good enough

i want to refund

have you finished packing all the boxes

yes i have

but i haven’t put them in the van yet

have you sold any of our bags today

yes i have

that lady has just bought one

have you fixed mr novak’s car

yes i have

when did you fix it

he’s been calling me all day

i fixed it at 2 30.

sorry for not telling you

will my taxi arrive in the next five


yes it will

i’m on my way now

no i’m afraid it won’t the traffic is


excuse me

do you know the way to the conference



go straight ahead

excuse me

do you know how to get to the hotel


take the first right on main street

did you say it’s next to the park

yes that’s right

so it’s on the left

after the station


don’t turn left

take the first right

welcome to hanoi

have you been to hanoi before

you must be mr burford


we spoke on the phone

it’s great to meet in person

did you have a good flight

can i get you anything

would you like a cup of coffee

do you have any tea

i’m afraid not

can i get you some water

i’d like a table for two please

do you have a reservation


my name is sarah key

do you have any tables free for lunch

how many people are in your party

i’m afraid there is a 20-minute wait

are you ready to order

could i have the fish

i’ll have the soup please

do you have any allergies

yes i’m allergic to peanuts

how is everything

there were lots of bones in my fish

there is too much cream in my soup

could we have the check please

i don’t have enough cash

can i pay by card

hello miguel speaking

hi miguel it’s tana from finance


can i speak to jan please

speaking how can i help you

i.t department


i’m calling because my computer screen

has frozen

can i ask who’s calling please

of course

it’s oliver tims

is there anything else i can help you



that’s all thanks goodbye

i’d better be going


talk to you soon

thank you for calling rd systems


i wonder if you could help me

customer service

how can i help you

i’m calling about an order i placed last


could i speak to rob martin please

yes of course may i ask who’s calling

it’s jackie willis from sam site


thank you i’ll just put you through

i’m afraid my manager is away at the


could you ask her to call me back today


would you like to leave a message

yes please

could you tell mr knox that i’d like to

order five white plastic chairs

you must be eric from the uk

carl has told me a lot about you

i think we met in mumbai didn’t we

i’m max from htb engineering

great to see you again


i don’t think we’ve met

i’m osric

hi ozrik


tony this is hayao from our japanese



meet tony our new director of marketing

victoria i’d like to introduce you to


i’m not sure you two have met each other

nice to meet you

how do you do

what did you do before you came here

i fixed computers

i worked for tce consultants

i ran my own construction company

i was a legal assistant

what was your last job like


i was working 60 hours a week before i

came here

did you want a tour of the office

i wanted to ask about the company’s



have you worked in a team before

i have worked in a few different teams

no i haven’t worked in a team before

i worked in a small team in 2005.

i’ve been waiting for my order to arrive

all week

i’m very sorry about that

can you look into the problem for me

of course

let’s see what we can do

could you tell me your customer

reference number please


it’s tg4


could you hold the line a moment please


what has caused this delay

our delivery company has been

experiencing difficulties recently

can you offer me any compensation

yes of course we’ll offer you a discount

on your next order

our products are good

yes they’re extremely good

i think they’re fantastic

i don’t know how i’m going to meet the

deadline for this project

you could ask the clients for more time

you should delegate more work to your


you must talk to your manager


what was the last figure i didn’t hear


could you say that again i didn’t catch


sorry i missed that

we sold 40 000 of stock to japan last


to japan

we sold 40 000 of stock to wear

we can deliver your order next week

would you mind bringing the delivery

date forward

neither of these options is suitable

maybe we could discuss some alternatives

we would like to resolve this issue as

soon as possible

we might move forward with the contract

if you can cut the price

i’m afraid we can’t pay your fee now

are you able to pay in installments

what do you think of this design

we were hoping for more attractive


we were thinking that you could create a

limited edition

yes i think we could do that

is there any reason why you can’t sign

the contract today

what we need is an assurance from you

about the future

could we see some more options for the

design tomorrow

actually we are very short-staffed at

the moment would next week be okay

i’m afraid your asking price is too high

if you ask me

this is a good deal for you

this new model is one hundred dollars

per unit

well if you lowered the price to 75

dollars i would buy 15 units