FAST ENGLISH How Americans say What did SHORTS

There’s a crazy thing Americans 
do with spoken English. 

We take “what” and “did” and 
we make a single word, “wud”. 

So for example. “What did she 
do?” becomes “Wud she do?” 

Wud, wud, wud she. Now, this is not a 
reduction that’s only for casual conversation.  

You can absolutely use it in a 
more formal or business setting. 

For example, let’s say you gave a presentation. 
And afterwards, your co-worker says,  

“Oh, how did it go?, Wud they think?
What did they think? Wud, wud, wud they think? 

Now, if the next word is you, 
we might change it even more. 

“What did you?” becomes “wu jew?”
So that did becomes a j, wu jew or wu ja. 

Wu ja think? Wu ja do? Wu ja say?