Simon Sinek Leaves the Audience SPEECHLESS One of the Best Motivational Speeches Ever

performing under pressure whether it’s

me or anybody else is the same

you know i have the same pressures as

anyone else there’s time there’s

performance there’s financial i mean

there are you know there’s deadlines my

pressures are not unique

um the situations may be different or

you know but but

everybody has the same kinds of


but what i found or what i find

fascinating is the interpretation of the

stimuli if let me let me explain so

i was watching the olympics this last

number 11 and

i was amazed at how bad the questions

were that the reporters would ask

all the athletes and almost always they

asked the same question

whether they were about to compete or

after they competed

were you nervous right and

to a t all the athletes went no

right and what i realized is it’s not

that they’re not nervous it’s their

interpretation of what’s happening in

their bodies i mean what

what happens when you’re nervous right

your heart rate starts to go

you’re you know you sort of get a little

tense you get a little sweaty right you

have expectation of what’s coming and we

interpret that as i’m nervous

now what’s the interpretation of excited

your heart rate starts to go you become

you’re anticipating what’s coming right

you get a little sort of like tense it’s

all the same thing it’s the same stimuli

except these athletes these these

olympic quality athletes

have learned to interpret the stimuli

that the rest of us would say as

nervous as excited they all say the same

thing no i’m not nervous

i’m excited and so i’ve actually

practiced it

just to tell myself when i start to get

nervous that this is excitement

you know and so where when you used to

speak in front of a large audience and

somebody would say how do you feel i

should say

a little nervous now when somebody says

how do you feel i’m like

pretty excited actually and it it came

from just sort of telling myself

no no this is excitement and it becomes

a little bit automatic later on

but it’s kind of a remarkable thing to

deal with pressure by interpreting what

your body is

experiencing as excitement rather than


and it’s really kind of effective it

makes you want to rush forward rather

than pull back and yet it’s the same


i talk to so many smart fantastic

ambitious idealistic hard-working kids

and they’re right out of college they’re

in their entry-level jobs and i’ll ask


how’s it going and they’ll say i think

i’m going to quit

and i’m like why they say to me i’m not

making an impact

i’m like you know you’ve been here eight

months right

they treat the sense of fulfillment or

even love

like it’s a scavenger hunt like it’s

something you look for

my millennial friends they’ve gone

through so many jobs they’re either

getting fired

i mean it was mutual or they’re quitting

because they’re not making an impact or

they’re not finding the thing they’re

looking for they’re not feeling


as if it’s a scavenger hunt love

a job you find joy from

is not something you discover it’s not

like i found love

here it is i found a job i love that’s

not how it works

both of those things require hard work

you are in love because you work

very hard every single day of your life


stay in love you find a job that brings

you ultimate joy because you work hard

every single day to serve those around

you and you maintain that joy it’s not a


but the problem is the sense of


it’s as if an entire generation is

standing at the foot of a mountain they

know exactly what they want they can see

the summit what they can’t see is the


this large immovable object

that doesn’t mean you have to do your

time that’s not what i’m talking about

take a helicopter climb i don’t care but

there’s still a mountain

life career fulfillment relationships

are journeys

the problem is this entire generation

has an institutionalized sense of


and do they have the patience to go on

the journey to maintain love to

feel fulfilled or do they just quit and

on to the next dump

on to the next ghost and on to the next

i’m at my best when i’m around people

who believe what i believe

i know it seems silly but

i try very very hard to sort of stack

the deck you know to put myself in a

position of strength

um so for example you know somebody

asked me just yesterday have you ever

had sort of a bad

you know engagement i was thinking i’m

like not really but it’s not because i’m

some sort of sort of genius

understanding anything like that

it’s because i stack the deck it’s

because i want to be there

i want to be around people who want me

there in other words if i’m somebody’s

tenth choice

and like you know i’ll probably turn it


whereas if i’m their first choice they

really want me there and so i’m more

likely to have a good engagement they’re

supportive of me i’m supportive of them

and so um yeah i’m at my best when i

when i stack the deck when i choose to

be in an environment where

my strengths are are there

