Basic English Grammar Would in 2nd Conditional Sentences

hey my name is alicia and in this week’s

lesson we are going to practice

using would in second conditional

sentences so this type of conditional is

for example

a sentence like if i were you i would

do something so in today’s lesson we’re

going to practice making positive


negative sentences and we’re going to

practice making

questions all of these will feature

would or

wouldn’t so i hope that everyone can get

some good practice

and of course uh feel free to send your

example sentences

in the chat today i will try to check

them live

all right i see youtube is ready to go

thanks everybody for joining us on


facebook i think we’re getting connected

to you too so while we wait for


uh of course a couple of very quick


first of all at the bottom of the screen

there is this guide to learn

english at home if you are interested

in studying with us you can find for


uh a link to our beginner level

course so you can find this from the

link below the video if you’re watching

on youtube or above the video if you are

watching this on facebook so our team

has made

a beginner level course that you can

access there

for free and get some practice exercises

as well so check out

that link for all of the details if

you’re interested in that

the other thing is of course if you have

questions for me

if you have questions about something

totally different from today’s

lesson topic or if you think of

something later you can send them to me

at ask

hyphen alicia for this series for the

ask alicia

question and answer series so i’ll read

your question

and maybe i’ll choose that one to answer

for the series but

if you have questions please send them

to me for that series

and then we can all hopefully uh learn

something new from that

okay so that’s everything for


i see i think uh everybody is ready okay

great youtube hello youtube welcome

everybody watching on youtube new

generation hi

babna hello uh from kurzickstan sorry i

can’t read your name hi

danny and masadule thiago hi from brazil

welcome everybody

on facebook i’m looking for you facebook

if you’re just uh

joining maybe for the first time

recently i am broadcasting from my house

still uh but everything i think is

okay facebook hi facebook great

everybody’s on facebook too muhammad

chaime hello

hi ah antonio hello raquel as well


everyone’s here so i’ll show you today’s

lesson boards oh

before i do please make sure to hit the

like button on this video

and share the video too so other people

can find today’s lesson that would be

super super cool

okay um let’s go to today’s lesson


this is what we are going to practice


first i’m going to talk about using


in positive statements positive


then i’m going to talk about using it in


statements and finally we’re going to

practice making questions yes or no


and information questions so today’s


is going to use a lot of sample


and i think probably a lot of you will

ask about

the differences between different types

of conditional

so i want to focus today on second

conditional sentences

and the first thing i want to focus on

uh is a very common question we’ll talk

about in part one

if i was or if i were the short answer

is if i were

so let’s begin first would in second


positive statements positive statements


we’re going to see this pattern

in each part of today’s lesson

that is uh this if plus

simple past tense part in one part of

the sentence

and would plus the infinitive

in the other part of the sentence so

simple past here

means we use a simple past tense verb

in the if part of the sentence

then this infinitive means we use the


infinitive like the dictionary form of

the verb in the would

part of the sentence so if simple past

would and infinitive also you can

switch the order of these two so i’ll

show you some examples of that

a reminder this note here in blue is a


second conditional expresses situations

or conditions that are very

unlikely or are

impossible so we just want to imagine a


so this is a one of the key differences


other types of conditionals with second


there’s almost zero chance no chance

it’s impossible

or there’s a very very small chance of

the condition or the situation so we

just want to

imagine that so we use would

to express that so let’s look at some

examples and if you have an example

please feel free to send it in the chat

in part one we’re going to focus on

making positive

statements okay so let’s get started

let’s look at some examples and see

uh what’s happening in these sentences

first example here is this one

if i lost my job i would find

a new one if i lost my job i’d find a

new one

that’s at native speed so what’s

happening in this sentence

here we see exactly this pattern if

i lost my job this is my

if clause it uses simple past tense yeah

lost so lost is the past tense form

of lose yeah so if i lost my job

again very low chance of this happening


a very low chance of this happening then

we want to imagine our action

in this situation i would

find a new one i would find a new one

so um quickly just to show this matches

i would

find infinitive find is right here this

is my verb to find

i want to mention a very common mistake

in these sentences sometimes learners

use will

here and will is incorrect if i lost my


i will find a new one is incorrect you

cannot use will

instead of would in this situation we

use would

to express unreal things that are not

real and this is an imagined situation

we’re just

imagining the possibility here so we

cannot use will in this sentence please

use wood here

okay um that’s one point also

another very common mistake i sometimes


is learners put wood here

if i would lost my job or something like


we cannot use wood in the if clause so

please be careful make sure wood goes

in your main claws yeah okay i’m looking

for your example sentences wow there are

lots coming in

fantastic i’ll start on youtube uh

babna says if i fail uh okay

so again we’re practicing positive

statements with second conditional

first thing if i failed at bingo

so make sure you have simple past in


if clause yeah uh khan maldi says i

would travel

all over the world if i had enough money

great great great

so if i failed past tense past tense

verb there

uh babna okay um

some are coming in on facebook now

please don’t flood the chat

please don’t send the same message over

and over and over again make sure

everyone can participate please facebook

uh shah says if i didn’t uh

move to the usa i would go to turkey


okay uh all right interesting

if i were less shy i would be with my

crush this fatima ooh

good one good example sentence okay some

interesting ones

fantastic let’s continue to the next

example sentence

this has one of today’s key points

this example sentence begins with if i

were you

if i were you so a lot of people have

asked me

uh over the years and actually this is a

question for native speakers

too is it if i were you or if i was you

the correct correct correct answer is

were we should use were in this pattern

however native speakers very very often


was here you’ll hear it in music like

lots and lots of song lyrics use that we

use it in everyday conversation

so it’s not going to be a problem

if you use was here but if you want to

be 100

correct all the time use if i were you

if i were you in this pattern

so yes we use this simple past so when

we think of that we say i was

right but we use this uh were in this

pattern so please

take a note of that for today’s lesson

and then we follow this with the same

wood and

infinitive pattern yeah i would eat

less junk food if i were you i would eat

less junk food at native speed this

sounds like if i were you i would eat

less junk food

that’s what it sounds like okay

so this is giving some advice if i were

you if i were you

advice now let’s take a look at some

positive example sentences

that uh switch this order so first we’ll


would and then we’ll use the if clause

let’s take a look

first he would be more successful

if he spent more time working

he would be more successful if he spent

more time working

so in this sentence i swapped

the order so the wood part comes first

he would be is my infinitive verb

he would be more successful

this is another pattern you see

commonly in these types of sentences

this comparative more successful what

does that mean

more successful than he is now

but we drop the compared the full

comparative he would be more successful

than he is now

is what it means but we just say he

would be

more successful then we have this if


if he spent spent so spent

is the simple past form of spend time

spend time we’re using the past form


more time working he would be more


if he spent more time working at native

speed this sentence sounds like he’d be

more successful if he spent more time


so we reduce this wood to a

d sound he’d heed he would

okay let’s look at the last one then we

would cook

more often if we had more time

we would cook more often if we had more

time again

cook is my infinitive verb here more


than we do now

if we had more time so that means we

don’t have very much time or we don’t

have enough time

but if we did we would do this

another point i want to make the last

point here

is about punctuation yeah this little

mark right here this is a comma

yeah if i lost my job comma or if i were


comma you’ll notice in these two there’s

no comma

after he would be more successful we do

not use a comma

in these cases use your comma after

the if clause at the beginning of a


if the if clause is not at the beginning

of the sentence

like these two no comma don’t use a

comma there

okay all right

deborah says isn’t this similar to using

dependent and independent clauses in

terms of like comma use yeah

um so the ways that we connect uh

dependent and independent clauses yeah

okay uh oh some examples oh some

examples are coming in on youtube uh

i would be richer if i

worked more okay so this is a common


i’m seeing in the examples you’re

sending in the chat

many people are sending examples but

they forget

use simple past tense not your ing

form not your present tense uh

don’t use infinitive here simple past

tense if

i worked more simple past tense verb

in the if clause there okay

gently says she would be more popular if

she spent

more time on live streams okay

um sarita says if i lost my house key

i would have to break my window okay


good all right very nice example

sentences okay

so that is part one part one so

let’s finish part one and take a short

break then we’ll go to part

two for today okay so if you missed it

earlier uh real quickly this banner at

the bottom of the screen

it says get your guide to learn english

at home there is

a free beginner level course available

at our team’s lovely


so you can get a uh a

full course a full beginner level course

uh for free there right now our team has

put that together

uh there’s all everything that you need

is from the link below the video

on youtube or above the video if you’re

watching on facebook you need your name

and an email address and you can get uh

the beginner level course there so click

the link

in the description check it out i hope

that it is helpful

for everybody okay let’s go to part

two for today’s lesson uh if you’re just

joining this week’s lesson this week’s

live lesson is about

using would in second conditional

sentences second conditional we’re

focusing on second conditional today

if you have not already also please make

sure to like and share this video so

that other people can find today’s

lesson that would be super great

let’s go to um if you want to take a

picture of today’s lesson boards here

you go

boom we talked about positive statements

just now next we’re going to practice

negative statements so we’re going to

practice would

not so let’s go to part two

okay negative statements part two for


here we go so you’ll see for

negative statements with wood we have

this same

pattern we practiced with positive

statements yeah

if simple past so this part is the same


however we use would

not in the main clause or wouldn’t so

most naturally wouldn’t wouldn’t the

reduced form

would and not together makes wouldn’t

so if simple past would not

infinitive okay so this is the only


we have just this little baby change so

let’s practice

uh negative statements and let’s look at

what they mean

what they’re saying here okay so

first one if i won the

lottery if i won the lottery

i wouldn’t spend all the money

if i won the lottery i wouldn’t spend

all the money

so again my if clause follows the same

pattern we practiced in part one yeah


is the simple past verb of win the

simple past tense form of

to win is one i won the lottery maybe

some of you don’t know the lottery the

lottery is a

contest it’s a chance game so you buy a


with numbers if your numbers on the

ticket match

the contest numbers you win a lot of


that’s called a lottery lottery so it’s

a money game

a chance game to win money so

this sentence expresses if i won

the lottery so if i got a lot of prize


i would not spend

all the money i wouldn’t spend all the


so maybe i would save it i would invest

it and so on

so we use this negative would not to

express that

okay let’s go to the next one i don’t


questions coming yet so let’s go to the

next one oh sorry i erased

i erased part of my word i’ll fix it in

blue really quickly

my thumb erased my h okay so

example sentence two here if he bought

a new camera he wouldn’t

sell his old one if he bought a new


he wouldn’t sell his old one so again

simple past tense verb here if he bought


by present tense or infinitive

bot simple past tense if he bought

a new camera he wouldn’t sell

his old one so again wouldn’t is the


form of wood not native speed this

sentence sounds like

if he bought a new camera he wouldn’t

sell his old one

so we’re again expressing something in

this case

that would not happen so an unreal uh an

unreal situation

again this is unlikely if you bought a

new camera or if i won the lottery

there’s a low

chance of these things but we want to

talk about our actions

in in those unreal situations

okay okay some examples are coming in

i’m looking for negative let’s practice

making negative

statements now uh sari says

if i go shopping okay so again if i

simple past tense if i went shopping

if i went shopping i wouldn’t spend all

my money

so that’s a key point so so many of you


need to work on this simple past point

with this grammar here use simple past

uh what’s the difference between should

and would say shima uh well

there are many but should we use we use

in many cases for advice

uh we don’t use should uh we can’t


should and would uh in these sentences

though um

okay uh if i felt sick says jesus if i

felt sick

i wouldn’t go to work very nice very

nice example sentence if i

felt sick i wouldn’t go to work perfect

example sentence very nice job okay

let’s go to uh the next one so again

just as the same way as positive


we can swap the order so the wood part

comes first and the if part comes second

in our sentence

so for example i wouldn’t get a pet

until i had extra time and money

if i were you if i were you

so i included this example sentence

with this in parentheses right here if i

were you

so this is my if clause yeah if i were


i wouldn’t get a pet until

i had extra time and money

so this is a common advice

pattern so in this case a negative

advice pattern

however native speakers often times we

drop if i were you because sometimes

it’s very

clear the advice is clearly for the

other person

we’re imagining if i were you in cases

where it’s very clear

you’re talking about the other person’s

experience you can drop

this part like i wouldn’t get a pet

until i had extra time and money

in in uh in some situations it’s very


if i were you is implied so that’s why i

have this here

if i were you okay let’s look at one

more example

of this another negative example i


quit my current job until i

found a new one if i were you again if i

were you

i wouldn’t quit quit so this quit

quit the verb quit is the same in uh the

infinitive form

and simple past tense so quit there’s no


i wouldn’t quit my current job

my current job means the job i have now

the job i have now is my current job

i wouldn’t quit my current job until i


a new one okay

all right so i’m looking for your


now um

let’s see luis on youtube says is it

okay to say this if my team

lost the game i would never watch them

again yes that’s correct

that’s a very strong statement if my

team lost the game i would

never watch them again so like i would

never watch them

play again that is correct yes yes

diego says i wouldn’t spend cash on

a new iphone if i were you very nice

very nice

okay very nice examples um

september says if i spoke new

information to her she would not

know all about it let’s see maybe if i

let’s see hmm i’m not sure what that one

is trying to say

can you think of a different way to say

it and i’ll try to check it again

i’m not quite sure what that one’s

saying okay uh

time’s going quickly so let’s uh stop

there for part

two negative statements and then we’ll

go to questions to finish

today’s lesson a few more examples so

really quickly

i won’t take a official break just if

you missed it before there’s a free

beginner level course for everybody

from the link below the video if you’re

watching on youtube or above the video

if you’re

watching on facebook check it out

there’s a free

as i said beginner level course that you

can get

and study with us there okay

let’s go to the last part for today’s

lesson so quickly

because i’m running out of time as

always uh

let’s go to making questions

so i want to finish today uh

by helping you um practice a couple

different patterns

for uh questions second conditional

questions so in this last part we’re

going to practice

yes or no questions and information

questions so let’s take a look

first our yes or no pattern to make a

simple yes or no question

again we have this same pattern we

practiced in today’s lesson

in all the parts of today’s lesson if

simple past

okay so this is the same then

would or wouldn’t and the infinitive

to make a question so that means we can

make this

with our voice we can make these kinds

of questions just with

our voice using upward intonation

or example if you got a new

job in a different city

would you move so if you

got a new job in a different city

so here’s my simple past tense verb get


got in simple past tense if you got a

new job in a different city

would you move so different

from the positive and negative sentences

we practiced in part one

and part two when we make our question

we have this subject

right here would you mu and of course

these don’t have to match you in this

case it’s you

and you but we have this before our verb

would you move would you move so again


cannot use will hear will is incorrect

to use because this

is an unreal situation if you got a new

job in a different city

would you move okay

let’s go to the next example with yes or


this one uses a negative i’ll explain


in just a moment if your friend

forgot their wallet wouldn’t you lend

them money

this is lend len so to give someone


for a short time if your friend forgot

their wallet wouldn’t you lend them


so why is this negative why didn’t i say

wood here actually wood is correct what

is correct would you lend them money

that’s also totally correct so why did i

use a negative here

negatives we use a negative in a pattern

like this

especially in these unreal situations

these imagine situations when we expect

a positive answer so we expect

the other person is going to agree with


so in this case it’s like if your friend

forgot their wallet

of course you would lend them money


that’s what this is expressing but we


wouldn’t to do that very quickly and


wouldn’t you lend them money so it’s

like saying

you would do this wouldn’t you right

isn’t that so

so we use this negative to do that

okay um all right

i see a couple of examples um

salma on youtube says if you had time

would you come with me

good good good good so like that’s for

like a party invitation

you could use that if you had time would

you come with me

um seema on facebook says if i need

so again simple past tense everybody a

point for everybody today

simple past tense verb if i needed your


uh could you help me or would you help


actually good point at sema’s comments

seem sima’s expression says would you

like to

help me remember would you like to

is a um is a different

pattern would you like to is like a like

an offer

right you’re making an invitation so

that sounds weird

in that sentence because it’s a request

like if if you had time

would you help me you’re actually asking

for someone’s like

help you’re not offering them something

so think about um that the difference of

wood we don’t really use wood

nah from time to time we use would you

like to

sort of patterns with this but not so


let’s see um aditi says if you

uh were let’s see or if you were offered

a position as president would you accept

would you accept no okay

all right uh okay time’s going quick so

let’s continue

let’s continue to the other uh type of


information questions so uh this is when

we need

like who or what or where or when

information from the other person how do

we make that kind of question

with second conditional again

same pattern if simple past again simple


for everybody this is our focus point

for today

then before we use would or wouldn’t

we use our wh question so who

what where when and so on so this is the


from this question pattern here

so let’s look at some examples

if you had one million dollars

what would you buy so what

this is the information i want to get i

want to know the

objects so what would you buy again we

cannot use will here

this as well simple past tense not if

you have

not if you have if you have is incorrect

if you had

1 million dollars what would you buy

okay and final example

if you had to move

to another country where

would you go if you had to move

to another country where would you go

okay so here is my wh question

before would and my simple past tense

in my if clause if you had to move to

another country

where would you go okay

um all right i’m looking for your

example sentences

uh shang on facebook xiang says if you

had lots of money

where would you go perfect nice question

very nice question

okay someone says look at my answer i

don’t know i can’t see your answer there

are many

many questions many sentences coming in

uh babna says if you had so babna

especially for you this is your key

point to practice this week uh your

example sentences

need to use simple past tense on youtube

so i’ve seen many of your sentences come


use change your verb so if you had

10 boyfriends what would you do oh my

gosh that sounds awful

okay if you could go

anywhere where would you choose nice

yeah so you can upgrade

if you could go anywhere where would you


very nice example sentence on youtube

okay uh someone

bruno said point about the video know

your verbs ah

we’ve already made all of those so um

if you had more time what would you do

galileo on youtube if you had more time

or if you had enough time

what would you do so very close

what is your wh question what

would you do don’t forget your wood

in that pattern okay that sounds great

nito says if you worked right now what

would you

work on hmm maybe if you had a job

now what would you do maybe that’s a

maybe that’s a more natural question


shima if you were invisible what would

you do

if you were invisible invisible as an


very creative example sentences

everybody that’s funny that’s funny

okay i have to finish up there for today

i am late as always oh my gosh

so we’ll finish there fantastic example

sentences everybody so that’s today’s

key point

for everyone please remember to use

simple past

tense in your if clauses here are

today’s lesson boards

so in red the red color at the top

of each board is the pattern to practice

so please please please use simple past

tense everybody

simple past tense there you can take a

picture of this so that you can study

this later

and practice your awesome example


okay um so i’ll finish there for today

i’ll be back

next week of course so please join me

again next week next

week’s topic is here next week

uh the date will be october 14th

wednesday october 14th at 10 pm

eastern standard time that is new york

city time please

google to find your local time use your

google skills

um next week i’m going to talk about how

to make

future tense questions future tense


so i know many learners are used to

like answering questions we answer

questions i’m going to or i will

and so on but i know many learners

forget to practice

making their own questions so next week

we’re going to practice

making questions in the future tense

so i hope that you join me again next

week to do that

so i’ll finish there for today thank you

as always for joining me live that was

super fun

uh don’t forget to check the link below

the video

on youtube the description or above the

video if you’re watching on facebook to


this free beginner level course that you


use to study english with our team

uh thanks for liking the video too

thanks for liking and sharing the video

and for all of your great

questions and example sentences i hope

that you found something

new to practice this week i’ll say

goodbye there so enjoy the rest of your

day enjoy the rest of your week and have

a nice weekend i will see you again

soon bye