Basic English Verb Conjugation Present and Past Tense

all right I think we are rolling hi

everybody welcome back to our weekly

live stream my name is Alisha and today

we are going to talk about basic verb

conjugation in English this is going to

be a very good lesson for beginners I’m

going to talk about how we make simple

present tense and simple past tense so

today’s lesson is going to be about

rules for making the verbs I’m going to

cover just simple statement patterns and

then I’m going to talk about positives

or I’m sorry I’m going to talk about

negative forms and question forms at the

last part of today’s lesson so there’s a

lot to cover again this week I am live

from my house from my living room so

thank you for your understanding it

looks a little different I know today

I’ll be using again these little white

boards so that I can share the grammar

points with you a couple of

announcements one there is if I’m

pointing at this banner that’s here on

the screen there is a twenty eight

percent off sale on English class

if you would like to start studying

English with us

that would be super awesome you can get

this deal from the link below the video

if you are watching on youtube or above

the video if you are watching on

Instagram I’m sorry on Facebook there’s

no Instagram today sorry but if you’re

watching on youtube it’s below the video

if you’re watching on facebook please

look above the video I see many people

on YouTube that looks great hi everybody

I would say hi to YouTube I see you all

there hello hello hello I see a phone

hello Fernando hi Erica Manoj I Fernando

lots of people there hi everybody now

I’ll go to Facebook Facebook I’m

checking you from my phone so that’s why

I am looking at it here hi

Facebook I’m loading you up now to make

sure everything looks good over there

also while I do that my other and

Smit but um I’m a time control desk

today to my other announcement is again

this week this is a screenshot from our

weekly Q&A series ask Alicia if you have

little questions about English grammar

about vocabulary about idioms about

culture whatever if you have little

questions you can send them to me for

this series our weekly question and

answer series and I will maybe answer it

this is a screenshot I was talking about

the difference between especially and

specifically so this one actually I

guess is a little bit old now but I

think the most recent one is maybe about

gerron’s a very very popular topic among

all of you so please have a look at this

you can find the submission link from

English class slash ask - Alicia

or check the ask Alicia videos on our

YouTube channel to find the link there

alright Facebook I’m looking for you so

that I can say hi to you and then I will

start today’s lesson so again if you

missed it today I’m going to talk about

basic verb conjugation I think you

should see that somewhere on the the

YouTube video name okay Facebook you

look great - thanks very much for coming

Facebook friends

hello Mohammed i’m rana hello

you say Alessandro Danielli from Brazil

hi Antonia

Ola hi everybody thanks for coming okay

everyone is here so let’s get started

I’m going to begin if you missed it

today I am going to talk about basic

verb conjugation I’m going to start

speaking more slowly now to today I’m

going to talk about basic verb

conjugation so conjugation means how we

change verbs how we how we make the

different forms of verbs so I’m going to

talk today about simple present tense

and simple past tense we’re going to

practice making these verb forms and

some very simple sentences with these


so this is a very good lesson for

beginners I’m going to talk about one

how we make positive sentences to how we

make what positive sentences with

present tense and then we’ll talk about

past tense and then at the end of

today’s lesson I’m going to cover

negative forms and question forms so

these are the three parts for today’s

lesson oh okay let’s get into it

first we are going to talk about simple

present tense simple present tense I

will get a little closer so that

everybody can see I heard last week I

heard it’s a little small so I will do

my best to share

okay so first a little grammar review

what is simple present tense simple

present tense bullet point number one

this is when we should use simple

present tense I’ll go over here so when

should we use simple present tense we

use simple present tense to share facts

so a fact here a fact is information

that is always true so some examples I

speak English you speak English I could

see you in the chat or she sings well so

these are simple facts like the

information is always true it’s just

general information that does not change

point two we use simple present tense to

describe regular schedules so for

example something that happens every

week or every month or every year or at

a specific time every day so for example

class starts at 11:00 or he always


sorry small he always arrives at 2:00 so

these are examples of regular schedules

things that are just like everyday they

happen at the same time for every week

so these are the two

times that we use this grammar point

simple present tense so let’s talk about

this point here how to make a simple

present tense what are the rules for

changing our verbs for conjugating the

verbs we need to think about the subject

so the subject of a sentence is for

example in these sentences the person

doing something the person acting so for

example in I speak English the subject

is I or and she sings well the subject

is she so what’s important it’s really

important to change this verb to

conjugate this verb is this subject of

the sentence so if the subject is I or

you or we or they there is no change to

your verb so you can see here I speak

English speak is the basic form of the

verb like when I say basic form of the

verb I mean the dictionary form of the

verb so this does not change so when you

use one of these I you we are they as

your subject note change for example

some more examples I eat or you talk or

we work or they run so these are all the

basic forms of the verb we don’t have to

change them if however the subject is he

or she or it add s so hard to see this

is an S add s to the end of your verb so

I say add s here because when you’re

speaking when you’re speaking this is

pretty easy yeah like just just to make

an S sound at the end of your verb for

example he eats or she talks or it works

or he runs so this is good to do like we

don’t have to think about of course

spelling when we’re speaking but it is

important to remember some spelling


when you are writing mmm so let’s review

our spelling rules for this point if

your subject is he she or it sue first

for a verb ending in Y the letter Y we

need to spell the S sound with i.e s IE

s for example try becomes tries or copy

becomes copies hmm so in both of these

the sound doesn’t change sometimes I

hear sometimes I hear learners use like

he try ease or true Trier’s or something

like that so the verb the sound try

stays the same and we add an S sound to

it so where does that he just tries or

copies so you don’t need to change the

sound of the base verb just add an S to

that okay so this is for a verb ending

in Y but if if there is a vowel before

the Y you don’t need to worry about this

so what is an example of that let’s see

so like let’s use a verb like play a

verb like play the spelling up right the

same the spelling of play is PL a y PLA

with so if there is a vowel before Y in

this case play there’s a vowel here

before the way we do not follow this

spelling rule we just add s so there’s

nothing there’s nothing special here so

it becomes plays he plays she plays so

this is one spelling rule for this point

do verbs ending in ch SH s s or X I’m

looking at this point right here now

yeah so for a verb ending in v

these endings Orcs we need to add yes

yes so for example watch becomes watches

or push becomes pushes pass becomes

passes relax because relaxes so we need

to add yes I forgot my yes there so we

need to add es oh that’s an ugly sorry

es for verbs that’s even uglier E so we

need to add an es hard to write on this

we need to add es for verbs with this

ending so please keep these spelling

rules in mind again we do not pronounce

this e watch watch ease I don’t know we

do not pronounce this e here it’s just

it’s sound watches okay so these are our

rules I will put it here so maybe you

could take a screen shot if you want

okay so these are our rules for making

simple present tense verbs how to make

simple present tense verbs so again

these are for positive sentences for

statements I’m going to talk about

negative statements and question

statements later

all right great Wow there are lots of

people watching hi everybody watching

that’s super cool okay so I’ll take one

short break

I will check your questions in the chat

some nice example sentences are coming

yes please send your example sentences

in the chat I will try to check live

Cano Jade hello again on YouTube says I

don’t like her because she always makes

excuses perfect perfect perfect someone

says oh I thought you should change the

Y to IES when you are making plural ah

plural spelling changes are a little bit

different from today’s topic but yes

there are absolutely there absolutely is

the y - IES change like candy becomes

candies yes so that the y spelling rule

also comes in there other points can you

please answer my first question I don’t

I don’t see your first question I can’t

see all the questions I’m looking at two

chats on Facebook do I see any questions

on Facebook where can I see your videos

you can see our videos on English class

101 YouTube channel and/or Facebook page

you can watch all of the videos that we

have available or you can find us at

English class 101 dr. comm forum where

we have all of our courses okay I don’t

see other questions so I will do I will

share one reminder one more reminder if

you missed it there is this banner on

screen here it is twenty eight percent

off now banner our team has a there’s a

special bonus special sale going on now

for our English courses at English class

101 calm you can find the link for this

below the video if you are watching on

YouTube or above the video if you are

watching on Facebook to get 28 percent

off I believe this is premium and

premium plus level course plans so

please take a look at that if you would

like to start studying with us okay

Henry Carillo says what about lie so we

can use the same the same rule here yeah

the verb lie here I’ll put we have one

more of our lie L I e here yeah but um

this one follows just the basic rule

just add s to the end of it he my red

marker is not doing good today sorry

he lies li es la es lies she lies all

right great good okay it sounds like we

have present tense good please make a

video about subject object questions uh

what do you mean subject and object

questions I’m not sure what that means

okay let’s continue to part two if you

have not already please make sure to

like and share this video so other


can find today’s lesson let us continue

part 2 today part 2 is about one of them

simple past tense simple past tense so

again let’s review what when we use

simple past tense so here’s my simple

tense sorry guys simple past tense when

should we use simple past tense right

here use simple past tense for actions

that started and ended in the past hmm

actions have started and ended in the

past so for example I spoke English or

she sang well or class started at 11:00

or he arrived at - so these are all

simple past tense statements something

started for example with this sentence I

spoke English it’s like in my

conversation yesterday I spoke English

or I spoke trying to use or whatever or

she sang well so at some past

performance or class started at 11:00 so

again a past situation he arrived at

2:00 again past a situation so these are

examples of actions that started and

ended in the past I see someone is

putting lots and lots of things bra FD

can you please just send that question

to me on ask Alicia that would be great

so that we can use the chat for

questions about today’s topic so how do

we make simple past tense this one is a

little tricky so simple present tense we

had some pretty solid rules to follow

yeah so to make simple past tense we

have two groups of verbs to consider

regular verbs if the verb is a regular

verb add edy to the ending of the verb

for example talk he comes

work becomes worked watch becomes

watched and push becomes pushed so

you’ll notice - I’m not talking about

the pronunciations of these points there

is a video on the English class 101

YouTube channel about the pronunciation

there are three different pronunciations

for these today I’m not going to talk

about that but if you want to practice

this please check the video on the

channel simple past tense verb

pronunciation so like talked and worked

and pushed they habit or a death and

exam okay so this is group 1 add IDI and

a small point here is just add D if the

verb ends in E so if the verb finished

it like if the verb is like for example

you don’t need to write like edy like e

please just write liked lik okay then

parts to have a little smiley face here

to encourage you this irregular verbs so

irregular irregular this is a prefix

your irregular means not regular so the

opposite of regular verbs yeah an

irregular verb for irregular verbs we

have to study there is no easy spelling

rule for irregular verbs unfortunately

this is one thing we just have to

practice in English but because we get

lots of practice with reading and with

listening and so on we can remember

these of course through study and just

through using the language so some very

common examples that I think you know

about are 8 which becomes 8 or ran which

becomes our site run which becomes ran

try becomes tried copy becomes copied so

you’ll notice here

yes I have an IDI ending but we have to

think about this why spelling again so

please keep this in mind again - hmm

same thing here with this try so please

keep this in mind okay

so please remember that yes we do add

these IDI endings for you so I put this

here just like for like a spelling note

someone’s saying like that’s not

irregular so I put this here just like

as a spelling note and so please keep in

mind there are different spellings that

we need to consider okay

so we’re going to practice some more

down here so past tense verbs I’ve put

this note here because I noticed that

there are some people that kind of

mix-up present tense and past tense so

past tense verbs do not change with the

subject so for example like when I talk

when I talked about simple present tense

I mentioned the subject is important to

the verb conjugation in this case though

we don’t need to change the verb like to

match the subject so for example here

like my on my first one I had he runs as

a simple present tense expression but he

ran in past tense so sometimes I see

learners put like here and which is not

correct so there’s no s sound here if

your subject is he or she or it so he

runs becomes he ran or she speaks

becomes she spoke so again no s sound

here she spokes is incorrect so no

change to the verb just make it simple

past it works so again a present tense

sentence it worked

no s sound there and finally he tries

just he tried

he tried so again we do not need to add

s2 verbs in simple past tense so please

be aware of that sometimes yeah

sometimes I see people put s at the end

of a simple past tense verb but we do

not do that that’s incorrect for simple

past tense expressions

please use s for simple present alrighty

Sam says what about cut yes cut is

another is another example of an

irregular verb the verb cut in past

tense is cut so the same thing with

which I think someone in the chat wrote

put earlier put is the same in present

tense and in past tense so I know the

question is often like how do we know

how do we know is it simple past tense

is it is the present tense we have to

check the context the situation we know

from the situation so for example for

example to use the verb cut like I cut

myself does is that a present tense

sentence like we have to think about

that present tense remember we use

present tense for review review present

tense is used for facts and for parts

for schedule like regular schedules

things we do every week so like a

present tense sentence that is I cut

myself means like that’s something I do

regularly like it maybe I’m in the

kitchen I don’t know that’s a very

strange situation probably not true for

most people I don’t know but if I’m if

I’m so I’m probably telling a story like

oh I was in the kitchen last night and I

cut myself

oh no we understand from the context

from the conversation if it’s present

tense or past tense could you show again

the table of past tense yes sure sure

sure I will put this up sorry yeah I

forgot to let you guys take a look at

this but again this some of you recently

requested a list of regular and

irregular verbs

just google this you can google these

and study so again this part the

irregular verbs part I’ve got a couple

here that changed completely and then a

cup too I’ve included for the spelling

and the spelling note so these do use


but please note that the spelling does

change okay uh let’s see someone says

what about putted no put it the past

tense of foot is put it is the same word

the same word so alright in our

university for past perfect chance we

say an action happen if you have a

question that’s different from today’s

topic please send that to the ask Alicia

series that would be awesome Jonathan

says I’ve seen learned and learnt for

learn are both correct a great question

which one is more used so the question

is about the verb learn how men my pens

are kind of dying is about the verb

learn yeah

so the answer the past tense of learn

I’m sorry learn some people say it’s

it’s learned or it’s learnt the

difference here comes from the place

where the speaker is from so to make it

clear for everybody learn is it learn is

it learnt what is it learned we use

learned in American English so I will

always use learned to me that sounds

much more or that looks much more common

and the pronunciation to me sounds like

learned however for British English

speakers and I think for Australian

English speakers also they say learnt

learnt so both are correct but for you

please make sure like it’s best

generally to choose a style of English

and use that the same style alright good

thanks guys for your questions

lies or laces life changer both they are

two separate verb to lie and to lay our

separate verbs the whole of their topic

I have talked about that in ask Alicia

I’m like 100% sure so check that out

there okay

let’s take one more quick break and then

we’ll talk about negative forms and

question forms okay so if you missed it

there is a 28 percent off sale on our

courses at English class

you can get this from the link below the

video if you are watching on YouTube or

above the video if you are watching on

Facebook it is for access to our courses

you can find your level the level that

is best for you and yeah choose the plan

that is right for you - but there is a

sale on now so check the link in the

description to do that alright we have

oh just a few more minutes left

remote control desk am I allowed to have

a couple I think I should finish on time

was he anyway

let’s go to the last part and if you

have not already please make sure to

like and share this video so other

people can find today’s lesson alright

let’s go to negative forms negative

forms let’s go to negative forms

negative forms and question arms our

last our last topic for today please

fleek like an American for one minute I

am I I am I am no let’s go to negative

forms negative forms so this means we’re

going to talk about like are not

sentences so we have simple present to

talk about and simple past tense to talk

about so how do we make these mmm let’s

look at simple present tense first I

again remember in simple present tense

we need to think about this subject of

our sentence yeah so if the subject is I

you we or they we use do not do not or

the contracted form so contracted means

short in this reduced form don’t plus

verb if the subject is

he she or it we use does not or the

reduced form is doesn’t bless harbor so

for example I don’t speak English or he

doesn’t sing well Oh No

or class does not start at 11:00

so we use these patterns to make a

negative in simple present tense now

let’s compare this I’m checking your

comments let’s compare it is just simple

past to make a negative in simple past

we use our subject plus did not or

didn’t and verb so for example I did not

speak English or she did not cook well

so these I want to mention a very common

mistake I see with this grammar point

right here

lots of learners use this part that’s

good and did not or didn’t which is

great but many learners conjugate this

verb they use the past tense form of the

verb right here do not change this verb

so for example the mistake I commonly

hear let’s use the verb speak like when

I was a child I did not speak Chinese so

that’s a correct sentence the mistake

that I often hear is I did not spoke

Chinese that is not correct so when you

are using the negative form of a simple

past yeah yeah a negatives when you’re

making a negative simple past sentence

do not change this verb this should be

the basic dictionary form of the verb


I am checking your comments about this

part right here the negative form

and then we’ll go on to the last point

my mom does not make dinner okay great


I don’t speak Turkish yes good nice

negative sentences on Facebook I didn’t

alfredo says I didn’t know about English

101 last year very nice okay hi hi hello

to everyone saying hello

Oh Sam says I’ve heard some American

saying she don’t I know it’s wrong yes

there are some styles of speaking around

the world where the grammar does change

a little bit so it depends a bit on the

community and the police so like a small

place in America might speak a bit

differently they might use different

words are slightly different grammar

depending on the community so this is at

the standard standard American English

in negative form sometimes people say I

ain’t so I’m asking what does it mean is

it an abbreviation oh I ain’t yes this

is a very casual one I’ll put this here

why I memorized I ain’t so ain’t I ain’t

what is this I ain’t I ain’t is a very

casual way a very rough way in some

groups of people to say I’m I’m not or

it can also yeah it can be it can be

used to mean a couple different things

depending on the situation but I ain’t

means I am not something generally

mm-hmm I ain’t generally means I am NOT

and of course we can change the subject

so like he ain’t would be he is not I

don’t use ain’t personally this is a

this depend some speakers use this but

that’s what this means I do not use this

personally it’s out it feels strange to

me to use it because this sounds like a

kind of rough word to me okay times go

and quick so let’s continue to question

forms question forms so when I say

question forms I mean how do we use

these to grammar points to make a

question hmm

so simple present tense to make a simple

present tense question again we need to

consider our subject so if the subject

is I

we are they we have this pattern if the

subject is he she or it we have this

pattern so here we’re using our helping

verbs yeah do and does hmm so we can

begin our question with a wh question so

WH Q means those questions that start

with WH for example who what where when

they’ll start with WH and then we can

add do so I put this in parenthesis

because it’s okay to make a question

like this do I do you do we they verb

that’s fine

that’s one pattern or what do subject

verb so this is a very I think easy to

use pattern that you can practice F

maybe for your homework to practice

making simple present tense question mmm

and same thing here we can add a wh

question here and then before our

subject with he or she or it patterns we

use does so what does he do for example

or where does she live and so on again

when you are making a simple present

tense question the verb does not change

so when we made statements we added s to

the verb in these patterns he lives

she sings and so on in the question

pattern no change to the firm some nice

examples are coming in that’s cool what

do you want to do good one why does she

do that good when when do you do it okay

what do you need very interesting

questions coming in on Facebook why do

you laugh good good I left because I’m

having a good time other examples where

does he go

what dish unit maybe where does she live

okay how can I send messages to you in

the chat perfect okay let’s go to the

last point because I am late as usual

a simple past tense how do we make

questions with simple past tense this is

a really good one for you to practice

for conversation skill building this is

a good one because many times students

are like learners they wait for me to

ask the question and you need to

practice asking the question so here’s

some more homework for you

simple past tense question making again

we have a wh question who what where

when why plus did + subject + verb so

this is nice right we don’t have to

think about this part i you we they we

don’t have to think about the subject

with a simple past question so like

where did he go

or who did she see or what did they eat

this one is a very like I think easy to

use pattern and you can just drop in the

different parts of the sentence the key

here is did so in present tense we used

do and it does past tense we’re going to

use did note again no verb changes in

negative or question forms yeah

so again where did he went or something

sometimes I hear like you’re thinking

about simple past which is great a

simple past statement but when you make

a question do not change this verb

where did he went where did he go so

please keep this in mind so this I think

is some nice homework for you this week

there is some good question out here if

you want to take a screenshot okay so

that is the last point for today’s

lesson I will look at the chat Wow look

at all the chat comments on YouTube how

did she do that good question

did you decide to stay at home good why

did you lie that’s really funny to read

your questions it’s like you’re asking

me all of these random questions right

now on Facebook did you know me

Oh interesting question where did she go

good where did you go yesterday good

what did you do yesterday at night ah

yesterday at night make that shorter

that was a floor high floor on Facebook

what did you do last night

what did you do last night okay good

question some gossip when do the

coronavirus are cool

I wonder okay where were you yesterday

very nice very nice

Oh learn with attrition on YouTube says

what is the contracted form of what did

you what did you

so we’re practice of you are practicing

what did you bah-bah-bah there’s no like

official like reduced form like and when

I say official I mean like a spelling we

use so when we’re speaking though it

sounds like what did you what or where

it’s like even even more reduced that

sounds like what Jeff in American

English what’d you do last night

whatcha do for the weekend over the

weekend so whatcha is what it sounds

like in everyday speech what’d you do

last night oh that was a lot that was

good that was fun so that is our time

for today I am late as usual so I will

say goodbye it’s time for me to go but I

will be back next week what is my topic

for next week that’s probably a good

question next week I will be back as

usual I will probably again be live from

my home as I am today so thank you again

for your understanding

next week I forgot what my topic what

topic I chose for next week so I am

looking for it oh the time many of you

have asked me about the time the time

for this lesson is 10 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time that is New York City time

so please check that that is Wednesday

night I lost my my tracker anyway I will

announce this on Instagram Twitter all

that stuff I think that I said that I

was going to talk about the difference

between has

and something else anyway I won’t make

you wait for me so please have a look

just keep an eye on our YouTube and

Facebook pages and all that good stuff I

will talk about it you can set a

notification on youtube or on Facebook

so that you don’t miss next week’s

lesson so it will be another 30 minutes

or so and again for all of your little

questions please just send those to me

at the ask Alicia link those little

questions those are perfect for that

series so I’ll say goodbye thank you so

much for joining me again this week

thank you very much for liking and

sharing the video and for sending along

all of your fantastic questions be well

stay safe out there and I will see you

again soon bye