Grammar Practice for ALL English Beginners

sound one minute well fix it no sound

one minute it’s okay

now it says it’s okay control desk says

it’s okay there is a problem with the

sound I can’t hear you says everybody so

does facebook facebook also says no

sound Oh No

one second one second okay it says our

control desk says it’s working but

everybody is saying no sound

everybody’s saying no sound now it says

good someone says good no now everyone

says no sound okay yes okay yes okay yes

or no yes okay

now even a chat desk is now saying yeah

okay good thanks everybody thanks sorry

sorry okay now that we have sound again

thank you everybody thank you for

letting us know now do we have sound

again I’ll do the introduction welcome

back to our weekly live stream my name

is Alisha and today we’re going to do a

beginner grammar review a beginner

grammar review so as you join please

don’t forget to hit the like and share

buttons so everyone can follow and find

today’s lesson great as we take maybe

one more minute to give other people a

chance to join clique I have I wanted to

share with you guys as as always I tried

to share something every week but I

shared this yesterday yeah I showed this

yesterday this was our first day back in

the studio yesterday and we were making

new ask Alicia videos so I was going

through lots of questions from everybody

for yesterday’s video making session but

if you have other questions please don’t

forget to send those along to English

class / ask - okay so with that

out of the way today’s focus is beginner

grammar practice a beginner grammar

review so I’m going to focus on speaking

slowly and we’re going to look at three

main grammar points today today we’re

going to look at simple present tense

we’re going to look at simple past tense

and we’re going to look at simple future

tense so today I want to practice making

some very basic sentences but I want to

review like the key the key ways that we

make these kinds of sentences and I hope

that you if you’re a super beginner you

can use today’s grammar to make small

sentences about your everyday life so I

am going to share the video and then I

am going to begin by talking about

simple present tense simple present

tense so to begin with simple present

tense though we use simple present tense

to do a couple of different things I’ll

show you this diagram in just a moment

we use simple present tense to one talk

about your regular schedule so regular

schedule here this means for example

like your work schedule or your study

schedule your school schedule so this on

this diagram I have this point the star

is now so now is this point in time

today here watching this live stream

live or not so this is the present now

we use simple present tense to talk

about things that happen regularly so

for example every week I teach a live

stream this live stream so teach is my

verb teach is simple present tense I do

not use teaching I do not use I’m

teaching I use I teach so simple present

tense verbs are used for these regular

actions so this could be every day it

could be every week every month every

year every hour something that’s a

common part of your schedule so every

Monday or every Tuesday we use these to


about the regular parts of our schedule

so a really great way to practice simple

present tense is to think of your daily

schedule so I wake up at 8 o’clock I go

to work at 9:30 I eat lunch at 12

o’clock and so on these are very good

ways I think to practice using simple

present tense so we use it for that

that’s point one here then we also use

simple present tense to talk about

general facts general facts so this

means things that are true so a great

example is like she speaks English she

speaks English that’s a fact so speak is

my verb in that sentence speaks is the

simple present tense form and it’s

conjugated for this subject she she

speaks English that’s a general fact so

these are the two basic uses of simple

present tense so please remember these

two points for today’s lesson especially

I want to continue then talking about

how to make simple present tense so here

I have subject so in my example sentence

for example just now I said she speaks

English she speaks English

so when we make a simple present tense

statement when we make a simple present

tense statement we need to think about

the subject so when the subject of your

sentence is for example I like in my

example sentence I said I wake up I eat

lunch I teach a live stream when the

subject of the sentence is I for example

as in many of your cases you talking

you’re talking about your everyday

schedule you simply use I plus your verb

I plus your verb so I eat I speak

I teach this is a very basic very basic

subject and verb pair and of course we

can add something else for example I

speak English I teach this live stream

so when your subject is I just add the

verb no change to your verb here

however when your subject as I said is


for example she or he or it so in these

cases talking about someone else so

you’re not talking about yourself she

her schedule for example or his schedule

or an object it when your subject is she

he or it we have to change the verb so

instead of a basic just adding the basic

form of the verb here we need to add an

S to the verb so this is a plus so we

use the verb plus an S sound so I’m

writing s on the board here yes s this

is an S but depending on the verb the

spelling changes a little bit so think

of this for now as an S sound we add an

S sound when the subject is she he or it

for example she speaks English or he

walks in the neighborhood or it looks

good for example so when your subject is

she he or it please use verb + s you can

send some example sentences in the chat

to if you like I will try to check your

example sentences we can make a negative

as well so these are positive sentences

I teach English she speaks English

to make a negative then to make a

negative statement we need to change

these two sentences to make the negative

form if your subject is I for example I

don’t teach Spanish before the verb

right here so my verb is here in this

case I want to say teach before my verb

right here I include don’t don’t I don’t

teach Spanish unfortunately I don’t

teach Spanish so when my subject is I

when I want to talk about me and my life

I use don’t before my verb I don’t speak

Spanish I don’t teach in Spanish here

however when my subject is she he or it

we have to make a different change so I

can’t use don’t she don’t or he don’t

that’s not correct don’t is used when

the subject is I if your subject is he

she or it we add a different word before

the verb doesn’t doesn’t she doesn’t

speak Italian he doesn’t speak French

great nice one she doesn’t pay attention

good good okay so for these I have used

just I and she he or it but some of you

in the chat are using some other

subjects for example you you when you

use you as the subject we follow this

pattern here so let’s add another one to

my subject list here I

or you I or you so you look you speak

this follows the same pattern as the I

subject so when you use he she or it you

need to add this s to make the negative

will use doesn’t good my cat doesn’t eat

cheese nice example sentence that’s


good good so let’s practice then using

this grammar point in these four simple

statements so the first one here let’s

try to send it in the chat you can send

it quickly if you like the first verb

here is work work so how do we make work

into a sentence with I hear a very

simple phrase in this case I work is

correct alone so no change to the verb

here no change because the subject of

the sentence is I so I work is correct

here though my subject is he my verb is

study study so we learned here when the

subject is he or she or it to make a

positive statement we use verb plus an

s-sound verb plus an s-sound so in this

case he plus study becomes he studies he

studies in this case because study ends

in why we changed the spelling here we

drop Y and add i.e s nice yeah everybody

is writing he study is perfect perfect

great studies is correct he studies at

night hey Carly hi long time no see

he studies good I’ll be careful of your

spelling Moochie go man he studies not

apostrophe s he s tu di es IES check the


the correct spelling lots of people are

writing the correct spelling there

okay let’s try then a negative the next

example here is this negative

I have exercise my subject is she this

it’s hard to see sorry that says n eg

negative negative so let’s use this

pattern I talked about here how do we

make the negative form with the verb

exercise and the subject she so to do

this she plus doesn’t to make this


she doesn’t exercise so when we make the

negative form there is no s sound

exactly nice one we stop that wrote she

doesn’t exercise exactly so when you’re

making when you make the negative form

even if your subject is she he or it

there is no s when you make a negative

statement exactly right everybody’s

writing it in the chat nice she doesn’t

exercise yes or she does not exercise so

if you can reduce this she doesn’t

exercise that sounds much more natural

she doesn’t exercise does not is also

correct but doesn’t sounds much more

natural so try to reduce where possible

okay finally some of you are already

going to the last one when the subject

is you and the verb the last verb here

is cook cook when the subject is you we

have the same pattern here yeah with I

so no change to the verb that means you

cook you cook so this is a review of

simple present tense simple present


yes Gish you don’t cook if it’s a

negative sentence objective nice okay

Luis can I use I’m working at Bank ABC

if it’s your regular job please use

simple present tense

I work

at Bank ABC if you’re not like if it’s

not part of your regular job if it’s for

today only I’m working at Bank ABC today

okay good we’ll finish there I wanted to

talk about one more point but that’s

going to take too much time so simple

present tense a quick review of simple

present tense if you want to know more

about simple present tense

please check the English class 101

channel please search the channel for

simple present tense

I made a lesson about this like a year

and a half ago so please check the

lesson to practice more with this okay

let’s move on then to a break sorry for

a break so today instead of the regular

PDFs I show you today there is this

banner if you’re watching on Instagram

you can’t see this so please check

YouTube or Facebook

there is a special sale on the YouTube

channel on the website on the Facebook

page too there is a challenge because

it’s January there is a challenge for

2019 and there’s a special sale on the

website for premium and for premium plus

subscriptions so it’s 45 percent off

these subscriptions you can find all the

details about this sale in the link

below the video on youtube or above the

video on Facebook so please check the

link and you can get forty five percent

off the regular price of subscriptions

on English class

so if you want to learn more about

today’s grammar points for example and

get like lesson notes and other like

audio guides transcripts and app and so

on you can find this from the link in

the description ok let’s continue on to

the second part the second grammar point

for today’s lesson so if you’re

just joining today is a beginner grammar

review I talked about simple present

tense to start now I’m going to talk

about simple past tense simple past

tense so if you have not yet please make

sure to like and share the video

we always appreciate it so other people

can find it okay let’s continue on I’m

gonna switch red markers this one is

freaking let’s continue on to simple

past tense point do for today simple

past tense okay

simple past tense I’ll come to this in

in just a moment we use simple past

tense for actions that started and ended

in the past actions that started and

ended or finished is also okay so on

this diagram here again this is now this

is the past this is the future for this

grammar point we’re going to talk about

this time period between the past and

now so here’s a start point for the

action and a finish point so this action

is done it’s finished it’s over so for

example I could say I talked simple

present tense so I taught taught is the

past tense of teach teach so here I said

I teach this live stream every week but

the past tense of teach is taught so I

use simple past tense to talk about an

action that started and finished in the


I taught simple present tense so we can

use this to talk about repeated actions

in the past as well so if an action

started and finished or if we did the

same action every week in the past we

can use simple past tense to talk about

that we can add a word like every day or

every week or every summer or every

month and so on so I taught English

every week last year for example that’s

a simple past

statement okay let’s move on to the next

point which is making so we practiced

making simple present tense I want to

practice making simple past tense now so

to make simple past tense again we have

our subject but let’s not worry too much

about the subject right now let’s focus

for this grammar point let’s focus on

the verb here so when we make a simple

past tense statement as I just did

I talked English or let’s choose a

different verb for now let’s see so like

walk like I walked from the station

today we need to use verb plus IDI so

this pattern we have the basic verb in

my case walk so for example walk plus e

D becomes walked walked so this is the

pattern we use for regular verbs regular

verbs we add an e dee dee dee there are

three different pronunciations for this

IDI sound as I just said there’s walked

that sound walked there’s a D sound too

soft D sound like breathe and then

there’s an eID sound as well

so it and are the possible endings for

edy sounds okay so when we make a simple

past tense statement with this we add

our subject here to make a very simple

statement subject + verb + IDI so I

walked he listened yeah someone has a

question regular verb by this regular

verbs regular verbs means verbs which

use this pattern verbs which use this

pattern however I mentioned in my

example sentence the verb teach so teach

is not a regular verb the verb teach

does not use this edie pattern so teach

does not correct teach is not a regular

verb teach has a special past tense form

teach becomes taught as I said so the

difficult point about these irregular

not regular verbs is there’s not a rule

there’s no rule for changing to past

tense we have to practice and memorize

these verbs so there are regular verbs

and your regular verbs we have to

practice these so as you study verbs you

can remember is this a regular verb or

is this an irregular verb does it have a

special ending so how do I practice this

what do I do

so every new verb you learn as you study

it you need to memorize how to make the

past tense form a good resource maybe

you can check on the YouTube channel

there’s a series called know your verbs

know your verbs so in that series I

explain all the conjugation so

conjugation means that changes the

different tense changes for the verb

okay someone said can I use the repeated

action simple present tense instead of

simple past tense well it depends on

your situation like do you want to talk

about something true now or something

true in the past so I teach every week

that’s true now I taught every week

maybe that was true in the past so it

depends on your situation what do you

want to communicate so this is basic

verb conjugation to make a positive

statement a positive statement as we

practice with simple present tense

earlier we have to change the sentence

change the phrase to make a negative

statement in simple present tense we

used don’t and doesn’t to make a simple

present tense negative statement but

here in past tense again we put our

negative word before the verb and don’t

change the verb but the word we use is

didn’t didn’t it’s hard to see sorry the

spelling is di D note2 ID and apostrophe

T did not or didn’t did it I didn’t he

didn’t she didn’t and when we make the

negative form there is no change to the

verb no change when do you use did we

use did for emphasis like I did see you

or I did talk to you so you use that

only to emphasize a past action to make

this simple past tense statement you

don’t need

use did so Brazilian guy in the YouTube

chat I I had breakfast this morning I

had breakfast this morning so let’s

practice this point let’s practice

making simple past tense so we have this

negative didn’t there’s only one change

for negative forms so let’s try first

one same verbs our same verbs you’re

going to use the same verb first one is

work work so some of you know if you

don’t know is this a regular verb or an

irregular verb work work so subject I

let’s make it past tense I work I know

there’s some delay the correct answer

here is worked worked I worked I worked

so work is a regular verb we add Edie

Edie to make the past tense form simple

past tense

I worked it’s good okay nice yes

everyone’s writing I worked I worked

okay good you can see the next verb same

one study study

so here study I mentioned this why rule

in our present tense portion the why

rule here oh my god the why rule so we

have to change the spelling here but why

does follow the IDI pattern the regular

verb pattern okay so he studied the he

studied studied so the spelling here

again okay the spelling here again we

drop why we remove why we replace with

IE d he studied the studied is the

spelling yeah nice everybody’s got it in

YouTube chat and facebook chat nice job


so yes the spelling changes when the

verb ends in Y studied okay the spelling

the spelling is a little irregular yes

but it follows the

pattern okay let’s go sighs let’s go to

this one exercise again let’s make it

negative hard to see this is n eg- how

do we make exercise negative past tense

my subject is she she plus what to make

it exercise we learned sorry we use

didn’t plus a verb to make the negative

form of the past tense so in this case

the answer is she didn’t exercise

she didn’t exercise is how we make a

simple negative past tense statement she

didn’t exercise nice good job everybody

she didn’t exercise perfect perfect and

yes she did not exercise that’s also

okay but again try to reduce didn’t

sounds more natural did it good good

good good

everybody’s writing didn’t exercise good

nice okay uh Andy on YouTube wrote she

doesn’t exercise she doesn’t exercise is

a simple present tense statement

she didn’t exercise is a past tense this

was a past action

she doesn’t exercise means now she

didn’t exercise past so this is the

difference last one you plus hook my

verb is cook I have to answer the

question because I’m out of time so the

answer here is cooked cooked you cooked

so cooked is a regular verb we use the

IDI ending with regular verbs cook is a

regular verb you cooked you cooked is

the answer good okay I have to quickly

end with the last two points for today’s

lesson so I’m going to continue on to

simple future

simple future tense there are two points

I really wanted to talk about but I

won’t be able to talk about them oh so

if you have questions about this point

this point or this point

please check the YouTube channel or

English class there’s a special

sale too on the website a forty-five

percent off on subscription so check

that out but I’ll quickly introduce this

point and then we’ll finish for today

okay so where’s my black marker okay so

here I have simple future tense there

are two points I want to talk about with

simple future tense

they are will and won’t and going to and

not going to what’s the difference we

use will again on this diagram this

point the star right here is now the

present right now watching this watching

this lesson here’s the future this is

going to the future this is my past we

use will and won’t when we make a


during the conversation for example okay

now I’ll take a break or now I’ll use

the red marker I just decided that in

the conversation we use won’t the

negative form will not in the same way

like conversely then in contrast going

to and not going to we use these four

things we’re sure about 100 percent plan

in the future

so I’ll write this on the board so

decisions made

in the conversation I will I won’t do

something going to and not going to are

100% certain certain means we’re sure we

know we want to do that thing 100%

certain and decided before the

conversation so that’s what this dotted

line means this refers to some things

some like conversation you had before

the present time you talk to somebody

before you emailed somebody before and

you decided before your conversation

what to do so that’s what that’s when we

use going to and not going to to talk

about that so I can’t talk about all of

these points because I have talked too

much about the other two point we’ll

finish there for now but as I said there

are long like ten or fifteen minute

lessons about these three grammar points

on the English class 101 youtube channel

and at the website English class

website so please please please check

those videos and those lessons for more

information about these three grammar

points they are very I think useful for

everyday life so please do check that

out I have to finish today’s lesson so

as I said yes there is a special sale on

the website you can find the information

from the description below the video on

youtube or above the video on Facebook

so please take a look at that I hope

that it’s helpful for for anybody who is

interested and if you have questions

please send them in the chat cuz I

always I check I check the chat after

every livestream lesson so please send

your questions along in the

strange chat and I will try to answer

somehow but I have to finish today’s

lesson we will be back next week as

always next week’s topic will be the

everyday use of present perfect tense so

a lot of you a lot of you asked about

how to use present perfect tense so for

next week’s lesson I’m going to focus on

ways we use present perfect tense just

in our everyday lives so I’ll introduce

a lot of stuff related to that next week

January 16th that is Wednesday 9 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time New York City time

please Google your local timezone if you

don’t know it so that will be next

week’s lesson but please do check out

the sale if you are interested this

could be a good chance to start the new

year and please do review these grammar

points check out our videos for more

about these grammar points and other

things too so we’ll finish there for

today thank you everybody for sending

your questions and for sending lots of

example sentences and answers in the

chat that was awesome that was really


so we’ll be back next week thank you so

much for liking and sharing the video we

always really appreciate it enjoy your

week enjoy your weekend and we’ll see

you again next week bye bye
