How to Tell a Story in English with Simple past and past perfect

all right we’re rolling hi everybody

welcome back to our weekly

live stream my name is alicia and in

this week’s lesson

we are going to talk about how to tell


with simple past and past perfect tenses

we are going to practice using these

tenses together

so uh i think this will be a good one

for building your writing skills in


in this week’s lesson i’m going to focus

on using simple past tense first that

will be part one

for today then we’ll go to past perfect

tense and then finally in part three

we’re going to look at how to put them


uh to make a short story even just about

your everyday life so

i hope you check it out uh while we wait

if we let we are alive so while we wait

for people to join us

please make sure to like and share this

video so that other people

can find today’s lesson of course and

while we wait a couple quick

announcements too first

this banner at the bottom of the screen

is about our free

pdfs you can download to practice uh

vocabulary words

uh everyday phrases and more if you

click the link below the video if you’re

watching on youtube or above the video

if you’re watching on facebook you will


this page right here so uh since

lots of you asked about how to get these

how to download these these are the same

things i always show you here

scroll down on this page to choose the

ones you want you can download all of

them that’s fine

uh but down here way down here in this

four steps you can check this if you


a step-by-step how to grab these and

download them so check that out

if you want to practice with these print

them out put them

on your fridge put them on your desk

whatever you like there’s a bunch

this one’s for talking online on the

back is

useful phrases and questions and so on

so choose your favorite topic

enjoy all right that’s another number

one announcement number two

as always if you have questions for me

please send them to me uh after the

lesson because i

can’t answer everything live there are a

lot of questions to look at live

uh so please send them here this is a

screenshot from the ask alicia question

and answer series

uh you can find the link for this in the

youtube description if you want to send

me your questions

uh you can also find uh this is my

instagram you can find me on instagram

or twitter from the link in the

description too if you have grammar

uh culture vocabulary questions uh some

weird i don’t know phrasal verb you

found whatever you could send it to me

for this series at

ask hyphen alicia so check it out

okay great i think everything

is going nicely yes i see lots of people

on youtube hello

youtube viewers hello ian and lujana


and luis and manuel hi from chile and

byron hello

welcome everybody facebook where are you

are you here facebook it looks like

facebook is here

if you’re just joining for the first

time or for the first time in a long


i am still broadcasting from home uh


of everything so let’s go up facebook i

see you hi

facebook welcome hello narinat ricky


nalaroo muhammad welcome fantastic

everyone’s here

i am going to share this boom and get


okay yeah if you haven’t please make

sure to like and share this video it

helps others

find the lesson okay let us

begin where’s my mouse okay i want to

show you

today’s lesson boards today’s lesson

boards look like this

you can take a screenshot now or later

boom okay so

first we’re going to look at how to tell

a story with simple past

tense review yeah then we’ll look at


past perfect tense and the difference

between these two what’s the deal

finally we’re going to look at a sample


and one quick tip that lots of people

ask me about that seems to cause


so let’s begin okay great facebook

everybody’s good everybody’s good okay

let’s get to simple past tense

how do we use simple past tense first

and then we’ll talk about the

differences between this and

past perfect so let us begin

simple past tense first in blue when do

we use simple past tense

we use simple past tense for actions

that started and ended in the past

so imagine on a timeline past

present that’s now and the future our

actions started

and ended in the past it’s complete it’s


with simple past tense there is a

specific time

period or a specific point in time so

the action this happened yesterday or

last week or last summer something like


or it could have been maybe over the

last week

something something that you did at a

specific point in time

okay we can also use this to talk about

repeated past actions with

everyday or every week or every year

for example like i went to the gym every


last week or i ate vegetarian

every day last month so we can talk

about repeated

past actions with this grammar point

so let’s look at some examples basic


and you you’re if you are watching live

or you just want some practice

you can send what did you do last

weekend send a comment a past tense

simple past

tense sentence to answer this question

what did you do

last weekend so some examples

i went to the office yesterday simple


tense completed action when did it


yesterday i went to the office yesterday

or we had coffee last week

we had coffee last week so

again past tense verb when did it happen

last week okay next one

she helped me study she helped me study

in this sentence we don’t have like a

specific point in time

but in speech or in writing

we often understand this from the


so maybe she helped me study for a


okay one more they planned

a trip they planned a trip

finally last one then i’ll talk about

some other points

negative remember negative also so an

action that did not happen

in the past an action that did not

happen in the past

he didn’t leave the house he didn’t

leave the house okay couple of points

one these verbs helped

and planned are regular verbs

that means to make the past tense form

we include ed at the end of the verb

yeah little review

help becomes helped plan becomes planned

these are irregular go becomes went

and have becomes had okay

so key point we use this for actions

that started

and ended in the past okay some of your

examples are coming so i’m going to try

to read

lots of them ah facebook facebook sorry


there’s an ad in my way that’s very

irritating okay youtube i’ll come to you


uh judy says i went to meet a friend

last week perfect nice one

megami says i went grocery shopping last

sunday perfect great job

ah conwell i bumped into an old friend

last weekend and we had a great chat

very nice

miguel says i got a new job last week oh

is that true congratulations that’s cool

gustavo i worked the whole day ah your

spelling holds

that means hold like to hold this board


w-h-o-l-e i worked the whole

day okay oh facebook i can see you now

rosalina says i went to the clinic

last saturday good okay jacqueline

says i visited new york last year

perfect very nice

okay um someone’s talking about using

showing the forms of this verb i’m not

going to talk a lot about the details of

how to make this tense today because i

have many videos

that already do that if you want some

more information about

how to make simple past tense you can

check the videos on our channel

the english class 101 youtube channel

i’ll put a link

after the um after this lesson i will

put links to how to make

this grammar uh so you can check it out

for some review

i hope that helps you adv says i saw

your video or so i saw your video last

week good yay

says i went for a walk yesterday good

oh my gosh there are so many uh melissa

says i went to my boyfriend’s house good

um okay everybody nice job super super

good job with

simple past tense great you crush it

very nice

a plus okay so this is how we use simple


tense basic basic grammar right

so we’ll take a short break and then

we’ll look at past

perfect tense and the differences

between past perfect and simple past


and how to use them together because

this confuses some people i think

okay so um if you missed it there’s

free stuff for you from the link below

the video

if you’re watching this on youtube above

the video if you’re watching this on

facebook check it out

there are vocabulary pdfs

to help you boost

your vocabulary grab the wrong paper

to help you boost your vocabulary this

one oh here’s a good one maybe

this one is about planning your time

this one is maybe good for today’s

lesson because

there are lots and lots of time related


on this sheet you can use this to boost

your vocabulary

about time and planning related

expression so check this one out you can

find this from the link

above or below check it okay anyway

uh great so let’s go to part two past

perfect tense now what is the deal

with past perfect tense also if you

haven’t please do please please make

sure to like the video

it helps the algorithms find it and

share the video with other people

also share if you like too all right uh

if you want to see today’s lesson boards

again here they are okay so

we talked about simple past tense now

let’s go to

past perfect tense what is the

difference here that is a very common


so let’s talk about it okay

past perfect tense what is this

grammar point so that’s perfect tense

past perfect tense actually is pretty


when you think about it we use past


for a past action that happened

before a different past action

or condition so

visually let’s look at an image here’s a

timeline again yeah

here’s the present here’s now here’s the


we don’t want to think about that today


okay past perfect is used before

another past action so when you make a

sentence using simple past

tense like we just practiced like i went

to the office yesterday

and in the same sentence or in the same


you want to describe another action that


before that or another condition

you use past perfect tense to do that

this i think in speech we’re a little

more flexible about it like

it’s we can understand from context but

when you’re

writing this this can be very very


because you need to show the sequence of


when you’re writing and you can’t

communicate and clarify

uh with the person you’re listening or

the person listening to you

so we use this together with simple

past tense so what does this look like

what does this look like

there are many different ways that we

use this

in terms of showing

one action happened before another by

that i mean

a few different patterns so let’s look

at them

here’s a very basic one in these


i wrote the simple past verb in blue

and the past perfect point in red okay

so when i arrived the meeting

had started when i arrived the meeting

had started

so that means i arrived here

the meeting started here the meeting

started before i arrived

i used past perfect tense to describe


so in this sentence we don’t know how

long this time period is

but we just want to express this action

the meeting starting happened before

this action me arriving okay when i


the meeting had started you might say

when i arrived the meeting had already




some people are sending past tense

sentences okay good

is it live yes hello it is live what’s

up oh my gosh

facebook what’s the deal with your ads

so many okay

uh okay so you can send here’s your

homework chat

everyone in chat while i go through the

examples describe

two past connected actions using simple


and past perfect okay all right

so let’s go to another example here’s a

negative one

i hadn’t eaten lunch yet

so i was hungry i hadn’t eaten lunch yet

so i was hungry so this is a negative


this action did not happen so the action

is eating lunch

i had not eaten this is the reduced form

i had not eaten lunch

yet expectation so

i was hungry past tense i was hungry

yeah i hadn’t eaten lunch yet so i was


ooh my girl lead every run i hope i said

your name right on youtube said the

traffic was bad

because a car had broken down on the

road very nice very nice example


okay uh andrew says when i saw him he

had already left

good job very nice kanwaji said i

submitted our project on time because

i had already prepared it very nice okay

john on facebook says when i departed

the ship had gone away

great abdul maybe when i arrived when i

arrived the plane had taken

off and then it’s perfect okay lakmir

says when i arrived

my class had started great very nice

examples everyone

okay on to the next one this one this

type of

uh sentence i think sometimes is


because of this part right here by the

time so let’s look at it

first let’s read by the time i graduated

from university i had written three

research papers so once more by the time

i graduated from university

i had written three research papers

so here’s my past tense verb graduated

this one’s here

i had written three research papers

so that happened before graduation right

we understand that but this part right


sometimes confuses i think this

by the time by the time why not when

you can say when actually it’s correct

to say when

when i graduated from university i had


three research papers so why buy the

time here what is that telling us

that means up until this point

up until this point i had done

this yeah so it’s like saying

uh it gives more of a continuing

feeling so like maybe maybe in the


i’m going to write more or maybe after


i wrote more research papers so you can


when or by the time but this

by the time i did something shows

like kind of a deadline for that action

yeah okay all right

other example sentences uh nasr says

when i got to the cinema the film

had started very nice example okay

uh andre says i was thirsty because i

hadn’t drank

anything i hadn’t or i hadn’t drunk

anything sorry i hadn’t drunk anything

okay uh all right

other examples all right i don’t see

other examples so

think about this you can send some more

for part three and i will try to check

in real time uh all right

good okay it’s a bit longer right this

one you have to think a little bit

right two actions in the same uh

same sentence right but this again this

is a super important grammar point when

you’re writing you need to make it clear

which action was first and which action

was second

if you can’t you need to learn this

grammar point it’s very important but

if this is difficult for you a way to

get around it

you can use short sentences past 10


and say after that next and so on

but if you want to be a good writer a

professional sounding person

please learn to use past perfect tense

okay good then let’s go to part

three what time is it okay yeah we need

to go to part three so

in part three now i’m going to put these


and show you how simple past tense and

past perfect tense are used in speech or

in writing it’s going to be very very


but i mean everyday stories are

important to be able

to tell all right let’s go

so part three let’s go to oh yes sorry

check the link below the video if you

want to find

vocabulary and phrase pdfs to check out

i’ll show you again later too

but i want to get to part three it’s

important so

first quick tip quick tips

uh this right here causes

confusion with past perfect

when you use have in past perfect

the result is had had i had had

something something i had had or i’d had

and people say is that right there are

two hands next to each other that seems

wrong it’s correct it’s totally correct

i know it seems crazy

so i had had too much

to drink so my roommate drove us

home i had had too much to drink so my

roommate drove us home here’s my past

tense so i had had is correct

so please note that so many people ask

that question

is hat hat correct yes okay

let’s look now at a sample story this is

a very boring story

it’s actually my story from yesterday

this is a very boring story

but it’s an example of what we can do

to explain our day with these two

grammar points

so again i have in blue underline

simple past tense and in red underline


past perfect so let’s look at this story

how do we use these together

first yesterday i went to the office

i needed to pick up a package and make

some new videos before the shoot

i had had some time to review

the content we finished

everything on time okay

so very basic story very boring story

at native speed here’s how i would say

this yesterday i went to the office i

needed to pick up a package and make

some new videos

before the shoot i’d had some time to

review the content we finished

everything on time

so that’s how i might express this in

speech to someone that i know

maybe a little bit faster even yeah

someone writes ha ha ha

ha sounds weird i know right so what’s

going on

this is a past tense sentence yesterday

i went to the office

completed action i needed to pick up a


and make some new videos completed


so needed here note that this part is

not past tense i needed to picked up

not correct i’m using this have to need

to grammar here so only this verb is in


tense okay i needed to pick up a package

and make some new videos then here

before the

shoot i had had some time to review the

content so what’s the deal here

before the shoot so the shoot means

the time at which i’m making videos

before the shoot i had some time to

review the content

so i’m talking about something that

happened before

another action yeah before the shoot i’d

had some time to review the content

then past tense we finished everything

on time

simple past tense so this is how we use

these two grammar points together

it’s very common to use lots of simple

past and then

one like past perfect expression here

and there

to show the sequence to show the

relationship between the two

past actions okay so if you want some


you can try making a sample story about

your day maybe yesterday

a boring story is okay all right

um mushtaq says i had had finished nope

you don’t need had had finished you need

had had only if you use have plus

past perfect so i didn’t talk about how

to make

past perfect in this lesson i don’t have

time to talk about all of these grammar


but to make past perfect we use

had plus the past participle form of a


yeah past participle form

okay this is how to make the basic

past perfect uh structure

i had past participle so had

had is only used when this verb

the past participle form of the verb is

have yeah

so i had finished is correct i had

you know eaten so don’t use had had

finished or had had started

okay others today we have homework

you always have homework there is always

homework for these classes it’s just up

to you

to do it do you have instagram yes i

always say this it’s in the link below

the video on youtube

if you’re watching on facebook please

check youtube you can find the link


find me at arisha in tokyo okay

um all right it’s very bright i can’t

see what time it is what time is it

okay all right i have a couple more

minutes so i have time to read your

example sentences

uh i’m looking for your um

your two actions in one sentence


uh all right i’m looking for you i’m

looking for you

i had had a headache so i went to sleep


i needed to get up early to receive my

lessons i hadn’t finished my schedule

yet maybe i hadn’t

i hadn’t finished my my tasks yet i

hadn’t finished my

we schedule we don’t finish a schedule

generally we would say i hadn’t

maybe finished my tasks or my to-do list

i’m not quite sure

kadega but otherwise very close very

close thanks for that example sentence

okay lots of you are sending uh some

simple past

sentences that’s good uh he called his

friend as he walked

down the street says sergey good okay um

oh koala has a good one on youtube i was


to the meeting to the meeting i was late

to the meeting because

the trains tires had broken oh

okay very nice one all right good

examples so this is maybe a good

a good one for many of you to practice

and also when you’re reading i suggest

pay attention when you’re reading uh to


when past perfect is used together with

simple past tense yeah

okay uh also i’ll put some links after

this live stream ends i’ll put some

links in the youtube description

so you can check uh the videos i have

about making simple past tense

and past perfect tense so i hope that

helps you so check the uh the youtube


for that for your homework help okay i

have to finish up there so

awesome job oh i will show you today’s

lesson boards again thanks for all of

your awesome example sentences

if you want to take a picture here you

go so we talked about

simple past tense when do we use it past

perfect tense

when we use it and how to put them


to tell a story so some very simple


but like i said i think it’s a good idea

to pay attention

when you’re reading so that you get an

idea of how to use

these naturally okay so i’ll say goodbye

here don’t forget to download

your free stuff from the link below the


or above the video here’s another one

here’s music that’s i enjoy music so

you can download this and many other

things from the link

below the video i’ll show you this one

more time too in case you missed it


this is the uh when you click on the

link if you scroll down

on the page you can find this one two

three four steps to get these things if

you want

to download them you need your name and

an email address and that’s it

okay cool so let’s finish there

next week i’ll be back of course next


next week next lesson will be march 10th

oh my gosh we’re halfway through march

it’s just crazy okay so next week march


10 pm eastern standard time uh if you

don’t know your local time please google

it or just set a notification on

facebook or youtube

or if you follow me on instagram i

always share an update in my stories and

a reminder about the topic so you can

check that there too

next week i’m going to talk about how to

talk about

habits past and present so habits by

habits i mean

repeated actions so focus grammar points

will be

used to and would primarily okay

so please join me again next week to

talk about past

and present habits always good to know

all right i will say goodbye there so

thanks very much for joining me again

this week that was super fun thanks for

your great examples

i hope you enjoy your homework and if

you have any questions

uh check the links below the video on


for some more lessons and resources that

i hope will answer your questions

okay so thanks very much for liking and

sharing this video

thanks for chatting with me live have a

great day have a great weekend and i

will see you

again soon bye