How to use Conditionals with Future Tense in English with Examples

to our weekly live stream my name is

alicia and in this week’s live lesson we

are going to talk about how to use the

first conditional the first conditional

is a very basic grammar point so i hope

this lesson is a great one for beginners

we’re going to practice using this

grammar point to make positive sentences

negative sentences and questions so i

hope that you can enjoy it and find

something good so as you joined please

please please please please make sure to

hit the like button and share this video

so that other people can find today’s

lesson that would be super super great

while we wait for everyone to join us

live a couple quick announcements as

always uh first is about this banner at

the bottom of the screen the team

has created a 45 off up to 45 off

discount for people who want to study

with our lessons at so if you want to

work on your english skills building

your language skills this year check the

link in the description you will find

this page and if you scroll down on this

page if you go down on this page you

will find lots and lots of details about

the different plans you can find on the

website so if you want to practice with

our lessons with our pathways with our

courses please check the link in the

description below the video if you’re

watching on youtube above the video if

you’re watching on facebook check that

out if you want to study with us that’s

announcement number one announcement

number two is as always if you have

questions for me if you want to ask me

something please ask me something on the


question page this is the this is an old

screenshot from the question and answer

series ask alicia where you send me your

questions about vocabulary grammar

culture whatever

i will definitely read your question and

maybe answer yours so if you want to

send me a question please send me a

question yes absolutely you can do this

from english class

ask hyphen alicia there’s also an

official link in the youtube description

if you need some help finding that and

if you want to find me on social media

this is where to do it you will find a

link for this in youtube as well in the

youtube description okay it looks like

everything is rolling hi everybody

welcome i see

i see youtube here facebook are you

joining us are you down here facebook uh

i see youtube hi everybody on youtube

rafael and luis and al tariq and juan

carlos hello vmrbrz hi everybody

cool that looks good facebook i’m

looking for you facebook i don’t see you

yet hopefully you’ll be there soon okay

uh next let’s go to our official topic

for today okay so we’re going to talk

about the first conditional in today’s

lesson so i mentioned this is a very

basic grammar point yeah

so let’s take a look at today’s lesson

boards uh also if you haven’t please

make sure to hit the like button and

share this video yeah so other people

can find the lesson for today here are

today’s lesson boards so we are going to

talk about first what is the first

conditional when do we use the first

conditional and how do we make it second

we are going to talk about using it with

negative clauses we are going to look at

using it with the negative i think this

is challenging sometimes and third

we are going to practice using this

grammar with questions so i want to work

on uh some patterns to build

conversational skills as well so we’re

going to look at how to use this


with question patterns so let’s get

started facebook hey facebook you made

it welcome facebook okay great so let’s

get started everybody is here so first

let’s begin oh first since facebook is

up if you’re just joining us on facebook

please make sure to like and share the

video i will share the video too right

now and then get started cool okay so

let’s get into it let’s begin with the

first point for today the first point is

what is the first conditional what are

we talking about today

first conditional so english has a few

different conditional patterns today

we’re going to look at the first

conditional so when do we use the first

conditional we use the first conditional

for things that we think

have a chance of happening kind of soon

somewhat soon so we use this conditional

for something that is realistic or a

little bit realistic it’s kind of likely

yeah we don’t use this grammar point to

talk about crazy future ideas or to

dream about the distant distant future

we use this grammar point to talk about

things that we think have a chance of

happening okay so

let’s look at how we make this grammar

point okay the super super basic way

that we make this grammar okay so we

have two parts to these conditional

sentences today there’s what’s called

the if clause the if clause so if has

the word if in it it’s the if blah blah


part that’s called the if clause in

today’s lesson we’re going to use if


simple present tense a simple present

tense expression follows comes after if


so if simple present


the other part the other half of the

sentence is in simple future simple

future okay simple future tense

or we can swap the order we can switch

the order to so the opposite is also

okay for example simple future comes

first plus if

after this so if simple present tends to

we’re going to practice both patterns

and of course you can send your examples

in the chat i will try to check live uh

there are a lot as always though so

let’s look at some examples

let’s break down how we make

these conditional sentences and then

we’ll move on to

expanding so here’s the first example

if i pass the test

if i pass the test i will

celebrate with my family

if i pass the test i will celebrate with

my family so let’s break this down

here is my if clause it has if right

that’s how we know that’s our key word


i pass the test so i pass this is our

simple present point yeah our simple

present grammar is here if i pass the

test here’s my if clause

then the next part this part is the is

called the main clause or that’s one of

the names for it i will celebrate with

my family so here we have a simple

future tense word i will yeah simple

future tense so if i pass the test i

will celebrate with my family so this is

a very basic example of how we use the

first conditional

another point to keep in mind this will

in this one this is a very basic example

so i wrote will here

try to reduce these so in speech we

probably don’t we wouldn’t really say i

will celebrate with my family at native

speed we definitely 100 would reduce

this aisle aisle so try to reduce those

uh in your speech and in your writing




i’m looking for

some examples

on youtube and facebook you can send it

in uh if i study

i will pass the exam um make sure yeah

if i study good i will pass the exam

there yeah uh if working today is a

hassle tomorrow will be troublesome

i’m not quite sure what that means if

we’re if today if work today is

difficult tomorrow will be troublesome

maybe would be a little bit more natural

way to say that

uh if i join the competition i will get

more experience and a prize okay cool

that sounds good uh if i buy a

smartphone i will start

a youtube channel oh okay interesting uh

cesar on facebook says if it rains today

i will stay at home good



let’s see i’m not sure about some of the

other example sentences coming in okay

some send a few more and i’ll read some

more so let’s look at some more examples

and break them down

a very common one if it rains if it

rains or the weather if it rains the


will be cancelled if it rains the event

will be canceled so here’s my if clause

if it rains

not if it rain that’s a common mistake

if it rains the event will be canceled

the event will be canceled okay so again

we’re talking about something we think

has a chance of happening soon so these

are realistic guesses about the future

right that’s a key point here so

sometimes some people are sending some

things that are a little like distant

future or maybe not super realistic so

make sure you have something

that has a chance of happening soon okay

let’s see rachel i hope i said your name

right on youtube says if i don’t put my

clothes away today i’ll have a mess

tomorrow nice good good good okay sounds



fatty on facebook says if i get a good

mark maybe if i get a good grade we

would say if i get a good grade i will

celebrate with a party i will celebrate

or i will have a party not celebrate a

party yeah i will get or i will

celebrate with my friends




some other example okay some people are

sending some negatives uh we’re gonna

practice that in part two because i see

some errors coming in with negatives so

let’s look at the final example sentence

here uh if i get home early

if i get home early i’ll cook something

nice for dinner if i get home early i’ll

cook something nice for dinner okay so

here’s my if clause if i get home early

so get home is my simple present


i’ll cook so here i reduced it yeah if i

get home early i’ll cook something nice

for dinner okay

so again we’re using all of these

conditional patterns to talk about

things we think have a chance of


okay cool so it looks good so far some

of you are sending yeah some negative

examples we need to practice i can see

some points we need to practice so we’ll

practice in part two okay awesome all

right so we’ll take a super quick break

and then continue on if you missed it

there is this banner at the bottom of

the screen it says get up to 45 off the

team has a discount for the beginning of

the year so if you want to study with

our lessons with uh our video and audio

lessons our courses and get the

recommendations uh from our team about

your level you can take a look

at the different plans on the website so

if you click the link below the video if

you’re watching on youtube or above the

video if you’re watching on facebook you

will find a page go down on the page and

you will find all the differences the

different uh types of plan so you can

choose the one that’s best for you uh

and there is a deal uh for this week so

if you want to check that out and get a

good discount please visit check the link this

will take you to this page so you can

see everything there so check it out if

you want to study with us okay all right

let’s move on to part two negatives so

if you haven’t please please please make

sure to hit the like button and share

this video so other people find the

lesson helps with the algorithm yeah


let’s go to part two let’s go to

negatives how do we use

negatives with the first conditional



there are uh

two patterns again i want to talk about

but i saw this in the chat already a

little bit some uh sometimes a problem i


when uh learners use the negative here

sometimes people think they have to use

negatives in both clauses or there’s

some confusion i think so let’s break

this down it’s okay to use a negative in

one clause and not in the other this

changes the meaning of the clause okay

so i want to break these down with some

examples we’re going to use the same

pattern we used in part one so we have

our if clause plus our simple present

expression our simple present grammar

this can be negative does not have to be

negative it can be negative and our

other clause our main clause will be

simple future tense this can also

be negative so sometimes both are

negative sometimes one is negative

that’s okay


or we can swap the order so our simple

future clause is first which can be



uh rather and our if clause comes second

with the simple present uh grammar point

and that can also be negative

so let’s look at some examples that use

a mix of these styles and you can send

some in the chat if you sent a negative

earlier maybe you can fix your negative

according to this information okay let’s

go so let’s look at this negative this

one uses negative negative both clauses

if i don’t

pass the test

i won’t pass my class

if i don’t pass the test i won’t pass my

class so to pass a class means to finish

the class with a high enough score so

you have to have like you know i don’t

know 60

in the class to finish the class we use

pass my pass a class to mean to finish a

class with high enough score


if i don’t pass the test i won’t pass my

class so this test is very important for

the speaker in this sentence we have

negative right here we have if i don’t

pass so here’s my negative

in my simple present part right here

this if clause is negative if i don’t

pass the test

i won’t pass my class

won’t is negative two in this case both

parts both clauses are negative if i

don’t pass the test i won’t pass my

class okay

uh allah ratham says if i don’t watch

alicia’s videos i won’t learn grammar

looks good very nice very nice

uh some people okay i see

a shoe so you’ve written the kind of

silly example sentence but she’ll not be

agreed simple future tense here yeah she

won’t agree she won’t agree so not not

be not not be okay


let’s see i’m looking for other examples

too maybe some more are coming oh my

gosh okay yeah some more coming on

youtube um if you don’t work you will

never save money good says miguel okay


other examples if i don’t wake up early

il lilliac i hope i said that right

liliac if i don’t wake up early simple

present so not woke up i will miss my

flight if i don’t wake up early i will

miss my flight



other examples i’m looking for some

other examples uh while those come in

let’s go to another one another negative

example okay so if it rains the event

will not

be held

if it rains the event will not be held

so this is an example of an if clause

that is positive right this is positive

the main clause is negative if it rains

as positive the event will not

be held the event will not

be held okay so if it rains the event

will not be held so we have positive in

one clause negative in the other all


one more if i work a lot of overtime

this month i won’t have time for my


if i work a lot of overtime this month i

won’t have time for my hobbies again

this one uses a positive if clause if i

work right if i work overtime means

extra work right so when you have to

stay at your job for longer you have to

stay after your regular hours to

continue working that’s called overtime

so if i work a lot of overtime this

month i won’t

i won’t have time for my hobbies so

again this is our negative we have the

negative here

so think about the different think about

the condition is this positive or

negative and the result is this positive

or negative yeah so try to break it down

into these two pieces to decide do i

need a negative or do i need a positive

here okay

naeli says if i don’t eat more

vegetables and fruits i will get very


probably maybe so okay good um

let’s see oh i missed a couple if i

don’t if i don’t travel i won’t enjoy my

vacation okay that’s maybe yeah for some

people sure


let’s see

oh uh alexander chang i hope i said that

right on facebook writes if i won’t

study hard this is a very common mistake

let’s talk about it

don’t put a simple future in your if

clause so no will or no won’t here

remember this part is simple future this

is not future so it is incorrect to put

will or won’t

with the if part so your sentence if i

won’t study hard this should be negative

simple present yeah if i don’t study


i won’t

pass the exam so you have won’t not

surely here just need one yeah i won’t

pass the exam so if you want to

emphasize it you could say i definitely

won’t pass the exam okay so big point

there that’s a very common mistake

though so i don’t put will or won’t in

your if clause okay

uh muhammad says if i don’t work i won’t

get money indeed

okay good

good good good uh

all right

let’s see if we miss the train we won’t

w-o-n-t uh kareem if we miss the train

we won’t arrive at your wedding on time

so watch out for those prepositions okay

all right very nice examples everybody

uh so this is how we use uh first


in negative sentence structure so

remember we can use negatives in one or

in both clauses okay so try to break

down those clauses what’s and think

about what you want to express and don’t

use your uh future tense in the if

clause so no will if and will do not go

together maybe that’s a good way to


okay uh let’s take one more quick break

and then we’ll talk about using this

grammar point with questions how to make

questions with this grammar so if you

missed it earlier there is a 45 off

discount on if you want to study

with us and have been thinking about it

the team has a deal for the beginning of

the year so if you think you want to uh

get some extra practice or if you want

to take a course whatever that might be

you can check this page you can scroll

down for more details and there’s the

this button says 45 off here so this

page you will find this page right here

if you click the link below the video if

you’re watching on youtube or above the

video if you’re watching on facebook you

can get some more details check it out

and maybe you will find something that

is right for you so if you want to study

with us with videos and podcasts and so

on check it out okay all right let’s get

to part three now questions we’re going

to talk about using uh this conditional


with questions in the main clause okay

let’s see

i don’t uh i don’t see any burning

questions yet so let’s continue on if

you haven’t please please please make

sure to hit the like button and share

this video so other people can find

today’s lesson

alrighty let’s go so part three

questions how do we use questions so

when we use questions this is a very

good um conversational skill okay so of

course it’s important to make questions

it’s important uh for learners to

understand the question but often i

notice learners forget to ask practice

their question making skills so don’t


when you use a conditional with a

question the conditional is in the main

clause so we have a simple future

question here so in part one and two we

had simple future statements right

in this part we’ll have just a simple

future question yeah so that takes the

place of the main clause the if clause

is still the same if

simple present

then main clause simple future



then we can also swap the order again

simple future question plus if and

simple present okay so let’s practice

making some questions with this grammar

point first one our test passing example

if you pass the test what will you do

if you pass the test what will you do

like have a party

go on vacation

what are you gonna do so

if you pass the test what will you do

let’s break this down so if you pass the

test is my if clause simple present yeah

if you pass simple present grammar here

then simple future question what will

you do

what will you do so

it’s natural to use this will

instead of going to in this question

because we’re asking the other person

kind of to make a decision now like if

you pass the test what do you do

so maybe there are some cases where

people would use going to like if you do

this what are you gonna do

that sounds like the other person had a

plan right so if you do this what are

you going to do or if this happens what

are you going to do so you might hear

people use going to also so think about

it are you asking the other person to

decide right now then maybe will is very

natural so i think will it sounds good




chan sultan hum i hope i said that right

on youtube says if you win the lottery

what will you do if you win the lottery

what will you do i that is your question

is grammatically correct but remember we

use first conditional

for for things we think have a chance of

happening soon we think it has a chance

maybe winning the lottery winning a bunt

a lot of prize money is a very low

chance so we’d probably use a different

conditional if you won the lottery what

would you do so we talk about an unreal

situation with that condition

okay so lots of people are writing about

the lottery the lottery we probably used

we would probably use a different

conditional for lottery because if you

don’t know the lottery you buy there are

different styles of lottery but if you

don’t if you don’t know the lottery

you buy a ticket or some card depending

and uh you your ticket the numbers on

your ticket may match

the winning numbers the like the

winner’s numbers for a ticket if you

match the numbers you win a lot of money

so the chance is very low of winning

extremely low so when we talk about the

lottery we usually use a different

conditional if you won the lottery what

would you do we use those unreal uh

grammar patterns to talk about the

lottery so first conditional today’s

conditional we use to talk about things

that are going to happen or things we

think have a high chance a good chance

of happening soon okay so i know that

seems kind of like

why do i have to change my conditional

like that’s that’s that’s a point if

that’s an english thing uh so we use a

different conditional for things that

have different levels of uh possibility

or chance



karina says if you don’t take a break

you will be very tired yes that’s good

so let’s try to use uh some questions

some questions

uh i’m looking for your examples

let’s see muhammad says if go to party

what will eat first okay close but you

need a subject if you go to the party

what will you eat first so don’t forget

uh your your people don’t forget your

people and your questions yeah if you

what will you do okay

uh iliac says if you won the game so

again make sure simple present you’re

using past tense one is past tense yeah

if you won the game what will you do

next if you win simple present

so if you win the game what will you do

next okay

uh basma nice one if you get uh your

driver’s license maybe if you get a

driver’s license what will you do nice

one okay i like that one


let’s see i’m looking for questions



okay i don’t see many other questions

let’s look at some more examples

what will you do if you finish your

meeting early

what’ll you do if you finish your

meeting early so in this sentence i use

this pattern my question is first my

simple future part is first and my if

clause is second so this uses what’ll

you do

this uses this waddle i wanted to

include this because this is a very

common pattern in speech so instead of

what will

we often reduce this to waddle

waddle what’ll you do at native speed we

don’t say what will you do if we say

what do you do if what do you do if you

finish your meeting early this is what

will you do if you finish your meeting

early here’s my if clause if you finish

is simple present yeah if you finish

your meeting early what’ll you do

so you might think like why is the why

is this part first why did you put the

question first it’s up to the speaker

it’s up to you so in this case maybe the

speaker wants to emphasize so this part

the question is more important to the

speaker right they want to know your

plans yeah so what’ll you do if you

finish your meeting early the other side

is fine like swapping is okay if you

finish your meeting early what’ll you do

also totally fine totally fine



other examples i’m looking for questions

i’m looking for questions i see lots of

people are still sending statements i’m

looking for your questions um

lots of statements okay let’s continue

on to the next one if you take the day

off tomorrow who will be in your place

if you take the day off tomorrow who

will be in your place so maybe this was

a good one for work like if someone

wants a holiday and you need to make a


for someone to substitute

at the work or at the at the office then

you can use this question if you take

the day off tomorrow it’s a simple

present if you take the day off tomorrow

who will be in your place who will be in

your place or maybe who will take your


okay so we can use these types of


to ask questions inside our conditionals



i’m looking for your questions question

examples so a lot of people are still

asking about big money prizes

i talked about this a few minutes ago

but again

when we use this grammar point we use


to talk about things that we think have

a chance of happening soon so many of

you on facebook and youtube are still

writing about big money prizes we do not

use this conditional to talk about those

really unlikely low possibility

situations we use this conditional to

talk about things that have a chance of

happening right a big money prize has a

very low chance of happening we use a

different conditional to talk about that

we use if you won 10 million dollars

what would you do if you won the lottery

what would you do that’s a different

conditional we do not use this

conditional to talk about those ideas

those unreal things those things that

have a low situation or low possibility

of happening okay so maybe many of you

need to remember this point we cannot

use all conditionals for all the same

things it sounds very unnatural


all right uh wow i’m late i just

realized that went fast part three went

very very fast okay

uh all right uh so i think a lot of you

maybe need to practice making questions

i’ve noticed uh in the question making

section in this question making section

uh there are still lots and lots of

statements but very few questions so

maybe some of you have some homework

practice making some first conditional

questions this week yeah okay i have to

finish up for this week’s lesson so i

will end it there but i really

appreciate your questions and your

comments and so on i think lots of you

have some homework with this grammar

point it’s a basic grammar point but we

need to make sure we apply it we need to

make sure we use it in the correct


okay so let’s finish up for today if you

missed it here is today’s lesson board


in today’s lesson we talked about using

the first conditional what is the first

conditional and how do we make it we

talked about making the first

conditional with negative sentence parts

and we talked about how to use it with

questions okay also another key point as

i said i think two or three times

already please remember we do not use

this conditional to talk about things

that don’t have a high chance of

happening all right let’s go to next

week’s lesson information next week i’ll

be back as always next week

the date for next week’s lesson january

19th wednesday january 19th at 10 pm

eastern standard time that is new york

city time if you don’t know your local

time please google it or use uh youtube

the event uh the notification on youtube

or facebook also has an event

notification if you follow me on

instagram you can also find a link and a

topic reminder in my stories every week

so check that out if you follow me on

instagram you can find the link for my

instagram in the youtube description

next week i’m going to talk about how to

explain cause and effect how to explain

cause and effect so if we do this then

what’s going to happen so we’re going to

practice a little bit of conditionals

again next week i wanted to review this

grammar point okay so i’ll end today’s

lesson there so thanks very much to

everybody for joining me don’t forget if

you want to check out the different


at to check out the 45

off uh discount the team has for the

beginning of the year uh and thanks so

much for liking and sharing this video i

hope you have a great day a great week

and enjoy your weekend and i will see

you again next time