Sharing Your Schedule in English using simple present tense

okie dokie i think it’s rolling cool

all right hi everybody and welcome back

to our weekly

live stream my name is alicia and in

this week’s lesson

we are going to talk about how to


your schedule with simple present tense

this will be a really really good lesson

for beginners and of course even if


not a beginner i hope you can find

something good to practice

in this lesson so as you join please

please please make sure to hit the like

button and

share this video so that other people

can find

today’s lesson that’d be good uh

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announcements the first thing is about


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sheets that i always talk about uh

recently lots of people have had

questions about how to get these how to

get these

so i will show you if you want to get


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so if you have questions

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would like to get those free

pdf cheat sheets i always talk about

that is announcement number one

uh as always an announcement number two

as always

if you have questions for me if you

would like to ask me

something uh different from today’s

lesson if you have a thought

a vocabulary or grammar question a

culture question

whatever send it to me for the ask


question and answer series you can send

me your questions and i will maybe

answer your question this is a

screenshot about a question

someone had about the difference between


and specifically so you can find a link

for this

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go to english class ask

hyphen alicia to find that also if you

want to follow me

on instagram or twitter you can find the

links in the youtube description there


okay cool so that’s everything all my

announcements for this week it looks

like everything is going

fine now yeah i see youtube is up hello

we have regular members in there nelio

happy to be there

cool welcome khan malji and babna hello

raymer marcellus black and nell hello

great and rental awesome okay facebook

are you here

looks like facebook is here too hi

facebook hi facebook oh

i lost your facebook where’d you go

there you are hi facebook

hi everyone on facebook abdulaziz hello

omar hello muhammad hello muhammad just

said how do i get the pdfs i just showed

you some instructions so i hope that’s


okay everything is rolling so let’s go


today’s lesson topic then

if you missed it today’s lesson uh is

about how to explain

your schedule i made this lesson

uh thinking about beginner level

learners so i’m going to speak slowly

for today’s live stream especially


i’m going to talk about three points in

today’s lesson i will show you you can

take a picture

if you’d like to right now three points

in today’s lesson

first we are going to talk about

positive statements

next we are going to talk about negative


and finally we’re going to talk about

questions so

how do we make these and when do we use


okay so let’s get

started also if you haven’t please make

sure to hit the like button and share

this video so other people

can find today’s lesson i see many

people are joining

hopefully many more will be able to join

us okay

let’s begin let’s start with

super basic grammar point a positive


in simple present tense a positive


in simple present tense so

today we are going to use this grammar

to explain your schedule to explain your


for example something you do every day

or every week every month and so on

so let’s practice this with a positive

simple present tense statement we use


grammar to express regular actions

and facts so a fact

is something that is always true yeah

so we use these two uh

we do these two things to talk about our


how do we do this how do we make this

grammar we have

two basic patterns to make a positive

statement the pattern is

different depending on the subject yeah

so for today we’re practicing our


so that means probably we’re going to


i as the subject a lot i do this

i do that but if

your subject is you we or they

we follow one pattern and if the subject

is he or she or it we use

this pattern a base verb plus s so today

we’re probably going to use i a lot but

i’ll show you some different

examples of uses of simple present tense

to talk about your schedule

okay so let’s take a look so this is the

basic pattern

for iu we they sentences we use this

plus the

base verb this means like the form you

find in the dictionary so no

change to the verb if your subject is he

she or it we use it plus

the base verb and an s and sometimes the


changes i’m not going to talk in detail

about this point today

but i have a lesson on the youtube

channel where you can find

more details so let’s look at this

your homework if you’re watching live or

later uh

to send in a comment or in the chat

share something from your

regular schedule as a positive statement

use this grammar point to write a

sentence okay

and i’ll i’ll check live i’ll try to

check live okay

so let’s get started some examples let’s


first here let’s use the same verb

and compare in these two sentences

i study every day i study every day my

subject is i

so this is a my the sentence is about

my schedule i study

every day so study is my verb my base


basic verb every day so

this is a regular action for me

if your subject is someone else in this

case he

i want to talk about a man or a boy or

some guy

so he is my subject

in this sentence study becomes

studies studies so when your subject

he she or it we use the base verb plus

s if your verb ends in y

there is a spelling change he studies

every week but the key point is that s

s we need to add that s sound at the end

he studies

every week he studies every week okay

so let’s look at some more examples some

other examples about

your schedule okay and send me your


in the chat okay let’s look at some more

let’s look at

a uh this one our class our class so the

subject here is actually like

it our class so the class yeah

it starts it starts at

10 a.m it starts at 10

a.m so we use this grammar point to talk


time schedules yeah like a bus schedule

or train schedule or airplane schedule

class schedule

a meeting schedule our class

starts at 10 am in this case i use the


start we need to use this s our class

starts okay next

we eat dinner at 7

p.m we each dinner at 7 p.m

okay again this is a schedule point i

have a time of day here

7 p.m my subject is we

so i follow this pattern here no

s we eat dinner at 7 p.m

all right next on she works

out three times a week she works out

three times a week this one work out

this is a more casual way to say


she works out by oh sorry she works out

three times a week three times a week so

this time

we’re introducing frequency how often

do we do something we use the same

grammar point she works out

here’s my verb to work out then

how often three times a week all right

one more they visit the office once a


so they is my subject no change to the

base verb

they visit the office once a month

and finally it rains here every year

it rains here every year so we use this

grammar point to talk about the weather

also okay so a few examples

all right let’s take a look at

your examples i’ll go to youtube first


bal krishna says i get up early in the


very nice okay um nana says i go to my


my family’s house every day okay miguel

says i go to work at six am

good ala ratam says i eat out with my


once a week nice one okay uh fatima says

i watch your live

l-i-v-e yeah live videos every wednesday

nice thanks for joining every week

that’s cool

okay sounds good uh facebook facebook

facebook sami says what if someone wants

to talk about their past routine

you need to use past tense to do that

that’s not the focus grammar point for

today but

i have many videos about this so check


uh our youtube channel if you want to

see uh

some lessons about simple past tense


uh ida says i work every day great

uh john carlos says i clean my bed every

morning very nice okay

uh monkeys says i watch your live video

every maybe every week instead of every

class every week

okay maybe nausea i hope i said that

right i work four days a week

good job nice okay sounds great

nice example sentences okay sounds good

so this is how we use

simple presence tense to make positive

statements to express a regular action

about our schedule

so i do a live lesson every week

for example so things that are always

true and things that are part of a


schedule okay cool sounds good

then let’s uh take one quick break

and then we’ll go to part two for

today’s lesson so

if you missed it earlier as always i


let’s see what should i show you this

time there are free

downloadable pdfs that you can find from

the link

below the video if you’re watching on

youtube or above the video

if you’re watching on facebook you can

find on

the back conversational expressions

vocabulary about your favorite uh topics

your hobbies

things you are interested in so check

the link below the video

or above the video and you can pick up

uh whatever you need emergency words

perhaps so check this out

there are some conversation uh like

phone conversation and daily


practice pdfs there now too the team

made some new ones so check it out there

are a lot

there are a lot so check those out uh

you can print them out and use them

for your studies okay all right

let’s go back to our lesson so if

you have not please make sure to hit the

like button yeah and share this video oh

actually i think i forgot to do that

here we go share

okay i got it boom okay

i just did it i forgot to do that

earlier okay so

let’s do that and then let’s go to uh

negative statements let’s go to part

two this is the grammar point

that i think many people get confused

with so let’s take a look

uh i’ll i’ll talk about the maybe common


i see with learners with this grammar

point it’s very easy to fix

super easy to fix so simple present


with a negative statement simple present

tense with the negative statement

like what what why why would i do that

so we use a negative statement

also with simple present tense

to express things that are not true

so it’s still part of your like regular


for example but it’s something you do

not do

like i do not go to the gym every


something you do not do it’s always true

we use this grammar point to talk about

those things

so the basic pattern here

again features two sentence structures


again it depends on your subject

i you we they subject and

he she it subject patterns so

what’s the difference in this subject


to make the negative we use do not

before the base verb i

do not verb you do not verb

in the he she or it base pattern

we use does not before the base verb

does not so he does not verb or she

does not verb the mistake

i often see is that learners sometimes

use maybe this i see this does not

but they put an s at the end of this

verb sometimes i see that

like he does not eats don’t need to

change the verb

the base verb here this verb does not

change in the negative

we need to think about this one this one

only do not or does not

so let’s practice this and

uh for chat uh chat and commenters

your homework is to describe something

that is

not true in your life describe something

that’s not true for your schedule

so again in my example sentence like i

do not go to the gym every morning i do

not go to the gym

every morning okay so i’ll check your

uh example sentences in a minute oh

cesaro already has one i do not drink


okay nice thanks so let’s look at some

example sentences

first i do not play basketball

i do not play basketball

another one a fact a general fact he

does not speak spanish he does not

speak spanish okay so

these two i used do not and does not

here for the first example sentences

but remember try to reduce these

in your speaking and in your writing

what does reduce mean

it means you don’t or doesn’t

these sound much more natural so

i don’t play basketball sounds much more

natural much more

um fluent and smooth than i do not play


we use do not when we want to sound a

little more formal or a little

more stiff for some reason same thing


he doesn’t speak spanish sounds more

natural than he does not speak spanish

we use this form to sound a little more

like polite or stiff

okay wow lots of examples coming in i

don’t speak french i don’t skip my


good skip my studies raman on youtube

uh i don’t go to work i don’t eat junk

food i don’t lie to my friends oh my

gosh i don’t know much about politics

wow good example sentences everybody

uh david i do not smoke something okay


nice example sentence hazuma says i do

not play basketball okay moreno says i

do not walk

in the morning not at morning but in the

morning in the morning

uh i do not go to the park every weekend

says daisy okay

good examples uh deepak says i do not


up early every morning i think is your

scent i do not wake up

early every morning okay nice example is

let’s look at a couple more here

we don’t live in new york city

we don’t live in new york city so we do


live in new york city

another one she doesn’t come to the


every day she doesn’t come to the office

every day

i don’t travel for work

i don’t travel for work and here’s one a

criticism you don’t eat enough

healthy food you don’t eat enough

healthy food okay so we use this grammar

point to express

things that are not true not true

things we do not do very helpful okay

uh some other ones many people are

writing about language skills i don’t

speak chinese i don’t speak french

okay uh francisco says i do not like

seafood good example sentence

shiban says i do not work every

afternoon nice one

um someone says i ain’t eat a lot

we can’t use ain’t in this way

uh i won’t i don’t have time to talk

about ain’t we can use

ain’t in many different ways but not in

this example

not in this way okay good ones good good


uh i don’t see any questions but many

example sentences nice job my cat

doesn’t play with me

says alvin okay good nice example

sentences everyone

uh okay it looks great your examples

look great and i don’t see

any questions so we’ll go to the last

part for today

uh good nice examples with positive and


last we’re going to look at questions

how to make questions with this grammar

okay so let’s go ahead

all right questions how do we make

questions with this grammar but um

here we go so

i always try to remind students and

learners to practice

making questions so uh sometimes in

my lessons you maybe you expect your


to always ask you the question and you


but please make sure you practice making


too like you need question making skills

for your conversations

so let’s practice making some simple

present tense questions so these


are for regular actions and facts

so when you want to talk about someone’s


you can use this type of question

all right so basic pattern here’s our

basic question

pattern we have a wh

question who what where when

why also how how long or how often

and then again we have our two patterns

our two different sentence patterns

if this is your subject and i you we’ve

a subject

we use do before this

and he she it’s subject we use

does before it at the end we have our

base verb so again

in the question form no change to the


even when you have a he she or it

subject all right okay

so let’s take a look at some examples


these questions this pattern here makes


information question we want to get some


from the other person all right for


where do you live where do you live

here’s my wh question where

do my subject you and

live my base verb yeah where do

you live i don’t live in new york city

kind of a strange response okay all


then what does he do for work

what does he do for work so this

question i wanted to include this

question because

this is a very common question what does

he do

what does she do or what do you do this


means what’s your job we typically use

this question uh to ask someone’s job

you can say what’s your job but

it’s more fluent it’s more casual and


natural sounding to say what does he do

it means what does he do for work what

does he do for work what do you do

so use this sentence pattern to ask that


sounds natural this is another really

good one for conversation

why do you think so or why do you think

that so it’s asking for an explanation

of something and one more

when does she usually

leave the office when does she usually

leave the office so these questions all

are looking for some information

right but we can use the same

pattern the same well part of the same

pattern to make

yes or no questions so a question

that is a simple yes or no answer to

make this

just remove this part here do i

or does he or she verb like this

do you work near here do you work near


yes or no or does he visit the office

every day yes or no so to make these yes

or no

questions just remove the wh question at

the beginning

yeah okay

how to use yes or no questions just like

this so

do you work near here so make

the same uh the same basic structure

like this right here to get a yes or no


all right i hope let’s see i hope

maybe there’s some lag i hope that

explanation answered your question about

yes or no

so uh you can send questions i will try

to check

live um rahman says where does he go

every day

good question very suspicious okay how

often do you play the piano nice

nice okay um do you

like to get up early in the morning pal

krishna nice question

good okay what do you do on weekends

miguel has a great example sentence for

conversations yeah

what do you do on weekends that’s a good


to ask people the first time you meet


okay uh ketsurin says do you live in

the usa do you live in the usa uh

alam aaron do you have some time

do you have some time no other do you

have us sometime

is not correct do you have some time


nafisa says where does he go every

morning good

narcissist john i hope i said it right

says do you like me

good example and where does drew scott


okay you’re asking specific questions

about people

uh nalki says what do you eat for lunch


i would put usually uh before

the verb what do you usually eat for

lunch what do you usually eat for lunch

i’m not talking i’m not going to talk


adverbs of frequency in today’s lesson

but i have some lessons about that

on youtube uh yeah usually

the verb the adverb usually goes before

the verb

usually okay uh maria ines says do you


every day david says madam do you live

in ghana

good okay

says hello do we have to put s or e s

behind the verb for he

she or it because i always mix it up

yeah this is i mentioned a couple times

in this lesson that’s

maybe the most common mistake i see with

simple present tense

when you make a question no s

after the verb with a he she or it

pattern no

s here the only time

you use s with your verb is when you


a positive statement positive statement

so not a question

not a question like he studies every


so does he studies every week nope not

correct not correct

so don’t use the s when you make a

question only

uh when you make a positive statement


great nice examples everybody this is

good okay

you have lots of good examples you guys


check the chat for some good example

questions you can use in conversation

okay wow time went super fast great uh

i have to go that was really super fast


uh so i’ll show you today’s lesson

boards you can take a picture

uh so you can practice this later

so this is what we looked at today

positive statements

negative statements and questions we

looked at

basic patterns to make all of these

and when we use them so please make sure

to practice these and practice making


uh so that you can have good


all right uh i have to go but

i’ll be back next week of course next

week’s lesson

next lesson will be wednesday march

24th march 24th 10 p.m

eastern standard time that is new york

city time

please google it if you don’t know your

local time

or you can set a notification on youtube

or facebook if you follow me on

instagram i always

share a link in my instagram stories and

a reminder about the topic too so you

can check that there as well

if you like next week i’m going to talk

about how to use your daily life

for your studies like force this is the

study strategy

lesson so uh for example like keeping a


or using social media these kinds of

things how to

make studies part of your daily life so

we’ll talk about uh some tips

and some ideas uh if you’re feeling

like you don’t use uh english very much

in your everyday life but you want to so

please join me again

next week for that lesson that will be a

good time

okay so i will say goodbye for there

for now okay uh and then cindy says i

arrived at the end one of our members on

youtube welcome

uh so check all of that out and i will


let’s see i’ll include a couple links in

the youtube description

about the topics from today’s lesson so

if you want to review some points

please check that you can also find my

instagram and twitter accounts there

and the link to send me your questions

uh for ask alicia our question and

answer seriously please check the

youtube description and don’t forget

to download your free stuff as well so

much to get

great right all right so i will say

goodbye for this week uh thanks so much

for your great questions and your


example sentences that was super super

cool so have a good

day enjoy your evening enjoy the rest of
