30 American Slang Words And Phrases You Need To Know And how to use them


in this video I’m gonna teach you 30 of

the most useful American slang words and

phrases these slang words and phrases

will help you sound more natural when

you speak in English so let’s jump right

in here we go number one bail this slang

word means to leave abandon or quit

something abruptly

that just means suddenly and the usage

this can be used specifically when

someone doesn’t do something they had

promised to do for or with you and they

basically cancel or quit at the last

minute very key at the last minute so

let’s look at some examples using this

slang word here we go it was hard to

believe that my co-worker resigned when

we only had one more week left on the

project now before we move on to the

next sentence I want to explain what the

word resigned means this just means to

quit it’s another way of saying to quit

or stop working somewhere okay all right

my boss was furious and so were the rest

of my coworkers now the word furious

just means very very angry okay we say

furious in English he really left us in

a bad situation

now there’s one thing you need to

remember when you’re using the term bail

or the slang word remember it hasn’t

come up yet in our example because we’re

gonna see it how we can replace a word

in this current example we’re gonna see

that in the next screen okay it is not

used in all situations where someone

quits it is mainly used when a person

quitting has a negative effect on the

work other people are doing okay all

right so let’s look at this now changed

from what we originally had okay

originally we

had resigned and now we have if we go to

this side right here bailed on us so

again I explained what this word meant

and now we see that we can replace it

with the slang bailed on us all right

all right let’s look at the next example

Sally was scheduled to go with her

friends on their extended vacation trip

to Europe but she canceled at the last

minute okay

so extended means to be longer than

normal okay longer then normal or longer

than usual so let’s say for example your

vacation is normally one week but you

decide that this year you want to take a

two-week vacation that means your

vacation is longer or extended okay all

right let’s keep going everyone was

shocked because they had been planning

the trip for ages okay

for ages that just means for a very long

time okay again for a very long time we

use this a lot in English alright now

they were all stressed out because they

were going to have to find someone else

to take her place okay stressed out this

expression just means extremely or very

stressed okay extremely stressed alright

so in this actual example we can see

that she did what she canceled at the

last minute so now we’re gonna see how

we can change this to use the slang term

bail alright so right here again we have

canceled and if we bring it over here

we’ll see that we have bailed so again

we just replaced the word canceled with

bail alright great job all right now

example number three my friend and I

went to a concert last night but in the

middle of the first song she got a text

message from her boyfriend when she

looked up from her phone looked up from

I could tell that she was about to leave

the concert to go see her boyfriend okay

all right

looked up from so let me use this let me

use a picture to explain to you all how

this will be so let’s say for example

someone is right here okay alright now

this woman let’s give her some hair

right here she’s currently looking down

right maybe she has her phone in her

hand and she’s looking down then she

transitions to actually looking up and I

remember she looked at her friend she

looked up at her friend okay alright so

she went from looking down and now she’s

looking up so she looked up from alright

okay and again what words do we see here

that we can use instead of bail or that

we can use bail instead of she was about

to leave the concert alright so let’s go

to the next screen so again we have

right here leave and we come over here

and it is replaced by what bail on me

okay so again same meaning leave and

bail on me that’s the example we can use

for this one okay great job all right

now let’s move on to the next one so now

we have 29 left here we go the next one

is feeling blue again feeling blue now

the meaning of this actual slang phrase

is to feel depressed sad or down okay

this can be used specifically when

someone seems to be acting a little sad

or not as joyful or happy as they

usually our okay so again we say feeling

blue now let’s look at some examples all

right example number one last week my

friend called to tell me that she would

be moving to the other side of the

country now when we use this expression

we just mean to the opposite side okay

let’s say this is America and currently

my friend is living on this side of

America the west coast and she has to

move all the way to the other side the

east coast of America so if this happens

instead of saying she moved to the East

Coast I can say she moved to the other

side completely opposite side of America

okay all right let’s keep going the news

took me by surprise so I tried to sound

happy for her took me by surprise just

means very surprised okay you weren’t

expecting the news it was sudden okay

all right but I was really depressed for

the next few days alright so again what

do we see here that could replace

feeling blue well we know that feeling

blue is this phrase is used to express

sadness or depression but it is not used

to express deep sadness or depression

just remember that it’s not used to

express deep sadness or depression so

let’s see how we can replace this word

with the feeling blue slang phrase okay

here we go so we have feeling depressed

right here and when we come on this side

the only thing we have to do is replace

it with feeling blue I was really

depressed I was really feeling blue okay

great job alright now the next example I

have been a little sad lately but I

think it’s just because of this gloomy

weather we’ve been having

gloomy just means rainy and dark so ray

or dark or no sunlight okay no sunlight

all right it has been raining cats and

dogs for the last couple of days cats

and dogs so raining cats and dogs let me

highlight this as well just means

raining a lot okay

raining a lot okay really okay a lot of

rain all right okay so again we know

that feeling blue means sad or depressed

so what word can we replace it with we

have sad right here let’s go to the next

screen so instead of sad we can come

right over here and we can say I’ve been

feeling blue

same meaning just replacing it okay very

good job all right next we have the

doctor noticed that is patient seemed to

be depressed so he decided to switch up

their conversation okay switch up just

means to change okay to change all right

so let me show you visually let’s say

for example that there are two people

right here and let’s say one of them

maybe is the doctor and the doctor is

talking to his patient okay and the

patient is listening but he wants to

change this conversation so first they

were talking about maybe medicine right

but now he wants to switch the

conversation and change it to family

okay so he wants to change it to a

conversation about family so you can say

switch up alright okay let’s keep going

he wanted to help his patient think

about something that was more pleasant

okay so pleasant just means happy or

enjoyable something that makes you feel

good okay all right so in this example

what word do

see we see depressed so let’s move on

and see how this changes when we try to

use the slang terminology or the slang

phrase okay here we go right here

feeling blue so his patient seemed to be

depressed over here his patient seemed

to be feeling blue excellent job

all right now let’s move on to the next

one okay now the next one is a buck one

more time a buck all right now a buck

this means an American dollar that’s

right an American dollar okay this can

be used whenever someone is speaking

about money it basically replaces the

word dollar okay all right now let’s see

some examples using this slang word okay

all right the little boy was in shock

when he looked at the tag on the jeans

so in shock means total or complete

surprise not being able to speak

completely shocked okay when he looked

at the tag on the jeans so the tag just

refers to that little piece of paper

inside of clothing when you went to buy

something okay let’s say this is like

this inside there’s usually a little tag

and this tag has the information about

who made the clothing in English we call

that a tag okay all right let’s keep

going the tag said that the jeans were

fifty dollars that was thirty dollars

more than he wanted to pay okay now one

thing what I remember is it is not

necessarily proper to use during

professional meetings or in business

situations remember that it’s not

necessarily proper to use this slang

term okay all right so let’s see how we

can change it now again what do we see

we see dollars and we also see dollars

here so next screen

instead of using dollars here we just

changed it one time we come right over

here and we changed it to bucks very

good now again you can change it here as

well if you’d like okay I only changed

one just for the example but wherever

the word dollar is you can replace it

with buck or bucks okay all right

example two

he offered me $10,000 to do the job but

I told him no my father told me to

always beware of get-rich-quick schemes

okay beware it means to be careful okay

to be careful and get rich quick schemes

so these are plans that cannot be

trusted okay that cannot be trusted and

usually they promise lots of money in a

short time so they promise lots of money

in a very short amount of time so we

have to be careful with get-rich-quick

schemes all right so again we know that

a buck refers to a dollar so we see

dollars right here so let’s go to the

next screen so we have this dollars

right here and we’re gonna go to the

other side and we see boom right there

we see bucks so we can replace dollars

with bucks all right great job now

example number three I went to the mall

with my friends yesterday to do some

shopping but when I checked my wallet or

let’s change this to when I looked in

okay when I looked inside looked in my

wallet I only had $10 so needless to say

I didn’t buy anything at the mall okay

so this is a very good expression to

know needless to say it just means of

course so if you don’t have any money of

course you won’t be able to buy anything

so in English we say needless to say so

needless to say I didn’t buy anything at

the mall I

just did some window shopping window

shopping just means to look but not

purchase okay look but not purchase okay

we say window shopping all right okay so

what word do we see in here let’s look

for dollars right here now let’s go to

the next screen

okay so we have dollars right here now

let’s see if we see it on the opposite

side boom right here okay so again the

same meaning we have dollars and we have

bucks right here very good all right now

let’s move on to the next slang phrase

or slang word all right we have the

slang word creep okay here we go

this slang word means an unpleasantly

weird strange or AB normal abnormal

means not normal person okay it says

this can be used when speaking about

someone you do not like or who makes you

feel very uncomfortable when you are

around when they are around you okay all

right so let’s look at some examples

using this slang word here we go all

right Michelle said that the guy she met

at the party last night was a real jerk


jerk is also another word for a really

rude person okay no manners all right he

kept making comments about her outfit

and her body she was uncomfortable the

whole night okay so the actual word that

we can try to replace it with is right

here jerk but I want us to remember


be very careful using this word because

it is an insult it is mainly used to

describe men who treat women in a weird

way or act in a rude way so be careful

when you use this slang word all right

so let’s see how this change is okay so

again same example but just one word is

changed right here okay

night was a real right here we have

night was a real jerk and here we have

night was a real creep okay you can use

them interchangeably alright next

example as the woman walked by the men

working outside they started to whistle

and scream at her she hated with guys

made cat calls so she decided to say

something cat calls this is something we

use in English it just means usually

when guys are outside and they’re

working some guys not all guys they’re

outside and they’re working or they see

a beautiful woman what they’ll do is

they’ll try to talk to her now that’s

not a problem but if they make rude

comments and they call the girl and they

don’t treat her like a lady then that is

actually called a cat call okay so it

means to whistle or yell out for a woman

okay yell out at or for a woman okay and

we usually don’t like that okay we use I

don’t like when guys do that all right

so we say cat call okay so she turned

around and yelled out you guys are rude

all right so what word do we see here

the word that we see is rude but now

we’re gonna see how can we replace rude

with creep so let’s go to the next

screen here we go so we only have rude

right here but when we bring it over

here and try to replace it with creep

this is what happens she yelled out

creeps so you has been taken away guys

and ours are taken away and we replaced

it with just the word creeps okay all

right good job

next example her ex-boyfriend was a real

Punk now Punk again is similar to jerk

or rude guy or rude person okay after

they broke up okay

broke up she found out that he had been

hitting on two other girls in their

class okay hitting on this just means


with okay flirting with two other girls

in their class but when she approached

him about it he just told her to get

over it all right so approach Tim means

to ask directly okay to ask directly and

get over it means to stop worrying about


okay stop worrying about it all right

okay all right so in this example what

do we see we see the word Punk because

it’s similar to jerk alright so let’s

see how this is gonna change so we have

Punk right here and then again we’re

gonna come over to the change-up and we

see boom right there we just replaced

the word directly with the slang term

creep all right great job now let’s move

on to the next slang word or slang

phrase the next phrase is actually couch

potato again couch potato

okay this slang phrase refers to a lazy

person who spends the majority of their

time doing things that can be done while

sitting on a couch usually watching

television okay this can be used when

speaking about friends yourself or other

people in general all right now we need

to look at some examples using this

slang phrase so here we go mark is a

real lazy guy and doesn’t like to

participate in any activity that makes

him tired or sweaty okay sweaty just

means to have a lot of sweat on your

body okay to have a lot of sweat on your

body so a lot of times athletes will

experience this okay on your body

alright his behavior really ticks his

mother off but she tries to be patient

with him alright tics his mother off so

ticking somebody off means to

you really annoy or anger someone okay

to really annoy or anger something or

someone okay so take his mother off it

means it really annoys his mother or

angers his mother all right now one

thing to remember is even though it

refers to a person being lazy there is a

bit of humor included within this slang

phrase okay all right now what we see

here is lazy guy right we see lazy guy

and we’re gonna see how we can replace

this with couch potato so here we go we

have lazy guy right here and then we’re

gonna come over here and we see boom we

replace it with couch potato and it’s

the exact same sentence and the exact

same meaning all right good job all

right let’s move on to the next example

many doctors call people who live a

sedentary lifestyle lazy because they

usually lay around or just lay around

watching TV all day

now sedentary just means not moving or

not moving a lot okay or not moving a

lot okay sedentary all right now this is

a very dangerous habit according to the

research of many doctors ok so again

we’re trying to find what words can we

replace with couch potato okay so people

who live a sedentary lifestyle so maybe

this is what’s going to be replaced when

we go to the next screen so here we go

we have sedentary lifestyle well we

still see that’s right there but we have

right here lazy so instead of lazy they

have couch potato okay so we’re gonna

bring this over here do a little squid

right there squiggle all right very good

okay let’s move on to the next example

example number three

a lot of people become lazy during

football season on Sundays they just sit

in front of the television from morning

until night watching football games all

day now all of these words are very

simple but again what do we see become

lazy so let’s look at the next screen

and see if there is a connection well if

we bring it over here we can see become

couch potatoes all right

so the same meaning okay now let’s move

on to our next slang word or phrase now

we have the word cram okay the slang

word cram this slang word means to study

feverishly before a test it means very

hard and very quickly it is typically

done after neglecting to study

consistently prior to the test okay this

can be used specifically when someone is

preparing for a big or important test

all right so let’s see some examples

using this slang word the students had

to study quickly for the test because

they forgot to look at the syllabus now

the syllabus is just what we call in

English the paper or the term schedule

your teacher normally gives you so let’s

say for example it’s for the fall

semester for 2019 okay and your teacher

will give you the dates and then also

tell you the assignments okay and then

even maybe he or she will give you the

test dates and other things but this

actual form or paper that the teacher

gives to you is called a syllabus so the

term plan for that year okay all right

let’s continue they had all assumed that

the final test was cancelled but they

were wrong okay assume it means to think

something okay to think so you’re

assuming to think based on a situation


so you’re guessing or let’s say to think

or guess let’s do guess based on a

situation all right now remember this

slang usually applies to someone who has

not prepared well so it is not a

compliment all right okay

so let’s move on to see how we’re gonna

replace this because again we’re talking

about cramming so maybe it’s studied

quickly for the test let’s see if that’s

what’s going to be replaced so here we

have right here the students had to

study quickly for the test and we go

over here the students had to cram for

the test so see right here

what we did was instead of study quickly

for we said cram for all right okay

very good job all right example number

two I was on vacation last month and I

missed four classes so when I came back

and found out that our exam was the next

day I had to study hard all night in

order to prepare for the exam okay very

simple it’s very easy example now when

we come over here though so we have

right here had to study hard all night

right so on this side we say I had to

cram all night

so again study hard all night is

replaced with cram all night okay very


alright the next example the young woman

told her friend that she forgot about

her test so she had to do an all-nighter

in order to quickly prepare for it do an

all-nighter this means to either study

or work all night okay to study or work

all night and usually with no sleep okay

with no sleep okay

sometimes college or university students

do this a lot when they have to study

for an important exam they have to cram

for the exam okay all right but her


expression did it look like she was

confident in her test results okay so

let’s see how we can change this in the

next on the next screen okay

here we go so what we see on the left

side is quickly prepare for it then

we’re gonna come on the right side and

what do we see in order let’s bring it

down a little bit right here in order to

cram for it alright so again quickly

prepare and cram replaces it okay all

right very good so let’s move on to the

next example right now we have crash

once again crash all right this slang

word means to fall asleep suddenly after

being extremely exhausted okay it is

mainly used when talking about people

who have worked hard or studied for a

long period of time and feel exhausted

alright so let’s see some examples using

this slang word here we go my friend and

I ran a marathon yesterday morning and

it was great but after we refueled with

a big lunch we both went home and

immediately fell asleep for the rest of

the day now refueled so when you are

exhausted usually let’s say for example

someone decides to go running well they

have a lot of sweat they’re very tired

because they actually ran for so long

and they have no more energy so their

energy level is all the way at 0% so

what do they have to do they usually go

to eat some nourishing food and this

food actually gives them energy to keep


so they go from zero to 100% energy

they refueled okay all right now before

we continue remember this slang usually

applies to someone who falls asleep

suddenly and for a long time it is also

hard to wake them up so think about it

if they were at 0%

they were extremely tired even though

they refueled they were still sleepy and

exhausted okay as far as being tired

okay all right

so we see went home and immediately fell

asleep all right so let’s see if that’s

gonna be what changes so we go over here

immediately fell asleep and we see

remember suddenly and we see and crashed

for the rest of the day so this is all

replaced with one slang word all right

very good

now let’s look at the next example the

medical student pulled an all-nighter

for the first time at work and went to

sleep as soon as he got home he was

extremely exhausted okay

all right so in English when we say pull

an all-nighter this just means to do

something all night okay to do something

all night so it can be work it can be

studying okay all night all right we

just use this connection pulled an

all-nighter so you guys can use that too

all right so again crash is what we’re

looking at so went to sleep as soon as

let’s see if that’s the part that will

change so next screen went to sleep and

then we’re going to bring it over here

and we see crashed all right so all of

this was replaced with one word again

crashed okay all right next example my

husband worked all day around the house

fixing things so when it was time for


he completely knocked out okay knocked

out just means to fall

asleep okay to fall asleep quickly all

right fall asleep quickly I’m kind of

giving you guys the answer right here he

was literally knocked out in less than

one minute so what are we looking at

since we said right here knocked out and

we know that crash refers to falling

asleep suddenly let’s see what happens

on the next screen so we say completely

knocked out we come over here and we see

completely crashed very good excellent

job okay

all right so let’s move on to the next

slang word or phrase now we have down to

earth again down to earth all right

this slang phrase means someone who is

very easy to be around and talk to it

also refers to someone who is not

concerned with status or rank you know

rich or poor they don’t care or rank

instead they treat all people the same

all right the usage it is mainly used

when talking about people who are

easygoing and personable everyone loves

them okay all right so let’s look at

some examples here we go the first

example is all the students love the

professor because he is so nice he takes

time to speak with them here you go

he takes time to speak with each and

every student and he genuinely seems to

care okay takes time means he gives time

or sets aside time for students okay or

sets aside time all right now you need

to remember that this slang phrase is

used as a compliment in a positive way

all right so again we know that

down-to-earth means something good so it

describes the person in a good way so

what do we see in this example we see

right here nice so let’s see what

happens on the next screen he is so nice

and then we bring it over here and

see he is so down to earth again same

meaning but now we’re using slang easy

to talk to very comfortable people like

him alright next example even though he

is a billionaire you would never know it

by talking to him he really just seems

like a regular guy

he is so kind alright this one is very

simple as well so again we can move to

this one quickly it says he is so kind

alright so the next screen instead of so

kind we can change this too

he is down-to-earth alright very good

number three the president visited our

school today so the students were quite

nervous to speak with him but after he

came in and talked to them they realized

that he is a really nice guy everyone

was super comfortable around him super

just means very or extremely okay very

or extremely alright so again in this

sentence what do we see in this example

what do we see he is a really nice guy

alright so let’s see how we can change

that up we have really nice guy and

let’s bring it over here and we have a

really down-to-earth guy so really nice

guy and down-to-earth guy all right very


ok let’s move on to the next one ok

drive up the wall drive up the wall all

right so this slang phrase means to

irritate or annoy

this can be used to describe annoyance

for a person thing or situation ok so

it’s very useful right so let’s look at

some examples using this slang phrase

this project is making me crazy all

right I don’t know how to solve this

problem I

they just want to stop and move on to

something else okay move on to something

else so move on okay move on just means

to stop and do another thing okay to

stop and do another thing so you’re

moving from situation a and you’re going

to situation B why because you stopped

doing this all right okay good job

now again dry with the wall means to

irritate or to anoint right so let’s

look at this part really quickly this

slang phrase expresses extreme annoyance

so be careful when you use it the other

person may get offended just be careful

when you use this actual slang a phrase

okay all right so we have the project is

making me crazy so let’s see what

happens we move on to the next screen

making me crazy what happens we can

change that to driving me up the wall

okay driving me up the wall very good

all right example number two the woman’s

children were annoying her they were

screaming and running around all day

she had no peace very simple all easy

words but they were what uh knowing her

so on the next screen we’ll see how we

can actually replace annoying her with

you got it driving her up the wall same

meaning as annoying her very good all

right one more example using this slang

phrase her incessant whining is

irritating me now incessant just means

non-stop okay non-stop no breaks alright

and whining means to cry and complain

okay but usually it’s kind of a whiny or

a high-pitched voice okay to cry or in

complain alright

it says I don’t think I can take it

anymore so what do we see in this

example that can become replaced we say

irritating me let’s see what happens in

the next screen on the next screen we

have irritating me we’re gonna bring it

over here and we see driving me up the


we replaced it with driving me up the

wall okay very good

alright let’s move on to the next one

here we go

for real again for real all right

this means this slang word is a

proclamation of honesty it is used to

reassure the listener that what the

speaker is saying is actually true okay

now this can be used to help the

listener have more confidence in what

the speaker is saying so let’s see

exactly what the examples show us for

this slang phrase here we go

no I’m serious the professor said that

if we finish this project we won’t have

to take the final exam okay now again

just explain this final exam just refers

to the last exam someone has to take

okay the last exam all right now really

quickly remember it is not something

that is used in a professional or

business environment this slang is

mainly used in an environment with

friends okay so it’s a very casual slang

phrase alright so now let’s see exactly

so we said for real means something of

honesty and you want to reassure someone

so the thing that we see in this example

is I’m serious so let’s go to the next

screen and see how I’m serious changes

to this slang for

here we go we see it right here

I’m for real it means the exact same

thing as I’m serious all right

okay example number two really are you

telling me that you don’t know anything

about the dent in my car now dent okay

so this term just refers to the mark or

the indentation that may happen so let

me explain it using a picture let’s get

a simple car right here all right

so nothing is wrong with this car but if

this car gets into an accident there’s

something that happens if the car

crashes right here

there’s a mark or an imprint of the

other car that it collided with okay so

that impact can cause a dent in one of

the cars okay so a mark or an impression

on one of the cars okay all right let’s

keep going you were the last one to

drive it and you still have the keys all

right all of the other words and phrases

are simple but again for real means

honest or serious so what word do you

see or what words do you see in this

example okay are you telling me that you

don’t know anything about that debt in

my car well before that is said the

person says really but they use it with

a question mark so let’s go to the next

screen and see what happens so here we

have really like honestly are you

serious and it can be replaced with you

guessed it right here for real so for

real can also be used as a question or a

statement just remember that okay all

right very good now the next example I

really like him truly everything about

him is great and to top it off he loves


okay so to

top it off this expression is also very

useful in English okay so this is giving

let’s do the in a better benefit okay a

better benefit or bigger benefit or to

add to something that’s already good

okay to add to something that is already

good okay something good now the

opposite is also true with this phrase

so it can be a positive phrase or it can

be a negative phrase okay so again

instead of adding to something good this

one is going to be adding to something

bad okay and instead of giving a better

benefit you can give a worse benefit all

right so let me explain it for example

let’s say there’s a classroom and there

are lots of students and the students

are listening to their professor and the

professor who is at the front tells the

students that they have to write a

report by the next day so of course all

of the students are shocked because they

have 24 hours to write an entire paper

that is already a bad situation but to

top it off they must write a paper that

is 10 pages long that is even worse than

just writing a report so to top it off

it has to be 10 pages so again this

expression can be negative or positive

all right so let’s keep going with this

example I think he will make a great

husband one day okay all right so all of

those words are very simple now again

for real means seriously or honestly so

what do we see we see truly so let’s see

what happens when

move onto the next screen alright so

again we have truly on this side let’s

see how it changes when we replace it

with the slang you got it for real so I

really like him truly becomes I really

like him for real

emphasizing that you were honest or

serious okay all right now let’s move on

to the next English slang turn here we

go going Dutch all right so the meaning

of this actual slang is when each person

this is used when each person usually in

a dating scenario pays for his or her

own me okay so again pays for his or her

own meal this can be used in both casual

and business situations so even though

this is a slang phrase it’s used very

often in both situations all right so

let’s look at an example okay the first

example when my friend and I go out to

eat we usually pay separately alright so

go out to eat I think you guys know what

that means but again whenever you eat

outside or eat at a restaurant okay we

say go out to eat all right okay now one

thing to remember is this is a common

practice this going Dutch is a common

practice in America so you don’t

necessarily have to say it when you are

with friends because everyone kind of

knows that’s how you eat when you go out

together all right

okay so what word do we see that kind of

shows that they are not paying for each

other well we see pay separately all

right so let’s go to the next screen and

see how that changes so on the Left we

have pay separately and then we’re going

to come over to this side and see how it

changes go dutch alright so you see

usually go dutch usually pay separately

the same meaning alright good job

next we have many people believe that on

the first date the man is supposed to

treat the woman all right so in this

situation right here we have supposed to

treat the woman what does this word

treat mean okay in this situation treat

just means to pay for or care for okay

pay for or care for it means to give all

of the money pay for the food and the

drink and everything else okay

so if a guy suddenly suggests paying

separately on the first date it may not

be a good sign okay so now again we know

that going Dutch means paying separately

so what do we see you got it we see it

right here paying separately so let’s go

to the next screen and see how this is

going to change so we have paying

separately right here we’re gonna bring

it over here and see what happens going

Dutch alright so so if a guy suddenly

suggests paying separately and then it

changes to so if a guy suddenly suggests

going Dutch now you can change it

alright great job one more example

paying separately is a common practice

in America but the opposite is true in

South Korea so again common practice

means that usually everyone does it okay

everyone does it

or the majority of people do it okay it

is very common all right

many times the oldest will pay for the

entire meal that’s something that

actually happens in South Korea it was

very nice when I lived there so I would

pay sometimes and then other friends

would pay as well okay now what do we

see here again that has the same meaning

as going Dutch we have it right here

paying separately

right so let’s go to the next screen and

see how this paying separately changes

so we go over here and we see that it

changes to going Dutch but everything

after it is the same is a common

practice okay all right great job now

we’re gonna move on to our next English

slang phrase or turn so the next slang

phrase we have is the cold shoulder

again the cold shoulder all right now

this slang phrase means to deliberately

ignore someone now deliberately just

means on purpose okay

intentionally alright on purpose or

intentionally so again the word is

deliberately deliberately alright usage

this can be used in professional and

casual situations so feel free to use

this anytime alright okay so let’s look

at some examples using this slang phrase

here we go the young man wanted to be

friends with his ex but she kept

ignoring him now this is an easy way of

saying ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend

okay so ex girlfriend or boyfriend or

previous okay so this part right here

just means previous okay you are no

longer together but you were together at

one time so we say X so you can shorten

that this is also an extra slang this is

a bonus this is a bonus ex is a slang

phrase or word as well alright let’s

keep going so he eventually just gave up

and moved on to another girl alright

gave up means to stop trying okay to

stop trying to do something alright very


now remember something to remember it is

used we’re talking about this right here

the cold shoulder

is used when there seems to be a pattern

of someone ignoring another person in

other words if the person has ignored

someone more than once or continually we

say the cold-shoulder if it’s done over

and over again or repeatedly okay all

right now in the sentence or in this

example where do we see the person use

ignore well we see it right here kept

ignoring him and we’ll even add kept

right there so let’s go to the next

screen and see how does this turn into

the slang phrase above well we see it

right here kept giving him the cold


all right so even though this is longer

than this

the meaning is understood and it’s slang

so if you use it you will sound more

like a native speaker okay great job

alright next example his friends started

ignoring him after they found out that

he had betrayed his best friend okay

all right so the word betrayed let me

explain it really quickly so betrayed

means to do something that breaks

confidence or trust okay to do something

that breaks confidence or trust now

don’t worry I’m gonna explain this very

clearly using a picture okay confidence

or trust so let’s say for example you

have two friends all right now these two

friends are very close so this friend

tells the other friend a secret and says

don’t tell anyone else but this friend

goes to someone else

and reveals the secret they actually

tell the secret now this is something

that breaks confidence or trust so we

say betrayed so again this

friend betrayed this friend okay all

right let’s keep going

he immediately regretted his decision

okay he regret it which means he too

felt bad so to feel bad about an action

okay to feel bad about an action okay

all right so in this example where do we

see something that regards or relates to

or refers to ignoring we see it right

here started ignoring him so let’s go to

the next screen and let’s see how does

this change into our slang phrase we go

right over here and we see it right

there giving him the cold shoulder again

everything before is the same everything

before is the same all right great job

so let’s move on to our next example her

husband was ignoring her because he was

still mad about the situation but she

decided that it was time for the silence

between them to end so she told him they

needed to talk now these words are

fairly easy and very simple so let’s

just look for the part that refers to

ignoring right here it says her husband

was ignoring her so how is that gonna

change in the next screen again we have

ignoring her right here we’re gonna

bring it over here and we see her

husband was giving her the cold shoulder

again remember this is something that is

continual okay there’s a pattern not

just one time all right so very very

good all right let’s move on to the next

English slang phrase or word here we go

give ring once again give ring now this

slang phrase just means to give someone

a call that’s right to give someone a

call either on a cell phone or on a

house phone okay

now this can be used when you want to

call someone about something specific so

an issue a topic or a situation in other

words it is most commonly used when

there is a specific purpose for a phone

call so let’s look at some examples

using this slang phrase here we go my

boss told me to call him after I

finished my team meeting so that we

could discuss our plans for the upcoming

year ok up coming all right this means

the one on its way ok the one in the

future the one in the future all right

ok but right in front of you alright now

before we keep going I want you to

remember something it can be used in

professional and casual situations so

feel free to use this as much as you

want alright so what part of this

example refers to a call we see my boss

told me to call him alright so moving to

the next screen let’s see now what

happens we see call him right here and

then we bring it over here and what do

we see give him a ring everything before

is the same and everything here is also

the same so again instead of call him we

used give him a ring all right

example number two my friend hasn’t been

around for a while so I decided to give

her a call to check up on her

ok check up just mean so check up on

just means to see if someone is ok ok if

someone is ok so to call them and say

hey how are you hey are you feeling

better alright we say check up on

someone all right but she didn’t answer

when I called so again what do we see

right here give her a call to check up

on her now again remember we said give a

ring is

for a specific reason well the specific

reason was to check up on her so going

to the next screen again we have give

her a call and then we bring it over

here and what do we see

give her ring now I’m showing you this

because you can see now how to change

regular English into slang very easily

alright great job let’s move on to

number three hey I’m a little busy right

now but I will give you a call back in

about thirty minutes so that we can talk

about the program again we have a

specific purpose for the call all right

so again all the words and expressions

are very easy so what do we see I will

give you a call back so looking at our

next screen give you a call back becomes

what let’s bring it over here change it

out and we see give you a ring back all

right now you see Bacchus here and we

just added it and we put it on the end

of the slang phrase very good all right

let’s move on to the next slang phrase

or slang word now we have heiped now I

use this a lot heiped okay

all right heiped means this slang word

is used to express a very excited state

so let’s say for example people are at a

basketball game right and the players

are playing on the court and everyone is

excited to watch the basketball game as

they watch the players play and one

player goes up and shoots the ball and

what happens the ball goes right in the

net and the crowd is very happy right

the crowd is excited as they watch the

game so very excited they are hyped all

right now the usage this can be used

when speaking about sporting events

that’s why I gave you all the example

the basketball event okay it can be used

for big programs or any event that is

out of the normal routine

okay so let’s look at some examples

using this word here we go

we all went to the basketball game

yesterday it was a close game so we were

super excited when our team won all


so close game just means that the score

was close okay so it means that let’s

say team a and Team B throughout the

whole game let’s say team a had 25

points team B had 24 points so the only

difference between their scores was one

point so if this team scored then this

team would score if this team scored

this team would score back-and-forth we

call that a close game all right now

super excited we add super in front of a

word to emphasize okay so it’s used for


all right now remember this slang hyped

right here is always used to express the

positive feelings

someone has okay all right so let’s go

on and let’s see exactly what this will

look like if we change this okay so

right here we have super excited now

let’s go over here and we’ll change it

to what you got it super hyped all right

now again I just left super here to show

you again this for emphasis but we

literally just changed one word

okay very good next we have the concert

is scheduled to start in two hours okay

so again scheduled to start it means

supposed to okay s’posed to alright or

there’s a plan for it to happen at that

time all right I am so excited to see

him sing he is my favorite artist of all

so again what do we see here so excited

where is that you got it so excited so

if we go to the next screen so excited

turns to what I am so you got it height

again this is a slang term that means

excited alright very good

example number three the kids were super

excited now you remember super is just

for emphasis when they heard that they

were going on an extended field trip to

Florida now extend it again I mentioned

earlier longer than normal okay

longer then normal or usual okay all

right there shouts and screams of joy

could be heard throughout the entire


so again entire this just means whole

okay this just means whole school all

right so what do we see they were super

excited so let’s go to the next screen

super excited turns to what you got it

you already guessed it excellent job

super hyped all right great job so let’s

move on to the next slang word or slang

phrase now we’re gonna look at hang out

once again hang out alright this slang

phrase means to casually gather together

or spend time with someone in a social

manner okay this can be used to describe

the time spent with friends or family

all right so let’s look at some examples

using this slang phrase here we go

no one had any money yesterday so we all

just decided to spend time together at

my place and watch movies okay my place

just refers to my home or my apartment

okay it’s another way of actually saying

that quickly my home or my apartment


it actually turned out to be a great

night okay

turn out just means the result okay

the result of whatever was being

speaking spoken of okay all right we

laughed and talked for hours so the

words are pretty simple in this example

but what do we see that refers to

spending time right here spend time

together so let’s go to the next screen

how does this change into the actual

slang word or slang phrase here we go we

decided to hang out at my place

alright so spend time together literally

just becomes hang out okay very good

example number two my friends and I

usually try to spend time together once

a week because we enjoy spending time

together but sometimes we get too busy

to get together because of work okay

again these are all very simple now I do

want you to remember something

it is not used to describe professional

situations so hang out is not used in

professional situations alright so what

do we see in this example that refers to

spending time together we see two

examples actually we see spend time

together here once a week and then we

see it also here spending time together

so let’s go to the transition and see

what happens so for the transition we

just have one spend time together we’re

gonna grab it bring it over here

and we’re going to change it to we try

to hang out again once a week everything

after is the same okay alright great job

number three a lot of teenagers enjoy

spending time with their friends at the

mall even though they don’t really spend

any money they all just enjoy being

together okay so this is very simple

everyone understands most of the words

in this example so what do we see that

refers to spending time right here

spending time with their friends okay so

let’s look at the transit

so instead of spending time we can

transition to you got it hanging out

with their friends again everything

after it is the same very good okay so

again hang out alright let’s move on to

the next slang word or slang phrase the

next one is jack up once again jack up

alright so for this one this slang

phrase means an abrupt increase

typically in the price of something now

abrupt just means sudden okay not

planned or sudden now this can be used

to express shock or surprise because of

the sudden increase in price so I want

you to think about something let’s say

you’re going to the store and you want

to buy something you normally buy on a

regular basis and usually this thing

that you buy is only five dollars but

the price got changed suddenly and now

it’s fifteen dollars when you see this

what’s going to happen you are going to

actually be completely shocked so in

that situation you would say jack up the

prices were increased suddenly they were

jacked up okay alright so let’s look at

some examples using this slang phrase

alright now here we go I heard on the

news that McDonald’s increased its

prices last year in order to earn extra

money all right

now in order to okay this just means so

that something could happen okay so that

something can happen

alright now really quickly though I want

you to remember something about this

actual slang phrase it is not something

that is used in a professional or

business environment this slang is

mainly used in an environment with


okay so what do we see in this example

that refers to an increase in prices we

have it right here

increased its prices so let’s go to the

next screen how does this increase its

prices change well when we bring it over

here we see right there

jacked up its prices this portion

literally just replaced increased

because the meaning is sudden or abrupt

all right all right example number two I

don’t agree with how the company

increased the prices at the last minute

okay at the last minute

this means almost at the end okay almost

at the end right so right before

something closes okay at the last minute

in my opinion people are going to stop

buying our products if we continue to do

things like that all right so the words

are very simple in this example now what

do you see that refers to increasing

prices excellent job

right here increased the prices now

again at the last minute means abruptly

why because you’re almost at the end so

next screen increased the prices what

happens we see that it becomes jacked up

the prices very good okay all right next

example since the supermarket around the

corner increased the prices of their

veggies veggies right here I decided to

drive to the other supermarket veggies

is just a short version or a short form

of the word vegetables okay so you can

say veggies instead of vegetables all

right all right let’s keep going

even though it is 20 minutes away I’m

still happy that I was able to save some

money okay all right so what do we see

in this example that refers to prices

being increased you got it

excellent job increased the prices so

let’s go to the next screen increase the


becomes what you got it jacked up the

prices so again now you’re able to use

this slang phrase very easily alright so

let’s move on to the next slang phrase

or word knock one more time knock all

right so this slang word is a way of

speaking negatively about someone or

something this can be used to bad-mouth

something or someone you don’t like okay

so let me explain this real quick maybe

something you’ve never heard badmouth

this is how you can understand bad mouth

let’s say you have someone all right I’m

gonna draw the person’s face really

quickly all right so this person is

saying something right and they’re

saying it out of their mouth now when

you speak you can say good words or you

can say bad words right so if what

you’re saying has a negative feeling or

a negative approach or thoughts or

inside of what you’re saying regarding

something else you are bad-mouthing so

for example let’s say you said um

veggies are not good okay veggies are

not good all right veggies are not good

now let’s say you have a person that

likes veggies so you say Matthew eats

veggies he is not good okay he is not a

good person now again I know this is

just an example no one would say this

but I’m trying to help you understand

what bad mouth is what bad mouthing is

it’s literally just speaking negatively

about someone or something okay all

right so let’s keep going and let’s see

some examples of how to use this slang

word here we go I have never tried

jackfruit I have heard mixed reviews

about it but my friend told me not to

discredit it until I try it for myself

all right

mixed reviews okay so the term Mik

means to have two different things

within one thing okay so again let’s do

mixed first all right so let’s say you

have a bowl right and this bowl has some

fruit inside of it all right now but

this fruit includes apples and oranges

and let’s say strawberries okay very

different types of fruits so this is a

bowl of mixed fruits okay so you

understand the term mixed now mixed

reviews is the same concept so reviews

are people’s opinions so let’s say one

person says yes this is good but another

person says no this is not good okay so

you have one person saying it’s good and

one person saying it’s bad but they’re

all talking about the same thing so

these are mixed reviews good and bad

together okay you understand very good

all right so she’s speaking about

jackfruit that means some people like

jackfruit and some people don’t like

jackfruit mixed reviews all right so the

next one was discredit okay

so this means to take away the validity

and you may have to look this one up

okay take away the validity or to speak

negatively okay to speak negatively

about something all right sorry guys I’m

writing fast about something okay

alright so again discredit so out of the

words that we looked at which one refers

to speaking negatively about something

you got it discredit it all right now

before we go to the next screen

remember knock this slang right here is

not something that is used in a

professional or business environment

this slang is mainly

used in an environment where you’re with

your friends okay so let’s go to the

next screen so again we said this right

here means to speak negatively about

something so we come over here and what

do we see

knock it so all we did was replace

discredit with knock okay very good

all right example number two there are

some things that I don’t agree with but

I still can’t say anything bad about the

new company for their innovative

business methods they are making lots of

money okay innovative means something

that is ahead of other people products

or things okay people products or things

so a new idea something that hasn’t been

done before so the best way you can

think about it is think about Apple okay

when Apple first came out with their

computer it had never been done before

that type of computer that Apple made ok

Macintosh had never been made before so

what happened that was an innovative

product okay that was an innovative

product so we call that innovative so in

this example what do we see that talks

about something negative so it says but

I still can’t say anything bad so let’s

see in the next screen how is this gonna

actually turn out so we say say anything

bad let’s take it over and what does

that become can’t knock the new company

so all of this became this right here

all right very good job let’s go to the

number three the chef told the people to

try the soup of the day but my friend

didn’t look interested so he looked at

my friend and said hey don’t say it’s

not good until you try it okay all right

so again their words in this example are

fairly simple so let’s see what

part of it speaks to something negative

don’t say it’s not good until you try it

so next screen here we go don’t say it’s

not good we bring it over here and it

becomes don’t knock it so all of these

words right here became knock it don’t

knock it until you try it and I’ll say

this this is actually a phrase that we

use very often in English don’t knock it

until you try it so you guys can know

that one as well

okay let’s move on to the next slang

here we go lighten up lighten up now

you’re saying it quickly we say lighten

up lighten up just for pronunciation

practice alright so here we go

this slang phrase means to relax and not

take things too seriously this can be

used to make an appeal to someone a

request who is acting uptight it means

very serious very strict and has no

leniency okay there only one way all

right so let’s look at some examples

using this slang my father was a bit of

a stickler for cleaning when we were

growing up now stickler means someone

who sticks by or abides by certain rules

okay by certain let’s do this change

this this see looks a little crazy here

we go by certain rules okay

they don’t deviate they don’t change all

right so since their dad was a stickler

okay but now that we are older we can

tell him to relax and take it easy take

it easy all right

so real quick before we move on to find

out what part of this refers to lighten

up I want you to remember something

about this slang

your tone of voice when using this slang

is important the softer you say it the

better however if you are irritated you

can say it a bit louder let me

explain so first what I’m gonna do is

softer hey lighten up now you can say

that and it’s soft and it’s okay but if

I say hey lighten up man

lighten up I did both of those on

purpose so you can see with the T sound

without the T sound okay to say it

quickly there’s no T sound so again be

careful when you’re using this slang all

right so what do we see in here that

refers to relax and take it easy you got

it right here relax and also take it

easy so let’s see on the next screen we

have right here take it easy

and we’re actually gonna change that to

lighten up

very good all right example number two

the coach was screaming at his players

throughout the entire basketball game so

one of the parents walked over to him

and told him that he needed to be easier

on the kids now again

lighten up means to relax and to not be

as aggressive so what do we see in this

example we see we needed to be easier on

the kids so let’s see right here easier

on the kids bring it over here to

lighten up on the kids add this part

right here so you see it just changes

exactly from be easier to lighten up all

right next we have when the teacher

realized that none of the students had

studied for a class she was livid all

right livid means to be extremely angry

okay extremely angry when someone is

livid usually they are screaming or they

are really about to outburst or make it

outburst okay but as she was about to

yell at him or yell at them she paused

and decided to relax a bit so what do we

see here we see that she decided to

relax a bit so how does this change we

have relax a bit right here and we bring

it over and we see lighten up a bit okay

very good so you see how you can change

from one side

to the other if you want to actually use

this slang very good okay let’s keep

going all right our next slang is pass

the buck once again

pass the buck all right this slang

phrase means to deflect responsibility

on to someone else in general the term

deflect just means to point it to

someone else and not your self

okay so again deflect can mean to point

or to put something to point or put

something on someone else okay on

someone or something else alright now

this can be used when someone does not

want to do something or when something

bad happens and no one wants to take

responsibility alright so let’s look at

some examples using this slang here we

go my boss tried to blame other people

when his boss asked about the status of

the project now the term status just

refers to the current state or situation

so one more time the current state let’s

take that away the current state or

situation okay or situation alright so

this example is very simple but I want

us to look at one important fact

regarding this slang we see it right

here this phrase can be used when you

disapprove of what they did or you

believe that they did not take

responsibility for something they should

have okay all right so inside of this

example what word do we see that could

mean that you got it Blaine alright so

going to the next screen

blame actually becomes pass the buck

okay everything before it is the same

and that is the same or the true

is true for the second example as well

okay or for the second part of the first

example all right

example number two when the two boys got

called into the principal’s office

the little boy tried to blame his friend

and said that he did not know anything

about what happened all right very

simple example but again what do we see

that actually means passed the buck you

got it try to blame his friend so if we

go to the next screen what do we see

blame his friend becomes what you see it

right here

pass the buck okay all right so

everything here has been changed to pass

the buck great job all right let’s move

on to number three even if it is a

difficult decision number time decision

don’t give the responsibility to someone

else true leadership is revealed in

difficult situations so the word true

you guys understand but I want to show

you what it means in this situation it

means real okay so real leadership is

revealed or shown in difficult

situations okay

revealed or shown alright so what do we

see in this example that means pass the

buck you got it right here we say don’t

give the responsibility to someone else

we’ll add this part too so moving on to

the next screen we see that don’t give

the responsibility to someone else

becomes don’t pass the buck so this long

phrase right here turns into this slang

phrase right here excellent job all

right let’s move on to the next slang

phrase the next phrase is piece of cake

once again piece of cake this is a very

commonly used English slang for

all right so the meaning this slang

phrase is used to describe something

that is easy or effortless something

that you can do without any difficulties

okay this can be used to describe an

easy task or duty all right okay so

let’s look at some examples using this

slang phrase here we go

I can do that for you I love working

with technology so it’s super easy for

me now I want us to look at this word

right here super now you’ve probably

heard that word before but when it is

combined with another word like this the

meaning is actually emphasized so

whatever the word is after it is

emphasized so we use it for emphasis

okay emphasis all right so super easy

means extremely easy all right now we

know piece of cake is referring to

something being easy so this is the part

that we’re going to look at on our next

screen but one thing I want you to

remember about this slang phrase is it

is not something that is used often in a

professional or business environment but

depending on the familiarity of those in

the group how well you guys know each

other it may be used in some meetings

okay all right so looking at this again

on the next screen super easy

becomes what you guessed it piece of

cake very good okay example number two

after driving for more than 20 years it

has become easy for me I feel like I can

even drive in my sleep now

drive in my sleep is actually another

English expression that has the same

meaning of piece of cake okay same

meaning ass piece of cake very easy now

it’s not literal you’re not gonna drive

when you’re sleeping but it’s so easy

that you don’t even feel like you have

to be conscious or awake to do it

alright so again what are we gonna


it has become easy for me we’re gonna

replace that with piece of cake so on

the next screen easy for me becomes you

guessed it right here piece of cake for

me alright and we have the a added in

front of it okay alright very good and

example number three the exam was super

easy again I explained before when we

have super in front we’re using it for

emphasis all of the questions I studied

were on it so I had no trouble at all so

what are we gonna replace this with we

have super easy okay this is what’s

gonna be replaced with piece of cake so

next screen super easy

becomes you guessed it a piece of cake

excellent job alright so I want you guys

to try to use this one because it’s very

easy very easy to use piece of cake is a

piece of cake to use alright so try to

use it today alright let’s move on to

the next slang we have pig out once

again pig out okay this slang phrase is

used to describe someone binge eating

okay now I do want to explain what binge

eating means so let’s say for example

someone goes on a diet okay they have a

six-day diet so Sunday Monday Tuesday

Wednesday Thursday and Friday okay for

these six days this person has agreed or

decided that they are only going to eat

fruits and vegetables okay only healthy

foods for six days now

six days can be a long time to do this

kind of diet now what happened is or

what happens is on that seventh day they

decide to eat pizza they decide to eat

ice cream they decide to also go out and


French fries and they get lots of candy

now that is what we call binge eating

you go from eating all of this healthy

food to suddenly eating all of this junk

food you call that binge eating okay all

right so pig out can be used to describe

someone eating a lot after coming off of

a diet like we saw right here in this

example or someone eating without any

restraints without anything stopping

them okay all right so let’s look at

some examples using this actual slang

here we go

yesterday was a holiday so we decided to

eat four hours we ate pizza fries ice

cream cake candy and a whole bunch of

other stuff whole bunch now this just

means a lot this is another way of

saying a lot okay it was great

but our stomachs hurt now okay so these

words are very simple so where do we see

someone speaking of eating a lot of food


we decided to eat for hours if you eat

for hours you’re eating a lot of food so

one thing to remember about this actual

slang is even though the word Pig is in

this slang phrase it is not meant to be

an insult not meant to be an insult okay

all right so instead of eating for hours

we have changed it to be pig out okay so

it’s the same meaning of eating for us

eating for hours okay alright next

example we ate junk food during our

entire vacation okay entire means whole

okay from start to finish or beginning

to end so when we got back home and

checked ourselves on the scale we were

not shocked to see that we had both

gained more than five pounds all right

now I want to explain what checked

ourselves means in this situation or

this example so I want you to imagine


there was a couple and the couple went

on vacation like it says in this example

and when they left the man was 210

pounds it was a big guy and the woman

was 140 pounds okay so they went on

vacation and when they came back they

decided to get on the scale

remember the scale is what we used to

actually check our weight and they

looked at the scale so again they

stepped on the scale and when they

stepped on the scale the number was

larger okay so they wanted to check what

this number was they wanted to check

themselves and like they said they had

both gained five pounds

the woman had gained five pounds okay

all right now back to the slang pig-out

so what do we see here that can refer to

eating a lot well we ate junk food

during our entire vacation so let’s look

at the next screen here we have we ate

junk food during our entire vacation

let’s stop there we’re gonna bring it

over here and we see we pig out during

our entire vacation so we ate junk food

when they ate a lot of junk food

we call that pigged out very good all

right example number three the doctor

told his patient that he could continue

to eat junk food all the time

he would eventually get diabetes those

words were enough to bring him back to

reality okay bring him back to reality

this expression just means to help him

see the real situation okay see the real

situation we say bring him back to


okay very good all right so which part

of this refers to pig out you got it

excellent job

junk food all the time so on the next

screen so instead of to eat junk food

all the time

we’re gonna bring it over here and we

see to pig out all the time so instead

of eat junk food

we have pig out very good alright now

we’re gonna move on to our next slang

here we go the next one is screw up once

again screw up alright this slang phrase

is used when someone makes a mistake ok

this can be used to describe a big

mistake made that will possibly affect

other people alright so let’s look at

some examples using this slang here we

go the employee really messed up the

whole presentation when he forgot to

bring the USB Drive with the PowerPoint

file on it needless to say his boss

fired him later now needless to say this

is actually an expression that means of

course or obviously ok we can also say

obvious leave ok this is something we

use so you can also use that

needless to say because it was a big

presentation and he’d been a mistake he

made a mistake so his boss would have

been upset alright

so now again remember screw up means to

mess up so in this example where do we

see that you got it the employee really

messed up now one thing to remember

about this slang is it is not used for

small mistakes it’s used for bigger

mistakes ok all right so in the next

screen instead of really messed up what

do we have you got it really screwed up

very good ok next example when the girl

saw her friend’s face she knew she had

really messed up this time

but there was nothing that could be done

alright so very simple all easy

vocabulary words but what do we see she

had really messed up so on our next

screen really messed up becomes you got

it really screwed up

excellent job so messed up becomes

screwed up great job

alright an example number three he made

a decision that messed up his entire

life so much so that even his family

left him now so much so means on top of

okay on top of it’s also used to

emphasize how bad something was or is

okay so much so that even something else

happened alright okay so what do we see

messed up his entire life so on the next

screen we see that messed up his turns

too screwed up his so instead of messed

up we have screwed up very good alright

let’s move on to the next slang

this time we have plead the fifth

again plead the fifth alright this slang

phrase references the fifth Amendment of

the US Constitution which allows a

witness in court to refuse questions on

the basis that they may risk

self-incrimination okay this can be used

when you don’t want to answer a

difficult or awkward question about your

actions or comments all right so let’s

see an example of this slang phrase here

we go plead the fifth when you are

called to testify you can refuse to

answer whatever you want so testify

means to give proof or give information

about a situation okay about a situation

now this usually happens in a court of

law okay

all right for example if they ask you a

difficult question that you don’t want

to answer you can plead it right then

now this plead is referring to plead the

fifth but what part of this example

shows us refusing or not wanting to

answer something you got it right here

in the beginning

you can refuse to answer now before we

look at the next screen one important

thing that I want to bring to your

attention is it is only used talking

about plead the fifth when you really

don’t want to talk about something so

you must be careful when you use it

because people may become suspicious of

your reasonings for not wanting to

answer okay all right so let’s go to the

next screen so instead of refuse to

answer what do we have you can you got


plead the fifth okay all right very good

so let’s go on to the next example the

high school student tried to avoid

giving an answer when his parents asked

him where he had been all night but

after he saw the anger in his mother’s

eyes he decided to confess now confess

just means to tell the truth about what

happened okay to to tell the truth about

an action you did or something that

happened okay all right so in this

example where do we see someone refusing

or not wanting to give an answer right

here he tried to avoid giving an answer

so if we go to the next screen instead

of tried to avoid giving an answer we

can say right here he tried to plead the


very good all right now the third

example the man refused to answer when

his wife asked him why he had gotten

home so late again all of the words and

expressions are easy but where do we see

the refusal or not wanting to do

something right here he refused to

answer so on the next screen we’ll see

that instead of refused to answer we can

change it to he pleaded the fifth okay

very good very good all right let’s

move on to the next slang sweet sweet

all right so with this slang it is an

adjective that describes something that

is good or nice okay this can be used to

express your approval of something or

your approval for something good okay

all right so let’s see some examples

using this slang here we go

the new Mercedes is amazing I love the

new design this is a very simple example

but what do we see amazing right here

this is another way of saying good right

now before we move on to the next screen

one thing that you need to remember

about this slang is it is not something

that is used often in professional or

business environments however depending

on the familiarity how close or how

familiar you are with people in the

group it may be used in some meetings

okay all right

so let’s go to the next screen instead

of amazing we have you got it sweet very

simple to change this one okay all right

number two this new MacBook Pro is good

I am able to get all of my work done

much faster now okay in this situation

much is actually being used to emphasize

that it was a lot faster okay so used

for emphasis all right okay so what do

we see we see good this is what’s going

to be the word that will be replaced

with our slang of sweet all right very


all right an example number three isn’t

our new office great our boss said they

spent a boatload of money just to make

sure everything was perfect now this is

a very good word for you all to know

this is also kind of a slang but it’s a

word we use so think about it like this

I want you to imagine a large

boat okay this is a large boat and

normally boats are used to carry things

they have cargo and sometimes they have

people on them right

but boats go on the ocean and they’re

very large so boat load means a large

amount of something okay a large amount

of something all right good

okay so what do we see in this example

we see the word great that is very

similar to sweet so if you go to the

next screen instead of great we have you

got it sweet okay you can replace great

with sweet very good all right let’s

move on to our next slang here we go

the next one is tight once again tight

okay this slang word is an adjective

that describes closeness between

competitors people competing against

each other this can be used to basically

describe any type of close competition

all right now the examples are gonna

really help you all understand this one

here we go the presidential race is

pretty close it is hard to tell who will

win this year

now hard to tell means difficult to

guess okay difficult to guess or see or

know we say hard to tell okay now one

thing to remember about this slang is

that it can be used in professional and

casual situations it’s used very

commonly in both of those situations so

we see right here pretty close so we go

to the next screen

pretty close becomes pretty tight you

got it very good pretty tight okay all

right example number two the race

between Michael and Sam is really close

I’m not sure if Michael will be able to

out run

Sam this time out run just means to run

faster okay once again to run faster so

in this example what do we see we see

the race is really close so this really

close if we go on this side it becomes

really tight the same meaning everything

before and after is the same on both

examples okay all right number three

even though it is a close race I think

the Democratic candidate is going to win

all right easy words easy expressions

but we see a close race so we come over

here and a close race can be changed to

a tight race very good very simple one

rights easy for you to use this one okay

all right so let’s move on to the next

slang trash once again trash all right

so this slang word refers to destruction

okay it refers to destruction this can

be used to describe total or complete

destruction so let’s look at some

examples using this slang here we go

his mother was furious when she walked

into the house and saw the mess furious

just means extremely or very angry okay

extremely angry that’s what the word

furious means okay he had totally messed

up the house with his friends during a

party and his mom was beyond upset so in

this situation the term beyond means to

be a lot more okay a lot more so she’s a

lot more upset than usual alright so the

thing to remember about this slang is

that it is when in your opinion

something looks completely destroyed so

in this example what do we see

she saw the man

and also he had totally messed up the

house we can add that part right there

so if we go to the next screen we’re

gonna change this messed up the house


you guessed it he had trashed the house

so messed up becomes trashed all right

very good

example number two the students decided

to destroy the classroom because they

didn’t like their teacher so the

principal had to what expel them okay

expel means to be permanently removed

okay to be permanently removed or to

permanently remove someone okay they had

to be permanently removed and not

allowed back okay so in this example

where do we see trash we see destroy all

right so we go to the next screen

destroy is replaced with trash okay in

this one it’s a verb okay for this

example okay very good

alright number three the police spent

three weeks searching for the

individuals who had destroyed the

convenience store near my house a

convenience store is a store like

7-eleven a popular convenience store in

America you go to the store it’s a small

store that has the bare necessities okay

a small store with the bare necessities

so the main things that you may need all

right so water of course some food and

maybe like two your inner mouthwash

toothpaste those simple things can be

found in a convenience store all right

so what is the same or what word or

words have the same meaning of trash or

as trash we see right here destroyed so

we go to the next screen

destroyed actually becomes you guessed

it trashed everything before is the same

and everything after is also

saying very good all right now let’s

move on to the next slang

take a raincheck once again take a


now it is commonly used for postponing

or rescheduling a meeting between people

to some later date that is more

convenient this can be used when you

desire to attend a meeting or gathering

but your schedule inhibits or prevents

or stops you from attending so let’s

look at some examples using this here we

go the woman asked the man if she could

reschedule their date because she had to

take care of her sick mother so this is

a very simple example but what do we see

here that speaks of changing something

you guessed it very good reschedule

their date this has the same meaning of

take or as take a raincheck

now you must remember it is not

something that is used often in

professional and business environments

you wouldn’t tell your boss can I take a

rain check we don’t do that in the

business world but we can use it in a

casual situation so if we go to the next

screen reschedule their date actually

becomes take a rain check on their date


so let’s look at the next example he had

to work late so he asked the woman if he

could reschedule their date very similar

to the first example reschedule same

meaning as take a rain check if we go to

the next screen reschedule their date

becomes take a rain check on their date

ok very good

all right and number three I was

planning to come over but this storm is

getting pretty bad ok now in this one

we’re using pretty as a way to emphasize

ok it’s used for emphasis to emphasize

that it was really bad ok can i


and we know this is actually something

that has the same meaning as take a


so instead of can i reschedule we can

say can I take a rain check I want to be

there but I can’t can we reschedule okay

all right very good okay now let’s go to

the next slang spill the beans

once again spill the beans

now this slang phrase is used to

describe someone giving up revealing

giving up or revealing secret

information okay this can be used to

emphasize that someone revealed

information they should not have told ok

so let’s say for example you have these

individuals right here ok so this man

told his friend a secret now this secret

he told him not to tell any one else ok

he only told him however

this man right here went and told

someone else and he revealed his friends

secret so what happened this is actually

revealing information ok spilling the

beans all right ok very good so let’s

look at some examples using this actual

slang all right here’s the example we

planned a surprise birthday party for my


but Barbara ended up accidentally

telling her ok so now for this example

before we get into the words because

it’s very simple

I want you guys to remember something

about this slang right here remember

that it is used when the information

revealed may have a negative effect on

some plans that were in place or on some

one okay all right so in this example

spill the beans

do we see that shows some secret being

revealed you got it

accidentally telling her so on the next

screen accidentally telling her becomes

you guessed it spilling the beans all

right example number two did she tell

anyone about the affair Michael was

having with that other woman now in

English affair refers to a sexual

encounter with someone other than your

spouse okay with someone that is not

that you are not with okay that you are

not with okay for example your spouse

okay you’re married to your husband or

your wife but you’re with someone else

we call that an affair okay so again

that’s something that is big news that’s

not something good but they said did he

or excuse me did she tell anyone okay

all right so in the next screen did she

tell anyone becomes did she spill the

beans so instead of telling me one we

can say spill the beans okay all right

next this is a very big secret so don’t

tell anyone this one is very easy

don’t tell anyone becomes you guessed it

don’t spill the beans okay so again you

can start to realize how easy it is to

replace the words you know for actually

English slang words or phrases okay very


all right let’s go to the next one the

next one is shoot the breeze

once again shoot the breeze I use this

all the time it’s a very common slang

but it’s a phrase that I use very often

with my friends okay this slang phrase

is used to describe killing time or

just idly chit-chatting or just doing

other meaningless things meaningless

things basically relaxing okay this can

be used to emphasize extreme relaxation

okay all right so let’s look at some

examples no I’m not busy at all I’m just

relaxing so I can talk if you want to

now all of the words in this example are

very simple so let’s look at actually

what we need to remember about this

slang it can be used in a positive or a

negative way remember we’re talking

about this right here if there is work

to be done people should not shoot the

breeze however if all the work is done

it can be used to encourage people to

relax more so again in this example we

see I’m just relaxing so this becomes

you guessed it shooting the breeze okay

this one’s very simple next one it was a

nice summer day so all of the kids were

just hanging out on the porch in front

of my house now

porch I want to explain to you what this

is so in America the houses for example

can look like this okay and they’ll have

windows on the front of the house all

right and of course you know you have

grass in the front but there is also an

area on the front of the house like this

so this is actually in front or on top

of the grass okay and people can walk in

this way but this space or this area is

connected to the house and people can

actually put chairs in this area and

people can sit down and relax so it’s

the front part of the house okay so what

do we see in this example that means

relaxing or spending time got it just

hanging out so on the next screen just

hanging out becomes you guessed it

shooting the breeze okay shooting the

breeze out on the front porch

very good all right an example three we

don’t have time to relax the teacher

said our reports are due by tomorrow

morning okay so do just means a deadline

okay they’re due by tomorrow or so they

must be completed by that deadline okay

completed by a certain time all right we

say do must be finished okay so what do

we see in this situation that refers to

shoot the breeze you got it don’t have

time to relax so on our next screen we

see that relax turns to shoot the breeze

very good all right let’s move on to the

final slang phrase in English okay ride


once again ride shotgun this slang

phrase means to ride in the front

passenger seat of a vehicle it comes

from an Old West folklore where the

person in the passenger seat carried the

shotgun for protection

all right so this can be used to

describe the passenger in the front seat

of any type of vehicle so let’s look at

some examples using this slang I called


so you have to get in the back you can

ride in the front seat

next time very simple example remember

this is a very widely used slang phrase

so we say I called shotgun so you can

get in the back you can ride in the

front seat next time so ride in the

front seat becomes you guessed it ride

shotgun all right let’s move on to the

next example example number two kids

usually want to ride in the front seat

when they travel somewhere with their

parents very simple examples so again

ride in the front seat so ride in the

front-seat going to the next screen this

literally just becomes you guessed it

ride shotgun so you can start using this

slang very quickly all right an example

number three Mary got in the backseat

next to Sally and Carla rode in the

front seat

very easy words so again we see right

here rode in the front seat

this becomes you guessed it right here

it becomes rode shotgun so now you know

how to use this slang phrase now if you

want to keep studying with me you can

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