English Conversation Weather Its snowing. Do you like snow days



situation one john and derek talk

together about the weather

in their office and prepare to have


oh my god it’s so cold today the

temperature is 14 degrees

which is the lowest i have ever seen my

toes are freezing

i know mine too i don’t like winter

my asthma is getting worse and worse

when it’s cold

look how windy and gloomy it is outside

i think it is going to snow heavily


i heard this year is going to be the

coldest winter in this

decade because of climate change

oh i just want to stay in

but it’s almost break time do you still

want to go grab some lunch

okay i think so because my doctor told

me that i couldn’t skip meals

oh great i’m starving i feel like eating


maybe mcdonald’s no i need something to

warm me up

i’m thinking about something hot and


perhaps chinese food or thai

there is an amazing chinese restaurant


do you want to try it out oh wait i just


it’s too cold my car won’t start we

should try delivery

okay sure let me call them thanks

i will have noodles and dumplings

okay got it

situation 2 miley runs into his high

school friend

sarah in new york city and suddenly it’s


this is the first time sarah has seen


sarah oh my god it’s miley from high


how are you oh hi miley

i’m good long time no see how are you

doing lately

i heard you went to new york university

yeah i’m good when did you move here

i just moved here last month i just got

a job downtown

oh that’s great congrats i’m sorry for

not keeping in touch

i’m so busy with school and work

oh don’t worry now we both live in the

same city

we can hang out sometimes sure

oh look sarah it’s snowing ever since i

moved here i have always got excited

whenever i see snow

wow this is the first time i have ever

seen snow

it’s so beautiful i wish we had snow in

our old town

i know the forecast said it would was


to be a very cold day with snow flurries

in new york

look the snowflakes settle on the street

maybe after tonight

the street will be covered by a light

dusting of snow

oh i’m so excited to build a snowman and

have a snowball fight

is that too childish

it’s okay sarah i like it too

i love how the snow makes everything

look so magical

but a snowstorm can be scary have you

ever been

stranded in a snowstorm miley

yes i have last december my roommate and

i were driving to minnesota to celebrate

christmas with his family when we almost

got there there was a sudden blizzard

and i got stuck in the middle of a big

pile of snow

there was so much snow and clouds that


we could not see properly and the wind

was very strong

oh you must have been so scared

so how did you get out thank god

my friend had a shovel in his trunk we

had to dig snow and ice away from the

drive tires

he wanted to free up a few feet in front

of and behind the tires

so we could move the car back and forth

and after three hours of pushing and

shoving we were able to drive away and

we decided to wait in a cafe for the

snowstorm to end

that sounds terrifying how can these

cute snake

snowflakes be dangerous

of course not everyone likes snow

while some people look out of their

window in the morning at

the new fallen snow and see a winter


others see freezing temperatures travel


and general misery what about you

honestly i don’t like winter i miss the

sunny weather back in miami

i think spring is the most beautiful

season it’s not too hot

not too cold and beautiful flowers and

blossoms are popping up

everywhere you go all the trees have

fresh green look

i think so too but while you are here

you should enjoy the snow and we can go

skiing sometimes

that’s a great idea maybe next weekend

yeah sure by the way i have to go to

school now

it’s nice to see you again sarah see you

next week

bye miley later

situation three nick

called lucy to ask her out on a date at

the beach

but when they got there it was a sudden


so they had to wait in a bookstore

hello is this lucy

yes it’s me who is this

it’s nick did we meet yesterday at the

bar remember

oh hi what’s up so there is a concert at

the beach tonight and i think it’d be

really fun if we went together

are you asking me out yes

i want to go with you and i think it’s

going to be a great time


sure but wait i think it’s gonna rain


but it’s still sunny and bright outside

i think the storm will not come until


oh okay sure so tonight right

yeah i will pick you up at 8 pm

ok see you then


oh i can feel some raindrops on my head

should i be worried no worries

i brought an umbrella and also i think

it’s just

splitting a little i don’t know the

forecast calls for scattered showers

i think we should go before it rains


okay let’s go to the bookstore down the

street and stay inside until the rain



look nick it’s really coming down out


it’s pouring rain luckily we got here in

time or else we would be soaking wet

i don’t like this rainy season i prefer


from skiing and snowboarding in the


to curling up by the fire and enjoying

some hot chocolate

there’s never a short of the things to

do in the winter time

oh i personally love this season

it’s my favorite rain brings out the

most beautiful scenery

trees are greener more flowers are in


lakes and waterfalls are most alive

from my experience the rainy season is

the best time to travel

how about snow do you like snow

no i hate snow it can be slushy

dirty and also dangerous when there is a

lot of snow leaving you pretty much

indoors for three to four months and the

heating bill is so hot

good points anyways i think the rain


we should go before it starts to rain


and i’m sorry that we couldn’t stay to

watch the whole concert

it’s okay i had a really good time here

at this bookstore with you


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