Top 10 Snow Activity Words in English

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gifts of the month hi everybody my name

is Alisha welcome back to top words

today we’re going to talk about ten snow

activity words so let’s go sledding the

first word is sledding sledding is a

popular snow activity so a sled is

required to do this so a sled is like a

smallish plastic toy that kids usually

can sit in so to go sledding there’s

usually a snowy hill so kids go up the

hill with the sled and then put the sled

down sit on the sled and slide down the

hill or sled down the hill so this

activity of going up the hill and coming

down the hill is called sledding it’s a

lot of fun okay in a sentence

have you ever tried sledding skiing the

next word is skiing so skiing takes the

same idea as sledding however the

equipment is just different so skis

there are two pieces to like essentially

long sticks we attach to our feet and

then we take a chairlift usually so we

take a ride up a mountain and get to the

top of the mountain attach these skis to

our feet and go down the mountain so

there’s no sitting down hopefully here

just riding on the skis two pieces

attached to our feet down the mountain

in a sentence let’s go skiing this

weekend okay

snowboarding the next word is

snowboarding snowboarding so again same

idea go to the top of a snowy hill and

come down but again the equipment is

different so skis as we talked about

there’s one piece of equipment attached

to each foot snowboarding however has

just one piece of equipment that is

attached to both feet it’s a board like

a skateboard really so again we take it

to the top of the hill attach it and

slide down snowboard down the mountain

we can use snowboard and ski as verbs as

well in a sentence I haven’t been

snowboarding since

Highschool that’s true snowball fight

the next expression is snowball fight a

snowball fight is a very popular thing

for kids and adults to do so a snowball

is just a ball made from fresh smell and

a fight is everybody throws snowballs at

each other so snowball fights can be

very dangerous if you tightly pack the

snowballs it’s generally nice to pack

the snowballs lightly by pack I mean

like to crush to crush them lightly if

you make them very very tight you can

really hurt somebody when you throw it

at them but a snowball fight is

generally like a fun game that kids and

adults can play together in a sentence

we should organize a big snowball fight

igloo the next word is igloo igloo so

igloo is actually a word that comes from

a different well it comes from the

Inuits I believe which refers to houses

or refers to buildings made from snow

and ice but building small houses which

we can also perhaps call igloos in some

way can also be a fun activity for kids

and families to do on snowy day so

making kind of it’s not really a house

necessarily but just it’s just making a

small structure or something small out

from snow the children can go inside and

play and it’s just kind of a different

experience an interesting new space for

kids to explore so we can say making an

igloo or building an igloo is a popular

snow activity in another sentence I want

to try making an igloo someday

snowshoeing the next expression is

snowshoeing snowshoeing so this is an

interesting one that’s kind of heard

it’s very difficult I’ve never done it

myself but in it’s typically done in

places where the snow is very light so

you attach a special it looks kind of

like a tennis racket if you can imagine

it you attach this to each foot a

snowshoe it’s called a snowshoe and then

you can walk across the snow even the

very light snow so if you don’t wear

snowshoes you might fall through the

snow but wearing snowshoes allows you to

walk across the very light

snow so you can get kind of an

interesting experience like hiking

through the snow a little bit but with

special shoes that allow you to do that

so snowshoeing is a popular activity in

a sentence snowshoeing is really good

exercise tobogganing the next word is

tobogganing tobogganing is very similar

to sledding in that it’s going down a

hill in like a something you can sit in

but a toboggan is I’ll it’s like a long

sled you can think of that also to my

understanding their traditional

toboggans made from wood as well that

were very fast in the snow and that

could go down mountains and hills very

quickly so but tobogganing is something

that people still do in snowy weather

but yet they can be very quick and very

kind of dangerous if you don’t know how

to control them a toboggan is used for


so toboggan is the equipment the item

used to go down the hill in a sentence

tobogganing seems really fun snow angel

the next expression is snow angel a snow

angel this is a very simple just like

great thing to do at the end of a day

when you’ve been playing in the snow so

it’s snow angel is you lay your body

down in the ground and when your body is

laying in the snow you make this motion

with your arms and you make the same

motion with your feet and then someone

helps you to stand them from that

position the shape that your body

creates from this motion it looks like

an angel a little bit so we call that a

snow angel making a snow angel so that’s

kind of a fun thing to do at the end of

the day when you’re tired from playing

in the snow in a sentence my brother and

I used to lay in the snow and make snow

angels that’s true okay

build a snowman next one the next one is

snowman a snowman or snow woman I guess

is is a very popular activity in the

snow especially for kids so the idea is

you roll balls of snow together usually

two or three I think well you have to

have minimum

  • so you roll a ball of snow up and then

you roll a slightly smaller ball of snow

and put it on top of the first ball and

then maybe another slightly smaller one

usually there’s like three and they make

the like lower part the middle parts and

the head of a person and then if you’ve

watched movies sometimes families use

like a carrot for a nose or pieces of

coal for eyes maybe there’s a hat on it

so it’s a popular family activity to

make a man or a woman or maybe sometimes

a snow family from the snow in their

yard so this is a really really fun

exercise in a sentence do you want to

build a snowman build a snow fort the

last expression is build a snow fort

build a snow fort so a fort means like

well a fort literally a fort is like a a

place a safe place for like military or

for like fighters to stay but in this

case children like to build snow forts

like maybe for their snowball fights so

it’s like a wall or it’s like a base

made from snow that kids can hide in or

play in or use to guard them and

snowball fights so building a snow fort

can be a lot of fun for kids in a

sentence have you ever built a snow fort

all right so those are ten snow activity

words I hope that that was interesting

for you is there anything that you like

to do or that you did when you were a

kid in the snow in your country these

are a few things that are popular in the

USA but if there’s something that’s

interesting or popular to do in the snow

in your country let us know in the

comment section if you liked the video

please make sure to give us a thumbs up

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out at English class for more

good stuff thanks very much for watching

this episode of top words and I’ll see

you again soon hi Mike great work don’t

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