46 Social Conversations in English

greeting familiar face

dialogue 1

hello Kate overtime again are you yes

I’ve got to if I want to get a pay raise

how are things going everything is all

right yes not too bad thanks and you I’m

doing good thank you

how’s jack oh he’s all right but busy as

usual maybe we could have it together

sometime sounds like a great idea

you are the boss okay I’ll call you

dialogue to

hi long time no see you haven’t been

sick have you no I’ve been in America

for the past month how nice

where were you exactly LA I got back


have you changed jobs no I’ve been

visiting some relatives there that’s


what are you going about now nothing

much same as ever

meeting new neighbor

dialogue 1

nice to meet you I am Lisa your new


nice to meet you too I am David where

are you from Lisa I am from China China

is a good place how do you like America

I like it very much it’s a good place to

are you used to the life and the weather

in America frankly speaking not yet no

problem it’s a matter of time

oh how time flies it’s time for me to

pick up my little girl thanks for your

time see you next time see you if you

have any difficulty please don’t

hesitate to let me know

dialogue to

nice to meet you I am your new neighbor

nice to meet you your face looks

familiar to me

let me see oh you are Kate the youngest

daughter of Green yes I am may I have

your name my name is Jack Chen oh you

are the best friend of my father

exactly I have heard a lot about you I

hope it’s not the bad things about me

how was your father he is so fine send

my best wishes to him thank you very


meeting accidentally

dialogue 1

jack is this Jack isn’t it

well well John fancy meeting you here

small world isn’t it yes what are you

doing here on business

I’m here on holiday with my wife and you

so am i only yourself no the whole

family they are over there

dialogue to

I can’t imagine meeting you here me too

so how’s the family

oh you didn’t know my parents got

divorced they got divorced yeah my dad’s

shacking up with a young woman she’s

almost 20 years younger than him she’s

just a little older than me oh that’s

terrible I am so sorry to hear this news

I know

it’s ugly

chatting up others

dialogue 1

nice day isn’t it yes very good what’s

the weather like in London just now it’s

like in London warm and sunny does it

usually rain a lot in London I suppose

so we’d get a lot of rain but we also

get good weather Beijing can be very hot

in summer

I prefer autumn yes I like autumn and

spring too

dialogue to

hi may I have the pleasure of buying you

a drink okay thank you how do you like

vodka I’m afraid it’s too strong for me

then I suggest you have a taste of

Shanghai cocktail that’s a good idea

there is a floor show in our lobby bar

would you like to see it sure let’s go

introducing others

dialogue 1

Jack have you met Lisa no I haven’t oh

then let me introduce you to her right


Lisa this is my friend Jack nice to see

you jack how do you do miss Lisa glad to

meet you too

I’ve spoken with you on the phone yes I


dialogue to

I’d like to introduce you to my friends

Mike Mike this is mr. Smith hello Mike

nice to meet you this is my wife nice to

meet you sir and a pleasure to meet you

too mrs. Smith thank you it’s nice to

meet your acquaintance have we met

before no I don’t think so


dialogue 1

can I help you yes I’ve come to apply

for the position as an office secretary

I’m Smith the clerk of human resources

department what’s your name my name is

Wang Fang mr. Smith how do you do

nice to meet you miss Wang we have

received your letter in answer to our

advertisement I would like to talk with

you regarding your qualification for

this interview I’m very happy that I am

qualified for this interview now talk

something about yourself please

well my name is wang fung w ang wang and

f ing fung i was born on May 17th 1982

dialogue to

I believe you’re mr. Smith aren’t you

yes I am how do you do my name is Jack

I’m glad to be here how do you do jack

it’s nice to meet you may I introduce

myself my name is Alice how do you do

miss Alice I’m glad to meet you

how do you do it’s my pleasure to meet


same here

complimenting others

dialogue 1

good morning John jogging again yeah

would you like to join me okay hey look

what a beautiful sweater you have do you

think it looks good on me yes it goes

beautifully with your pants you won’t

believe it but it is really cheap I wish

I could find one just like it you look

young for your age you’re the only one

who has said that

dialogue to

I like your new coat do you think it

fits me yes it looks terrific you look

nice I bought it at half price you are a

good bargain er I like the color of your

tie - thanks you flatter me

it wasn’t very expensive either that’s

amazing it sure looks expensive you have

made a good choice thank you for saying


refusing others

dialogue 1

can I see you our parents sometime

tomorrow sorry they are too busy these

days how about this weekend sorry but

that’s taken two when would they be free

well I’d rather not if you don’t mind

dialogue to

what do you plan to do on Sunday morning

nothing special

how about going to English corner with


I don’t want to go and that’s that why

not go with me you know I’m poor at

English especially oral English that’s

why you should go there if you don’t

dare to speak English

owing to being afraid of making mistakes

you simply will never master English

festival greetings

dialogue 1

Merry Christmas the same to you are you

doing anything special we’re having some

friends over in the evening what are you

doing oh I’m just going to take it easy

that’s a good idea

let’s sing okay what is your favorite

Christmas song do you mean Christmas

Carol yep

my favorite one is jingle bells

I hate jingle bells I preferred the

little drummer boy song but that’s not

really a Christmas Carol

dialogue to

have a nice Thanksgiving the same to you

are you going anywhere

I thought about going to my sister’s

good the holiday is a time of family

reunion how about you oh I’ll probably

just stay at home enjoy yourself you two

have a mid full Thanksgiving

borrowing money and things

dialogue 1

will you do me a favor what can I do for

you would you mind if I borrowed your


well when exactly next weekend I’m sorry

but it wouldn’t be possible Monday or

Tuesday of next week yes I guess that

would be all right

dialogue to

why are you still here I fetch my wallet

but I don’t know where it is

take it easy in your memory where did

you see it last time maybe I forgot it

at home could you lend me 100 UN I need

to go home by taxi of course is that


yes that’s very kind of you don’t

mention it I have something urgent and I

have to go in a hurry mind how you go I


offering help

dialogue 1

good morning I wonder if you could help

me certainly sir

what can I do for you I need to send

effects and use the Internet sorry sir

would you repeat that yes I need to send

effects and use the Internet

ah you can do that in our business

centre it’s on the second floor Thanks

is it open now yes it is

dialogue to

you look worried what’s the problem the

copy machine doesn’t work and my printer

is broken either

what a pity is there anything I can do

for you can you print it for me of

course no problem how many do you need

ten copies okay

just five minutes thank you very much

for helping me don’t mention it

making an apology

dialogue 1

I’m terribly sorry I really shouldn’t

say those words yesterday you don’t have

to apologize

I don’t know why I lost my temper and

said so many stupid things

it was my mistake in the first place

I hope you’ll forgive me for the mistake

even if it was your mistake

I shouldn’t have behaved like that

please don’t I’ll be more focused from

now on so you won’t take offense at what

I said yesterday actually I never did

dialogue to

hey Bob I know you will come is

everything all right I’m sorry I don’t

have the videotape ready that’s okay I

won’t need it until next Friday I’m

sorry you have to make another trip

really that is fine if you can have it

by next Thursday everything will be good

I think everything is going to turn out

really good I hope you will be really

pleased with the final tape yes I’m sure

I will be thanks for your help

expressing thanks

dialogue 1

will it work again yes just have a try I

really don’t know how to thank you I’m

glad I was able to help it’s very kind

of you don’t mention it

it was the least I could do if there’s

ever anything I can do for you don’t

hesitate to let me know thank you I will

dialogue to

I got the job he recommended me last

week that’s great congratulations I

really don’t know how I can thank you

enough oh it’s my pleasure after all you

are very qualified for the position

thank you very much indeed

you helped me rebuild my self-confidence

don’t mention it you’ve always been good

what do you say we go out to celebrate

that would be great

saying goodbye

dialogue 1

I’d like to say goodbye to everyone when

are you off I’m flying home on Sunday

afternoon well goodbye see you soon

please don’t forget to say goodbye to

the rest of the family for me thanks and

say hello to your family

dialogue to

I just dropped in to say goodbye what

time are you leaving I’m going to try to

leave by 10:00 take care and give my

best wishes to your parents I will hope

to see you again next year don’t forget

to call us if you’re in London I will


asking for directions

dialogue 1

excuse me can you direct me to the toy

department please it’s on the seventh

floor as you get off the elevator you’ll

see it on your left can you direct me to

the elevator

sure go straight ahead and you’ll walk

into it thank you you’re welcome

dialogue to

excuse me could you please tell me how

to get to the railway station turn left

at the first light will it take me long

to get there

no it’s not far at all do I need to take

a bus well it depends you can walk there

if you are not in a hurry otherwise you

can take a number 10 bus thank you don’t

mention it

making and receiving a call dialog one

hello can I speak to Mary please hold on


thank you hello this is Mary who’s that

hi Mary

this is Lily I’m calling to ask you if

you’d like to see the movie tonight I’d

be glad to

well I’m going to meet you outside the

cinema at 8 p.m. it’s a deal

dialogue - hello good morning John hello

who is that speaking it’s Jane I’m so

sorry that I made such an early phone

call it’s nothing what’s wrong did you

get my note yes I just got it I’ll think

it over and call you back fine

see you later goodbye

not getting the person dialog one hello

3 3 to 4 4 0 oh hello Sally this is will

here could I speak to Jim please I’m

afraid he’s not in at the moment he went

out about an hour ago and he’s not back

yet any idea when he might be back well

he shouldn’t be long he said he was just

going to get some paint but I wouldn’t

be surprised if he stopped off at the

pub on the way back well I’ll try again


alright goodbye goodbye dialog - hello

hello is this four four seven four seven

one six I’d like to speak to Mr Wong

please I’m sorry

mr. Wong is out right now may I know

when he’ll be back

I don’t know but he will certainly be

back for lunch can I take a message for

him thank you please tell him to be at

the airport one hour earlier before the

departure time tomorrow afternoon very

good I’ll let him know as soon as he

comes back but may I have your name


this is lien Ming thank you bye goodbye

putting the call through dialogue one


dodge automobiles how may I direct your


could I have extension two three nine

please well please hold on okay thank

you I’m sorry the numbers engaged would

you care to wait please

for how long in a minute or two dialogue

  • hello I’d like the extension four one

three zero please sorry the number is

busy now will you please hold the line

no I’ll try again later

good luck hello extension four one three

zero would you put me through again

please okay the line is free just a

moment well it’s ringing go ahead please

ending the call

dialogue 1 hello I wish to speak to

Linda this is Linda speaking this is

Mary Mary I recognized your voice right

away I’m glad you called me Linda listen

um I’m calling to ask you some questions

about Jim you know him don’t you sure

why are you asking about him well I want

to get a part-time job at his store

oh well Jim’s a nice guy I mean he’ll

give you decent hours a decent wage and

plenty of breaks well I suppose so but

Oh somebody’s at the door I’ll call you

back later bye bye dialog - that’s a

terrific story

oh sorry Mary I’d better go now is the

boss coming by yeah and I have to finish

this report by 3:00 can we continue

after that sorry I’m afraid I can’t talk

long I will have to go to a meeting

after 3:00 okay

I’ll let you get back to your work I’ll

call you again later okay okay let’s

call it a day and we will continue


visiting someone in the hospital

dialogue 1

hi May I’m coming I didn’t see you at

work this morning are you all right oh

I’ve got a bad cold my head is dizzy and

my nose is running oh I’m so sorry to

hear that have you seen a doctor or

taken any medicine as a matter of fact I

have the doctor said it’ll go away after

a day or two he’s prescribed me some

tablets are you feeling better yes it

helps me but I just have to wait and let

my system do the work do you need


grocery oh no I’m fine my refrigerator

is piled up with food but if it’s not

too much trouble for you I’d like

something to read sure I’ll get it for


books or magazines I’d like both

dialogue to

hello Ms Brown I hope you’re feeling

better today oh yes thank you I’m

feeling much better now

I think the fevers almost gone that’s

good and you’re looking well by the way

how do you find the hospital here both

the doctors and nurses are very nice

good to know that are you allowed to

have some fruit I’ve brought you some

oranges that’s very kind of you thank

you very much is there anything I can do

for you no I don’t think so thank you

alright I’d better not stay too long you

need more rest I’ll come again tomorrow

please don’t I’m much better now I know

you are very busy if you need anything

please let me know I will thank you for

coming and for the oranges too don’t

mention it good bye and take care of

yourself bye bye

paying a private visit dialog 1 hi bill

I’m so glad to see you how are you doing

fine I miss you so much Uncle Jim me too

we haven’t seen each other for years

have we yes it’s been three years now

how time flies now you are a young man

out of a little boy house aunt Deborah

couldn’t be better

how are your parents doing not bad they

plan to visit you next year

really I’ll be so excited to see them

make yourself at home

let me make some tea for you okay thank

you Uncle Jim dialog - coming hello I’m

mrs. Chen this is my husband we moved

into this neighborhood last week nice to

meet you mr. and mrs. Chen come in

please have a seat would you like some

coffee no thanks we’ll just stay for a

minute well what can I do for you then

we’re having a party this Friday evening

at our place and we’d like you and your

family to join us oh I’d like to but I’m

not sure about my husband’s schedule he

always works overtime the party will

begin at 5:30 p.m. and will probably

last for three or four hours why don’t

you give me your telephone number I’ll

call you tomorrow and let you know

please do this is our phone number we

live just across the street do you need

any help preparing for the party mrs.

Chen I’m free every afternoon that’s

very nice of you but won’t it be too

troublesome for you no no trouble at all

what time is good

how about 4:00 p.m. I’ll be there

treating someone at home dialog one are

you the guest to join the garden party

yes I’m from Los Angeles the reception

desk is in the best view of building two

let me check your things for you thank


does the party begin at 10 o’clock yes

sir you still have 40 minutes to prepare

something else the garden here is

beautiful and ancient yes and it is

well-kept - it really has a charm of its

own a party in the open gives a greater

sense of freedom than one held in the

room I wish you a good time thanks a lot

dialog - everything is ready please come

to the dining room

wow what a marvelous table you’ve got

here I’ve long heard Chinese dishes are

well known all over the world for their

color aroma and taste I hope you like my

cooking I think you are not only a good

teacher but also a good cook

thanks for the compliment let’s begin

with chicken which will bring luck to

the guests

according to Chinese table culture it

sounds interesting now that I’ll eat

more please help yourself to it thanks I

like fried kidney best among Chinese

food have a try of it well really

unusual the fried kidney is quite tender

and delicious birthday party dialog one

happy birthday Alice many happy returns

of the day here’s a present for you

thank you Peter

come into the dining room I’m going to

cut the cake soon have some sandwiches


who’s that girl

that’s Joan she’s pretty isn’t she she

likes to dance ask her to dance well I

don’t know don’t be afraid she isn’t

going to bite you who’s afraid I’m not

at all would you invite her to dance

with you

just a piece of cake dialogue to look

someone is celebrating his birthday yeah

in America 21 is the age when you’re

allowed to drink so many guys celebrate

it in bars what did you do to celebrate

your birthday in China nowadays it’s no

difference from America you can see many

birthday parties but in old times we

have traditional ways to celebrate it oh


anything special we cook long-lived

noodles and for aged people we prepare

longevity peaches for blessing Wow

longevity peaches what’s that they are

made of wheat flour and they look like

real peaches

baby party

dialogue 1 I’ve been meaning to ask why

we have the party before the baby comes

because the mother-to-be has more energy

before the baby’s birth when are you due

by the end of next month I’ll be free

then do you have any name picked out no

I haven’t got any idea are you hoping

for a boy or a girl I’m expecting a boy

well let’s make a toast to the

mother-to-be hope her dream will come

true and have a healthy and bouncing

baby dialogue 2 these toys are lovely

open this one ok a stroller

it’s from Wendy this one will fit for

all your babies but we’re only going to

have one child you’ll change your mind

after you have the first one look there

are more presents let me open these Oh a

baby sleep monitor system I love it

really this is from my wife and mean I

thought it would be helpful

I was holding off on buying this until

after the shower

well now you can spend that money on

something else this is from ting ting oh

she shouldn’t have

housewarming party dialog one I want to

invite you to a party at our new house

and new house

really yes we’ve moved that’s why we’re

giving the housewarming party can you

come well that depends

when will it be this Saturday evening at

8:00 p.m. well I’m going away on Sunday

morning very early will the party go on

very late until 2 in the next morning

but you don’t have to stay that long

what about it alright I’ll come but I’d

like to bring a present for your new

house nothing I mean don’t bring

anything it is unnecessary dialog -

you’ve got a very nice house really come

on in our new house doesn’t feel like a

home yet

well it’s good enough now let’s take a

tour of the house I could hardly wait to

have a look Wow

your home is very beautiful thank you

for saying so how big is the apartment

about 100 square metres how do you like

the neighborhood we just moved into this

neighborhood a few days ago so far so


it’s so quiet and peaceful here and the

air is fresh and cool

dancing invitation dialogue one hello

hello this is Mike Mike nice to hear

from you

unformed ball and could you come to the

party I’ll be glad to when is it due

this Saturday evening how do I make

preparations for it the hood robe or

cloak anything you like just try to make

others can’t recognize you okay will the

party go on very late until 2:00 in the

morning but you don’t have to stay that

long dialog to whom are you going to

invite to the party well I’m certainly

going to invite Maryann Susan yes of

course and are you going to invite Tom

no I don’t think so

he doesn’t like parties you’re wrong

last night he dated his girlfriend and

attended a party really maybe he had no

way out you were just kidding he often

enjoys a party it’s up to you

inviting someone to the bar dialog one

we’re having a party in our bar tomorrow

evening come to the party you’ll enjoy

it I’m not sure if I’m free tomorrow if

I am free I will go to join you it will

be really interesting there should be

food drinks and music well just wait a

moment let me check my schedule and I

will tell you later don’t forget to

bring your girlfriend’s I’m sorry to

tell you we have broke since I was ill

then it’s really good for you to come we

may meet beautiful girls there huh okay

see you tomorrow evening dialog -

there’s lots of bars in ho hi it’s

really nice yes I knew this would be a

good place for a cool beer let’s find a

good one how about that one over there

it’s got a really good view of the lake

looks good to me let’s try it let’s go

drinking in the bar dialog 1 this is my

first time being in a bar how do you

like this place sure I love this place

especially the decoration yeah what

would you like orange juice will be fine

for me

bartender orange juice for this lady and

iced beer for me please

Oh fresh juice I love it let me help you

to hold the drink thank you

dialog - I thought you could have a


but I don’t like drinking alcohol it

makes my face turn red so what do you

usually drink when you go out tea and

juice are both fine with me but you are

in a pub right now all the girls here

know how to drink alcohol you have to

learn why do I have to learn I don’t

like it at all because if you refuse to

drink people will think you are too

conservative so in your opinion I should

have a drink right at least get used to

it and better to have a couple of

glasses all right I will try

dinner invitation dialog one let’s meet

for lunch

around midday good idea we can try the

new pizza restaurant yes let’s try it

I’ve heard that it’s really good okay

I’ll see you there just after 12:00 what

would you like it’s up to you how about

pizza pizza is good but I prefer

spaghetti dialogue - have you ever tried

the Chinese restaurants at the corner

yeah really what do you think of it

excellent I like Chinese food very much

so do i I like Chinese dumplings

you mean jelsa yes I like it very much

they’re dumplings taste very good I’m

watering now let’s go there for lunch


shopping in the mall

dialogue 1

may I see some hats please what size do

you take I’m sorry I don’t know let me

measure you your size is 6 what color

would you like brown please here are

some nice brown hats try this hat on

it’s a very good one yes I like this one

it goes very well with my coat how much

is it it’s ten dollars would you like to

take it yes I’m glad to take it do you

want me to put it in a box

no thank you I’d like to put it on now

dialogue to

can I help you yes I’m looking for a

watch for me I see what price are you

interested in the price doesn’t matter

but it must be a gold watch and

automatic hmm something like this

perhaps it’s one of our best watches

meet in Switzerland fully automatic with

a calendar it’s nice but haven’t you got

anything better better better than this

well we have some Rolexes probably the

best watch in the world would you show

me one please yes would you wait here

for a moment please


shopping in the supermarket

dialogue 1

can you tell me where the ingredients to

make Chinese food are I will show you

follow me that is good of you what do

you want I’m after things to stuff

dumplings with like Chinese cabbage bean

sprouts that sort of thing I also need

some soya sauce and vinegar the

vegetables are over there and the

flavorings are here where’s the meat

counter over there

dialogue to

may I see your ID sorry I left at home

do you have anything with your age on

his driving license okay yes

show me please here it is well it’s ten

dollars in all cash or card card here

you are please input your password okay

haircut and facial

dialogue 1

good morning sir take a seat please

thank you I like to have my hair cut how

do you want it

just a trim and cut the sides fairly

short but not so much at the back

nothing off the top well a little off

the top how about the front leave that

as it is

would you like a shave or shampoo no


I can do all these things by myself

dialogue to

good afternoon ma’am what can I do for


that afternoon I want a facial would you

like a complete service what does that

include well it includes a thorough

cleansing invigorating the skin removing

the dead cells a massage and a hydrating

mask that’s exactly what I want how long

does it take it takes one hour and a

half it costs you 100 yuan altogether if

you want to make up another 10 yuan will

do good I’ll take the facial with makeup

taking a taxi

dialogue 1

hey taxi good afternoon madam get in

please - the first elementary school

please okay bad luck the bus is still

not coming the traffic here is really

terrible do you want to pick up your kid

from school yes I am in a hurry no

problem I’m going to take a shortcut

dialogue to

drive me to Kennedy Airport please I’m


my car is taken where is the next taxi

stand not far away it’s over there

then take me there please but I’m just

waiting for someone you’d better walk

there sorry for that

parking problems

dialogue 1

you can’t park here you’ll get a ticket

parking in this business area is a


let’s look for a parking lot we have to

there’s one right over there and $10 an

hour sheer robbery well do stop whining

let’s go and get the parking ticket

dialogue to

may I park my car here sorry that’s not

allowed this is the private parking

place only is there a parking lot near


yes there is a parking lot just over

there there are many free parking spaces

there you can save money on parking

there can I find a parking space there

it’s hard to say just try your luck

thank you very much you are welcome

being fined

dialogue 1

please show your ticket here it is I’m

sorry to tell you that your ticket is

outdated oh it’s impossible I will give

you a ticket could you please not give

me a ticket as a student I have no much

money sorry this is my duty how much do

I have to pay the fine 21 well here you


dialogue to

is this your car yes what’s wrong

it’s illegally parked do you see the red

line yes but I just parked here for a

few minutes it’s still against the law

so now what I’m going to write you a

ticket please good man let me go

covering for someone

dialogue 1

kite today I have reception duties and

I’m really busy will you help me out

what do you want me to do I need you to

cover for me at noon I have to go out on

an errand okay I’ll cover for you but

you have to substitute for me this

Friday morning my mother will be coming

to see me and I have to go to the

airport to pick her up let me see I will

be free that day it’s okay with me

great it’s a deal thanks a lot I owe it

to you

I won’t forget it oh come on it’s a fair


dialogue to

hello is that Sofia yes it is

who is that it is Lucy where are you now

why isn’t the area code that of Beijing

I’m in Chengdu now I planned to go back

to Beijing however the plane is not

going to take off because of the heavy

fog so I will arrive till this evening

I remembered that you would get night

shift today that is the reason that I’d

like to know if you could cover for me

sure that’s okay thank you very much you

are welcome

asking for leave

dialogue 1

may I have a word with you director

certainly what’s going on I am going to

my hometown this weekend how long will

you be off work ten days it is really a

long time but what for

I want to prepare my wedding although we

are very busy these days it is a special


you have it that’s very kind of you

thanks a lot

don’t mention it congratulations but

just make sure to turn in all the

necessary paperwork to ensure there are

no problems with the day’s you want to

take off

dialogue to

hello mr. Compton hi Susan what can I do

for you I’d like to take this Thursday

off if that’s all right with you may I

know the reason you know we are really

busy this week John sister is getting

married this Thursday aren’t you

scheduled to be on call yes but I

switched with Mary on Monday you know

she was ill that day so I have to oh I

see let me take a look well that’s no

problem Susan you don’t need to come to

work on Thursday I really appreciate it

mr. Compton

making business appointment

dialogue 1

hello mr. hammers office this is Cindy

hello Cindy

this is mr. Wang from ABC company I’d

like to make an appointment with mr.

hammer this week what time is he


well he is keeping busy this week what

would you like to talk to him about

about the technical cooperation oh I see

this is very important let me check his

schedule and see if he can arrange some

time thank you

when do you have free time any day is

fine for me then shall we arrange the

time on Thursday morning for mr. hammer

we’ll be in the office for the whole

morning that works for me see you then

dialogue to

hi Nick nice to hear from you

hi mark I’m calling to ask you about the

weather they’re not good I’m afraid

that’s a pity because I’m planning to

travel there next week I’ve got a

meeting with a customer in your area on

Tuesday of next week really well you’ll

come by to see us while you’re there I

hope that’s what I’m going to talking

about I hope we could arrange to meet up

after that that sounds good

when do you plan on seeing me could be

either Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday

morning okay well it would be best for

me if you could come to see me on the

Wednesday morning okay I will try my

best I will call you to confirm when I

get into town great talk to you then

changing an appointment

dialogue 1

I’m sorry to tell you that I have to

cancel our appointment what happened I

must meet someone at the airport this

afternoon I’m sorry to hear that

shall we meet tomorrow afternoon let me

see oh I have another appointment that

afternoon then how about tomorrow

morning sorry I will attend a meeting

tomorrow morning

it seems you won’t see me in this week


oh come on you misunderstood me I’m

really busy this week what do you say if

I call you as soon as I’m free all right

you’d better call me soon

dialogue to

hello hello is this mr. will yes this is

Smith I wonder if our meeting could be

put back a day or so oh let me see would

it be possible to postpone our meeting

until Wednesday yes sure

would 2:30 p.m. be convenient for you

yes 2:30 p.m. is fine thank you very


goodbye mr. will I will see you in your

office on Wednesday afternoon I will be

there waiting for you

keeping appointment

dialogue 1

hello mr. Buffett hello young man

you are so punctual you are flattering

being on time is the soul of business

what’s more I’m meeting such a big shot

like you well anyway I like my guests to

be punctual please have a seat thank you

so what’s the purpose of your visit here

I’m here to discuss with you about

several questions on monetary

cooperation in East Asia

I think the cooperation will be

profitable well give your reasons

dialogue to

Lucy I’m afraid you have to wait a

moment when can you get to I will be

about 15 minutes late

the car is jammed before it comes to the

crossroads I guess there isn’t much we

can do about it I’m really sorry you can

begin now don’t wait for me

all right take it easy and drive slowly

welcoming someone at the airports

dialogue 1

when will you be arriving in Los Angeles

mr. Jones Tuesday at 3 p.m. what flight

United 603 all right Star Jones I’ll

meet your plane would you I’d appreciate


my pleasure

dog - hi Matt nice seeing you again here

in Shanghai hi Lucy

thank you for meeting at the airport how

was your flight

anyhow it’s a long way to Shanghai isn’t

it it is how many pieces of luggage do

you have let me help with one oh can

manage them myself thank you all the

same if you’re ready we’d better start

for the hotel okay let’s go I really

need a good rest

office reception

dialogue 1

good morning how can I help you I have

an appointment with mr. Smith I am

coming to send him some paperwork may I

have your name please

build of from abb China nice to meet you

miss of have a seat I will let him know

you are here thank you

dialogue to

hi I’m here to see Miss Matthews do you

have an appointment no I don’t whom

should I say is here my name is Wang Li

Mei I know what it’s about of course for

business I spoke with her about a week


and she told me to just stop by when I

was in the neighborhood please wait a


I’ll see if she is available

business dinner

dialogue 1

you must be miss Wong I am Kelly Truman

yes I am Wang Li Li just call me Lele

it’s great to meet you mr. Truman thanks

for suggesting a lunch meeting I’ve got

a hectic schedule so this is a great way

to kill two birds with one stone me too

and it’s my pleasure you must be

wondering who my friend here is I’ve

taken the liberty of inviting my

assistant mr. Thomas he’ll be taking a

few notes great nice to meet you it’s

always good to have someone to keep

track of things when you’re talking

freely nice to meet you too well let’s

go through the buffet line and then we

can get down to business

dialogue to

mr. Beck on behalf of the da chuan group

I wish to extend our warm welcome to

your visit in Beijing thank you so much

mr. Beck which things give you deep

impression during the time you stay in

Beijing lots of things Chinese long

history Chinese people’s friendliness

and Chinese food etc now help yourself

please Wow

I can say anything more than appreciate

your splendid banquet let’s propose a

toast for our friendship thanks for your

cooperation cheer up

getting promotion

dialogue 1

you work so hard nearly every day of the

week I know but I’m lucky compared to

most people how come

in what ways are you lucky because I

love what I do though I have to stay

long hours I love it as I have so much

work to do

while others suffer from the crisis very

good and I’m coming to tell you a good

news that you are going to be promoted

really I feel excited am I going to be

the head of the task force in Manhattan

perhaps but I’m not sure by now just

wait for the appointments hope you will

be ready when the appointment finally

comes through okay I’m looking forward

to hearing from the board of


dialogue to

Mary you are promoted to the manager of

your company congratulations thanks Jane

I was really surprised a grand reward

for job well done

thank you I mean there were a lot of

qualified people out there sure but the

work you did was really exceptional you

definitely deserved it

thanks a lot you are always responsible

and careful

I’m sure this promotion is just a

stepping stone to even greater things

Jane I appreciate it very much

thank you I’ll try my best

quitting the job dialog one

sorry to interrupt you mr. e what that

are Sarah I am sorry to say the decide

to quit could you names reasons

well my resignation is mainly for the

consideration of my path they are old

and can hardly serve themselves I think

they need a we plan to move in a month

to be frank

Eurasian is really a loss to our team I

honestly hope you have a wonderful

future best regards for your parents

thank you very much I really appreciate

consideration treasure this forever

thank you again

dialogue - I’d like to talk about job

this is my resignation mr. white I want

to quit my job what’s the trouble

I think you are working well I don’t

think mark has the talent to be a leader

he pays little attention to working

method tortured to work with him go on

I’m all ears

sorry I know it is not decent to say

behind his back I’m sorry to say I can’t

put up with him I decide to resign take

a seat and cool yourself down it

shouldn’t be you that decide to leave

instead it should be mark to be asked

chief oh really right I am tired of

hearing complaints about him you will

work in a friendly United and

cooperative atmosphere soon he very much

mr. wheats

don’t mention it buy it down and get on

with your work
