Expressions for Social Media in English

is alicia and in this week’s lesson we

are going to talk about social media

vocabulary i made a big list of some key

vocabulary words that we use on social

media and sometimes in texting too so i

hope that this lesson

will include a lot of vocabulary words

that you can use right away in your

everyday online internet life so this

should be a really really fun lesson as

you joined please please please please

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people can find today’s lesson awesome

so while we wait a couple quick

announcements as always a quick quick

announcement number one is about this

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you need to work on vocabulary

about that check it out you can download

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many of you ask about this to get these

if you click the link

you will find this page right here so uh

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that’s announcement one announcement

number two if you have questions for me

you can send them to me for our weekly q

a series on the youtube channel called

ask alicia this is a screenshot an old

screenshot from it

if you have a question about grammar

vocabulary culture whatever check the

link in the youtube description on

youtube or uh you can send it to me at

ask hyphen alicia please please please

please please please please send me your

questions any level is okay


some questions maybe i have already

answered them on the channel so you can

do a quick search

but yeah send them to me this one was

about especially and specifically this

was a good one from a long time ago but

please send me your questions if you

have those okay that’s all for

announcements everything looks good hi

youtube welcome hello youtube hi chris

chris and celeb dis first live with me

awesome welcome to the first live okay

uh also i think oh

facebook are you here facebook are you

here it looks like facebook’s here good

hi facebook facebook carlos and yol you

love hello and someone whose name i

can’t read it’s written in arabic hello

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fantastic if you haven’t please make

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this video too yeah

it will help other people

to find the lesson okay everyone is here

everything looks okay let’s look at

today’s lesson boards here we go

these are our topics for today first i’m

going to talk about social media basics

so very basic vocabulary for social


second engaging with others so how do we

communicate with other people what are

key words and finally we’ll do some

other keywords stuff that’s really

common or really interesting stuff

that’s important to know so let’s get

started let’s begin with social media

basics so what are the basic vocabulary

words we use

in social media

let’s start with the first one

this is a verb to post

to post

oh i forgot

i forgot to like and share look at me

like share boom okay good now i’m ready


okay social media basics so to post

something this is a verb yeah to post


means to upload and make content public

to upload and make content public for

example i posted past tense i posted a

picture on instagram i posted a picture

on instagram


don’t post your personal information

don’t post your personal information so

the pronunciation of this is post

post sometimes i hear learners say post

not correct we don’t say post this is


post okay so to post something to post a

picture to post your personal



we can also use

post as a noun

a post a post so a post is a piece of

content so one picture or one instagram


uh item one item on instagram or a video

is a post yeah so a post is a piece of

content for example

i saw your post on facebook i saw your

post on facebook

or as a question

did you see my new instagram post

so we use post as a noun and as a verb



the next one this is a verb

to edit

to edit so to edit means to change

something about a post to change

something about a post for example

you add

or remove


or pictures or links and so on

yeah for example

i edited my post to include a link i

edited my post to include a link this

means i changed my post

and i added a link i edited my post to

include a link so when you want to

describe adding something putting

something new in your post you can use

this i edited my post to include the

preposition here is two two include a

link okay

all right or another one

he edited out

some personal info

he edited out some personal info you

might be like what is this edit it out

this edited out means he changed the


to remove information

what information did he remove

personal information so personal


we use this edited out he this is this

sounds strange like if i say it slowly

it’s edited out but

in regular speech we say he edited out

some personal information edit it out

yeah so he edited out some personal

information he removed some personal

information he edited the post


all right then

the last one here is to delete to delete

so to remove something from social media

to remove something you completely

remove it 100


like can you delete that photo can you

delete that photo it’s embarrassing


i deleted my emotional tweets i deleted

my emotional tweets


so we can use delete also some uh some

social media platforms like instagram

they have the archive

feature so you don’t delete completely

something but if there’s like a picture

if you have an instagram post and you

like it but you want to keep it private

you can archive

the post yeah so to archive means to

hide it from other people

on instagram in this case so there are

some different features on different

social media platforms

julio says can i use to share instead of

to post uh maybe i’m going to talk about

that in part two share and post are not

necessarily the same thing

okay other questions alaratam for

uploading instagram stories is it also

post ah like to post an instagram story

yes we can use post like i posted an

instagram story or we also use uh put up

like i put up an instagram story

you might hear that too to put up to put

up or to post

or sometimes people just say upload i

supposed to in my case when i put

something on instagram stories

post i think i usually use post either

post or put up

those are the two i use maybe different

people use something different but yes

you can use post for instagram stories


uh awesome okay i don’t see other

questions so let’s take a super super

short rig and then we’ll go to part two

engaging with other people okay

awesome really quickly if you missed it

earlier there is free stuff for you from

the link below the video if you’re

watching on youtube and above the video

if you are watching on facebook i show

you these all the time but if you have

not checked recently check the link

because the team made some new ones that

you can get for free here’s one i

haven’t shown recently the business

english one this one

on the back

includes motivational quotes yeah these

are kind of nice some idioms as well

like another day another dollar so you

can pick

all of them if you want uh to practice

your vocabulary you can print them out

or keep them on your phone or your

computer whatever uh to practice

vocabulary and build knowledge there are

some phone conversations and everyday

dialogue practice pdfs now too so check

it out if you have not checked recently

okay cool

all right let’s go to part two

of our social media vocabulary lesson if

you are just joining today’s lesson is

about social media vocab if you haven’t

please please please make sure to like

the video and share the video because it

helps other people find the lesson okay

let’s go to part two part two so

part two engaging with others we have a

lot of words here uh these are mostly i

chose all okay i did i chose all verbs

for part two there are some more um

interesting expressions in part three uh

youtube uh

moderator can we check the chat there’s

some flooding we’re gonna talk about

that word later uh so

let’s look at engaging with others okay

so first i tell you this every week to

like to like something means to push the

like button on a post to push the like

button on a post or on other content on

other content oops my tea got kind of

smooshed there on other content okay so

when we push the like button we say i

like this thing or if you’re on facebook

you can hit like like or love or you can

make a sad face now so there are

different things you can do with that so

like on a post or other content yeah

okay cool

uh all right

then the next one someone asked earlier

to share

to share what’s the difference so to

share means to share oh my gosh i erased

it again sorry

my fingers are erasing things today oops

to share someone’s content with other

people to share means to share someone’s

content with other people so for example

at the beginning of this live stream i

always say please like and share the

video right so that means hit the like

button and share this post so someone

said is share the same as post so

usually share means you are you are

posting someone else’s content right so

yes you can share something you’ve made


in general everyday english but when we

talk about the share button

on social media it means we are we are

posting someone else’s content so that’s

the difference uh at least in the

internet world yeah okay

uh i’m looking for your questions

i don’t see okay so this is to like and

to share then for twitter users if you

like to use twitter these two are unique

to twitter so we have to retweet and to

quote tweet to retweet and to quote

tweet to retweet if we break this word

down to tweet means to write something

on twitter

the prefix re means to do something

again right so to retweet something

means to share

someone’s retweet on your twitter page

to share so this is like the share

button for twitter to retweet you might

see this as rt on twitter

you can retweet your own tweet now too

so if you want to share something again

you can use retweet to do that

and to quote tweet qt a quote tweet

means to share someone’s tweet

and add your own response to it so if

you use twitter maybe you see this

there’s a box on mobile anyway the

mobile twitter version

you can see the original tweet the

original comment and then you can add

your reply to it so maybe you do this

with the news or your friend’s post or

something like that okay

cool all right

then on we go i just used this word here

to flood okay so to spam and to flood to

spam and to flood what do these words

mean to spam means to send unwanted

messages or to send lots of messages to

spam something we use spam for messages

like emails yeah

so this is as a verb

so when you send lots and lots of

messages in the chat like sometimes

happens sometimes someone like sends a

bunch of messages we say that’s called

spamming yeah so to spam something is to

send a lot of unwanted messages we use

this verb outside of texting and

communication for example if you play

video games

and you use the same like strategy or

you use the same move over and over and

over and over again in a fight sometimes

people describe that as spamming the

move yeah so like to spam a certain move

means to do it over and over and over

and over usually spamming is very


okay uh also spam can be used as a noun

so we can say this message

or like uh this is like a spam

uh this is spam or this is a spam email

so sorry that’s as an adjective

yeah uh but we can also use it in

different parts of speech

so spam email

okay all right

let’s go to

flood the next one i just used this one

in the chat to flood to flood

so to flood

this is specific to fill a chat

or someone’s email or message box with

messages so this just happened in the

youtube chat someone

wrote the same message like 20 times and

that’s called

flooding so to flood the chat means to

just post a bunch of stuff in a chat box

or in someone’s email inbox just sending

so many messages that’s called flooding

we use to flood so in my example i said

please don’t flood the chat please don’t

flood the chat right so that means

don’t post lots of messages at the same


neo is spam also canned food yes that is

the noun form of spam uh

so spam is also a food yes okay

something that is edible is spam

okay awesome so this is to spam and to

flood there is some overlap between the


okay then i want to talk about this one

here to go viral to go viral to go viral

means to have content become popular

among thousands of people usually for a

short time so when

it’s often like a video or a picture

that goes viral sometimes it’s in the

news sometimes it’s a really funny video

on the internet right so when thousands

and thousands of people see the video

they like it they share the video they

post about it

this is called going viral this is how

we explain it in english for example oh

my gosh my video is going viral oh my

gosh my video is going viral that means

my video

progressive tense here is going is now

increasing so that means lots and lots

of people are watching my video right

now it’s increasing in popularity


so this is called going viral going


uh all right



alaradam says facebook has different

reaction buttons what is the verb for

them we still use like for facebook we

don’t say like uh i

sat in your post

really i have seen some people uh

there’s on some text message

applications you can write a laugh to

respond to someone’s comment if someone

makes a joke so i have seen some people

saying haha as the verb for that like

she hahad my text

so i don’t know

if everybody uses that i love that i

think it’s really funny so when we want

to express i’m going to talk about this

later but when we want to express that

something is funny we will usually in

english type ha ha ha

and so we can react

to someone’s post uh in text message

with that so i have seen some people

make that a verb to haha a post

but i don’t think there’s an official uh

official verb for those yet but i love

that and then to take it away is to

unhaha a post

so i really like that i love it i i use

that but i don’t know if it’s official


okay cool rodrigo says what about lol

and lmao yeah i’m going to talk about

that in the last part of today’s lesson

there are so

many of those i can’t cover them all but

i hope we can talk about the big ones

next this is so much fun okay so let’s

take one more super short break and then

we’ll go to the super fun part of

today’s lesson funny internet vocabulary

so if you missed it earlier i showed you

a few of these vocabulary and phrase

pdfs you can download these

this one i know it says romance and love

i know but honestly

there are some good questions here for

just meeting a person for the first time

so it’s not just

about romance and love and on the back

are some nice compliments too these

aren’t always about romance just about

making good connections with people okay

and then there’s another one here this

is the shopping one

but this has useful questions on the

back uh just about very basic shopping

experiences so check this out if you

haven’t recently you can find the link

below the video if you’re watching on

youtube above the video if you’re

watching on facebook


let’s go to part three the fun part we

have a few words i want to cover here if

you have questions uh about something

you found i will try to answer your

question uh the like internet vocabulary

changes and new words come up very very

fast so

maybe you have seen something i haven’t

seen it’s very possible but let’s talk

about some common

good to know vocabulary okay so first

one the first word here is meme

meme that’s how we say this m-e-m-e is a


so what is a meme this is a noun a noun

so a meme is an internet joke

an internet joke or a digital joke

and it’s usually a picture and text

together a picture and text together so

maybe that’s a character

or maybe it’s a certain situation

whatever we call these kinds of picture

text jokes memes so maybe you follow

some meme instagram accounts yeah

or maybe you have a lot of memes saved

on your phone i know i do just silly

stuff basically just silly easy to

understand funny pictures text we call

those memes


all right

uh on to the next one l-o-l someone

mentioned this in the chat earlier lol

uh this is very commonly used in the

english-speaking internet for laughter

so it can mean laugh out loud or

laughing out loud lol or some people say

law as well

usually though

not literally so if i type lol it’s kind

of more like a mood

thing so rarely does lol mean

we’re sitting at our desk like

maybe for some people they write that

but lol is like a mood like we maybe end

the sentence with lol to show we feel

kind of light-hearted yeah lol


so someone else said lmao that’s another

one laughing my something off so i can’t

say it in this channel but we can use a

couple of other expressions we also i

talked about haha earlier to haha and

these kinds of things we use to express

laughter okay


i’ve got another uh this one i wanted to

include this is fairly recent this

vocabulary word this is a noun i’m sorry

this is a verb

it is to do scroll to doom scroll we use

this a lot on twitter so to scroll

on your phone right when you use your

phone your mobile device you go like

this yeah so you scroll this is called

scrolling yeah so the information goes

up and up and up on the page



so refers to

a feeling of serious danger feeling

like shock or unhappiness something bad

is going to happen or i need to get the

information if i don’t get the

information something bad will happen so

when we

this happens to all of us maybe we spend

a long time checking like the news or

something or like maybe our social media

feeds or something we scroll forever

reading shocking or emotional

information there is now a verb for this

people call this doom-scrolling

doom-scrolling yeah so for example in a

sentence stop doom-scrolling and go

outside so to doom scroll means to sit

on your phone for like hours and just

check news and feel bad yeah so it’s

kind of it’s a negative thing we don’t

use doom scrolling for positive

situations like when we see lots and

lots of positive news we don’t use doom

scroll for that

doom scroll is a negative thing

rodrigo says doomscroll stuff about

protests or health yeah exactly so when

we see lots and lots of bad news is

usually when we do scroll or like

there’s a like a terrible accident

somewhere or

yeah but generally it’s for bad news we

use doom scroll to talk about reading

lots and lots of bad news

okay i don’t see other questions okay so

let’s go to the last couple here some

basic ones uh that are important to know

to follow and to unfollow someone so to

follow and to unfollow someone means to

subscribe to

or to unsubscribe from

someone’s updates so

depending on the social media platform

you use there might be excuse me there

might be different words so like on


we say please subscribe to my channel

right please subscribe to my channel

that’s the preposition

if you want to stop

seeing someone’s updates on youtube we

use un

subscribe so un means not this prefix

means not so unsubscribe and the

preposition is from unsubscribe from i

unsubscribed from his channel

so i hope you don’t unsubscribe from

this channel or from my channel so

please subscribe to my channel don’t


from my channel for example

of course other platforms like instagram

and twitter and facebook

use follow and unfollow someone and

facebook also has friend so

uh if you know a person

in real life you can add them as a

friend to add someone as a friend or

just to friend to friend yeah


all right uh i don’t see other questions

so the last one i wanted to include is

to block someone to block someone means

to prevent someone from seeing your

updates to prevent someone from seeing

your updates so i blocked him from my

social media feed from my instagram

account i blocked her from my instagram

account that means they cannot access

your instagram account anymore with that

account so there are other security

things we can do depending on the

platform but block is on i think almost

every platform we can block someone

if we if we need to



all right so that is everything i was

worried i wouldn’t get it through i

wouldn’t get all of it in but we made it

cool so those are a few vocabulary words

we can use

on social media so i hope that you can

use these right away uh and that they

were helpful for you i’ll show you the

lesson boards again if you want to take

a screenshot here they are all right so

we talked about social media basics we

talked about engaging with other people

and we talked about some other key words

uh that are good to know as i said there

are a lot of vocabulary words lots of

silly expressions we use on social media

i can’t talk about them all because

there are so many but i hope that you

enjoy discovering them and maybe someday

i can make a different lesson about this

topic so we will end today’s video there

but i’ll be back next week of course

here is next week’s lesson information

let’s see there we go okay so next week

the lesson will be on september 15th

september 15 at 10 pm eastern standard

time that is new york city time if you

do not know your local time please

google it use your google skills or you

can set a notification on facebook or on

youtube or if you follow me on instagram

i always post a link and a topic

reminder in my story that see i used

posts i post a topic reminder in my

story so the person who asked that

earlier post in my story uh next week

i’m going to talk about how to talk


household tasks household tasks so stuff

you have to do around the house chores

just everyday little things how do we

talk about those and communicate those

kinds of things with the other people

that we live with or just talk about

them so that will be next week’s lesson

topic so please join me again next week

i will see you then all right i’m gonna

finish up for today’s lesson so thank

you as always for sending me your

awesome questions that was a lot of fun

and thanks for


your example sentences in the chat that

was really really cool so i’ll say

goodbye here please make sure to check

the links in the description to get your

free pdf cheat sheets send me your

questions for ask alicia if you want to

find me on instagram or on twitter you

can also find those links in the youtube

description too so enjoy the rest of

your day enjoy the rest of your week

have a nice weekend and i will see you
