Learn English with Taylor Swift Talk Show English Subtitles




that was nice it was great to be here

this is amazing no we were talking

before you’ve actually been here before

yes I came here I think about five years

ago I was 16 and just about to release

my first single Tim McGraw and so um we

were traveling up the west coast in a

rental car in a Taurus and I was I was

doing my homework in the backseat I was

like home-schooled in 10th grade so that

was when we made this trip to San Jose

and came to see you guys for the first

time and it’s wonderful to be back here

and have so many of you come out this

time around it’s amazing we’re a very

forward-thinking company apparently

having you know when you’re 16 also I

want to thank you for being here first

of all from all of us this is really an

honor and a treat now you’re in the

middle of your tour for speak now and I

know that you’ve posted some videos to

your channel sort of outlining your tour

and specifically your trip to Asia and I

want to show clip from when you’re in

Singapore now you’re in Chinatown but

the Chinatown of Singapore is that right

yes we started out the year going on

tour and started off in Asia and then we

were in Europe for two months so it was

like three months of major worldwide

touring so Singapore was the first place

that we went on the tour alright let’s

let’s roll that clip


and by the way and gas because


of course as long as you keep the first

batteries and them they’re always gonna

be saying hello that you just always


Plus forever I think

just waiting cabs

what’s that a cat that’s just always

like hey

so this of course has all the makings of

a viral video I mean there’s a big

celebrity it’s a global thing there’s a

cat cat in the video that’ll do it I

think that you just said it that’s the

essential ingredient is a cat your

YouTube channel is very popular I know

you have over half a million subscribers

that get your vlogs when you when you

post them which is really cool I was I

wanted to ask you off the bat how

important is your channel and social

media in general as a tool for

expression but also for connecting with

your audience I think we’ve all seen the

effects of social media and how that can

connect people and for me I grew up when

that was just about to set fire to the

world you know I was I think in seventh

and eighth grade when everybody started

having a profile online and everybody

was you know it was all about who’s your

friend and who’s commenting on whose

page and then it became the YouTube

generation where everybody’s looking at

videos everybody’s making video blogs

and you know makeup tutorials or this or

that or back-to-school outfit shopping

you know everybody is kind of catching

on to communicating by making videos and

learning how to edit them and it’s I

think it’s fantastic because it’s just a

new skill set for this new generation

and I would be remiss if we’re a youtube

video interview and I didn’t ask if you

had any favorite and are you really busy

but you have any favorite YouTube videos

or channels that you like to watch yes I

have watched this one like three times

this week cuz it makes me so happy and

it’s got these like five or six lion

cubs and there’s the lion trainer and

you’re like oh the lion cubs are cute

and they’re walking around and then they

they jump up on the lion trainer and

they start hugging him and then they’re

like making all these little lion sounds

that you don’t know you don’t either

didn’t know what the sounds are that the

lion cubs make but it’s amazing it’s

just like like they’re like hugging him

and he’s like oh you always go for my

hair you keep going for my hair and then

he’s like oh yeah telling me stories

where where was the zoo it’s amazing

it’s cuz he’s like Scottish and they’re

like hugging him and they love him so

much and I don’t know it’s you got just

watch I guess everybody’s gonna run

that’s gonna be popular now so well this

isn’t just our interview right this is

also your fans interview and you have

some very rabid fans of Swifty’s right

they call themselves I know I think it’s

so cute they came up with that they’re

very serious by the way they don’t mess

around they they it submitted thirty

thousand questions to this interview and

and over so curious yeah so we only can

do a few of them and we also have some

from Google but the big biggest topic by

far was songwriting because I think that

a lot of your fans have a big connection

to the stories are you telling your

songs and so let’s start with that topic

and this one comes from panda bear lover

13 I mean a lot of the usernames are not

meant to be read out loud so we just

sent it from Florida which comes first

for you as a songwriter the music or the

lyrics I think for me it more comes as a

general idea and my favorite thing about

songwriting is that it’s so spontaneous

and unpredictable what’s gonna hit me

first whether it’s gonna be a general

thought like for example you know I’ll

be going through something when I wrote

this on love story that’s a song I wrote

sitting on my bedroom floor because I

liked a guy and my parents didn’t want

me to date him and so I got this idea in

my head it just popped into my head you

were Romeo you were throwing pebbles and

my daddy said stay away from Juliet and

I didn’t know we’re in the song that was

gonna fit but I just started there and I

built out from there and it’s crazy how

the fastest songs that I write end up

being my favorites the ones that just

happen in just a surge of idea a surge

of inspiration and it’s usually

something I’m going through at the time

it’s very hard for me to come up with

just some random metaphor for a

situation if I’m not going through it or

haven’t recently just gone

but you know I think when I was growing

up my mom was a my mom talks and

metaphor a lot and so I think I grew up

just understanding metaphor and just

kind of loving that how you could take

something you’re going through and speak

about it in a different way that applies

how you’re feeling to something

completely different but connects it so

I think for me it starts as an idea and

a feeling and an emotion yeah we had a

lot of questions about about the process

from budding songwriters who submitted

questions that are a big fan of it fans

of yours from Buffalo and a bunch of

different places and I mean you know we

were wondering is there one favorite

part of the songwriting process that you

have it I mean is it when you get that

idea or when you’re sitting on the floor

in the bedroom or you know yes studio

there are there are several moments in a

song and I won’t finish a song if I

don’t have these moments where you go oh

like after you read a line and it’s

always that same feeling of like oh

that’s that that’s exactly what I meant

you know if you’re in a co-writing

session I’m always the one who will like

be like sitting there for a second and

then I’ll say a line and if it’s that

moment where you’re just like that’s the

one that’s the line I have to have about

four or five of those lines in a song

for me to put it on a record yeah like

lines where I’m just like yes so that’s

my favorite part is then when the song

goes into its phase of being recorded

and then being put on an album and when

you’re playing it for people for the

first time when it comes across those

lines that you really feel are like I

don’t know like the zingers or like say

it really well yeah um I love watching

people’s reactions if they if they if it

comes across like if they get those

lines I’m like yes do it well we’ll get

back to the co-writing thing in a second

because there are some questions about

that as well but here’s another question

this is from music maniac in Los Angeles

you’ve said you’re already writing for

the next record can you tell us anything

about it

well yeah for me I never

really switch the the writing switch off

it’s always on because I kind of have

always felt like to make an album that I

am proud enough of to give to my fans

and and say here you know allow this

into your life it has to be like it has

to be two to two and a half years of

writing and that way you know you have

your best stuff because I’m so tough on

myself I Drive myself insane writing

records and albums because it’s like

I’ll write like 40 to 50 songs and then

13 or 14 make it that’s a lot of paring

it down and making sure you’re getting

to the best stuff yeah so for me it

takes a while and I’ve been writing ever

since I stopped writing the last album

and there’s been a lot that’s happened

and I never really talked about my

personal life but I write about it yeah

that’s basically what the album is about

as always yeah the unreleased thing was

something that came up a lot and one of

the top voted questions was about you

know would you ever make a CD of your

unreleased songs from a swift fearless

in Missouri but I mean what happens to

those songs that don’t make it the album

and you know would you ever release some

of the songs you wrote especially when

you’re younger like 14 15 well I’m very

I’m obsessed with the latest song that

I’ve written I’m very guilty of that

because like my favorite thing is always

the newest thing that I’ve written but

lately I’ve become a little more

self-aware because I had this song that

I wrote when I was 16 and it’s called

sparks fly and I played it in a few

shows this these little bar shows when

you know when I was playing to crowds of

like 40 and 50 people and being psyched

about that many people showing up and I

played it a few times and it got on the

internet and when I was putting together

the Speak Now album the fans just kept

saying over and over again sparks fly we

want this to be on the record and so I

went back and I revisited it and I kind

of rewrote some things and updated it

and when we put it out as a single it’s

it’s been one of the fastest-rising

songs we’ve had on the record so it’s

kind of taught me a lesson about the old


be possibly being good enough to put on

new projects yeah I’m sure there’s a lot

of people that would love to hear some

of that stuff let’s move on to some of

the release songs this is a question

from cookie 13 cupcake this is in the

United Kingdom this is gonna be a long


all right so out of all your release

songs which song took the longest to

write I think that the song sparks fly

the fact that it technically was started

when I was 16 and ended up on an album

in sort of a different form in 2010 that

took a while for it to turn into what it

was going to be so I’d say that was

probably the longest developing song

that I’ve ever put out because most of

them and especially having written this

entire new record without any co-writers

it all happened really fast cuz I’m very

impatient like if I don’t have a song

finished I’ll obsess over it I won’t

sleep that night and I’ll just edit

constantly to the point where I can’t

focus on a conversation everyone around

me is annoyed because they’re like

clearly you’re working on something just

finish it so that that one was a long

time to kind of get where it needed to

be cool so let’s talk about that

co-writer thing for a second you as you

mentioned this album was all you as far

as it first speak now and but you do

often work with with co-writers and how

do you decide if you’re gonna write a

song with a co-writer or whether you’re

gonna tackle it yourself well there are

a bunch of different circumstances that

could bring about a co-write if if I’m

writing for somebody else’s project

that’s always exciting for me like I

love to put myself in somebody else’s

shoes and you know think about their

style of music incorporating their

storyline what they’re feeling it’s

really fun for me to do that so I love

you know writing for other people and

then you know if I’m working on an idea

but there’s like a stopping point where

I can’t really figure out like where

this chorus is going or if I’m right if

my hunch is right about the hook or

things like that

if there’s a definite stopping point

I’ll bring it to a writer that I trust

or a writer that I admire and just ask

them what they think a lot of times

co-writing you know I write really well

with people who don’t even play

instruments or saying because you know a

lot of times my best co writers are just

really great at giving advice like do

you think this course is too long yes

like thank you yeah is there anybody

you’re working with right now that you

could talk about yes you know for me

since I write so much and I don’t know

what’s gonna end up on the record

it’s um I never want to say well you

know wrote with this person and because

then what if it doesn’t make it on the

record but and then writing for some

other people’s projects in which case I

feel weird talking about it because it’s

like their project so so yes but okay

yeah this was a popular a lot of votes

for this question this is from quadratic

formula in Michigan it’s appropriate for

the Google do you sing your own songs in

the shower yeah awesome that’s great


is do you have like any sort of favorite

place for writing songs no actually I

kind of have become you have to adapt

yourself to a million different places

to write when you’re always on the road

because I just I don’t have the luxury

of saying well I have to be in this

certain room at this certain part of

town and it has to be you know a one

color tone and there has to be smart

water in there you know like it’s just

you’re never ever anywhere for more than

two and a half seconds so you know I’ve

written songs in Airport bathrooms on

paper towels I’ve written songs which

what song was on a on a bathroom towel

at one point oh it hasn’t come out yet

oh you know in the bus bunk you’ll wake

up in the middle of the night and you’ll

have this idea and then so you write it

and you’re up at 4:00 a.m. or you know I

get awakened by song ideas all the time

and it’s just it’s like I wake up and

I’m just like oh great because I know I

won’t forget I won’t remember it in the

morning so you have to record it and

then it’s this whole thing where you

check your phone and it’s like mumbling

and you don’t understand you thought it

was great at the time yeah actually one

of our Googler questions was about about

you recording songs into your cell phone

is that something that you do regularly

yeah the ideas always end up in my phone

because it has a great recording thing

in there and you know for me it’s like

you just write wherever whenever you can

and that’s been really fun for me

because sometimes I’ll walk into a hotel

room and I’ll be like I’ve been here I

wrote back to December here like it’s

it’s fun because you have these memories

of writing songs all over the world yeah

cool so I know a lot of your songs are

very personal songs and a lot of your

fans are very interested in that stuff

but this one came from Michaela K in

South Florida has any guy asked you not

to write a song about him before you

went on a date

not at that point in the relationship

because at that point they’re thinking

that you know I would never have any

reason to read about song about them and

then it’s when you know it when they

start to you know treat me in a way that

wouldn’t reflect well on them in a song

if I were to be on okay yeah I’ve had a

guy be like you’re not gonna write about

this are you

I’m like yeah I am a big essentially

that’s a point in a relationship that

you would have to have is this is the

part where I tell her not to write a

song about me yeah well and you’d think

that they would decide that before

asking me on the date or before we

become a couple or before all this stuff

happens but it only occurs to it only it

will him it only occurred to him when

when it when he it occurred to him that

it wouldn’t be a good song

do you always write about you know

people that you know yeah because I feel

like in a song I love it when a song is

a story and the story develops and my

favorite stories have really beautiful

characters and I feel like you can most

accurately describe a character if you

know them one of my favorite songs that

I’ve ever put out is called 15 and it’s

about my freshman year of high school

and it kind of chronicles my best friend

Abigail and and me and the way that we

went through our freshman year of high

school in the lessons we learned and

that’s kind of how I like to tell a

story is from the point of view of

really knowing what you’re talking about

and knowing where you’re coming from

because you were there yeah so let’s

actually go to another video our first

video question and this one comes from

Cleveland Ohio so let’s roll it

hey Taylor I have a question for you I

know a lot of us can relate really

strongly to your songs and your lyrics

and considering I’ve gotten choked up a

couple of times just listening near

songs I wonder if you ever get choked up

on stage or what you’re saying

about when you’re on stage she’s pretty

huh um I I’m really in it when I’m on

stage and um you know I go through a

rollercoaster of emotions when I’m

performing my show because these are all

songs about people who have been in my

life who a lot of them some of them

aren’t in my life anymore and you know

sometimes that’ll hit you in just the

right way and when when an emotion hits

you strongly it doesn’t matter if you’re

in front of 20,000 people it hits you

and you know for me I’m I’m in those

songs fully feeling all of it until I

hear the crowd start screaming at the

end of the song at which point I’m just

like like can’t stop smiling because my

favorite sound in the world is the sound

of thousands of people screaming all at

once it’s it’s a really amazing sound

and so I’m completely feeling all the

sadness and frustration and anger and

hurt and then the crowd starts screaming

and then everything is right in the


well well we’ll talk about the tour and

some of that stuff in a second I want to

ask one more Googler question about

songwriting and that was has that

process that you sort of talked about

earlier has that changed over the years

because you know you’ve grown up a lot

and everybody’s heard you sort of grow

up yeah I think it really has I think

that you can only hope that as a writer

you start trying different things and

you try different chords or different

structures of songs different beats that

you’ve never really explored that path

before you know and I think having

always been a writer first I’m obsessed

with the syncopation of the way that

words sound when they’re said a certain

way and once I’ve kind of done something

once I always want to go to a different

direction and never repeat myself so as

a writer I think that I’ve always hoped

that my music would constantly be

changing because you never want to make

the same album twice the same song twice

and you know my greatest hope has been

that as I grow

my fans will grow up with me and as I

change and my life changes my music will

change as well so wish me luck there

let’s talk about your fans a little bit

more this is a question from Canada from

YouTube well it was the funniest thing a

fan has ever done to get your attention

well there’s a lot of that lately

because we have this thing called the

tea party room and you know I have like

four or five meet and greets before the

show but after the show there’s a

meet-and-greet for surprise people who

did not know that they were gonna get a

meet-and-greet because they were picked

for the tea party room which means that

they were like going crazy dancing the

whole time dressed in some absurd crazy

costume from one of my music videos or

just knew every single word and we’re

just screaming the whole time like

people get picked for different reasons

but it’s it’s been crazy lately because

a lot of people have been going for the

costume route really so we’ll look out

and like my guitar player were like lean

over to me back that girl is dressed

like a chicken and I’d and like I’m

trying to find the meaning I don’t know

why but you know we’ll look out and

there’s like a Santa Claus and those

these are just like duct tape their

entire body in neon duct tape or people

who have just like made giant cupcakes

around themselves and they’re like

they’re this big or people who have like

dressed up from the mean video or

something like that but then there’s

just these ones where like the girls

dressed as like there’s like a clown and

a starfish and we’re like I don’t know

why but I love it like and so there’s

there’s been a lot of costume stuff

going on lately on the tour so if you

look around and you see someone dressed

up as a giant cow and you don’t know why

we don’t know why either but it’s it’s

welcome now this is a I love swift one

from Toronto

another Canada question has a fan ever

made you cry yeah

you know for me like it’s never gonna be

okay no matter how many times I see

little kids with cancer like there’s

there’s a at no point do you ever become

accustomed to it at no point do you ever

just brush it off and say oh well

there’s another kid who’s dying you know

and I over the years I’ve toured in

these places and you see like a little

girl who come through and she’s like so

full of life but she’s lost her hair and

then you come through a year later and

you’re like hey Lexi how are you doing

he’s just like I’m doing good and then

they you’re her parents update you and

and then you come by like a year and a

half later and she’s not there so it’s

yeah yeah you have all these fans all

over the world of all different ages and

types and you know when you were young

did you think there would be any other

career path so you were gonna take that

you might not have ended up in this way

yeah I mean ever since I was a little

kid ever since I was like eight years

old my dad has been telling me to save

my money or invest in utilities and

because my dad is a stockbroker and he

lives and breathes it I mean he’s like

my dad is so passionate about what he

does in the way that I’m passionate

about music this guy lives for being a

stockbroker that is his thing like and

anybody who talks to him like he’ll talk

about me for the first five minutes and

then it’s like well say what are you

investing in like okay and I mean it’s

just like he loves it and so I thought

like I didn’t know what a stockbroker

was when I was eight but I would just

tell everybody that’s what I was going

to be like you know it would be it like

you know first day of school and they’re

like so what do you guys want to be when

you grow up and everybody’s like outta

be an astronaut or like I want to be a

ballerina I’m like I’m gonna be a

financial advisor

and I don’t know I I love my dad so much

because he’s so gung-ho for his job and

I just saw how happy it made him and I

just thought like I can broke stocks

like Taylor Swift commodities trader all

right let’s talk about music videos for

a second there’s a lot of questions

about your music videos as I mentioned

before the music videos that you have on

YouTube have been seen over half a

billion times was there what was your

favorite music video to make and why

that’s from Sophie Carrie in London my

favorite music video to make um okay

well I loved I loved making the video

from mine because it dealt with this

whole storyline and it’s like got

flashbacks and flash-forwards and there

were also a bunch of little kids on the

set and they’re so fun they make it so

much fun because there’s a lot of

sitting around and waiting on sets and

we were in Maine so we’re sitting around

and waiting on a beach and so all of a

sudden you’re just playing with like ten

kids and they’re like wrestling with

each other and throwing sand and like

playing catch and it just makes the

whole thing much more fun so I think

that was my favorite one to make yeah

were there any cool locations or

anything from any of those videos well

yeah we went to Kennebunkport Maine

which was this little town that I’ve

always dreamed of going to and so

shooting a video there was amazing it’s

this little coastal town and it was it

was really awesome I loved it yeah so

let’s talk about the tour for a second

you’re in the middle of speaking out or

and very famously you’ve had some really

cool surprise duets that you’ve done and

you also do some very classic you do

covers of some classic songs all the

time pretty much every night how do you

choose what covers you’ll end up doing

in any particular concert well I am I go

online and I just kind of Google like

what people what famous musicians are

from a certain area and I just picked my

favorites because you know I’ve I’ve

loved so many different kinds of music

and I’ve never really been John was

specific as far as what I listen to so

there’s always like a favorite song of

mine for

from a certain area and you know it’s

really fun to do like a few every night

like you know in California I do like

god only knows by the Beach Boys and

then sweet escape by Gwen Stefani it’s

like it’s just been really really fun

because it’s just me and my guitar

during the acoustic set and you can just

do whatever cuz it’s just you and your

instrument it’s a really spontaneous

part of the show yeah have you done any

particularly unusual ones yeah um you

know it’s kind of unusual with unusual

when I rap you know people don’t really

like I guess people don’t see that

coming but I love lose yourself and so

we were in an area where we were like I

think we were in Michigan and I just

started like I started playing

acoustically lose yourself and I just

started off with like yo and everybody’s

just like what is happening this is

really weird but um I just I love a

great song I don’t care what genre it’s

in I don’t care if it’s completely

opposite from what people think is you

know country music and I just I love a

great song yeah one of the Googler

questions that we got was about which

song of yours is the most fun for you to

perform um I really like better than

revenge it’s a song off of the album

speak now and it’s about a girl who

stole my boyfriend and I got mad and I

wrote a song about it

and um we do this like just it’s just

furious and angry and fun and like we

have this gigantic bridge that drops

down from the ceiling and me and my my

two backup singers are on the bridge

just like throwing our hair around and

head banging and so that’s a really fun

one to do and for me they’re all they’re

all really I think Dear John has a fun

payoff um if you go see the show I

really love singing that because in the

end it’s got this you know pyro filled

payoff in the end

would you say those are two uh songs to

get the crowd going the most or their

other ones I’d say you know you got to

come to a show because the crowds are

really kind of steadily ear-piercing ly

loud throughout the whole show

they’re amazing like it’s really hard to

gauge like which is the moment that no

they’re the loudest because they’re just

really really loud all the time here’s a

funny question this is from Ali Law in

Dunlap Tennessee you seem like the kind

of person that would name their guitars

do you name your guitars and what are

their names

I do seem like that kind of person but I

haven’t done it yet I kind of think back

on the situations when I got them like

when when I fell in love with that

particular guitar like there’s one of my

guitars it’s an acoustic and it’s blue

and it’s got koi fish swimming up the

neck and like inlays it’s just beautiful

and it was Bob Taylor sent it to me for

my 18th birthday

oh wow so I remember the first time I

like opened up this guitar case and I’m

just like there’s the guitar it’s like

this gorgeous guitar and so that’s what

I remember about that and then there’s

this sparkly guitar that I play that has

hundreds of tiny little crystals on it

and it looks like we had it specially

made but really we just glued them on oh


yeah and and sometimes little ones fall

they fall off and so we’ll have to

superglue more on with tweezers so

that’s always what cracks me up about

that because it’s like everyone’s like

where did you have your guitar specially

made I’m like superglue like how many

how many guitars used in a show only

those do you go through okay well um I

was a weird sound I just made that was

weird sorry um

the first one is electric the second one

is acoustic koa then there’s the 12

string then there’s the blue koi fish

one and then there’s like four or five

yeah well and then there’s a ukulele and

again Joe

of course obviously you’re you’re on

tour a lot and you your that’s where you

spend a lot of your time but there were

a lot of questions about what you do

when you’re not performing and you’re in

between gigs besides writing songs like

you do and so you know I guess the first

question are there any movies that you

like to watch while you’re on tour I

watch a lot of TV like a lot of TV and

my favorites are like the crime shows

where it starts out and you know you

can’t miss the first scene or else you

miss like the discovery of this crime

scene and and then you know the like

twists and turns of it all

I love CSI Law and Order SVU without a


NCIS lockup raw like well I just am

really afraid of getting in trouble you

have no idea

all right that’s who watched his lockup

it’s Taylor Swift actually yeah it’s


no no but also one of the questions that

we got was about what books that you

read in your free time

Oh mostly history I’m obsessed with

other time periods and like I just I’m

always looking up museums or like the

Historical Society or like historical

landmarks that we can go to in a

particular City where we are and

recently I’ve been reading a lot of

books on like John Adams and Abraham

Lincoln and I read this like 750 page

book called the Kennedy women and it

dates back to like the the lineage of

the first Kennedy woman who came across

from Ireland on the boat and like the

1860s and it’s just this crazy

interesting read so that’s what I’ve

been reading lately I’m sort of obsessed

with history yeah let’s talk about books

for a second one of the questions that

we got actually from one of the future

Googlers in the in the audience was that

about how you wrote a novel when you’re

11 years old I was 14

no wait you were younger I

like 13 I think teen yeah but I did I

was I was I have a lot of different

epiphanies I’m always have different

ideas as to like you know this would be

a good idea and one summer I was I was

at the shore we used to spend our

summers in Stone Harbor New Jersey and

all my friends were back in Pennsylvania

and so I had nothing to do and so I had

this epiphany I’m gonna be a novelist

and I’m gonna write novels and that’s

gonna be my career path and so I would

write different chapters of this book

and send them back to my friends and I’d

write them into the kit into the book

under different names but totally

describe their personalities and it was

a really fun way to spend the summer and

my parents were so frustrated cuz I

would never go outside I just be like

locked in this little study with my

computer but I’ve always been a writer

first it’s it’s my favorite thing is how

you can convey a thought or a story or

completely destroy describe a character

or a situation through words and the

right combination of words and the whole

process of editing and re editing and

rethinking and imagining and you get

these little mini just epiphany ideas

that come to you and I think that that’s

what I loved about writing the novel and

that’s what I love about poetry and it’s

what I love about songwriting yeah and

while on this topic of things you do

while you’re on tour and and and stuff

we had a lot of questions about what it

is that you like to do when you’re on

tour and you’re not performing is there

any other things that you like spend

your time doing what I love to do um you

know I’ll I watch a lot of TV crime


yeah crime shows that’s pretty much the

hobby list

so we have another question from a

Googler here and this is it says as a

father of a teenage daughter it’s great

to see that solid songwriting and

hardware can get recognized do you have

any advice for young aspiring musicians

absolutely I think that you have to love

it more than anything else and you have

to love it for so many more reasons

other than your idea of what the end

result could be like you don’t make an

album so that you can get a platinum

record to hang on your wall right and

you don’t go on tour so that you can

hang the sold-out plaques up in you know

your bedroom it’s like it’s it’s so many

little stepping stones and so many

people have this idea that it’s like you

get discovered and then you get the

record deal and then you record the song

and then this song goes number one and

then you know and it’s like it’s never

like that like very rarely is it like

one thing leads to another which leads

to another and result it’s it’s so many

dead ends and switching directions and

going back and replanting and rethinking

and so many interviews and strategy

meetings and management meetings and PR

meetings and so many things that are so

outside of music that you have to love

music so much that just your hour and a

half to two hours on stage every night

is worth everything else that you’re

gonna go through and also I would say

play your own instrument because it’s

easier than dragging around like a

karaoke machine you know like when

you’re starting out you have to provide

your own background music and it’s just

so much easier to play your own

instrument okay

cool all right so we’re gonna we have

one last question this is a is a video

question another video question and it

comes from Chicago Illinois it’s a

little bit different than some of the

questions we’ve been talking about so

let’s roll that hey Kayla it picked I

have a question for you

what does being beautiful mean to you I

mean define your definition of beauty

what Beauty means in your eyes and why I

love him I think for me beauty is

sincerity I think that there are so many

different ways that someone can be

beautiful you know someone’s so funny

that they’re it makes them beautiful no

matter how they look because they’re

sincere in it or somebody’s like really

emotional and like moody and thoughtful

and stoic but that makes them beautiful

because that’s sincerely who they are or

you look out into the crowd and you see

someone so happy that they’re smiling

from ear to ear and that sincerity comes

through I think that’s what makes

somebody beautiful and I’ve never felt

like there’s just one way to be

beautiful you know tall or short

straight hair or curly or or whatever

some people have their definitions of

their types you know for me I think that

when I meet someone and there’s that

magical thing about them that makes them

unforgettable it’s that they’re sincere

and honest and whoever they are be that

funny happy sad you know going through a

rough time sarcastic I think that these

personality traits that come through

when somebody is really sincere is what

makes them beautiful cool I think that’s

a great note to end this on since this

is a YouTube interview there’s a sort of

a tradition that we have that where we

are they oh there they are

so you it’s honorary for me to give you

a pair of the YouTube tube socks thank



and wear these with sandals and you’re

gonna be where we’re gonna look so great

they’ll be really great for you on tour

now we actually so we handed out some

tube socks to people that were coming in

who got tube socks here so we actually

there’s a thing inside everybody that

you want all of you guys have got tubes

are actually getting tickets to Taylor

show tonight so I will see you later

so let’s hear one more time for Taylor

Swift thank you for being here

thank you


