t d or id Past Tense ED verb endings English Pronunciation

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hi everybody my name is Alisha today I’m

going to talk about how to pronounce the

ending EE D sound in past tense regular

verbs so I’m going to talk about how to

make the three different sounds that we

use when we’re using the past tense

forms of these verbs so let’s get


okay so as I said this is for regular

past tense verb so verbs which take an e

d ending verbs which don’t take an e d

ending in the past tense I’m not going

to talk about those in this lesson just

edie ending verbs so past tense

conjugations okay so there are three

different pronunciations that we use for

this edie sound I’m going to talk about

each one and kind of a rule that can

help you as you try to decide the best

or the most correct pronunciation okay

let’s first look at a tea ending sound

so buy this tea I mean 8:00 sound at the

end of the verb so a few examples first

is walked second talked and typed so

walked talked typed you can hear the IDI

sound at the end of each verb it’s

spelled IDI but the pronunciation is it

sound so walked talked typed we make a T

sound so the rule for this why do we use

the T sound here when we’re looking at

the infinitive form of the verb so

remember the infinitive form is like the

basic form of the verb I have it

underlined in black here if the

infinitive ends in an unvoiced sound we

use this tea pronunciation so I’ll talk

about unvoiced in just a moment here but

in this case the infinitive forms are

walk talk and type walk talk and type so

the ending sounds are end here so these

are called unvoiced sounds so for this

point and for some points in the rest of

this lesson it’s useful to know the

difference between a voiced sound and an

unvoiced sound so a voiced sound

is a sound that we make using our vocal

cords so the if you put your hand on

your throat and you can feel your vocal

cords moving like activate it

that’s a voiced sound an unvoiced sound

however is a sound we make without using

our vocal cords something that doesn’t

require us to activate our vocal cords

so I said in this case for the to sound

we use this sound for infinitives which

end in an unvoiced sound meaning our

vocal cords are not activated so here as

I said walk and Zanic sound talk and the

neck sound and type ends in a sound so

for sounds and sounds our vocal cords

are not activated we’re not using our

vocal cords to make this sound so we

apply a sound for the end of the verb

when we’re conjugating into past tense

so this is the first type of

pronunciation for today okay let’s look

at the second type for today the second

type is this D ending sound and by D I

mean it like a soft sound so a few

examples I haven’t smelled breathed

whispered lied booed and need so in each

of these you can hear there’s this soft

D sound for the ending not an e d sound

e d but a sound a soft sound so in this

case how do we know that we should use a

sound at the end of these in this case

we should use this sound for infinitives

which end in a voiced sound so as we

learned up here voiced sounds are sounds

that require us to activate our vocal

cords so in this case the end of the

infinitive form here smell is the

infinitive so the ending sound ooh

requires vocal cord activation so I’m

using my vocal cords to make a move

sound here

same thing with breathe the this th

sound at the end the I have to use my

vocal cords to make this sound next one

whisper the earth sound here uses my

vocal cords so I’m using the whispered

we see the same thing the

last three examples I have here used

vowel sounds at the end so lied booed

need these are voiced sounds so we need

to use a sound to end to end the word so

this is when we use the ending okay

let’s look at the last type over here

the last type is this id ending it’s

like an idiot

sound let’s look at some examples so

here I have wanted pleaded and started

these are all examples of infinitives

that end in it or a sound so here the

infinitive form of my first example want

ends in a T sound my second example

plead ends in a D sound and my third

example start ends in it sound as well

so for infinitives which end in it or

add it sound a T or D sound we use this

eed ending so wanted pleaded started so

these are the three types of ending II D

sound pronunciations so if you’re having

trouble trying to decide how to

pronounce an e d sound you can kind of

think of these rules to help you I hope

but if you want to know like which

sounds are unvoiced or which sounds are

voiced if it’s hard for you to determine

like when you are using your vocal cords

or when you’re not using your vocal

cords here’s a quick tip so here are

some or here are the unvoiced consonant

sounds so the unvoiced consonant sounds

meaning the consonants that we make

without using our vocal cords are and

the th sound and think think so all of

these sounds are unvoiced if we make

these sounds we’re not using our vocal

cords to make them so for example and

and these are common ones but we’re not

actually using like our voice to make

them so that means that voiced sounds

are the other sounds so if it’s not in

this list

it’s a voiced sound one thing to be

careful of here though is that the th

in the word like they is actually a

voiced sound so we have a voiced Vey th

sound they they and we have an unvoiced

th sound like in think I think so in the

word think I’m not using my vocal cords

in the word they or the for example I am

so th has a voiced and an unvoiced

pronunciation so this is something to

keep in mind and maybe to help you as

you practice but these are the three

pronunciation types for ending edie

sounds I hope that that was helpful for

you if you have any questions please let

us know in the comment section below

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good resources thanks very much for

watching this episode and I will see you

again soon
