hey today i’m going to teach you the

three things you

must master in order to speak english


about any topic i am teacher tiffany

let’s jump right in

all right the three things you must

master are

reasons points and opinions

let’s get started with the first one


in order to speak english fluently about

any topic

you need the ability to provide reasons

for your thoughts in other words you

need to give

three concrete reasons to support

your answer now i want to make sure you

understand this when you give an answer

in english

many times you’re showing that you

understood the question

but your fluency is dependent upon the

information you provide to support

your answer so the first one being the

reasons now you saw this word in this


the word concrete now concrete means

it’s used to indicate that something

is definite and specific

for example he didn’t have any concrete

evidence so in other words you need to


specific reasons for your thoughts or

ideas so let’s look at an example


right here here’s the question why do

you think

people like to travel to different


in their free time well we have three

concrete reasons

reason number one to experience and


about new cultures reason number two

for a change of scenery

and reason number three to explore new

places or

new lands now again these are my

concrete reasons why i think

people like to travel to different


you may have your own concrete reasons

but i want you to look below each reason

that i stated there are two colored


now let me explain these boxes under my

reasons i’m giving you more information

for example learn about their food

learn about their clothing now reason

number two for a change of scenery

why because they’re tired of city life

or they want to see more nature and

reason number three

to explore new places or lands why

because the person is adventurous or

maybe they think it’s exciting to

explore new places

now what’s happening i am organizing my

ideas and my thoughts

based on my three reasons now i can give

a fluent

english answer to this question and this

is how

my answer would look here we go based on

the first reason to experience

and learn about new cultures in my


there are three reasons why people like

to travel to different places in their

free time

the first reason is to experience and

learn about

new cultures when people travel they can


a lot about the food in other countries

they also or they can also learn

new things about the clothing of


countries now this is just the beginning

of my answer

but you see that i’ve given a good

reason and i’ve added the details

now let’s move on to my second reason

that i told you

for a change of scenery

here we go continuing my answer the


reason is that people are looking for a

change of scenery many times people get

tired of

city life and want to take a break

in addition many people want to see

more nature so again you’re seeing that


giving you the details that support my


and i’m including it all in my answer

now i’m going to continue and wrap my


up by giving the third reason here we go

my third reason is right here to explore

new places or lands finally

the third reason is that people want to


new places now i’m going to add the


some people are very adventurous so

they want to see and experience new


this also means that they like exciting


and i’m going to wrap it up these are

the three reasons

why i think people like to travel

to different places in their free time

now if i combine

all of my reasons and those details you

will see

this answer right here this

is a fluent answer this is an answer

that makes you sound very fluent

in english and all we did was use the


part the reasons remember there are


the first part give three reasons

support your reasons

and you will sound fluent in english now

what is the second one let’s look at the

second one

right here points

now in order to speak english fluently

about any topic

you need the ability to provide

points in other words you need to give

three coherent points that

explain your answer

so remember the first one was reason

now we’re looking at points so you’re

basically giving

details that relate to your answer

now the word coherent let me explain

this word to you right here

if something is coherent it means that

things are well connected logical

and consistent for example

the president presented a coherent

plan for dealing with the situation

now let me explain this a little bit

more when you’re using

this one the second one the points or

details method

you have to remember to give details

that are relevant

to the question that was asked you want

to make sure your ideas

and what you’re saying is coherent

logical consistent why because that

shows fluency not the number of words

but the way you organize your ideas so

let’s see an example of using

points here’s the question what


can arise between a person’s family

and a person’s friends we have three

points not respecting personal space

point number one point number two

lack of communication and point number


different opinions regarding


or duties these are the points that i’m


related to the question but remember

just like for the first one when we

talked about reasons

you want to also give supporting

information no matter which one you use

you want to support the information so

here we go not respecting personal space

placing their belongings in the wrong

place always needing to be close to the


now it seems like we’re kind of giving


that support the point right what about

lack of communication

not talking about problems is an example

of a lack of communication

using the silent treatment is also an

example now real quick

you may or may not know what the silent

treatment is

but i want you to think about this have

you ever been in a relationship

right and you get mad with your

boyfriend or if you’re a man with your


and there’s a period where you don’t

feel like talking to them

at all so you get

silent you stop speaking now the silent

treatment is when even if the person

starts talking to you

you ignore them you don’t say anything

we say in english

hey you’re giving him you’re giving her

the silent treatment this is an example

of a lack of communication

now you understand it right okay what

about point

number three different opinions

regarding responsibilities or duties

example standing up for the other or

supporting them

being a listening ear when one has a bad

day again

examples of this point so what will this

look like in an answer here we go

in my opinion there are three major


that can arise between a person’s family


a person’s friends the first major


is not respecting personal space

now we’re going to give the details or

examples sometimes

people put their belongings all over the


which can bother other people also

some people always need to be physically

close to other people

which can also bother others now again

we’re still in the very beginning of my

answer to this question

but you can feel that the answer is is

good right

why because i stated my point and then i

supported my point i want you to

remember that again we’re on the second


which is points i want you to remember

to give your points

and support them now what about point

number two continuing with my answer

right here

lack of communication the second

major conflict is a lack of


now the details many times people have

problems but

refuse to talk about the problems

instead they give each other the silent


which only makes the situations worse

in the end again stated the point

and gave the supporting information now

what about

point number three here we go point

number three different opinions

regarding responsibilities or duties

finally the third major conflict occurs

when people have different opinions

regarding responsibilities or duties

sometimes one person believes that the

other person should support them

and be a listening ear all of

the time but the other person

may not agree with this opinion there

are many other

types of conflicts but these are three

of the major relationship conflicts

that’s how you wrap it up you see how i

wrapped up my answer at the end

so i’ve given my three points i


each point and then i wrapped them up

at the end that’s how you use the second

method the points method

now the third method is also very useful

and it will help you

finally speak english fluently about any


here we go again looking at everything

put together

still from point number three and point


two and point number one all together

you see the thing

put together right here alright so here

we go

opinions in order to speak english

fluently about any topic you need the

ability to express your opinions

clearly in other words you need to give

three rational opinions about

a topic now again this is talking about

another method you can use to speak

english fluently

as an individual you have different

ideas your ideas may be different from


other people’s ideas this is where your


come into play when you’re answering a

question but you notice it says

rational what does the word rational


so rational means based on or

in accordance with reason or

logic example there was a perfectly

rational explanation for the situation

so you see this is kind of going back to

coherent a little bit

something that is logical that makes

sense that connects to the question

or the topic being discussed so we say


all right so rational opinions let’s

look at an example real quick here we go

what part do cameras and videos play in

celebrating special occasions opinion

number one

capture important memories opinion

number two

photos or videos allow us to share

our memories with others and

opinion number three see moments you did

not see before now again

in my opinion this is

showing you or telling you why i think


my opinion why cameras play

such an important part in celebrating

special occasions so how am i going to


my opinions here we go birth of a child

again opinion number one important

memories example

birth of a child or vacation trips with


opinion number two allowing us to share

our memories

why we can show our travel photos to

family and friends

or we can share our childhood photos

with our friends

what about opinion number three see

moments you did not

see before at a wedding ceremony

or at a graduation ceremony so again

i’ve given my opinions three opinions

and then

supported them with clear and easy to


examples so how would i answer this

question putting all of my ideas


in my opinion cameras and videos play

three important roles in helping us to


special occasions the first role they


is to help us capture important

memories for example using cameras and


we can capture the birth of a child

which is a memory we always want to keep

we can also take pictures and videos of

vacation trips

we have with our friends once again

stated my opinion and then i gave the

two examples

right after stating my opinion remember

fluency is

all about being able to express your


clearly and supporting your ideas

this is key i want you to remember this

as you’re trying to speak english


now point number two again i said photos

and videos

allow us to share our memories with

others i continue with my answer

the second role that cameras and videos

play is that they allow us to share our

memories with others

for example after we travel somewhere

we can show our travel photos to our

family and friends

another way we can share memories is by

sharing our

childhood photos with our friends

now continue again i showed i expressed

my opinion and i supported it

now what about my third opinion see


you did not see before here we go


the third role that cameras and videos


is that they help us to see moments we

may not have seen

before for example after a wedding

the bride and groom can see photos from


ceremony also a graduate can see the

pictures or videos

from his or her graduate

ceremonies so again i’ve given my

opinion and i’ve supported

my opinion right so when everything is

put together again like before we see

the answer

written out like this every point is

highlighted excuse me every opinion is


and the final sentence these are the


important roles that i believe cameras

and videos

play in helping us to celebrate special

occasions so again a very good

answer i spoke english fluently because

i gave

three opinions and i supported each


with two examples this is what you must


you can speak english fluently about any


as long as you master these three

methods once again they are reasons

points and opinions so remember

three reasons three points

and three opinions choose one of these


and you will speak english fluently

about any topic

now i really hope you enjoyed today’s


i really enjoyed teaching lessons like

this because

i understand how difficult it is for you

as an english learner

to speak english fluently but trust me

when you follow these methods the

methods that i teach you i guarantee

your fluency

and your confidence will improve

thank you for giving me the honor of

being your teacher remember

always come back each week to learn

something new and to improve your


i will see you next week again if you

want to keep studying with me

not just on youtube you can join my

academy that’s right

join our family the link is in the


or you can also go to let’s jump right

in dot com

right now join my academy and start

studying with me

today you can follow a daily lesson plan

and improve your

english every single day alright i will

see you next week but as

always remember to speak english

you still there you know what time it is

it’s story time

hey i said a story time

all right today’s story time is going to

be a little bit short but i want to tell

you a story about

one of my favorite teachers now

when i was growing up i went to an

elementary school slash middle school

was a private school

and it was called george e peters

elementary school we called it ge peters

but the full name was george e peters

now my class i’m a little biased

my class was the best we were amazing

and many teachers liked us

because we really operated as a family

there were probably about 27 of us i


24 or 27 of us we were a big class but

we really

hung out together you know we were young


i remember when i was in the sixth grade

our teacher’s name was miss howard hey

miss howard

and we liked her she was strict but we

loved her and miss howard

sometimes she would get upset whenever

we would you know play in class or not

listen to her she’d get upset

now our punishment back in the day was

to write

lines now right now as an english

learner you have to write

essays maybe for class or maybe for a

test but

back in the day one of the punishments

we used to get

was right lines so writing lines so for

example if we were talking too much in


she would yell and say everybody be


and she said take out a piece of paper

and take out a pencil

and she would start writing something on

the board and it would be about

five or six lines it was really long

and it would say something like when i

am in class i will not

speak while the teacher is speaking and

she’d continue and go on and on she was

an english teacher as well so her

english was really good

then she would turn around and say write

this 100 times

so this happened to us so many times so

we’d spend the next hour

hour and a half writing lines as our


now this is something we did not like of

course no kid wants to write lines but

we loved her

so anyways at the end of the year sixth

grade year we were like yes okay we’re

getting a new teacher

um just excited in general so we had a

new teacher for seventh grade

then for eighth grade right seventh

grade year went through and then we got

to eighth grade we were excited again

we’re going to get a brand new teacher

because at our elementary school

teachers were assigned to certain grades

so miss howard was

the sixth grade teacher then we had

another teacher for seventh grade so

when we got to eighth grade we were

excited to see who our teacher would be

so uh we all came the morning of eighth

grade like the first day of school

so we’re all excited like who’s gonna be

our teacher this year

right so we all walk in the classroom

and the first person walks in right and

kind of pauses

and then you know we’re all excited like

hey come on like move let’s all get


we get in the classroom and the teacher

spins around

and it’s miss howard and she said hello

eighth grade and we never forgot that


we were all shocked and stunned because

we thought we were getting a brand new

teacher but all of the memories of

writing lines came back to us and we

were like oh no

now again we loved her but we were

excited about a new teacher

so fast forward again we had a great

year we loved miss howard we still love

her to this day we call her aunt barbara

and even to this day we talk about

everything that happened we were in

sixth grade

and eighth grade with miss howard but

miss howard also has told us many times

that we

were her favorite class and that’s

exactly why she wanted to switch

to eighth grade so when we went to

eighth grade she wanted to be with us

so technically miss howard you know you

love us

you know you love us miss howard so yes

so she was a wonderful teacher

and she loved us like we were our own

kids so miss howard was a great teacher

and i aspire

i really want to be a great teacher so

i’m honored to be your teacher

had a short story for today but i hope

you enjoyed it

remember if you want to keep studying

with me guys all you got to do is go to

let’s jump right in dot com

i will see you next week have an awesome


i’ll talk to you later