hey today i’m going to teach you five

secrets that’s right five secrets you

must know in order to speak english

fluently like a native english speaker

are you ready

well then i’m teacher tiffany let’s jump

right in all right secret number one the

first secret to english fluency is

understanding that english fluency is

not in your mouth that’s right english

fluency actually starts in your head now

as an english learner you probably have

studied english for a long time which

means you’ve also experienced


why am i not able to speak like a native

english speaker you’ve learned tons of

vocabulary words tons of expressions and

so much more yet you’re still not able

to speak

it’s because of this secret you see it’s

not the number of words you know or the

number of grammar rules you know no

instead it’s how you organize your


english fluency starts in your head let

me explain it to you a little bit more

the first thing is to speak english like

a native you need to


like a native it makes sense right you

see as a native english speaker i

remember when i was in high school

college even when i was in grade school

my english teachers taught me how to


they taught me how to organize my ideas


that’s why i am able to speak english

fluently so you as an english learner

need to understand how to think like a

native english speaker it starts in your

mind first you also need to learn how to

organize your thoughts and ideas in your

head before you speak

this is something that is key you all

know that i talk about the five w’s come

on you know them say them who what

when where and why exactly the reason i

teach you the five w so many times in my

lessons is because using the five w’s

you will be able to organize your

thoughts before you speak

this is how native english speakers

learn how to think and then

speak fluently in english so you must

organize your thoughts the third thing

is native english speakers

are taught this in school i mentioned

earlier i learned this in middle school

elementary school middle school high

school and college

we are taught how to properly think and

organize our ideas so i want you to stop

being frustrated with yourself because

it’s not that you are not smart it’s

just simply no one has ever told you

this first secret english fluency is not

in your mouth

it’s in

your brain and your mind secret number


let’s move on to secret number two this

is again very important for you to

understand in order to speak english

fluently secret number two is book

english will not

it won’t help you speak



book english is actually different from


english now maybe you’re like teacher

tiffany oh my goodness if i can’t speak

fluently after studying a book what can

i do

don’t worry let me explain what happened

to me when i was studying korean when i

was in korea i was learning i had tons

of books and i was studying hard but

when i would speak to my korean friends

they said tiff

for some reason you sound awkward you

don’t sound like a native korean speaker

your sentences are not really natural i

was studying tons of korean books

but i wasn’t learning how to speak like

a native korean speaker i realized these


those books at that time were not

helping me let me explain how this

applies to you as an english learner

here’s the thing

one reason many english learners like

you don’t become fluent is that they

only focus on english books like me i

was only focusing on korean books

not paying attention to real

conversations i had my books ready had

them open and i was memorizing korean

vocabulary words memorizing expressions

memorizing grammar rules but i still

sounded awkward and you again probably

experienced the same frustration

only focusing on english books will make

you sound awkward like i sounded

when you try to speak


learning english from real situations

will actually make you sound more

natural remember i said

i was studying tons of korean books but

when i realized that i sounded awkward

and i wasn’t speaking korean fluently i

stopped i put the books down

and i started paying attention when my

friends my korean friends were speaking

with each other i paid attention oh wait

a minute they used that expression wait

a minute they used that word order let

me mimic them let me imitate them and

then all of a sudden

my korean friend said hey tiff

you sound more natural your korean

fluency is improving all because i

started paying attention to real


that’s the second secret book english

won’t help you

speak real english if you only focus on

the books you’ll never speak english

fluently so you must pay attention to

real situations listen to native english

speakers as they speak to each other

that is secret number two

now what about secret number three for

english fluency this is extremely

important secret number three is

english conversations have a special


an english conversation is like a tennis

match i love this secret because i enjoy

showing it visually

think about a tennis match you have a


and a tennis racket and the person

you’re playing with your opponent also

has a tennis racket you throw the ball

up and

hit the ball to the opponent the

opponent receives it and then

hits it back to you and there’s this

back and forth

back and forth come on back and forth

that happens in the tennis match

that’s how a tennis match continues

moving back and forth english

conversations are exactly the same there

is this back and forth that occurs and i

want to explain these points to you

really quickly in order

going back and forth which means if you

receive a question and you answer it you


send the question back many times

english learners some of my students in

the past

i would ask them a question and they’d

answer and then look at me they weren’t

sending it back to me this is how a

conversation is supposed to flow first

if you understand

the proper flow of a conversation

you will be able to go back and forth

smoothly remember we’re talking about

speaking english fluently it’s not

always about the words and expressions

if you understand these secrets you’ll

be able to speak english fluently going

back and forth

next following the right conversation

flow will help you connect

with your listener you know

one thing that i know you’ve experienced

as an english learner is when a native

english speaker if you’ve ever

encountered one comes up to you and asks

you a question you get a little nervous

so instead of

sending a question back you simply

answer and you get quiet

and you feel awkward right so you’re not

able to connect to the listener so that

individual feels like oh you don’t speak

english fluently

simply because you don’t understand the

third secret the flow back and forth

back and forth of an english


understanding and following the flow

will also help you sound more like a

native english speaker

this secret is so important now with

this secret again you have to practice

in order to master this secret in order

to speak english fluently based on this

secret you have to practice the proper

flow of an english conversation and that

actually brings us to today’s sponsor i

want to thank cambly so much for

sponsoring this video you all know how

much i love cambly cambly is an amazing

company and their focus is on helping

you the english learner learn how to

speak english fluently learning how to

go back and forth back and forth so they

have tutors they have tutors that are

available 24 7. these tutors will help

you practice going back and forth now

these are one-on-one private english

lessons again why i love cambly so much

their tutors are from america canada

australia and the uk so you can get

practice with english teachers that are

native english speakers you have to

practice the third secret the

conversation flow back and forth now

again cambly is sponsoring this video

because they want to help you master

these secrets and what they’re doing is

right here they’re giving a free

10-minute lesson that’s right the link

is right in the description because they

care about you they said tiffany we want

to help your students and i said thank

you very much so i want you to get this

free 10-minute lesson by hitting the

link in the description

practice secret number three the

conversation flow with your tutor and if

you are ready to really take your

english to the next level you can get

the 40 off discount of any 12 month plan


that’s an extreme discount because they

want to help you speak english fluently

so again cambly thank you so much for

sponsoring this video you as the english

learner remember you have to master

english fluency and the third secret is

practicing going back and forth back and

forth the flow of a conversation and you

can do that with the amazing tutors any

time of the day so cambly thank you so

much for sponsoring this video let’s

move on to secret number four secret

number four is also extremely important

secret number four is

the number three

is powerful

use it

you see

using three points three reasons or

three details this is key to speaking

english fluently that’s right in english

now i told you all that when i was in

school my english teachers they taught

us based on these secrets i mentioned

the five w’s learning how to organize

your thoughts but for this one right


i want to emphasize again

three what happened look back really

quickly what did we say we said right


three points

three reasons or three details here’s

the thing whenever you are talking to

someone whenever you’re having a

conversation back and forth when you

give your idea or your thought you need


support it

that’s why the number three is so

powerful three details

three reasons three opinions three

points things that will support your

idea you must remember the power of the

number three here’s another point i want

to make

this number three is the most important

one of the most important keys to

speaking english like a native english

speaker i want you to pay attention when

someone asks another native english

speaker a question that individual

naturally goes into three supporting

details why

because our teachers taught us that way

when i was in college one of my favorite

teachers miss candelaria she was my

english teacher and she told us the

importance of the number three she said

whatever your idea is support it with

three supporting ideas details examples

this is why we are able to speak english


giving three points three reasons or

three details will provide the

information you need to speak fluently

someone listening to you will feel wow

your english is amazing because you’re

following this secret the power of the

number three

and native english speakers i mentioned

we are taught the power and importance

of the number three in school two you

have to learn what we learn in order to

speak english fluently so again you can

practice with the tutor from cambly you

can practice in your room practice using

the number three and supporting your


now what about secret number five

another important secret i want you to


this one right here


comes before fluency confidence actually

leads to speaking english fluently

this is something very interesting you

see i know that you want to speak

english fluently and you get nervous

when you’re not able to express yourself

right but the thing is

you speak your own language fluently

because you’re confident in yourself

when you gain confidence when what

you’re learning from your english

lessons or from this lesson right here

when you put it into practice and you

see oh my goodness what teacher tiffany

taught me is really true and it’s

working suddenly

you get confident

your shoulders kind of go back a little

bit your head goes up and your

confidence will lead to fluency it

happened to one of my students he was

not as confident when he first started

studying with me but then i told him hey

you can do it and he started to believe

in himself and his fluency improved so

you must remember these things

you need to develop confidence in your

own abilities if you want to achieve

english fluency stop saying sorry

you’re amazing you’re already speaking

another languages maybe it’s your second

third fourth or even fifth language you

are awesome

remember that have confidence in

yourself because that confidence will

lead to fluency

the more confident you are the more

natural your english will sound and i’m

going to tell you a story about my

experience during during story time so

don’t go anywhere i’ll say that story

okay all right and then

in order to gain more confidence in your

abilities you must step out of your

comfort zone if you’re used to studying

one way and you don’t want to record a

video you don’t want to have

conversations because you get nervous

you have to get out of your comfort zone

in order to build your confidence

because confidence comes before fluency

my job my goal as your teacher as the

one leading you along this path is to

help you gain confidence in yourself

these are the five secrets you need to

understand you must know in order to

speak english fluently now i really hope

you enjoyed today’s lesson i hope you

follow these secrets and again watch

this video over again to follow the

secrets and again

you will finally speak english fluently

again hope you enjoyed it remember you

can do it i believe in you don’t forget

to get your tutor by clicking the link

in the description start practicing

again the flow of a conversation love

you all and i can’t wait to see you

again in the next lesson but as always

remember to speak


you still there

you know what time it is come on it’s

story time

hey i said a story time

all right now i told you i promised you

that i tell you a story about my

experience now i told you all the last

secret was confidence comes before

fluency right i told you that when i was

studying korean i was studying so many

books but i still sounded awkward but

eventually i understood the secret and i

started paying attention in real

situations so when i lived in korea for

that 10-year period i was speaking

korean fluently my korean had really

improved but now i’m in america right

so i came back to america about

it’s been a while

and after being home for a year

one of my closest friends she was going

to get married so i had to fly back to

korea so there was this one year period

where i had not been around any koreans

i was not speaking korean on a regular

basis anymore so even though i was

fluent when i was in south korea when i

came back to america for that full year

i was speaking in english

so you as you naturally think yes

i was probably a little bit nervous and

you would be correct so i remember

getting on the flight to fly back to

korea excited about my friend’s wedding

i was really excited and on my way to

korea i realized hey there are certain

people that i need to see not just that


so when i arrived in korea i texted some

of my other friends saying hey i’ll be

in korea let’s meet up let’s hang out a

little bit and one of the individuals i

texted was

one of my favorite omni only is like

older sister

she actually helped me with my thesis

when i was writing my thesis in korean

so i really really love her i really

care about her and i really wanted to

see her so i messaged her and said hey

i’ll be in korea let’s meet up for lunch

now we’re texting right you all know

sometimes it’s easier to write in

english than speak right so up until

that point everything was fine i could

type if i forgot a word i could look it

up really quickly and i was fine texting

her in korean

so we met up and we went to a restaurant

in korea and the restaurant had really

good food so we said hey again all in

korean but again

the introductions and saying the

greetings are very simple right even in

english hey how are you so we sat down

to eat

and we ordered our food and so we

started to have a conversation the back

and forth

now again i hadn’t spoken korean in

about a year just simple things you know

via text and sometimes on the phone


so my friend was telling me about things

that were going on in her life and my

understanding was fine listening skills

were good but again i had to go back and

forth i had to respond but remember i

said i’m very close to her i really care

about her and i’m very comfortable

around her

so i feel confident whenever i speak to

her in korean i’m never shy or nervous

so the conversation was flowing very

well i wasn’t even noticing it because

again i was so comfortable around her i

didn’t feel insecure at all about my

korean speaking ability so we’re talking

and she stopped and she said tiff again

all in korean

your korean is still good but you’ve

been gone for a year

and i paused and i said oh

i guess it is but then i realized it’s

because of you i said i’m comfortable

around you i feel confident around you


everything i learned all the korean

words and expressions came back to my

mind and i was able to speak korean

fluently because i felt

confident around her

she smiled and said oh that’s good and

we continued on with our conversation

but i never forgot that situation i

never forgot what happened because again

i had been gone for a full year but

because i felt confident around her i

was comfortable with her the korean

naturally flowed so i’m telling you this

story because i want to encourage you

confidence comes before fluency

when you are comfortable around someone

you’ll be able to speak english fluently

it’ll come out more naturally i’ve seen

it happen over and over with my personal

students students in the past even

students now they just naturally start

speaking english because they’re

comfortable with me and their confidence


so i want you to think whenever you’re

speaking in english if you start feeling

a little bit insecure

a little bit nervous stop i say wait a

minute i can do this i can do this i’m

intelligent i’m amazing i’m learning

another language and watch your

confidence improve and the english will

start to flow just a bit better because

remember confidence comes before fluency

i really hope this story encourages you

i’ve been where you are and i know the

importance of being confident in

yourself all right i will see you next

time have a wonderful day have a

wonderful week and as always remember to

speak english