How long does it take to learn to speak English Fluently

how to speak English fluently like

American speakers in just one month

hi everyone do you believe that we can

speak English fluently like an American

speaker in just a month with this video

is it possible or not today I will

instruct you on how to speak English

like an American in one month with 24

topics of using call occasions and

idioms in conversations method it would

be better if you follow the natural

process of learning any language

listening speaking reading writing now I

will show you three steps to speak like

an American step 1 listening and reading

listen to 3 or 4 times to the

conversation in the video then you had

better take note of the collocation x'

idioms or phrases fold in dialogues step

2 speaking

practice speaking what you have learned

in the video by imitating the method

step 3 writing after practicing try to

rewrite the topics in conversations in

your own way by using the phrases in

collocation z' learned let’s get started

step 1

listening to conversations what’s wrong

what’s wrong Eric I’m really nervous I’m

always this way on the first day of

school you’re not the only one it’s hard

for me too I’m glad we’re taking this

class together do you know anything

about the teacher uh-huh a little

someone told me she gives a lot of

homework and you have to talk a lot in

class oh no I’m afraid of talking in

front of a lot of people oh don’t worry

everyone’s afraid at the beginning but

after you get to know the people and to

make friends it doesn’t get better for

me I’m shy

I have trouble looking at people when I

talk and my hands shake look the

teachers here let’s talk after class

who’s this

hello hi Sarah who’s this it’s Alex

Oh hi Alex

this is Anna hold on a minute and I’ll

get Sarah Sarah it’s for you I’ll be

right there Alex hi hi Sarah want to go

to the movies Friday night I’m really

sorry but I can’t make it Friday night

Saturday how about Saturday

sure why don’t I pick you up at 7

o’clock that sounds great

Oh Alex I’m sorry

my parents are calling me for dinner and

I have to get off see you saturday great

see you bye

let’s go away for the weekend you know

we have a 3-day weekend next month do

you want to go away that’s a great idea

where do you want to go to the beach the

beach in the winter

we don’t have to go swimming we can take

walks on the beach

but what else can we do oh there’s

plenty of things to do we can read go to

the movies I need to relax don’t you I

sure do

you’re right the beach is a good idea

and it won’t be crowded do you think we

need to make a reservation anywhere no I

don’t think so

there are lots of places to stay and

they will be cheaper now than they are

in the summer wake up wake up Tom don’t

you have to go to the airport yeah I’ll

get up in five minutes I don’t want to

get out of bed it’s so early well I’m

going back to sleep I hope you won’t

miss your plane

have a good trip Thanks oh why did I go

to bed so late last night it’s so hard

to get up and it’s so cold and dark but

I need to get up now and take a shower

what time is it

six o’clock oh no I’m late I don’t have

time for a shower I have to get dressed

and get to the airport right away are

you ready to order

oh it’s so nice to eat out and have time

together what a great birthday present

I’m glad you like it I’m always happy to

treat you to lunch and I was thinking

you know we never really have time to

just sit and talk

I know and now we have two hours and

this is a really nice place yeah I come

here once in a while so what are you

going to have um I’m not sure yet but

you order whatever you want it’s your

birthday whatever I want

okay but please don’t sing happy

birthday when we have dessert if you do

I’ll get under the table

you’ll never change always so shy

well that’s me anyway I think I’ll have

the chicken Caesar salad what are you

going to have the salad sounds good but

I’m going to have soup too because I’m

really hungry my leg is killing me

my leg is killing me what happened I was

coming down the stairs too fast and I

fell down do you think your leg is


I don’t know but it hurts a lot maybe

you need to go to the emergency room no

let’s wait a few minutes and see if it

gets better okay but can I get you


hmm maybe some ice okay I’ll be right

back okay here can you move your leg I

think so but look it’s getting swollen

listen Mike I’m calling an ambulance

right away

stay put and don’t move shopping for

jeans can I help you

Thanks we’re just looking well let me

know if there’s anything I can do for

you what do you think of these jeans

they’re really nice how much are they


there’s no price tag where’s the

salesperson I’m going to ask her oh

there she is

excuse me how much are these jeans I’ll

be with you in a minute okay let’s see

they were $29 but I think today

they’re 30% off

yes that’s right they’re about $20

that’s a good price for these jeans

can I try them on sure the fitting rooms

are right over there

just go on in thanks a lot

Lin how do they look Oh Jim they’re too


I’ll get you a smaller size wait a

minute here try these I think these are

better how do they look they’re perfect

oh they look very nice on you

great I’ll take them who’s cooking

tonight hello honey it’s me where are

you at to the station I missed my train

so I’m going to be late oh that’s too


will you get back in time to pick up the

kids I don’t think so

can you get them no problem

make sure they start their homework

don’t worry what time do you think

you’ll be home probably in about an hour

how was your day well I worked for a few

hours at the computer and then I got


so I took a nap you took a nap you’re so

lucky you work at home I can’t take a

nap in the office you know but I also

did the laundry and the dishes you can’t

do those things in the office well

that’s true Hey what’s for dinner

chicken it’ll be ready when you get home

I can’t wait I love your chicken

and I love you see you around 6:30 I

hope so

see ya getting cold feet can you believe

it Jenna your wedding is in two weeks I

know what’s wrong well I think I’m

getting cold feet

oh don’t worry that’s normal that’s how

I felt before I married Tim but

everything will be fine

you and Rick are really great together

I know but maybe we should wait we can’t

even afford to buy furniture

oh so it’s money that’s making you have

second thoughts but deep down you really

want to get married you’re right I

really do I’m dying to marry Rick hey

Rick what’s wrong I don’t know I just

hope I’m ready to get married

uh-oh are you getting cold feet I guess

you could say that I’m about to change

my life for good so I’m kinda nervous

okay then call off the wedding but I’m

dying to marry Jana and she’s dying to

marry you so why don’t you just take a

deep breath and calm down pulling an

all-nighter and that is everything okay

you look really tired it’s that obvious

well you’re right I am tired last night

I pulled an all-nighter writing a paper

for my psych class

did you finish it

yeah and just in the nick of time I

emailed it to my professor five minutes

before the deadline well that was close

are you going home now no I have to

hurry to my history class see you later

I’m really in hot water

my history teacher gave us a surprise

quiz and I couldn’t remember anything my

mind went totally blank I didn’t even

want to hand in my quiz because I knew

everything was wrong oh I can’t believe

this I’m going to get an F on a test

that happened to me once but it wasn’t a

surprise quiz I just got the date of the

test wrong so I didn’t study

I took the test cold and didn’t do well

what grade did you get I think I got a C

well at least a C is passing I’m going

to get an F listen Anette you need to

take it easy for all you know you passed

the quiz so why don’t you go home and

take a nap that’s a good idea but I have

another class at 2:00 and we’re going to

have a test I need to go to the library

and hit the books what a day you’re

having you can say that again

are we couch potatoes hi guys

come on in Thanks it’s so good to see

you and here we brought some popcorn oh

you’re so thoughtful what a great idea

here let me take your coats and come in

and make yourselves comfortable

I’m so glad we can finally get together

so are we it’s been such a long time so

tell me what movies are we going to see

tonight well we have two very old and

famous ones a comedy and a murder

mystery want to guess what they are

surprise us but can we see the comedy

first I’m in the mood for something

funny after a hard week at work well

that makes two of us

I don’t feel like watching anything

serious hey you know I heard that it’s

healthy to laugh I heard that too there

was something on TV about that comedians

weren’t performing in hospitals yeah I

saw that it was really interesting that

reminds me yesterday my sister told me

that Michael and I are couch potatoes

because we watch so much TV

but do you think we’re couch potatoes if

we watch good shows come on Susan it

doesn’t matter what we watch it’s true

that we spend a lot of time sitting on

the couch and watching show after show

listen there’s no need to worry about

being a couch potato tonight we all need

to relax so let’s watch a movie the

comedy first after watching two movies

well it’s getting late and we should be


you two know how to pick good movies

both were great thank you

our pleasure and it was really great

seeing you thanks for coming thanks for

having us next time come over to our

place and we’ll surprise you with a

couple of great classics sounds good see

you guys get home safe and sound a

really big blackout Dave finally I’m so

glad you called where were you sorry


I just checked my messages it was a hard

day you know I’m in charge of a lot of

these meetings are the lights still out

they sure are

and not just the lights everything is

out except my cell phone and it won’t

stay charged for long do you have any

idea how big this blackout is no but I’m

getting online to find out right now Wow

Karla you should see the map it looks

like the power is out in about five

states does it say when they think it’ll

come back on let’s see it says here that

it might not come back on until tomorrow

oh no I’m sorry I’m not there with you

and Maggie me too I’m working by

candlelight and it’s very romantic how

can you work without electricity

well my laptop is still charged I think

I have about one more hour to work and

what are you working on over poor

do tomorrow don’t worry about it I’m

sure your boss doesn’t expect you to

work in the dark

I know but it’s something to do

Maggie’s sound asleep I miss you both I

can’t wait till you get home

well just two more days and the chances

are the blackouts will be over by then I

sure hope so

if it isn’t I’ll go out of my mind

workaholic mom thanks for your

invitation honey but I’ll have to take a

rain check but mom it’s your birthday I

know I know but I’m swamped with work it

won’t make a difference if we go next

week yes it will it won’t be your

birthday next week I want to take you

out to dinner on your birthday not after

well you know I’d love to take you up on

your invitation but but what okay I’ll

work late tonight and tomorrow night and

get this project over with and that way

they’ll be free

Thursday night oh thanks mom

Wow I didn’t know it would be so hard to

talk you into going out and celebrating

well you know me I have so much

responsibility now that I have this new


I know you’re really busy but you should

make time to celebrate after all your

birthday comes only once a year

right right so tell me where do you want

to eat I have two special places in mind

but I keep going back and forth I’ll

decide tomorrow and make a reservation

it’s going to be a surprise well now I’m

really looking forward to Thursday and

there’s going to be one more surprise

but I am NOT going to tell you till

we’re through with dinner another

surprise Pat tell me now are you really

going to make me wait guess who guess

who oh I can’t believe it

I know it’s you Peter I haven’t seen you

in ages how are you pretty good how

about you fine

busy as always you know me I’m such a

workaholic Wow

it’s really great to see you I’d love to

catch up on your news do you have time

to sit down or were you on your way out

I was leaving but I can join you for a

few minutes

great so tell me how’s your family well

it keeps getting bigger we have four

kids now all boys four boys I bet they

keep you busy they sure do

the baby is only a month old so jenny is

not working right now and what’s new

with you and Jim believe it or not he’s

home with the kids

you’re kidding no I’m not he talked to

his boss about working at home and it

turned out that his boss thought it was

a good idea I love it because Jim it

does all the shopping and cleaning and

we save money on childcare it sounds too

good to be true

hmm maybe that’s something we should

think about doing down the road I’m sure

Jenny would love that but with four kids

I don’t know if you’d have time to get

any work done good point

yikes it’s after 1:00 I have to go and

spend the rest of the day in meetings

I’m really glad I ran into you Laura

tell Jim I said hi and that I’ll call

you soon so we can all have dinner great

idea and say hi to Jenny and the kids

see you don’t throw it away

recycle hold it Kathy

what in the world are you doing I can’t

believe my eyes what’s the problem well

don’t you recycle how can you throw

glass away Michael

I was only trying to help I know I know

but I’m really surprised Cathy I thought

you cared about the environment and I do

care but there’s no place to recycle

bottles here and I wanted to help clean

up you make me feel so guilty I’m sorry

I did go a little crazy

it’s just that recently I did some

research on pollution and found out that

we’re running out of places to put our

garbage listen you two why don’t we all

go through these bags and take the

bottles out I’ll take them home and

recycle them Olli you don’t have to take

them all why don’t we each take a few

yeah good idea Mike well let’s get

started so we can all go home time to

say goodbye okay we have a few more

people to ask Carmen what are you doing

over the break well my best friend will

be here for two weeks and I’m going to

show her around I can’t wait to see her

well that sounds really nice there’s so

much to do around here I’m sure you’ll

have a great time and Danny what about

you I don’t have anything planned really

well I was going to go back

but it didn’t work out what happened I

didn’t get my tickets early enough and

now the prices are really high that’s

happened to me before to get a good

price you really need to get your ticket

in advance I know but I think I’m better

off staying here anyways so I can work

more on my English Wow that’s music to

my ears

good for you Danny and now May what are

you going to do over the break nothing

much I have to work I have a part-time

job well at least you won’t have any

homework for a while do you have any

plans for the break uh-huh and I’m

really looking forward to it I’m going

to take it easy take walks go to the

movies visit friends read oh wow look at

the time

it’s time to go and I hate to say

goodbye I hope you all got a lot out of

our class and that you’ll keep in touch

have a great break and above all don’t

forget to speak English at a party

what’s eating you

what do you mean I’m fine no you aren’t

come on whatever it is get it off your


well see that woman over there her

name’s Elizabeth I’ve been trying to

find a way to meet her for months and

now here she is but I don’t have the

guts to walk over there

come on bill this is your chance just

give it a shot what do you have to lose

she wouldn’t be caught dead with me why

do you say that oh let’s just skip it

okay I don’t know why I even told you

how do you know her anyway we work in

the same building well I think you

should just bite the bullet go over

there and start a conversation maybe


why put it off who knows you two might

hit it off that’ll be the day

well why are you so negative all of the

sudden I’ve never seen you like this

maybe you’re right

I should just take the initiative and

walk over there but what should I say

now you’re talking just introduce

yourself and start talking about the

party or mention that you’ve seen her at

work she’s bound to recognize you too


maybe oh you’re probably right if I pass

up this chance I’ll never forgive myself

well here I go

wish me luck

kids behavior in public

yikes what happened I can’t believe it

all of a sudden a kid just ran in front

of that waitress and she almost dropped

her tray what yeah look the parents are

just sitting there while their kids is

totally out of control what I can’t hear

you it’s so noisy in here I said his

parents aren’t paying any attention to

him at all I don’t think they have a

clue that he’s causing trouble well this

is just what we need after going through

all the trouble of getting a babysitter

I thought we came here to eat in peace

for once maybe we should go somewhere

else it’s taking forever to get our food

anyway that’s not a bad idea

uh-oh it’s too late

our foods coming sorry for the wait

that’s okay you’re really busy tonight

I saw what just happened with that kid

you have a pretty dangerous job yeah

unfortunately not all parents keep their

kids under control but I guess that’s

just part of the job

well we’d never put up with that kind of

behavior from our kids I have nothing

against taking kids to restaurants but

the bottom line is that kids need to

learn how to behave especially in public

oh look here comes the manager

I think he’s going to talk to them I

wonder if he’s going to ask them to

leave in class hmm this coffee is really

strong I like it that way so do I all

during my class I was thinking about

coming here and could almost taste the

coffee sounds like it wasn’t too

exciting I was bored to death I’m in

that class only because it’s a

requirement so I just have to stick it

out the problem is the professor doesn’t

know how to spark our interest she just

walks in and lectures there’s no

discussion what a drag don’t people ask


oh yeah once in a blue moon but I always

see an awful lot of people doodling and

I can tell their minds are wandering do

you have any classes like that I only

have one big lecture class world history

and the professor’s the best it’s so

interesting I’m always on the edge of my

seat and when we have discussions the

room is filled with electricity I’m

jealous too bad I already took history

you know one day it dawned on me that I

was lucky to be in her class because I

found myself thinking a lot about what

she said did you ever have a teacher

like that I’d have to think about it I

don’t know you should come with me to

class sometime just to see what I mean

sounds like you’re in love with her

Steve very funny

she could be my grandmother anyway I

guess what it really comes down to is

her enthusiasm for the subject she just

loves history I remember at the

beginning of this semester I was fooling

around a lot and not taking anything in

school very seriously I bombed the first

history class but then I buckled down

because I started really enjoying school

especially her class you’ve really got

me curious about this teacher I think

I’ll take you up on your idea to visit

your class

when does it meet on the streets hello

young man what brings you to this neck

of the woods

actually I was wondering if I could

interview you from my newspaper me about

what well we’re doing a series of

articles on the homeless and I and you

want to know what happened to me what I

live on what it’s like to live from hand

to mouth uh yeah

I do want to know would you be willing

to tell me your story you got about

three hours whatever we need well then

go ahead and sit down

Thanks um let’s see well first I’d like

to ask you no questions just listen you

think I grew up poor don’t you that I

don’t have an education but you’re dead

wrong I have a college degree I worked

for a big company my parents would turn

over in their graves if they could see

me now

but how I said no questions just sit and

listen in the beginning I got up at 5:00

a.m. every day and was at work by 7:00

and I stayed at the office till 8:00 in

the evening thirteen hours that was the

only way I could keep up with all the

work it just never let up I never saw my

family very much because when I got home

I usually went straight to bed well I

guess I was doing a pretty good job

because I kept moving up the ladder

I became a manager and got more money

but I also had to work even more hours

and weekends to you can imagine that my

wife never stopped complaining she told

me I was getting burned out and had no

time for a life that must have been

really hard to hear yeah my marriage was

at stake

so I went to my boss and asked for a

vacation he told me to wait three more


he needed me there so nothing changed

day in and day out I worked and worked

eventually my wife left and guess what

the company closed down a year later the

economy was bad and I couldn’t find

another job

overtime I lost everything

Hey how many hours do you work a day uh

too many I’m sure I just hope you know

what you’re doing

things could change for you you know you

could start over after all you’re

educated that’s wishful thinking young

man winning the lottery

what’s gotten into Michael what’s he

doing I haven’t the slightest idea look

he’s coming over to us and these are for

you what’s the occasion

you haven’t heard I won the lottery

yesterday ten million dollars ten

million dollars come on that’s unheard


are you sure beyond the shadow of a

doubt six 12 22 24 and 28 I got every

number and it was the first time I ever

bought a lottery ticket beginner’s luck

I guess how do you feel I’m in shock to

say the least this is really all beyond


perhentian it hasn’t sunk in yet

maybe it’s never will

well I’ve got to hand it to you sure

look come if I were in your shoes I

don’t think I’d be able to stand still

let alone buy presents for people and

have conversations with them

I’m not so-called

I really have no idea what’s in store

for me you know right now

my whole life’s up in the air I’m

worried about making the most of this I

don’t want all that money to go down the

drain I’m going to need some time to

think are you going to quit your job I

can’t say yet but I won’t rule it out

well you are right not to make any quick

decisions and you know you should be on

the lookout for people who want to take

advantage of you I know I plan to be

very very careful well no matter what

you do with ten million dollars you’ve

got it made

stuck in the elevator oh no this can’t

be happening

hmm well that certainly happened out of

the blue

I wonder what’s going on I’m going to

ring the alarm this is the last straw I

told them weeks ago to check this

elevator I would have been better off

taking the stairs do you mean this has


and before it sure has

it was a few weeks ago but I wasn’t in

the elevator oh if I’m cooped up and

here really long I don’t know what I’m

going to do I’m already at the end of my

rope well for crying out loud young man

don’t lose your head just calm down

and I’m sure they’ll get this thing

started again as soon as they can

you know I knocked myself out to be on

time for my meeting and now look

complaining isn’t going to help we’ll

just have to make do here and be

thankful that we have some light and

some company actually you’re right I’m

glad I’m not alone in here or I’d be

climbing the walls so you see it could

be a lot worse just please do me a favor

and keep a level head let’s just sit

tight and wait for help how can you be

so calm it sounds like you’ve been stuck

in elevators before well the truth is

this is my first time but why should I

panic what good would it do I don’t want

to dwell on things that scare me I’d

rather pass the time in here

pleasantly how would that ever be

possible hmm

we could tell each other our life

stories who knows we might even come

through this as friends huh we can help

each other out by doing something

that’ll distract us why don’t you just

sit down and tell me about yourself

violence in the media so what do you


well it’s nothing to write home about

you must be kidding why do you say that

I think it’s the best movie I’ve seen in


with all that violence it wasn’t so

violent it certainly was there was blood

in practically every scene and sometimes

the violence had no bearing on the story

it was just put in for audiences who

liked to see blood I don’t know how they

can get away with showing so much detail

well from my standpoint there was a real

anti violence message in the movie they

showed how all that violence ended in

tragedy but that’s no excuse for being

so graphic why did they have so many

scenes with all that suffering because

it was an important part of the story

sorry but that argument just doesn’t

hold water

you could cut some of those scenes out

and still have your story and as far as

sending an anti violence message you can

do that without making the audience’s


now you’re just blowing this whole thing

out of proportion

am i look at the crime statistics

listen you know this subject is a bone

of contention between us we’ve had

heated arguments about this kind of

thing before

yes too many I sure hope that someday

I’ll get through to you all I know is I

got my money’s worth tonight well I’ll

agree that this story was engrossing but

all that blood and violence drives me up

the wall look now we’re back where we

started let’s just agree to disagree and

go get a cup of coffee changing time

zones dad what time is it for for who

knows what time that is for me boy I

have terrible jet lag I can’t keep my

eyes open

well I’m not going to let you sleep in

the middle of the afternoon let’s take a

walk and you can tell me about your trip

I’m sorry daddy

but I’m too wiped out I think I’ll

stretch out and take a little nap uh-uh

no naps you know if you go to sleep now

you’re going to wake up in the middle of

the night come on let’s take a little

walk around the block maybe you’ll get a

second wind I sure hope so I missed you

and mom a lot a year is a long time we

missed you too honey but we know that

studying in another country was good for


well I sure had my ups and downs

sometimes I even thought about coming

home early but I was determined to stick

it out and I’m glad you did but you

didn’t tell us

you were having problems what was so

hard for you over there oh I don’t think

I can scratch the surface
