How to Make a Phone Call in English English Conversational Phrases

hi everyone i’m alicia

welcome to conversational phrases we’ve

found that the best way to learn a

language is to speak it from day one

and the best way to start speaking is to

learn phrases that you’ll use in real


in this lesson you’ll learn

conversational phrases to use when

talking on the phone

after watching this video you’ll be able

to ask for someone on the phone

and to put someone on hold

and if you want to learn more vocabulary

phrases and example sentences you can

use in real life situations

click the link in the description to

download your making a phone call pdf

cheat sheet for free

now let’s take a look at some

conversational phrases

listen to the dialogue hello i’d like to

speak with the person in charge

okay just a moment listen to it again

hello i’d like to speak with the person

in charge

okay just a moment

first of all you’ll need to learn how to

say hello on the phone

that’s hello

hello then you’ll need to learn how to


i’d like to speak with person the

pattern is

i’d like to speak with person

for example hello i’d like to speak with

the person in charge

hello i’d like to speak with the person

in charge hello i’d like to speak with

the person in charge

now how do you answer this question

okay just a moment listen to it again

okay just a moment

okay just a moment

here are a few more phrases you can use

with the same pattern to talk on the


the person in charge the person in


the person in charge

a sales representative a sales


a sales representative

the manager the manager

the manager

customer service customer service

customer service

let’s look at some examples listen and

repeat or speak along with the native


i’d like to speak with a sales


okay just a moment

i’d like to speak with the manager okay

just a moment

i’d like to speak with customer service

okay just a moment

okay now it’s your turn do you remember

how to say

i’d like to speak with person

i’d like to speak with person

and how do you answer it

okay just a moment imagine you want to

talk to a sales representative

do you remember how to say a sales


a sales representative a sales


say i’d like to speak with a sales


i’d like to speak with a sales


now say you want to talk to a sales

representative and answer it

i’d like to speak with a sales


okay just a moment now imagine you want

to talk to the manager

do you remember how to say the manager

the manager the manager

say i’d like to speak with the manager

i’d like to speak with the manager now

say you want to talk to the manager

and answer it

i’d like to speak with the manager okay

just a moment now imagine you want to

talk to customer service

do you remember how to say customer


customer service customer service

say i’d like to speak with customer


i’d like to speak with customer service

now say you want to talk to customer

service and answer it

i’d like to speak with customer service

okay just a moment

in this lesson you learned new

vocabulary and phrases you can use in

your everyday life to talk on the phone

you’re now able to answer the phone like

a native speaker

start by practicing in the comments

below tell us and your fellow learners

whom you’d like to call

lastly don’t forget to click the link in

the description and download your pdf

cheat sheets

you’ll get useful phrases you need for

everyday life for free

see you in the next lesson bye
