hey you’ve probably been studying

english for a long time right

you’ve gotten many books you’ve taken

many courses but you still don’t seem to

be able to sound

like a native english speaker when you

speak english

what if i told you there were two things

only two things you needed

in order to sound like a native english

speaker would you want to know what they


hey well then this lesson is for you

i’m teacher tiffany let’s jump right

in all right so i’m gonna tell you how

to actually

sound like a native english speaker

using two

simple things you see when you give an

answer you first

need to focus on this formula r plus

s now the r stands for

reasons and it’s part one and the s

stands for story it’s part two

so basically today’s lesson is going to

teach you how to give

reasons and a story whenever you’re

speaking in english

so let’s take a look at this reasons

portion here we go

so for the reasons you want to give

three reasons

to support your answer your thought

or opinion now remember it doesn’t

matter what the topic is

you always want to start with your


so here we go each reason should be

strong enough to support your opinion

or idea after each reason remember to


a bit more detail about the reason

this will help the listener understand

you even more

which will lead to them feeling that you

are more fluent

in english let me explain this a little

bit more

when i was teaching in south korea i

remember i would ask my students

hey what’s your favorite food and let’s

say they said oh i like kimbap it’s kind

of like the korean version of sushi

and then i would naturally say oh tell


why i’m asking for the reasons right

when i say that so when i said that then

i was asking for the reasons

and many of them would say i just do

it’s good but those reasons were not

strong enough to support their answer or

their opinion

that is why you must master giving three

reasons properly

now after each reason you want to give a

bit more detail and this is because

english fluency is all about

organizing your thoughts and being able


clearly explain your position and ideas

so let’s say for example let’s say we

were asked this question

why do you think people like to travel

to different places in their free time

well using our formula we have to start

with three reasons

first i would say to experience and

learn about new cultures

next people are looking for a change of


and finally people want to explore new


so i’ve clearly organized my thoughts


starting off with r the first part of

our formula

to give an advanced level response a

response that a native english speaker

would give

so i have my three reasons but remember

i must

support those reasons so let’s see how i

would actually use these reasons

and respond like a native english

speaker so here we go

again looking at this question this is

what my answer would look like

let’s start with the first sentence in

my opinion

there are three reasons why people like

to travel to different places

in their free time you see this is

actually an

introduction statement and the purpose

of this statement is to let the person

listening know that your response is


and directly connected to their question

or the topic so once again

before you state your three reasons just

real quickly

connect connect with the person

listening like hey

there are three reasons why dot dot dot

and then

go directly into your reasons so

remember my first reason right

so my first reason look at the purple

portion the first

reason is to experience and learn about

new cultures

now we’re going to see me support my

reason when

people travel they can learn a lot about

the food

in other countries they can also learn

new things about the clothing of

different countries

so you see again i’m supporting my first


you must remember to give your reason

and then supporting details

this is all tied into speaking english

fluently like a native english speaker

now the second reason is in blue

the second reason is that people are

looking for a change of scenery

let’s support it many times people get

tired of city life

and want to take a break in addition

many people want to see more nature

so again i gave my second reason and i

supported it

with a good amount of detail right now

you’re probably wanting to practice this

again i do this with my students in the

academy so if you want to join my


we have weekly live english classes all

you have to do is hit the link in the

description or go to

let’s jump right in dot com again


and my students have been able to

practice this with me during a live

class all right so let’s check out now


number three here we go reason number

three is an orange

finally the third reason is that people

want to explore new places

some people are very adventurous so they

want to see

and experience new places this also

means that they like exciting things

now i want to explain a word really

quickly repeat after me adventurous

hey you got it one more time adventurous

good now adventurous is just used to


someone who likes adventure they like

thrills they like

roller coasters they like traveling they

like maybe bungee jumping

they are very adventurous so again

i gave my reason the third reason people

like to explore new places and then i

supported it with a good amount of


now there’s one more sentence look at

the last sentence in black

these are the three reasons why i think

people like to travel to different

places in their free time

it’s a sandwich i started off with my

introduction statement

then i gave my three reasons and then i

closed the sandwich

up with the last statement so this

statement can be called

a summary statement and the purpose is

to remind the person

listening very quickly of your three


once again the more they remember from

your response

the more fluent you will sing so


your sandwich the first one again the

first part of our formula

is the r three reasons

now the second part of the formula is

the s

so let’s jump right into that right now

the s

stands for story what you want to do is

tell a story

related to the topic you see telling a


that connects to the topic or the

question helps your listener to connect

with you they will start to visualize

your response

and your situation this will make them

feel like you are more fluent in english

think about it what’s your favorite part

of my video lessons or one of your

favorite parts

you know whenever i say story

time why because you’re able to connect

with me when i tell you stories about my


about my family or my friends you feel

like there’s a connection

this is part of being fluent in english

now don’t worry

story time is coming at the end of this

video so don’t go anywhere

but you want to master the ability and

the skill

of telling stories in english this is an

important part

of your journey to being fluent in


another thing i want to bring to your

attention there are

six parts to every good story in english

the basic story the background the

characters and people involved

the climax conclusion and lessons

learned or your thoughts after now all

of these are included

each and every one of them in my stories

which is why

you stay you watch like teacher

tiffany’s gonna tell a story

if the stories didn’t have these six

elements or six parts

you’d be bored so you must include these

six parts in your story so

let me describe them a little bit more

let me explain each

of the parts of a good story so first

the basic story

think about a simple story that is

related to the topic or the question

then the background the story details

that help the listener

understand the story better this


things like the setting snippets of a

character’s backstory

historical information on the character

a place or something

else like a clue now i do want to remind


this information don’t worry i have all

the information organized for you on my

website you can see for this episode

but if you want to get it via email just

join my newsletter again the link is in

the description

and you can get this sent to you via

email so you can

review and practice this information all

right so what about a character or


involved again think about the

individuals in the story

now for the climax think about the most

important or interesting part of the


for the conclusion think about the end

of the story

or the solution to the problem

and finally for a lesson learned think

about what you learned from the story or


thoughts popped up after the story

this is how you tell a good story by


six parts these six parts right here

so again let’s go back to our question

why do you think

people like to travel to different

places in their free time

well what you see right here is a

picture of me when i was in south korea

on top of a mountain so what’s the basic

story these are my notes

a hiking trip i took in south korea

what’s the background it was a vacation

trip with five of my friends

who were the characters five of my


climax hiked one of the highest

mountains in south korea conclusion

beautiful mountains in south korea and

the amazing

view and lesson learned south korea

is a beautiful country now what would

this look like

in a full story so again

first part of the formula are giving my

three reasons

giving your three reasons second part of


formula the letter s story r plus

s so after i gave my three reasons i go

right into a story about my trip in

south korea

so here we go personally i also enjoy

traveling to different places in my free


i remember my first major

hiking trip in south korea boom gave the

basic story

five of my friends and i decided to go

on a vacation trip together

boom you see the background and also the


we wanted to go camping and hiking so

we rented a van and went to one of south


highest mountains the mountain was


we spent one entire day hiking the


and it took us a total of seven hours

so again what did i do i gave you the


i’m giving you a brief story hey we

hiked the highest mountains

one of the highest mountains and it took

us seven

hours like whoa right the climax

next i continue at the highest point

there were about 700 stairs to climb

because it was too steep to climb

without them

now we’re going to get the conclusion

the views at the top of the mountain


amazing that’s my conclusion now my

lesson learned

after this trip my friends and i all

agreed that south korea is truly

a beautiful country so now think about

it the question again is

why do you think people like to travel

to different places in their free time

at the very beginning of my response i

give you my opinion

my three reasons which is what you

should do

and then immediately i connect it with a


story this is how you speak english


just remember this simple equation

r plus s once again part one

being the reasons and part two being

your story

when you do this you will sound like a

native english speaker

i hope you enjoyed today’s lesson

remember if you want to continue

studying with me

join my academy the link is right in the

description or you can go to

www www.let’ excuse me

one more time

all right guys i’ll see you next week

remember to speak


you still there you know what time it is

come on and sing it with me it’s story

time hey i said it’s story time

all right guys so for today’s story

i want to tell you about something that

happened to me when i was in korea

i had went on another trip with some

friends of mine different group of


and we had a wonderful time now on the

way back we had to ride a train

but we were an odd number so there were

about seven of us

so we had two two two and then i was one

so we had multiple couples with us so

i had to sit with people i didn’t know

which is fine that didn’t really bother

me i just plan to either read or listen

to some music or watch a movie

but the seat that i got assigned was


three other korean ajumas now an ajama

is a middle-aged woman you know she’s

gotten married had kids

and she’s probably in her late 40s 50s

early 50s

and when i sat down they had their

chairs spun around so instead of it


two to two like facing the same way they

had spun

and i was facing the other two korean

women so basically it was three ajimas

and they were fun they were found they

were together they were friends

again i just wanted to rest i had a

great vacation but i wanted to relax

now they didn’t know i could speak

korean but they see you know an

african-american woman and they wanted

to practice english

they were like hello you know they

started trying to use certain words

and then i responded in korean like

anyaseo and whoa

they said oh my goodness everything

after that was in korean full korean

why you speak korean where are you from

how long have you been here how did you

learn so i proceeded to you know give


all the information i’m usually asked

then you know i thought okay now the

introductions are over i can probably

take a nap

then one of the ajuma said hey you want

something to eat

now again at that time i was in my early

30s i think and

they were still older they must have

been in their 50s because they looked at

me like their daughter they said

you want something to eat baby i was

okay but i know korean

culture and i said i’m okay they said ah

come on girl

and they proceeded to take things out of

their bags they had um

kimbap again like korea’s version of uh


which i love uh kimbap i love then they

took um

some other things out and it was a whole

smorgasbord a lot of food

and they were like come on girl eat with

us so i’m sitting there

i wanted to fall asleep but these women

have taken out food and we’re all eating

together and talking

and as i was sitting there i thought to

myself man

korean culture is amazing people that

don’t know you treat you as if you were

a part of their family

they want to take care of you so i never

forgot that situation i never forgot

that train ride because it was a long

one of

talking and eating with three korean

ajumas i met on the train

and now let me know something about your

culture would this happen in your

culture would three strangers start

talking to another individual

just because they’re curious and would

they give that individual food i’m

curious to know more about your

culture all right guys thank you so much

i hope you enjoyed today’s story

remember if you want to continue

studying with me all you have to do is

go to my

academy you can join my daily english

lessons membership and get english

lessons every single day

by going to www dot let’s

jump right in dot com one more time go

to www

dot let’s jump right in dot com

i’ll see you all next week but remember

to speak
