How to use AS TIME WENT ON Live Lesson

welcome to the Facebook live support

sample video from the course The

Fearless fluency Club in this video

you’ll see a recording of the live video

that I did on the speak English with

Vanessa Facebook page when you join the

full course for The Fearless fluency

Club you will get live support like this

each week to help you understand and

keep up with the full course enjoy this

video and learn a lot hello hello

welcome to today’s live Facebook lesson

on Thursday I’m glad that you’re here on

the speak English with Vanessa Facebook

page this is where we have live lessons

every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a.m.

Eastern Time that’s New York time and if

you can’t be here live it’s okay I

understand you can watch the replay the

replay is available anytime any day so

feel free to watch it again and again

and review and practice I hope it will

be extremely useful to you I hope you’re

having a great week the weekend is

almost here if you have some fun weekend

plans let me know today if there’s

anyone new joining me for the first time

I want to introduce myself I think I

haven’t done this each time recently so

if you’re new hi I’m Vanessa and welcome

to the speak English with Vanessa

Facebook page this is a great place to

improve your English have fun become an

advanced and fluent English speaker I

want to give you a free present there

are actually several a lot of three

things that I offer but especially today

on this post you can download the sample

lesson set for The Fearless fluency Club

this is for videos grammar vocabulary

conversation pronunciate

pdfs transcripts it’s a really great

free pack that you can download at the

top of this post so make sure that you

do that it’ll probably take a couple

minutes to download it’s a big file but

it’s worth it it’s worth it so thank you

those of you who are joining me live

today we’ve got a great expression and

an important idea for life for life hi

so Yoshi hi Valerie welcome John Jack

you’re here live great great Millie

welcome I’m glad you’re here I have a

question for you at the beginning of our

live lesson today my question for you is

do you think that you have changed a lot

since you were a teenager do you think

you’ve changed a lot since you were a


so yes means oh I have changed so much

I’m almost a different person so much of

me has changed or no I’m the same person

just older and wiser because you have

more experience maybe a little change

let me know do you think that you have

changed a lot since you were a teenager

for me I think the answer would be yes

and in my case I think that’s a great

thing when I was a teenager I was still

the same person but I think my views on

life and different ideas about passion

and learning and adventure and

relationships was a lot different so I

would say for me yes I’m curious for you

what would you say do you think you have

changed a lot since you were a teenager

or if you’re a teenager now we might

have a few teenagers here if you are a

teenager then the future is wide open

for you I’ll go away from Turkey

excellent I’m glad you’re here for the

first time I hope I said your name

correctly kool-aid kool-aid I’m glad

that you’re here and this page

a great place for you to improve your

English have live lessons meet other

nice people

aha about Isis in some ways I’ve changed

and in some ways now okay some ways yes

some ways no Manuel says yes I change a

lot and this is a huge question we could

talk about this for hours how have you

changed but I think in general we can

agree we’re not teenagers anymore so you

know she says yes I have changed

especially if you have teenage kids

socio she has two teenage kids and I

imagine when you look at your teenage

kids you imagine I’m so different from

them now wow I can’t believe I was a

teenager before I think when you

interact with teenagers again you

realize wow I have changed a lot and

this is linked with our expression today

our expression today is two expressions

but they need the same thing and does

anyone know what its expression we’re

gonna talk about today hmm what do you

think don’t feel welcome dee dee welcome

I’m glad you’re here who knows what is

the expression we’re gonna chat about

today I think this is useful for

transitional times Manuel says I’ve

changed my mindset mindset this is a

great expression to talk about your

mindset your worldview your perspective

this is a great thing to potentially

change in your life

a la jolla Texas definitely I’ve changed

a lot really says yes I’ve changed a lot

and this is part of growing up maybe in

20 years when you’re 20 years older

maybe you’ll say the same thing 20 years

ago I was a different person and I think

that’s a good thing we’re always

changing and growing hopefully getting

better hopefully your English skills too

in 20 years

you’ll look back and think wow I am a

different person now now I’m speaking

confidently hopefully before 20 years

but I think that’s a great marker for

far in the future welcome thanks for

joining me tended CRISPR welcome so far

great oh yes

Tanaka I hope I’m saying your name

correctly cha not gonna you’re not gonna

welcome chocolate has just joined our 50

natural English expressions course and

so glad you’re part of our great

community welcome welcome today the

expression we’re going to talk about I’m

going to write this down here yes as

time went on as time went on so we could

say as time went on or as time grew on

so we could say as time went on or as

time grew on

I think grew is gonna be a little bit

more formal so I I would probably say

when generally but we could use both of

them so let’s let’s create a great

sentence to talk about your life because

a lot of you have said I think no one

said that they are the same so everyone

so far who commented agrees that you

have changed since you were a teenager

since you were a teenager so let’s think

about something specific that has

changed it can be a simple thing for

example when I was a teenager I hated

sweet potatoes I hated sweet potatoes

and salmon salmon is a kind of red pink

fish that lives in the Atlantic and

Pacific Ocean but it’s a big fish bears

love it and now I love it so I’m gonna

make my sentence to say I used to so we

can use this great expression I used to

in the past I used to hate

sweet potatoes I don’t know why I love

them now sweet potatoes but as time went

on I changed so this is a great

expression to talk about changing your

mind I used to hate sweet potatoes so

for you you could say I used to not

speak English but as time went on I

changed or I started it’s good to use

the the past tense here I started to

speak more so I used to hate sweet

potatoes but as time went on these

things over time over times Oh Manuel

has a great one here yes I used to be a

couch potato couch potato is a great

expression it means you don’t exercise

you’re lazy sometimes in our life it’s

nice to be a couch potato just relax on

the weekends or occasionally but maybe

not all the time

so Manuel tell me what is what can you

use at the end of this sentence what are

you doing now I used to be a couch


but as time went on for example I

realized it I realized that I need to

exercise or I realized that it’s not

healthy or I started to exercise more so

let’s use this fool thing oh nothing has

a great one as well I used to hate

Brussels sprouts I think a lot of kids

feel like this I used to hate Brussels

sprouts but this time went on I changed

yeah it’s amazing how there are certain

foods that we change our minds about so

maybe as a teenager you hated something


kid in the u.s. broccoli is a very

typical example kids typically hate

broccoli but for adults maybe it’s not

your favorite food but it’s fine

aha come on has a great world answer

here then as time went on you the US and

China became great past tense here

became good economic partners in the

world economy also maybe at the

beginning they weren’t for good world

partners but as time went on they became

better partners Oh Marco that’s a good

one if you are as to a sweet potato not

a sweet potato a couch potato if you are

a couch potato this might happen

Marco says she used to be thin but as

time went on she gained weight okay you

guys have great a grammar structure for

this I want to make sure that you’re

using it naturally not really thinking I

need to use this and I need to use this

but this is a good point to focus on it

so that the next time when you use it

you’ve heard it a lot you feel

comfortable with it so you can really

really use it I’m gonna go back with a

quick and take a look at a sentence that

I missed oh yes ah gyro I’m not sure if

I’m saying the beginning of your name

correct it should it be Jairo gyro Jairo

he says I used to hate onions but as

time went on I changed my taste yes

onions that’s a really specific thing I

just ate a lot of onions is the good

thing about internet cuz if I eat fish

or onions you’ll never know you can’t

smell my breath that’s great

Judy says I used to be out of the mood

for studying in Altru usually we say in

the mood I used to be not in the mood

for studying but luckily I’m not anymore

great now you’re in the mood for

studying aha great I think this is a

good example here I can’t go has a great

question how you to go nice to see you


um she said uh can we use has changed

instead of change so in this sentence

let’s use this sentence as an example I

used to hate sweet potatoes but as time

went on I have changed are you saying

sweet potatoes but as time went on I

changed yes we could use this I think

typically with in this situation where

you could use either usually we try to

use the simplest one in conversation so

for me I would probably just say I was

time went on I changed because now I’m

talking about at the moment but when

you’re writing we could use either I

think we try to use the simplest one

here so let’s keep it simple and use

that excellent Oh Jean set Jack said I

used to hate not being able to talk in

English but as time went on I started to

feel more comfortable I hope this is

true for you although things that I used

to be an avid Fisher Fisher okay

that’s a fun activity for some people

but as time went on I changed so maybe

you moved away from a place where you

could fish or just stopped being

something you’re interested in Oh see I

said this yes I used to play video game

but as time went on I changed I never do

it but my son is really into it this is

a beautiful expert to say into it I’m

into it

so I used to be into for example I used

to be into airplanes

I still love airplanes my bedroom was

covered with airplanes and now I like

airplanes but I’m not as into it as I

used to be so as time went on I changed

my interests I love airplanes still and

if I’m close to a small airplane I get

really excited but I’m not as into it as

I used to be thanks for bringing that up

  • Yoshi great expression Mira says hi

Mira Mira says might

I used to hate vegetables too but as

time went on she changed a little bit I

hope that she will come to love your

vegetable soup good excellent yes I

think these are great sentences

beautiful grammar Tom says I used to

drink milk milk but as time went on I I

maybe say I started to hate milk or I

became a milk hater Wow pretty strong

here and maybe you became

lactose-intolerant this is an expression

we used to talk about someone who

physically cannot eat milk without

getting sick

they are lactose intolerant maybe that

happened to you

it’s possible uh-huh

Kali has a great question so can’t he

asks can we say I think he I’m not sure

if you’re she let me know does can we

say go on instead of went on as time

went on as time goes on this is a great

question because we can use this in the

present tense but it means that you’re

still changing

so maybe with English you are still

learning English you’re passionate

you’re motivated to drink so maybe we

could say like I used to be really

nervous about speaking English but as

time goes on as time if we can see that

a little bit little bit as time goes on

I feel we can use the present tense I

feel more and more comfortable this is a

great point because maybe things in your

life are not finished you’re not

finished changing so we could use that

I’m going to write that sentence down

that’s a great one let’s say I I used to

be a scared to speak English

but as time goes on and I study with

Vanessa I feel great yes as time goes on

I feel

let’s make it simple I feel better so

okay let’s take a look at this sentence

really quick I used to be scared to

speak English but as time goes on so

we’re using goes and feel which are both

present tense but as time goes on I feel

better so this means you haven’t stopped

yet you’re still continuing this journey

so for example something with food like

sweet potatoes your tastes you either

like sweet potatoes or you don’t like

sweet potatoes maybe you could stay

I used to hate sweet potatoes but as

time goes on I like them more and more

it’s possible with food but especially

with activities or comfort with

something I used to hate my boss but at

the time goes on and I understand him

more and more is getting easier talk

with him this is a great a great way to

use it in the present tense thank you

thank you for bringing that up I want to

make sure I have a chance to read most

of these sentences here he choko says I

used to be a morning person but as time

went on I became let’s use the past

tense I became a night owl oh I think I

think it is the opposite for me I used

to be a night owl I used to stay awake

until 2 3 4 a.m. but as time went on I

became more um morning person or kind of

a morning person I I don’t feel as

comfortable staying up so like nowadays

wow I’m going to have to great great

great of success here says hi Vanessa I

succeeded in the IELTS exam at overall 8

congratulations I know this is not our

topic right now oh but this is perfect

thank you for sharing this good advice i

i’ve been exams like this it’s it’s

great to use it for getting somewhere

else so now your opportunities are

completely open to you you could study

abroad you could teach abroad live

abroad work abroad that’s great

congratulations wonderful um let’s see

let’s take a look at o sultan says I

used to play cricket but as time went on

I changed because I’m really busy at

work you don’t have as much time yeah I

think that’s true maybe life gets in the

way oh that’s excellent Minzy Oh No

thank you for sharing make new Theo

Mitsy oh I want to make sure I’m saying

it correctly I guess I thank you for ah

all of your questions I I was writing

that I missed some so I wanted to take a

look uh-huh Delphine says can we sing as

time go by yes let’s take a look if we

said I used to hate sweet potatoes but

ah as time goes by oh yes yes so instead

of on the question is can we use by

instead of on as time goes by yes

so you can say by I’m gonna write that

here you can say by but this is a little

more formal so it’s perfectly fine it

just feels a little more formal if you

say that so great question thanks for

asking maybe some other people had a

similar question

oh right let’s see oh as time goes on I

improve my English excellent excellent

always says I used to be scared to speak

English but as time went on I got used

to it and this is exactly it if you feel

scared and you continue to try something

you’re not going to feel as scared

because you’re getting used to it

beautiful beautiful sentence there

Louise excellent um if I want to just

tell you because we had great news from

this year if you are also taking

the IELTS exam I have a free download

lots of free things today I have a free

download for the speaking exam there are

tips for I think 8 tips for improving

your IELTS speaking score so if you

would like to get this I believe it is

ww speak English with Vanessa comm slash

tips to IPS so if you are taking the

IELTS this is going to be a good tip for

the speaking exam it’s not for reading

writing or listening but this is

specifically for speaking so if you’re

doing that and I want to let you know

too that today’s vocabulary expression

this as time went on as time grew on

this is from our free lesson set so you

can download speak English with Vanessa

comm slash fluency this is a Tampa

lesson set for the course The Fearless

fluency Club so if you would like to

download the full month you can

understand more expressions like this on

Tuesday we talked about the word assume

today we’re talking about as time grew

on as time went on and these two

expressions there are total of let’s

take a look 2424 expressions in this

court that you’re going to learn in more

detail through videos through

conversation so I recommend download the

free list of lesson sets because

especially next week next week we are

going to be talking about the grammar

video lesson for the sample lesson set

up here so the grammar video is about

good would and should so on Tuesday and

Thursday next week we are going to be

talking about these three words and I’m

going to make sure that you have

prepared in advance I think it’s

important to learn together and to have

a community learning things together so

I recommend watching the grammar lesson

video in advance you can watch it once

twice ten times fifty times great and

follow the transcript you can also look

at the lesson guide there’s a lot of

materials so I want to help you really

understand those principles because if

you learn it a little bit but you don’t

master it and then you go to the next

thing you’re gonna forget the previous

thing that you learned so that’s why

we’re really focusing on today just one

expression or on tooth today we focus on

just one expression brach a really close

really close it is speak English with

Vanessa comm slash tips TI PS GIPS if

someone would like to write that in the

in the chat box so others can see it as

well this is for the IELTS exam

and I am briefly gonna show you how you

can find that because I think that’s

something useful if you’re especially if

you’re going to study for the IELTS exam

this is a specific exam for going to get

your master’s degree abroad to study

abroad or to work abroad so if you want

to get a job in Canada or do your

masters degree in Germany or somewhere

like that you need to to get a high

score on that exam so I think in general

it’s great to just learn conversational

English improve your conversational

skills but if you have a specific goal

like that there are some things you have

to do to get to that point I’m going to

show you where you can find that link

let’s see I IELTS tips okay okay

so don’t follow my advice for the link

I’m gonna turn my screen around and show


really quick how you can download the

IELTS tips and also the fluency course

let’s turn this around alright so this

these are the topic IELTS speaking tips

with sample questions and answers and

this page is speak English with Vanessa

comm / IELTS tips IELTS and all you have

to do is click here enter your

information and you’ll be sent to the

tips I want to show you - how you can

download the sample lesson set the

sample lesson set from today so let’s

take a look really quick

this is speak English with Vanessa comm

/ fluency that’s all you need to type

you don’t need that part that just comes

up automatically Lindsey and you can

download the sample lesson pack for free

here just click on it and enter your

information it will send you an email

and the course is the sample course is

about one gigabyte so it’s a lot of

information but it’s very useful one

month worth of materials so you can

download it here for free and the full

course will open in 22 days 9 hours 28

minutes 20 seconds 19 seconds 18 seconds

uh so uh rosie has a good question how

can i download it through my mobile

phone if you would like to download it

through your mobile phone the only thing

is you need to make sure you have enough

space enough space on your phone so you

can go to the same you can go to the

same thing up here speak English with

message comm / IELTS tips or you can go

to speaking with Escom / fluency e and

it down with it as well so on this page

you just learn more

about the full course how you can speak

and learn and improve and enjoy and all

the different course lesson sets that

will be in it how you can speak in the

course and some frequently asked

questions and of course down here you

can ask me any questions as well so I

remand just downloading the free sample

lesson set that’s going to give you a

chance to turn this around that’s going

to give you a chance to learn and just

prepare prepared before our live lesson

because we’re going to be focusing on

this lesson set for the next three weeks

so this week we focused on two

vocabulary words next week we’ll focus

on the grammar lesson and the third week

we’re going to focus on the

pronunciation lesson and finally the

week before the course opens we’re going

to talk about the conversation this

topic for the conversation which is a

conversation with my sister and I and we

talked about travel and reverse culture

shock so we talked about coming back to

our own home culture and it feels

strange and why it feels strange and the

things that feel strange and I hope that

this will be a useful fit for you to

just improve your speaking skills

listening skills confidence that’s the

full purpose of this lesson Zed so I

hope you have a beautiful Thursday I

need to turn the air conditioning on and

you might see I’m sweating a little bit

it is hot inside well I hope you’re

having a wonderful Thursday have a great

week I will see you again on Tuesday

come back if you enjoyed today’s lesson

as time went on and I hope that you have

a chance to come back on Tuesday or you

can watch the replay whenever you’re


ossama says I already downloaded the

free lesson set thank you my pleasure

I’m glad that you downloaded it and

let’s continue to study it together it’s

great to work together as a community

and kind of motivate each other because


the same thing and if you want to ask me

questions about it you need to study it

in advance so let’s keep up the hard

work together enjoy yourself

bye everyone I’m glad you’re here if I

sustained my couch Dale thanks for

coming bye hon bye come on I’m glad

you’re here

thanks for taking time for English today

and have a beautiful weekend enjoy your

time off

bye Co she welcome I’ll be morning

welcome thanks for coming live perfect

bioethical thank you lay see you later

bye bye Delphine thank you for watching

this sample video lesson from The

Fearless fluency Club I would love to

help you continue to improve your

English would you like to get full

lesson sets every month and personalized

feedback from me click the I at the top

of the screen to join or click the link

in the description below you can become

a fearless fluent English speaker let’s

start now