i’m seeing brazil dr

awesome to have you guys all here thank

you for making the time to come be here

in this

live video live lesson so

what we’re gonna do today is we’re gonna

watch a video that i made previously and

i’ll pause it i’ll answer your questions

so if you have

questions put them in the chat oh it’s


maro lima from charlotte nc’s first time

welcome mauro so great to have you here


i know i need to come over here and i

need to mute this

so thank you guys all for being here and

i lost my train of thought have you

heard this idiom it’s what we say when

we were saying

something we get distracted and that we

no longer remember

uh yes i was explaining how this works

we’re gonna watch a video together

i’m gonna keep my eye on chat if you

have a question put it there

and i’ll pause the learning video as i

go and

we will i’ll answer your questions as

well as i can

now there is something new that i

started last week it’s called

super chat and if you look over there in

the chat

there’s the little spot for you to say

something below that

there’s a smiley and a dollar sign so

both of those

are super chat and super stickers and if

you super chat me which means

depending on where you live you might

give a dollar or two to the super chat

function it it lets me

notice your chat more easily it lets me

read it more easily because it stays hey

young west exactly shout out to young


thank you so much for the super chat to


this awesome demonstration of how it

works so those

kinds of things just let me see your

comment a little bit longer

um we’ve got all sorts of people blowing

up the chat right now it’s so wonderful

to see you guys all here

fatima angel denise

gomez wonderful to see you guys here

suhail nacho

so let’s get started with this lesson as

i said put your questions in the


and i will do my best to keep up with

them and the video that we’re going to


today is a little bit longer it’s some

tips on fast english

and this is a question that i see coming

in a lot

how to speak fast english but still be


because that’s what americans do and

there are some tips on how to do that

so let’s get started here with the

lesson that i’ve

prepared if you’ve already seen it then

great you can think of any of the

questions you might have had when you


the first time through so i’m going to

make myself small here

and let’s let’s go let’s listen in

today’s video we’re going to go over how

to speak english

fast and we’re also going to go over one

mistake you want to make sure you avoid

when you’re trying to pick up your pace

speaking english

first let’s listen to a native speaker

speaking quickly

this is my friend tom who you might

recognize because he’s been on this

channel before he is an

outstanding accent coach in my online

school rachel’s english academy

hey rach i’m going to starbucks that

sounds pretty natural doesn’t it

pretty american to me it sounds

completely conversational and completely


but it is really fast what is he doing

hey rach i’m going to starbucks he’s

speaking with reductions

he takes i am going to

and pronounces it i’m going to

we actually have three reductions there

and they each show a very good

example of how to speak fast in american


so let’s break it down and study


first let’s compare this sentence what

if he said the sentence with no

reductions at all

then what would it sound like hi rachel

i am going to starbucks

hey rach i’m going to starbucks wow

there’s a big difference there

one’s natural okay i love doing that


and that is because sometimes i get

comments from people and they say you

know the way you teach english

gowanda gonna go to whatever these kinds

of things they say

that they’re too casual they’re too

sloppy that they’re not good english but

it’s actually not true

i did a video where i took presidential

speeches during the

let’s see was it the 2008

i think it was the 2008 might have been

the 2012. no

is the 2012 presidential election and i

took excerpts from obama’s speeches and

mitt romney speeches and they both

use reductions like ghana wanna gotta

and can you get more formal and

important than a speech

when a president or someone who wants to

be the president is addressing the


i don’t think so that’s a pretty formal

and important situation and there

they were using reductions all the time

so it’s not something that’s

reserved for only a certain kind of


reductions are a very natural part of

all spoken english and if you don’t use

them then it doesn’t sound right

which is what tom and i wanted to

illustrate when we dressed up

in that more formal garb do you know

this word

vocab word g-a-r-b garb

it means attire dress what you’re


okay so i’m not seeing many questions

come in here in chat guys

keep them coming i’m i’m happy to try to

answer all of them we’ve got pakistan


iran oh someone did the cutest little

emojis of a kitty coming out of a box

i love it okay let’s go back for now to

the lesson

fast english now i see in the chat some

of you guys have already watched this


and you loved it great never hurts to

watch the same video again you never

know what you’re gonna catch the second

time that you didn’t the first time

and again in case you’re wondering what

is super chat and super stickers they’re

below my name or sorry they’re below the


box where you can put something in if


do a super chat it lets me see your chat

longer it makes it easier for me to read

and i’m really enjoying reading all of

your comments we have

moldova ecuador iraq turkey malaysia

iran again guatemala egypt

someone says can you please explain how

to pronounce through

yes i’m going to put that down in my

notes and i will do that in the next q a

session which we will have in

just a second after we watch a bit more


the lesson video here mexico city hey


sounds fast very american the other one

sounds completely

unnatural all of the sounds are american

and the melody is american but somehow

it just

doesn’t work out to sound like natural

conversational english

hi rachel i am going to starbucks hey


i’m going to starbucks let’s look at the

very beginning he takes i

am and says i’m a contraction tip number


use contractions americans use

contractions when speaking english

all the time if you never used a

contraction it would start to sound

a little unnatural a contraction is a

kind of reduction

and i guess i should define reductions

here a reduction is when we change

or drop a sound so in the combination i


we have the i diphthong the a vowel the

m consonant

i am but when we make a contraction we

drop the a vowel and it becomes

i’m i’m so that dropped sound means

this is a reduction hey rach i’m going

to starbucks

notice he’s not saying i’m he’s saying

i’m i’m i’m he’s saying it really


you can too practice that this is one of

the things i tell my students all the


is how much faster can you say it than

what you’re doing

you take i’m and you say i’m i’m i’m

and sometimes we even just drop the

diphthong entirely and it’s just the m

i’m gonna i’m gonna that kind of

simplification can really help us

speed up those short less important


and because we don’t want to speed over

our important words the faster we can

make those less important words and


the better it’s going to be for contrast

and the more natural it will sound

the more it will match that faster pace

of american english

okay so a couple of questions have come

in in the chat

someone asked about the word through so

it’s a little tricky that th

is unvoiced which means your tongue tip

does have to come through the teeth so

you’ll see

you’ll see it there thir thir then the

tip pulls back it’s inside the mouth

it’s not touching anything

that’s for the r through and then

o u g h all of those letters just make

the ooh vowel

through through through o-u-g-h

has several pronunciations actually if

you go to youtube and you type in the


rachel’s english o-u-g-h you’ll see a

couple of different videos that i’ve

made on that topic

it’s crazy how much those sounds can

change so look that one up

another question that came through kevin

asked about

rn like in corn learn earn

earn so for this r sound which is tricky


your tongue tip is pulled back and up a

little bit so it’s not touching anything


then for the end it has to come forward

and lift

we want the tongue to be nice and wide

for the end we don’t want it to be tense

at all and

thinner that’s going to start to sound

like an ng so it’s

nice wide and flat corn


also bertha who i know from my academy

said she was just

working on gonna lately bertha that’s

awesome were you using all of those

materials in the academy

or maybe you were using another resource

either way i love it i love knowing what

my students are working on

okay in chat we have grace from

argentina hi

grace thank you for being here elena


why can’t i understand many songs after

living in the usa for

seven years and being to an ameri being

married to an american

who only speaks english you know what

elena it is

very common for americans to have to

look up

the lyrics to songs sung english

is not exactly like spoken english

people put in

different little affects to bring in an

emotion or just to sound different in

one way or another

also there’s often a little bit of a

weird quality coming into newer music i


breathy it is less clear and so it’s not

uncommon for

even myself or someone another a

native speaker to have to look up a word

so if you’re listening to a song and you

can’t understand the lyrics don’t feel


terrible about it it’s not at all like

conversational english

which is much easier for everyone to


songs lyrics lots of native speakers

also have to look up

the pronunciation not the pronunciation

the words like

you type in the song and lyrics and it

pops up right there because it knows

that’s what you’re looking for

because it knows a hundred people have

already searched that same thing

okay let’s get back to that lesson with

me i’m

i’m i’m hey rach i’m going to starbucks

there are so many contractions in

american english

take for example you are that becomes

your but actually even that reduces

it’s very common to pronounce that

you’re here

we change the vowel to the schwa and we

make it super fast

you’re gonna love this you’re you’re

you’re doing so well

you’re you’re i think you’re right

here here so fast

because there are so many contractions

and tricks to their pronunciation

i’m going to put together a playlist on

how to speak english fast

and i’m going to put lots of videos in

there that supplement what we’re

learning here today

so i’m going to put in videos on

contractions including a really fun one

that includes some

real life english that’s because she’s a

good teacher

that’s because did you hear that another

contraction that is

that’s okay let’s go back to tom’s


hey rach i’m going to starbucks i’m


going an ing verb he changed the ng

ending sound at the end and made it an

n instead going instead of

going so when we make this change it

changes the vowel too

the if vowel when it’s followed by ng

tends to sound more like

e but when it’s swallowed just by n then

it does sound like a pure i

so going sounds like

e plus n g and goin in

in sounds like the vowel and the n

consonant and i do feel like i’m able to

make that ending faster

going going hey rach

i’m going to starbucks we’ve changed a

sound an example of

a reduction so tip one was man there are

so many things that you can study from


one sentence i’m going to starbucks the

word two becomes

ra gonda gowinda that’s what i love

about taking

anything a scene from a movie or from

real life english when i have my video

camera out with my family and friends

i love analyzing it after the fact and

just thinking my goodness there are so

many things we change from what you

would see on the page if you were just

looking at the letters

and what you would think there are so

many things that we change

okay a couple other questions are coming

in um utam asked how to pronounce the


riots riot so i o

there makes ry

and then schwati riots riots

with the plural it’s a ts cluster at the

end wow you have

really put that question a lot of times

in my chat

remember guys i have the super chat

feature enabled here

there’s the dollar sign and the emoji

underneath the chat box you can click

one of those

and for a few bucks it lets me see your

comment longer

um so i’ll give a shout out to anybody

who does that and you know

last time i went live i said all of the

money is gonna go

to buy me some new lights so i can do a

better green screen

so i still haven’t bought them i did

find two lights in my basement that i

brought out today but i still need

stands for them

so i’m definitely still looking to add

to my equipment a little bit

so if you’re wondering what is this

super chat money going to go to

it’s that it’s lights it’s production so

i can

continue to make good and hopefully even

better videos for you guys

one other question came through someone

asked about cannot

does that reduce can that simplify to


um and the short answer is yes

how can it reduce to something that has

the opposite meaning i’m working on a

video for that

probably going to come out in september


keep an eye out for that it’s going to

be a good one also one last question

someone asked about the word favorite so

i did a video

in the fall and it was called

words that you’re probably

mispronouncing so go search for that

rachel’s english

words you’re mispronouncing and it has

all of these different cases where we


three verses two syllable pronunciations

like favorite can be fave

writ two syllables or it can be fey

the writ three syllables so it’s way

more common to do the two syllable


fave rhett and i have a whole list of

words in that video where it’s the same


you’ll want to do a two-syllable

pronunciation instead of three

or a three syllable pronunciation

instead of four so be sure to check

that one out all right let’s get back to

our lesson use contractions tip two

expands that use reductions we have so

many of them in american english and

americans use them

all the time when they speak it is

common to change the ing ending to an in


you’ll hear other people do it so we’re

doing more to help you find jobs worthy

of your incredible talents good to know

somebody’s doing worse than you right

did you hear that doing instead of doing

so we do it especially with really

common words in casual conversations

if you do this all the time always

change the ing ending to an i n

consonant it will probably start to


like a southern dialect nothing wrong

with that if you live in the southern

part of the u.s and you want that


but if you want a more standard american

accent use this reduction a little


let’s go back to tom’s sentence wow it

is a tiny sentence and he is showing us

so many things that make us speak faster

when we speak american english

we’re going to learn one more tip on how

to speak english fast before we get into

our mistake

that i want to make sure that you avoid

hey rach

i’m going to starbucks the word to

how did he pronounce it hey rach i’m

going to starbucks

i didn’t hear and i didn’t hear ooh

two what did you hear hey rach

i’m going to starbucks hmm let’s listen

to the sentence when he’s fully

pronouncing everything

hi rachel i am going to starbucks now

there i did hear the true tea and the

ooh vowel

but both of those sounds changed when he

was speaking more casually

hey rach i’m going to starbucks what’s


two things first the true tea

he’s changing that to a flap t the true

t is a stop consonant

it has two parts a stop and a release

the flap t is a quick single flap of the

tongue against the roof of the mouth

so i can make that more quickly

rather than which sort of

stops the momentum in american english

it is very common to change a t

to a flat t in certain situations those

situations are

when the t sound comes between two

vowels or

when the t sound comes after an r and

before a vowel

and i should say when i say vowel in

these rules i do mean vowel or diphthong

let’s listen to how tom says it again

hey rach i’m going to starbucks

okay now there it came after an n before

a vowel

okay sometimes with the okay okay we’re


break in here okay i’m sorry you cannot

pronounce your name


super chatted me thank you so much asks

how to pronounce

dnt such as president student

president student

super tricky because for the d the

tongue position is up

present and

so same in student

so when d is followed by schwa n you

don’t have to bring it down and put it

back up

student student

i’m leaving my tongue up that whole time


stood put your tongue up stop the air

that’s the d


but then you release the air again into

your position and make the end sound

without having to bring it down

student president present and

now there i i notice i do want to bring

my tongue down and put it right back

up i’m not entirely sure why how

why in my body that’s different student


president i do definitely bring it back

down and back up

student student you could do it with

student as well

um the thing to keep in mind is if it’s

a schwa and that syllable has to be said

really really quickly for the unstressed

but that’s what i would say student

i leave my tongue up president i’m not

i’m bringing it down but then putting it

immediately back up

okay i you she another super chat hi i

discovered your channel

recently your videos are helpful thanks

you are so welcome thank you for that

super chat

also i saw that jacquez said

super chat is not available in that


so it’s true it’s not available

everywhere in the world and i do

apologize for that

i know some of you might not see that

feature and what i’m talking about is

the future

but just below the chat box so sorry

um if you’re wanting to do it and you


i know it’s it’s frustrating um

miss uma thank you so much for the super

chat she says

you’re number one that is so sweet that

is the cutest little emoji as well

i’m gonna wink right back at you okay we

had a couple questions come in

um karina asked when would you use yup

and when would you use

nope so it’s just yes no only more


yep yep or yep yep both of those just

mean yes and

nope means no now notice i’m not

releasing the p

nope i could nope yep

yep but you don’t have to yep nope

you can do it and just put your lips

together for the p without releasing

now let me make sure i haven’t missed

anybody here who super chatted me

i don’t think so okay awesome and thank

you guys again for that i really

appreciate it

as i said any money that comes in

through super chat is going to go to

some new lights here

young west i know what you want he says

these would be helpful with the zoomed

in footage you’re so right

have you guys seen those videos that

i’ve made with the zoomed in footage

uh i’ve been doing some vocabulary

videos over the past few months where

i’ve done that

i did a video on the word for and how we


instead and i had a bunch of zoomed

footage of the mouth

what did you think of those did you like

them were they helpful

what other kinds of videos would you

like to see with that

what other topics how how is that

helpful for you let me know i know that

young west

really wants to see more so i’m looking

for suggestions from

everybody do people like this because as

i’ve said that one that i did on 4

didn’t actually do that well i had

all this zoomed footage by the way young

west did you see that one

let me know in the chat okay let me

answer another question

um hadi said how do you pronounce the

word attitude

this word is so confusing because it has

a double t which you make as a flap

and then a single t which you make a

true t attitude

and the reason why we make that a true

tea is because it is

the beginning a stressed syllable why

can’t i make this go away there we go

attitude attitude so the first t sound

the double t

is a flap attitude oh we got another

super chat from bruno

hey bruno how are you doing i know bruno

is in my academy bruno is wow

very much so top-notch pronunciation

bruno you should be teaching you should

be giving like some live chat

uh or a live stream on your uh you feel

like you’ve come up with so many

interesting techniques for studying


and for improving your pronunciation

okay we’re gonna

hop back over to that lesson again i’m

gonna keep an eye

in the chat thank you to everybody who’s

super chatted me

i appreciate it i appreciate you guys a

lot and sorry for people

where it’s not a feature okay young


did see the video great the one you did

got a lot of likes you know what it did

but when you compare it with views to

other videos it seems like people didn’t

like it as much

the algorithm didn’t serve it it didn’t

get as many views

i don’t know why maybe it was an anomaly

and i just need to try it again i am

definitely doing more of those vocab

ones with up close slow motion but i

know there’s not quite as much there

okay slim limb is giving me another

super chat here

how do you pronounce hip hop in a

sentence okay

i love hip hop music hip hop so just

like when i was talking about with

yep or yup and nope

not releasing that p this is something

that we would do in the phrase hip hop

hip hop hip hop hip hop hip hop hip

you probably wouldn’t hear hip-hop


hip-hop with that released p it would be

hip hop hip-hop

hip-hop hip-hop music hip-hop and

uh the first word is stress so the

second word isn’t

hop the second syllable isn’t ha but

it’s hop

pop pop said very quickly hip hop hip

hop music

hip hop hip hop hip hop and don’t forget

you do need a light h

sound in some of our words we drop the h

like in the word hour or

honor the h is silent but in the words


and hop the h is not silent we do

pronounce that h okay let’s keep going

word two the word today the word


in those three words probably together


the beginning t can become a flap t even

if the sound before

wasn’t a vowel or diphthong or an r

it can do that when the sound before was

voiced like in this case the n

that sound is a voice hey rach

i’m going to starbucks so he makes the t

a flap t

he changes the vowel to the schwa very

common reduction

this word will almost never be

pronounced to it will usually be


t with a true t or with a flap t

now he did the flap t as we’ve already


and we talked about we make a flap t

when it comes between certain sounds

what does that mean comes between it’s

the beginning of the word

the letter t is the beginning of the

word two

but wait this brings us to tip three and

that is

linking linking will help you speak more

quickly and it is how americans speak

all the time let’s listen to his

sentence again

hey rach i’m going to starbucks the n

sound goes right into the flap t

with no break in american english the

unit of the word

doesn’t matter in spoken english we

don’t do anything to signal the end of a

word the beginning of the next word

within a single thought group all of the

words all of the sounds link together

smoothly transitioning from one sound to

the next

because of this it means a phrase like

for getting

my sounds just like forgetting

my it’s my fault for getting my hopes up

for getting my for getting my

i keep forgetting my homework forgetting


forgetting my forgetting my sounds just

like forgetting my

because the sounds are the same the

stress is the same and there’s no

differentiation between word

units in spoken english the unit we use

in spoken english is a thought group

that is the words that make up a single

thought that we articulate

now that might include breaks as we

think of what to say

and those breaks each make a new thought


but the important thing to note is


isn’t that crazy how those two phrases

sound the same even though they’re

completely different words

okay chow chow super chatted me says hey


hey chao thanks for the super chat also

aj kumar

super chat thank you you know aj kumar

my cousin-in-law’s name is kumar and i

love him so i can tell i like you

it’s a great name solid name um

oh monica hi okay monica has super

chatted with a question

which is letting me see it a little bit

longer thank you for the super chat

monica she says

how to pronounce connecticut and is the

american accent the same as the canadian


i’m working on reductions in the academy

glad to find this live hey thank you for

being an academy member it’s great to

see you

american english and canadian english

are extremely similar

though there would be a few minor

differences um

like they say is it the out of thong

um i have to actually take a minute to

think there’s one sound i think it’s the

ow diphthong that tends to be a little

bit different

um and usually i could say this without

without even thinking about it but i

think because i’m live right now i can’t

think of it

but i can let you know i can put that in

the um

in the facebook group for the academy

which is i assume where you saw this


um thank you again for the super chat so

the word connecticut

uh connecticut it’s second syllable


k notice it’s not cun or cone even

though it’s a letter o it’s just

can can connecticut

connected connecticut


connecticut so with the word like that

where it’s for syllables

focusing on stress will really help you

it will make you understand where to


also i do have a video series

actually bertha from the academy

recommended that i make it

and it’s how to pronounce each state

name and each state capital and so i

sort of break it down there with the

stress and the sounds

what change like a flap t for example to

help people get through all of the

different state names in american


um so thank you for that super chat i

think i wrote down another couple

questions oh yeah

sweetie asked about the word schedule

jamal asked about the word

uh internet um so internet

very common to drop that first t

internet the word

schedule this is another word that can

be pronounced a couple different ways

three syllables or sca

two syllables two syllables would be

more common

actually i have a whole video just on

that word so if you go to youtube and

type in rachel’s english

schedule you’ll be able to find a little


more of an in-depth breakdown of that

word um

so check it out why not you know even if

you feel like you already know how to

pronounce the word why not go watch it

check it double check try it are you

making it two syllables if you’re making

it is three

go ahead and try to see what that feels

like that simplification

in a thought group everything links

together smoothly with no breaks

that means a t can become a flap t when

it links two words together and follows

the rules

another example linking the word at with

the article a

atta atta adda adda that becomes a flap


that sound links the two words together

i do have a playlist on linking i go

over the different kinds of links and

how to practice them to really

smooth out your speech click here or in

the video description

and actually i’ll add that to the

playlist how to speak fast in american

english so we have the flap t we talked

about a true t

t the stop and the release we actually


another way that we pronounce the t and

that is as a stop t

that means we make the stop but we don’t

release for example in the word


thought full you didn’t hear

but you heard thought full a quick break

i’m exaggerating it there

thoughtful thoughtful there it is at

regular spoken pace

do you hear that little lift between

syllables thoughtful

thoughtful it’s not fawful thoughtful

that little lift between syllables is

the stop is the stop t

and just so you know there are two other

ways you might hear the t

sound pronounced first totally dropped

we do this sometimes after

n like in the word interview or internet


center and the other thing that we do

with the t is we can make it

actually we often make it a ch sound

when it’s followed by

r like in the word train t is maybe the

most complicated sound as far as how

much it changes

isn’t that crazy someone was just asking

about the word internet and then here it

was already

pre-loaded in the live lesson to show

one of the ways that we reduce or that

we change the t

by dropping it internet um okay covid19

says rachel put on your mask you know

what i have one right here

let’s put it on okay

there now i know i can’t get anyone sick

although i will say

i am the only one in this room so i’m

not too worried about it

so i wonder would you guys mind if i

take off the mask

i think i’ll take it off just seems a

little bit more

personal when you can see my face isn’t

that what’s so strange though about

walking around with masks

everyone’s wearing masks you pass

someone on the sweet street

and you have no idea if they’re smiling

at you especially now in the summer

wearing like a hat and sunglasses which

i usually do to protect my face and my

eyes from the sun

then it’s like they see nothing of me

they have no idea who i am or if i’m

being friendly or not

um okay so najim asked how

tips for understanding quick speaking so

my main tip for that is to look

for my videos on reductions

when i have people join the academy you

know my academy i made

mostly for accent reduction but also of

course listening comprehension

and if people come in with a real strong

focus on listening comprehension

then that’s the first thing i have them

go do i have them go study

all of those reductions in in great


with lots of training so that they start

to really hear it and notice it

and that’s going to really increase

listening comprehension

so that’s that’s my tip for

understanding the fast speaking

look for the reductions and if you go to

my youtube channel and or you go to

youtube and you search rachel’s english

reductions you’ll find a lot

also my conversation studies i point out

every reduction that happens i’m doing a

whole series right now from movies

so check out all of those all of my

learn english with tv

learn english with movie real life

english videos those

all cover reductions in full sentences

and situations so that’s another

great way to work on your listening

comprehension for understanding this

fast english okay and actually that’s

what we’re doing right now in this live

lesson right

a lot of the tips that you’re getting

here is about fast english how to speak

fast english

but then also on how to notice it you

know when you know all these things then

you understand

um then you understand how

when you’ve studied it you’re more

likely to notice it in conversation

is what i’m trying to say slim lim

another super chat thank you has a


the best way to exercise the jaw for the

american accent okay slim limb

two tips one on youtube search

rachel’s english vertical versus


that talks about how we want a relaxed

kind of jaw drop

then also have you seen i have a


series it’s a playlist on my channel uh

you can probably find it by just

typing in rachel’s english relaxation

series or rachel’s english jaw


and in that video set i have different

videos for all sorts of different


tongue lips cheeks jaw throat all of

these things

that sort of help you let go and relax


the main thing is to think about

taking away effort and that’s something

that will also help you relax

um karina says how can i enroll in your

academy karina i’m sorry that

i i don’t always talk about it and so

some people are like what you have an

academy i do have an academy

that’s it rachel’s english academy

so you can join there also if you want

to sign up for a monthly subscription

i can give you a coupon for 18

off your first subscription so it’s a

nine dollar

first month and that code is just

nine so the letters j-u-s-t and the

number nine

just nine so that can get you into the


um at a cheaper price okay let’s go back

to that lesson

we’ll make sure that i link to a whole

playlist on all of these tea

pronunciations here

and also in the video description but

this video is not about tea


it’s about how to speak english fast

let’s go back to tom’s sentence

hey rach i’m going to starbucks okay so

we’ve talked about

tips for speaking english fast use

contractions use reductions

use linking i said there was one thing i

wanted to tell you to make sure

not to do and that one thing is cheat

you’re stressed

syllables let’s listen to his sentence

again what is the stressed syllable

hey rach i’m going to starbucks


it’s very clear it’s longer it has an up

down shape in pitch

that is the shape of stress starbucks

now what would that sentence sound like

if he had cheated that if he had also

made that syllable

really fast then it would sound

something like

i’m going to starbucks i’m going to

starbucks i’m going to starbucks i’m

going to starbucks

listen to how he says it again hey rach

i’m going to starbucks

and i need that i need that longer

syllable that stressed syllable it gives

me my anchor

and that’s why we still understand each

other if everything was reduced

and linked and said extremely quickly i

wouldn’t be able to understand anything

but it’s these longer stressed syllables

that give me my anchors and a sentence

that help my mind organize what i’m

hearing that help me understand

and when you don’t use reductions at all

and everything is fully pronounced

then i lose my anchors they’re less

clear so that’s why it’s actually really

important for people to understand you

for you to use reductions it seems like

well that’s not a very clear

pronunciation i shouldn’t use it

but actually you should because it’s

that contrast of

really fast with the longer stressed

syllable that helps us

understand you it gives us the context

the structure of american english

let’s listen to the two sentences in

contrast one more time

okay wait before we get to that um did

you catch that did you

were you paying attention to that part

or were you watching the chat because

that was really important when we’re

talking about fast english and you’re

learning all of these tips for how to

speak fast english

what you can’t do is just rush through


you have to have a strong sense of the

rhythm so you know what is very fast and

said very quickly

but then also what is longer and more

stretched out

because if you rush through everything

which i know

my spanish speakers have a tendency to

do then

it becomes unclear if you only

rush the unstressed words and syllables

then it becomes very clear it gives us

the contrast

and actually speaking of that i had a

couple questions come in

the chat about reductions and speaking

fast so

um future winner says how do you say the

word that

fast so that and at go together

they have a similar pronunciation the

vowel reduces from a

to the schwa and then the t

depends on what the next sound is so

that will become the

the the the there i’m making it with the

stop t

i would make that a stop t if the next

word began with a consonant like

that my would become the my the the the

my that my that my the

the that at my would become

my my my can you believe that

it when it’s unstressed and it’s reduced

we have so little energy in the voice

it’s low in pitch it said really quickly

the t is a stop

so it’s not a full release so

unless you’re really used to that you

feel like you don’t hear it at all you

feel like it’s dropped

so i do have a video on the reduction of

that and at another question that came

in from enze

enza i’m not sure how to pronounce your

name at the end of the day

this person said they don’t hear the

word of at the end of the day

at the end of the end

there it is that’s the word of it’s

probably just going to be the schwa

enda and end of the end of the end of

the day

now there i’m saying four words and the

day and you’ll notice end and day are


they’re my anchors they’re stressed it’s

not end of the day into the day into the


that’s not clear but end of the day is

clear end

of the day that stress that contrast is

what we want

end of the day why don’t you guys all

practice that right now

just try it end of the

day becomes end of the

day and look at how different my mouth

moves on a stressed syllable

and the day

i have more jaw drop i fully pronounce

the words of

and the my mouth really doesn’t have to

move at all it’s just my tongue

end of the day that’s the kind of

simplification we’re

we’re looking for can we reduce all of

the mouth movement

to just the tongue the the end of the


end of the day are you guys all doing

that with me at home

i hope so because it’s one thing to

learn it and that doesn’t do much you

have to also practice it and do it

that’s what the academy is for actually

it’s all about training

you learn about something in a video but

then you have to train it

to make it happen so it can find its way

into your voice

i am going to starbucks hey rach i’m

going to starbucks

did you notice how we were wearing

different outfits this was from a fun

video series that i did with tom a while

back where we wore

casual clothes when we were speaking

natural american english

and then we wore very formal clothes

when we were speaking with no reductions

and only

true tea pronunciations and i want to

say that’s not a formal way of talking

it’s just

an unnatural way of talking but we did

this outfit change to add

to the contrast hi rachel i am going to


hey rach i’m going to starbucks i don’t

want to tease you with just that one

sentence let’s go ahead and watch the


lesson you’ll be able to study how we

speak english fast

how we speak english really quickly by

using reductions

linking contractions and things like the

flap t

do you want to come along you want to

come along do

you do is reduced so much that we almost

don’t hear it

just a light d sound the vowel in you

isn’t quite a pure ooh either it’s a

little more relaxed

heading towards the schwa dia dia

dia want

to reduces to wanna do you wanna

do wanna do you want to come along you

wanna come along

do you want to come along you wanna come


no thank you tom no thanks thank you


thanks one less syllable no

thank you tom no thanks no thank you tom

no thanks

i have got too much i want to get done


i’ve got too much i want to get done

here i have becomes

i’ve okay so this always really

surprises me

when i do a contrast of a sentence where

i make every tea a true tea

which is what it will say if you look it

up in a dictionary

versus the way americans actually do it

there is a massive difference

true tea is less common than other

sounds i don’t know a true tea happens

maybe 10 20

of the time the rest of the time it’s

either a dropped t

a flap t or a stop t and when you make

every t

a true t it’s crazy how different it


and so knowing the rules there are very

few rules in american english

pronunciation but the t

pronunciation rules are pretty

clear and there there are not very many

exceptions to them

at all so if you’re on youtube and you

type into the search bar rachel’s

english tea pronunciations you’ll find

several videos because i’ve taught it

in several different ways you will

find all of those different

pronunciations and rules you can start

to learn them

okay young west how do you pronounce


gesture gesture that’s

how i would say that gesture gesture now

let me think about why

you know what i’m actually i’m going to

look up the official pronunciation of


while we watch a little bit more thank

you for the super chat young west you


my biggest super chat fan so far it

looks like i appreciate you

i’m gonna look up the official

pronunciation of that and then see is

what i’m doing straying from that at all

or is it exactly

how the dictionary says the official

pronunciation is

got to just one t between those two


got to got to want

to becomes wanna wanna

get we use a stop t sound here

because the next sound is a consonant

get done

get done i have got

too much i want to get done here i’ve

got too much i want to get done here

i have got too much i want to get done


i’ve got too much i want to get done


okay i will be back soon okay i’ll be

back soon

i will becomes isle reduced to

all okay i will be back soon okay

i’ll be back soon okay again i just love

that contrast of the reductions versus

no reductions

okay so young west i wanted to look this

up because i kind of suspected

that the official pronunciation was a

little bit differently from how i’m

doing it so i would say

gesture just j sound

a vowel s first syllable stress and then

when i look it up in the dictionary now

i like to use i also use

the cambridge

dictionary of american english those are

the two main sources i go to

those sometimes i find i want to do

further research and then i’ll look at

merriam-webster in in addition and maybe

one or two others but my two main ones


and cambridge uh but the official

pronunciation is

gesture church with an unvoiced sound

that would be the ch schwa r in the

unstressed syllable gesture

gesture sure i find i tend to

voice that and make it not true but

another j sound gesture gesture it’s

light it’s not j a super heavy j

but and i honestly i don’t

feel like i can tell you why like

there’s not a clear rule well i do it

because of this and that changes this

that’s just how i find myself

pronouncing it and

young west you probably know about but if you go to uglish

you type in any word like this word then

you can hear

probably a hundred maybe even 200

examples of americans

saying this word and then you can really

get a sense for

are most people making that a j sound or

a ch sound

gesture gesture uh so that’s what i

would say thank you again for your


via super chat all right guys we’re

getting close to the end of this lesson

here i’m gonna

let it play here for a bit and just

continue to read your questions in chat

and hopefully we’ll have a few more to

answer here towards the end

okay i will be back soon okay i’ll be

back soon

oh i would love a coffee though oh i’d

love a coffee though

i would becomes i’d

oh i would love a coffee though oh i

love a coffee though oh

i would love a coffee though oh i’d love

a coffee though

medium that will be fine medium

that’ll be fine that will becomes


a two-syllable word with stress on the

first syllable

the t at the end of that is a flap t

because it comes between two vowels

that’ll that’ll medium that will be fine

medium that’ll be fine medium that will

be fine

medium that’ll be fine

great see you in a bit great see you in

a bit

great with a stop t this is because it’s

the end of the sentence

you is more relaxed here not an ooh

vowel but more of a schwa

sia sia and finally bit

with a stop t bit bit

again because it’s coming at the end of

the sentence

great see you in a bit are all of these

things that you guys mostly already knew

or any of these

brand new for you dennis says in brazil

they study a lot of grammar and

vocabulary but nothing about


what a shame that really is a shame if

you’re learning all these vocabulary


but you’re not really learning the

pronunciation at the same time

that’s something you have to go back and

learn later

also the way i feel about language is

you don’t want to be able to use it in

limited ways like only in writing right

you want to be able to use it

in all the ways that you use your own

native language so you really want to be

able to be speaking it from the

beginning and you know what dennis

you’re not the only one

a lot of places don’t say much about


i have so many students who are so

advanced in their ability to write and

read and

i could communicate with them on almost

any topic and it would sound

native via writing and then when you’re

in a conversation it be

can become kind of difficult to

understand so that’s the way

a lot of my students are i mean in the

academy that’s sort of my main student

someone who already knows quite a bit of


my academy is not for people who are

just starting to learn english it’s for

people who really need to

feel more confident in their ability to

make the sounds to understand the stress

and the linking and all of this about

american english so you’re not the only


i also know a lot of american teachers

who have trained to become

english teachers and they feel like in

their school they weren’t really taught

how to teach pronunciation and they’re

really frustrated by that

so it’s it’s a it’s a bigger problem

i would say and hopefully my channel is

here to

help ease that issue

great see you in a bit great see you in

a bit

great see you in a bit so many options

for reductions

and contractions in such a short


i also have a playlist of all four

videos that tom and i made in that video

series i called it a

contract versation you can check it out

here or in the video description below

you’ve got a lot to do to study how to

speak english really fast

there are so many habits to make your

own one thing that helps a lot is

studying real english conversation

and i’m excited okay guys so that video

is about to play out but i just wanted

to come back to say

um make sure you’re watching this summer

series because all of that conversation


from the movie scenes is doing exactly


it’s studying where are stressed

syllables and where are all of our

reductions all of the opportunities to

speak more quickly

to sound more natural speaking english

so if you’re not already following that

summer series

let’s see i started in the first week of

june i’m doing a total of 13

so go back and check it out also if this

is a topic you’re really interested in

then i would say go to youtube and

search on rachel’s english

fast and you’ll find a lot of my videos

that i’ve made on this topic all right

i’m gonna

finish out this live stream thank you

guys for being here i’m seeing some of

you saying

it’s early in the morning there you’re

gonna go to bed now

wonderful thank you for ending your day

with me alberto in costa rica hello

it’s great to see all of you guys here

and i am planning on going live again

every friday here in july so be sure to

come back

check it out thank you guys for joining

me thank you so much to those people who

sent me a super chat i appreciate the


and i will see you guys again on the

other side

take care everybody oh my hand looks

weird from that green screen doesn’t it

i’ll stop waving there that’s less
