SPEAK ENGLISH FLUENTLY 1 Simple Rule That Will Help You Speak English More Fluently Today

hey today i am going to teach you how to

speak english fluently like a native

english speaker using the simple rule of

threes now are you ready to finally

sound like a native english speaker and

speak english fluently

well then this lesson is for you

i’m teacher tiffany let’s jump right in

now this simple rule let me remind you

what the rule is my english teachers

taught me this rule

the rule goes like this provide enough

support for your thoughts

ideas or opinions by giving three


three examples

or three reasons this is how you speak

english fluently and start sounding like

a native english speaker so let’s look

at the first example and see how we can

use three details to speak english

fluently about a topic now here’s a

video clip the topic is your pet

tell me about your pet

now the response we have right here is

i have a dog now this response is good

but it’s not representing a fluent

english response because it’s very short

so we have to add again three details

so what are three details we can give

about our dog here we go the first

detail i’d like to give is this one

he was

the runt

of the litter the runt of the litter

detail two

he is very rambunctious

and detail number three

he is a pure bred golden retriever

so again we just listed three details

now we are going to use these three

details to give a fluent english


now part of the details included some

interesting words some words that maybe

you don’t know so let me explain some of

those words all right now i’ll read the

response the fluent english response and

as we get to the word i’ll tell you the

meaning so here’s the response using the

three details

you know

my current pet is a golden retriever

he actually was the runt of the litter

when i purchased him but now he is very


now real quick

what is runt let’s look at this word run

to see what it means so after me


excellent one more time


good now when we say runt in english

we’re just referring to an animal that

is smaller than average especially the

smallest in a litter right when a dog

gives birth they have several puppies

right but among those puppies there’s

one that’s really small and really weak

in english we call that puppy

a runt all right so again

runt excellent now the dog the golden

retriever was the runt of the litter but

again we have right here the word


so here we go

rambunctious after me the pronunciation

can be a little bit tricky


excellent last time


good job now this word rambunctious just

means difficult to control or handle

wildly boisterous easily excited very

excited all the time we call that animal

or individual a very rambunctious animal

or rambunctious individual make sense

all right now after me one last time


excellent all right so let’s go back now

to the response once again i’ll start

from the beginning my current pet is a

golden retriever he actually was the

runt of the litter when i purchased him

but now he is very rambunctious

i also found out recently that he is a

pure bred golden retriever now this is

the third detail but what does the word

pure bread mean so after me pure bread

excellent last time

pure bread

good job now purebred just means when

speaking about an animal right there

bread from parents of the same breed or

variety so my dog is a golden retriever

that means its mom was a golden

retriever and its dad was a golden

retriever pure bread the parents the mom

and the dad were from the same breed

alright makes sense all right after me

again one last time

pure bread

excellent so we have again the last

detail being pure bread but what

happened again we’re looking at three

details the first part of this simple

rule of threes to speak english fluently

we were able to give this fluent answer

using the three details very easily all

right now the next one we have again

part of this rule of threes remember we

had right here

three examples so let’s see one that

uses the examples all right here we go

we have this gorilla the topic is

animals at the zoo so what is the most

interesting animal to see

at the zoo

the response

i think gorillas are the most

interesting animals to see at the zoo

now that’s the response we’re giving it

makes sense oh

i think gorillas are the most


but if you stop there the person

listening the native english speaker

will not feel like you are a fluent

english speaker you have to go back to

the simple rule of threes and think wait

a minute

let me give three examples to support my

idea so when we go back we’re looking

again at the video

first example

they speaking of gorillas

try to interact with people at the

windows that’s the first example

second example

watching their babies cling to their

parents as human babies do

and third example

watching them being affectionate with

their trainers so we’re giving three

examples that support the thought we

have that wow gorillas are the most

interesting so how can we turn these

three examples into a fluent english

response here we go

here’s the response

one of the most interesting animals at

the zoo is a gorilla

when zoo visitors pass by their


gorillas go to the glass barrier and try

to interact with them example number one

another interesting thing about gorillas

is how the babies cling to their parents

as they walk around

second example

and third you can also see gorillas

being affectionate with their trainers

as they clean their enclosures

all three examples are in our response

and that’s why it’s a fluent english

response now there are quite a few words

in this response that maybe you don’t

know so let me explain them very quickly

now the first word is


closures let’s go there real quick in

closure now real quick i want to pause

for a second because

a lot of times you need help with your

pronunciation so i want to remind you to

download the app right here english with

tiffany the link is right in my

description you can download the app and

i actually have pronunciation courses

inside of the app you can download the

app for free and start practicing to

improve your pronunciation so hit the

link in the description and get english

with tiffany the app so now we’re back

again and we’re looking at this word

enclosure i want you to repeat after me


excellent last time after me


excellent now this word enclosure just

means an area that is sealed off with an

artificial or natural barrier think

about when you go to the zoo that’s not

a natural habitat or not a natural area

for animals to exist in so in order for

us to enjoy looking at animals at the

zoo they have to make some barriers to

protect the animals and to protect us

they make


make sense

alright so again after me


excellent very good

now the other word we had was

interact all right so after me


excellent last time


very good now this word interact just

means to communicate with or react to to

communicate with or react to so gorillas

even though they cannot talk they’ll

come to the glass barrier and look at

people and try to interact with them or

communicate with them and people also

try to communicate with the gorillas in

english we say interact

excellent last time


very good now the other word we had was

right here we said babies cling to their

parents so i want you to repeat after me


good last time


excellent now this word cling just means

to stick on to or hold something or

someone tightly

or to refuse to stop holding it him or

her think about a baby on a parent’s


holding on tight we say they are

clinging to their parents

makes sense right

all right so after me


excellent very good now the last word

you’ll see the last sentence gorillas

being affectionate

a longer word but i want you to repeat

after me you can do it


excellent last time after me


good job now this word affection it just

means showing feelings of liking

or love

i remember my nephew

when he was a baby he was maybe about 10

months old there was a friend of ours at

our church

and the moment he saw her

he was in love so whenever she was

around he’d go to hug her and kiss her

cheek he loved her he liked to be

affectionate because he liked her so

maybe you show your affections or you’re

affectionate with your spouse because

you love him or her alright so last time

after me


excellent good job so we have this

fluent english response because we used

three examples now again there’s one

more part to this rule of threes

remember we had three details

three examples

or three reasons to give a fluent

english response so

if we are looking at three


here’s the topic

service animals the question being

what is a good example of a service

animal now your response may be in my


police dogs are a good example of

service animals now remember

that response is fine it makes sense

however we want to give a fluent english

response which means we need to give

three details examples or in this case

three reasons so okay in my opinion the

dogs are very good and they’re very


what is my first reason the first reason


dogs are

inherently protective of their owners

reason number two

dogs have a keen sense of smell

and reason number three dogs run

extremely fast so they can apprehend

criminals faster than police on foot

again you see that we’re giving more


for our response by giving three

reasons why we feel that dogs are good

service animals

so what will our response look like if

we use these three reasons here we go

this is our response using the three

reasons you know in my opinion police

dogs are a good example of service


the first reason is that dogs are


protective of their owners

their goal is to protect the cop they

have been assigned to which is very


another reason is that dogs have a keen

sense of smell

this means that dogs can detect odors

that humans cannot


dogs can run extremely fast

this means that they apprehend and they

can apprehend criminals faster than

police can on foot you see what happened

right it’s amazing how the simple rule

of threes can help you start sounding

like a native english speaker just

remembering three details three examples

and in this example three reasons so

there are some words that i want to

explain to you that are in this example

the first one is


after me


excellent last time


good job now this just means in a way

that exists as a natural or basic part

of something so for example i really

enjoy drawing and painting now this is a

natural talent i have it because of my

dad he used to draw and paint my

sister’s also very artistic so

it’s inherent

right a natural ability all right we say

inherently makes sense

all right now the other word i want to

talk about is right here we said a keen

sense of smell so after me


good last time


excellent now this word keen just means


very strong or well developed so it

means dogs they can smell

things from far away they have a better

sense of smell than even human beings

they have a keen or strong sense of

smell so again last time after me


very good very good

now what about


dogs with the keen sense of smell can


odors now after me


excellent last time after me


good job now this word odor just means a


but it’s often

unpleasant whoa no no

it does not smell good in english we say

older all right last time after me


good job good job now in the last

sentence the last two words are on

foot all right so real quick after me

on foot

excellent last time

on foot

good job now this just means if you go

somewhere on foot you walk or run

rather than using any other form of

transport so

instead of driving in your car or taking

a bus you decide to walk using your own

feet you’re going on foot make sense all

right last time after me

on foot

excellent very good so we’ve seen these

examples of the power of this simple

rule of threes if you want to speak

english fluently you must master this

simple rule

three details

three examples or three reasons and you

can start sounding like a native english

speaker don’t forget if you want to

practice your pronunciation and get even

more exciting english lessons download

the english with tiffany app today the

link is in the description and you can

start learning even more with me alright

guys i really hope you enjoyed today’s

lesson remember

master this rule and you will start

speaking english fluently i’ll see you

next week but as always remember to

speak english

you still there

you know what time it is sing it with me


story time hey i said it’s story time

all right guys so for today’s story you

know at the very beginning of the lesson

today we were talking about pets we

talked about a dog and a golden

retriever now i used to have a dog and

her name was snickers snickers was our

dog i was in high school when we got her

she was cute very loyal and she was fun

but i always had in my mind that you

know dogs

they’re man’s best friend but dogs were

the best pets

and when someone asked me about having a

bird as a pet

i said birds can’t really be good pets

because they just stay in their cages

that seems kind of boring i like the

fact that dogs kind of could be taken on

walks they could spend time with you i

liked the idea of a dog

but i had a friend that tried to

convince me that birds really are good

pets but

it didn’t really work the convincing


one day a family friend um had her kids

stay with us for a short period of time

about a week for a vacation while she

was gone so her son and her daughter

stayed with us and they just happened to

have a pet bird

now their pet bird was named matt

and he was probably about that big not a

big bird very small

when he came into the house i just said

okay he’s a bird he’s cute but i wasn’t

expecting anything because again in my

mind birds just stayed in their cages

and they were kind of a little boring

you gave them bird seed and that was it

but matt was different

so i remember the first day they were

with us

my friend the young boy he took matt out

of the cage i said okay i guess matt is

going to sit around because matt

couldn’t fly


matt started walking on the floor

following us into the room we were going

to watch tv in the living room so i said

okay he kind of follows us like a dog


so we we sat down and we were watching

tv and matt was just kind of sitting and

standing at our feet i said oh that’s

interesting the bird is kind of watching


the next day

now on the next day that they were with

us my friend the young boy happened to

decide to stay upstairs

i wanted to watch tv and eat something

for lunch eat a snack actually but my

friend he wanted to stay upstairs now he

was younger than me more like a younger



i decided to take the bird with me i

said okay i’ll take matt and see what he

wants to do


i was walking down the stairs and i

realized that matt was also walking down

the stairs like you know a bird just

hopping down the steps i said okay i

didn’t have to pick him up

so we got down the steps and we rounded

the corner to the living room and i laid

out a blanket because i figured maybe

you know i guess the bird wants to sit

on the blanket so i put the blanket out

and i decided to also lay down i got my

snacks and i said well maybe maybe matt

wants some snacks you see how my mind

was starting to change all of a sudden i

was taking care of this bird like it was

my dog snickers so i got matt some of

his little snacks and i was laying on

the ground on top of the blanket and i

had my snacks in front of me and i

turned the tv on to watch one of my

favorite shows

so i gave matt his snack and i was

assuming that he was in his own world

just eating his snacks and being a bird

so i found the show that i was going to

watch and i sat i laid kind of on the

ground on top of the blanket and i

started eating my snacks and i was

watching the show

but then something said tiff look to

your right

so i’m looking at the show and i turned

to my right and matt was doing the same


i was eating out of my hand the snacks

and matt with his little beak kept his

eyes on the tv dipped down got food and

kept watching the tv we were watching tv

together and my mind was blown because i

said this is a bird again small bird but

i’m getting the same feelings i get when

i have my dog snickers with me

needless to say after a week of having

matt stay with us along with my two


i fell in love with birds so much so

that to this day again

almost 20 if not more 20 more than 20

years later yeah a lot more than 20

years later i am thinking about birds

still so one day i plan on getting a

bird because of matt matt changed my

whole view of birds birds can be great

pets they can sit with you eat snacks

with you and watch tv too now maybe you

guys had a pet bird or maybe you have a

pet bird right now let us know in the

comment section what your favorite pet

is and if you have a bird let us know

what your experience has been alright

guys i really hope you enjoyed today’s

lesson i’ll talk to you next week have a

wonderful day