Speak English Politely Id Appreciate it

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm I’d appreciate it if you’d

watch this video let’s get started today

I’d like to share with you a really

polite expression that you can use in

almost any situation you can use it at

your job with your friends with your

teacher you can use it when you’re

writing you can use it when you’re

speaking this is a great polite

expression that is really useful what’s

the expression it is I’d appreciate it I

would appreciate it if you would make

dinner tonight I’d appreciate it if you

would bring me some water I’m really


I’d appreciate it if you would call the

client this afternoon because I’m Way

too busy I’d appreciate it if you would

let’s break this down into individual

sections the first part is I would

appreciate it

I would appreciate it I’d let’s link

that together I’d appreciate it if so

you could only say the first part oh can

you bring me a Kleenex my nose is


I’d appreciate it that’s great you can

use just the first part or you can use

it all together so let’s talk about the

second part the second part is I’d

appreciate it if you would so we need to

use would twice in this expression I

would appreciate it if you would do

something for me this is a really polite

way to ask someone to do something for

you probably something that’s not a big

deal but maybe it could be a big deal

I’m moving next weekend

I’d really appreciate it if you’d come

to help me

I need help moving some boxes I can’t do

it by myself I’d really appreciate it

thanks so much so this is a great

expression that you can use to ask

someone else to help you with something

before we go let’s practice saying this

expression quickly and naturally

are you ready I’d like you to listen to


and then repeat it let’s start I’d

appreciate it if you’d help me I’d

appreciate it if you’d help me did you

notice how I cut the word wood short I

made a contraction I’d you’d I’d

appreciate it if you’d help me with

something I’d appreciate it if you’d

help me now you’ve exercised your

speaking muscles today I’d like you to

use this expression on your own so if

you’re not on my website at the moment

click the link below this video and you

can answer this conversation question to

use this expression it’s great to learn

it but you need to use it my question

for you is what would you like me to do

Vanessa I’d appreciate it if you’d make

five videos every week Vanessa I’d

appreciate it if you’d answer this

question for me what is a question you

have for me or something that you would

like me to help you with I’d appreciate

it if you’d do something I’m looking

forward to seeing what you all have to

say leave your answers in the comments

and I’ll talk to you again the next time


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all right here is the free ebook you can

download yours today just click on the

link and it will be in your email within

a few seconds thanks so much for

learning with me bye