3 Tips for Speaking English Like a Native

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when learning a new language everyone

should have an ultimate goal to work


whether you want to be able to connect

with a relative easily order food while


or go somewhere new having an end goal

for your learning can be very motivating

a popular but challenging goal is being

able to speak like a native speaker

it’s difficult to measure exactly when

you reach this goal and it’s not

something you can pick up using

textbooks alone

so how do you work on making your speech

more natural that’s what we’re going to

look at today

here are three tips to help you practice

talking like a native speaker

number one focus on vocabulary

if your goal is to speak like a native

you might be really focused on speaking

quickly or

using as many complex grammar patterns

as possible

but in our native languages we’re not

always trying to speak as fast as


and we use complex grammar patterns when

necessary not to show off

vocabulary however is extremely

important to expressing ourselves


your choice of words can reveal a lot

about you and your understanding of the


most learners have had the experience of

using a phrasebook or a dictionary to

find a word they want to use

trying the word in conversation and

getting a look of confusion from the

native speaker

in some cases although your word choice

may be grammatically correct

the word may be inappropriate for the

situation or totally unnatural

this is especially important in business

and other formal situations

where the right level of formality and

professionalism is key

being able to understand nuances and

vocabulary words

can also help you understand

relationships between people

just by listening to the conversation

try to listen to many different types of


listen to how people talk to their

friends their superiors and in customer

service situations

this will give you a better idea of how

to talk to others naturally

in some languages you can omit words

from sentences or use more direct

communication styles

it’s important to be aware of these

things so you can apply them yourself

colloquialisms and slang are also

commonly used in most languages

as this sort of vocabulary is always

evolving it can be difficult to keep up

with the latest words

talk with native speakers and consume

media in your target language to make

sure you pick up these kinds of


media is a great resource for your


ultimately knowing the appropriate

vocabulary to use for each situation

will really help you sound more


number two perfect your accent

with every language there are unique

pronunciation and intonation challenges

some languages are tonal languages and a

change in pitch

can completely change the meaning of a

word then there’s the fact that most

countries have multiple dialects and so

people from one area of the country

may sound different from those in

another so what is the best way to

listen to a wide range of accents and

different pronunciations

video and audio resources are a great

way to do this

youtube is a perfect place to start

because people from all kinds of

different backgrounds

upload videos to the platform you can

watch educational videos

daily life vlogs cooking shows a travel

series whatever interests you

pay attention to the different ways

people speak everyone is unique

and then practice speaking like them

this kind of practice can help you sound

more natural

one note please be aware of the type of

resources you’re using

for example if you find a video where a

speaker uses a rare dialect

it might not be a good idea to use that

for your pronunciation practice

unless you have a special reason for

studying a specific accent

as a general rule it’s best to try to

search for practice resources that use a

standard form of the language you’re


number three copy what you hear

do you remember how you learned to speak

as a child we rarely learned new words

just listening to

them or reading after we learned how

when we were little kids we imitated the

sounds we heard

by repeating the sounds out loud while

you’re talking to a friend watching

videos or listening to audio in your

target language

you can do this to try and replicate the

way they speak

doing this will help you work on

mastering the flow of the language

your accent intonation and pronunciation

of course

you might also pick up some new

vocabulary this way

make sure to repeat new words often it’s

a great way to make sure you remember


try doing this using a number of

different mediums and sources

that way you’ll be exposed to the

diversity that the language offers

and master the fundamentals of

pronunciation for example you can watch

and imitate several different youtube

videos and audio cds

but try a few different sources like

different creators or different audio


to make sure you experience a wide range

of communication in your target language

if you’re using our language learning

program you can even get your own

teacher with premium plus

your teacher can answer questions give

assignments and even listen to your

recordings and give you advice on


completing these kinds of lessons with a

native teacher can really boost your

confidence in your speaking skills

becoming able to speak like a native is

a popular goal for many people learning

a new language

it feels great to be able to communicate

smoothly especially when the people

you’re talking to

expect basic level sentences or broken


try using the tips we’ve shared in this

video to work on improving your speaking


of course it’ll take time and

persistence but the reward will be more

natural communication

and for even more tips on speaking check

out our complete language learning


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by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a new language and

subscribe to our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time bye

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