37 Minutes Learn English Speaking Easily Quickly English Conversation for Daily Life


english conversations in daily life

these lessons cover a few topics that

you’ll face very often in your daily


please watch the video to improve your

english listening and speaking skills

how about a pizza


i’m feeling hungry

let’s grab a bite

what should we eat

up to you

do you want to eat beef steak


let’s eat something else i want to do

something different for a change

how about pizza

there’s a new restaurant near our school

which one

it’s a pizza company

the pizza and appetizers there are top


oh i have heard about it

people said it had a tasty menu

we’ll order chicago pizza

it’s the restaurant’s best-selling



let’s go to that pizzeria

my laptop is so slow


did you buy a laptop

that’s right

i just bought it last week

what’s wrong with your old laptop

my old laptop is too slow

it’s always laggy and i can’t work

what’s the deal with it being so slow

i don’t know maybe it’s too old

what specifications are available on

this laptop

it has

eight gigabytes of ram

two gigabyte graphics and an i5


how much did you buy it for

not too expensive

500 us dollars

well that’s a good price


i bought it on the day the store was

having a sale

do you have a girlfriend


do you have a girlfriend

no i’m still single

and you are you married

no not yet


do you have a


yeah i’m in a relationship

a pretty cool who is that

she was my college friend

how long have you guys been

dating we’ve only been dating for four


so great

is that the girl you had a crush on in


that’s right

luckily she also has feelings for me

congratulations you

walking the dog


what are you going to do

i have to take the dog for a walk

what kind of dog do you own

i have a little poodle

poodles bark a lot

right he is very noisy

i heard them bark all the time

yeah they never stop

what made you decide to adopt a poodle

that’s my mother’s dog

she adores poodles

borrowing money


hey philip

could i borrow some money

sure how much do you need

ten dollars


why are you borrowing money from me i

need to buy dinner

alright but where’s your money

i was in a hurry this morning so i

didn’t bring my wallet

so you left your wallet at home

yes right

it’s uncomfortable when you don’t have

money with you


even if only for a short time

yeah so

having friends is always beneficial

when you’re broke your friends will lend

you money

as long as you repay them

going to the beach


it’s a beautiful day today let’s go to

the beach

that sounds great


i’ll get the beach umbrella and beach


and put them in the car

great i’ll pack some snacks and drinks

should i bring my surfboard


and don’t forget sunscreen and


i won’t

i don’t want to get sunburned again

i’ll bring the camera

i want to take pictures of the sunset

good idea the sunset is beautiful at the


do you remember the last time we went to

the beach

no it’s been a long time

why don’t we go more often

because we’re always busy

my wife left me


are you married

i used to be but now i’m single

how long have you been divorced

two years ago

what was the reason for your divorce

my wife left me

why did she do that

she claimed she no longer loved me

oh my goodness that’s awful

but it is the truth

now she’s living with another man

why did she stop loving you

as i said above she is living with

another man

that’s my best friend

she loves my best friend


what’s on tv



help me turn on the tv

you want to watch the witcher right

yes it’s my favorite film

i’ve waited a long time

then i’ve got some bad news for you

it’s been cancelled

how is that possible

won’t they air the new season today

they filmed two episodes but while

filming the main actor was seriously


oh no

i’ve been waiting nearly two years for

its return

but don’t worry they will air it soon

so boring


you can turn on the tv and watch other


oh well

nothing that’s interesting


i heard the president is giving a

televised speech tonight

a nice place to live



i enjoy living here

i concur

tokyo is a nice place to live

it’s the capital of japan

it has lovely homes

it has excellent restaurants

the japanese capital has more michelin

stars than any other place on earth

it’s no surprise tokyo is one of the

world’s best food destinations


it has excellent educational facilities

tokyo is a city with skyscrapers and

modern facilities

the people there are pleasant and


i’ll never move to another place

me too

i love this city

the new mattress


it’s time for bed

i’m not ready to go to sleep i’m not


it’s quite late and you have an early

day tomorrow

okay mom but

i think we need a new mattress

what’s the problem with this one

this mattress is too old it’s not as

comfortable as it used to be

i think it still looks good


i’ve been tossing and turning all night

you can’t sleep because you drink coffee

you should give up coffee

look at the red marks on my arms

what exactly are they

i was bitten by bed bugs in that


okay i see

now go to bed and tomorrow i’ll buy you

a new mattress

i live in pasadena



where were you born

i was born in pasadena


yeah pasadena is a city in los angeles

county california

is it in southern los angeles

no it’s northeast of downtown los


is pasadena a big city

yeah it is the most populous city and

the primary cultural center of the san

gabriel valley

what is the population

its population is a hundred and

forty-one thousand

two hundred and seventy-five

how big is los angeles

los angeles is the largest city in


it has an estimated population of nearly

four million

i have a honda

do you own a vehicle

yeah i have one

what sort of vehicle do you drive

i own a honda

when did you buy this car

i bought it in 2003.


it’s rather old now

right however the engine of the car is

still very good

do you usually take it to the salon car

yes i always take it in for routine


how often do you replace the oil

a technician replaces the oil in my car

twice a year


the new house



this is our new house

very nice

i like the garden

yes we like it too

anyway come in

thank you

well this is the hall and this is the

living room

very nice

that’s a nice big window

now upstairs we’ve got three bedrooms

i see


this is beautiful

oh and you’ve got a balcony

yes we really like it the view is really


yes i can see

and is that the garage down there

yeah let’s go downstairs

would you like a cup of tea with some


i’d love to thanks

fish are everywhere


ocean is enormous

you can’t seem to see the end of it

right it covers most of the earth’s


i believe it is five miles deep

many mysterious creatures live on the

bottom of the ocean

and there’s plenty of fish in the sea

but how many

i’m not sure anymore

but according to scientists

the total mass of fish in the ocean

is about 10 times greater than thought

are there more fish or more people

i believe there are more fish

i’m hoping so

i enjoy eating fish

talking animals


do animals communicate with one another

of course they communicate with one


oh what do they discuss

they discuss other animals

what else do they discuss

they discuss food and the weather

do they mention us

of course they mention us

what do they think of us


they think we have a strange appearance

oh well

animals are more amusing to look at than


we have a strange appearance since we

wear clothes

i have a sister

how many people are there in your family

there are four people in my family

how about you

have you got any brothers or sisters

i’ve got a

sister what’s her name

her name is miona

how old is she

she’s four years older than me

what does your sister

do she works as a teacher in a local

primary school

are you close to your sister

yes she’s my great sister and to me

she’s my best friend whenever i have

problems and confidence

i freely share with her without


house cleaning day

nice weather we’re having

would you like to go to the movies with


i’m sorry i’m afraid i can’t

i have to clean the house today

clean it up tomorrow it’s okay

no you see

my house is very untidy

so i clean it up at once

what do you have to do

i have to do several loads of laundry

vacuum the whole house and clean the


wow that’s a lot of stuff to do


my mother will visit tomorrow

i completely understand

she likes a very neat and tidy house

i know what you mean

why doesn’t your husband help you

he did help me

he mowed the lawn cleaned all of the

bathrooms and set up the guest room


a tv lover


you’re watching too much television

what exactly do you mean

i’m referring to the fact that you’re

wasting time

i’m having a good time

you just lie in the chair all day

so what

since you’re my best friend i care about

you stand up go outside and exercise

thanks but

let me see the end of this episode

you said the same thing yesterday

i promise you i’ll go out to exercise

after watching this episode

it’s up to you


you’re always grumbling

now i’ve turned off the tv

right to your grandma


did you write your letter to your


i did indeed

have you told her anything about school

i told her that school is enjoyable

did you enclose your letter in an


i did and i also sealed the envelope

did you put a stamp on the envelope

i was unable to locate any stamps

they may be found in the kitchen drawer

oh it’s here

just hand me the envelope and i’ll send

it to you

thanks mom

but when will grandma learn about email

are you sleepy


what’s the cause of our yawning

i’m tired

why don’t you get some sleep

i wanted to see this television show

you can watch it again on youtube

but my computer is broken

i think you should go to sleep now

you’re very sleepy

i’ll watch for another 10 minutes


now that the commercial is showing you

should go to sleep


i’ll go to sleep

all right i’ll tell you how the show



god is watching


today is sunday

so how about that

you understand what i mean

oh sorry i forgot

on sundays we go to church


i see

don’t forget to put on a coat and tie

why is that

to be respectful to god and the people

i’m glad sunday just happens once a week

i pray god didn’t hear you say that

i’m sure he’ll forgive me

feed the cat


have you fed the cat

oh i forgot

i’m too busy doing my homework

there’s a meowing sound coming from the

cat he’s starving

i’m going to feed him right now

you should not keep him waiting

you know i was finishing up my


the cat seems unconcerned about your


the cat is unconcerned about anything

that’s just how cats are

they’re just concerned about themselves

perhaps we should let him go

no way

he’s a member of the family

all right i’ll feed him right away

shave your face


i hate shaving

yeah me too

every time i shave i always bleed

were you using a fresh blade

it makes no difference whether using old

or new blades i always bleed

perhaps you should try using an electric


i’ve used it before but

it doesn’t give a close shave

maybe you shouldn’t shave

do you want to grow beard

sure thing what’s the harm

because food and other debris got caught

in my beard

i think you should buy shaving cream

two polite people


excuse me

yes can i help you

is this newspapers yours

oh no it’s not mine help yourself

oh yes because i see the newspaper next

to you so i asked you

you’re so polite

yeah it would be rude to take things

without asking someone else’s permission

i agree

some individuals are so impolite

i always make an effort to be courteous

i agree

more nice individuals like us are needed

in the world

lol i completely agree

give me a puppy


i’d like to get a puppy

i’ll think about it

why do you have to consider it

because a puppy is expensive

no it’s not

puppies are completely free

yes but a puppy requires vaccination

vaccination for what

so it doesn’t become ill

but vaccination is not very expensive

and a puppy needs food

dog food is expensive honey

don’t worry i’ll offer him something for

my plate

no you don’t

puppies don’t consume veggies

kittens to give away

take a look at all of these kitties

how many cats do you have

a total of eight

they’re all so adorable

i can’t take care of them all

so what will you do

i think i’ll need to give them to

someone who needs them

do you want an adorable kitten

yes i’d want one


which one do you prefer

yes that one that one’s completely black

yes i like that one as well

i will name him black

happy in heaven


my parents always go to church on sunday

do your parents believe in god

yes they hope to go to heaven


they most likely will

however no one knows for certain

without a doubt

nobody knows what happens to us when we


if we’re good

we should be happy with god in paradise

that’s what a lot of people think

if we’re evil we’ll go to hell forever

i don’t want to go to hell

you’re a good person

on sunday go to church with your parents

his line is never busy


my husband passed away

i’m sorry for your loss

thank you so much

when did he pass away

several months ago

you’re still missing him


yes but i speak with him nearly every


you talk to him when you go to church

no i call him every day

what exactly do you mean

i buried him with his cell phone

what will you do if the battery runs out

friday the 13th


it’s friday the 13th

friday the 13th is considered an unlucky


yeah it happens at least once every year


can occur up to three times in the same



i will be at home today

that’s exactly what i do

on friday the 13th my friend stayed at a


that was a blunder

yeah he stayed on the 13th floor

can you tell me what happened

his laptop was stolen

it’s really bad luck

he’s learned his lesson

this year he’ll just stay at home

do you love me

do you truly love me


you say you love me so prove it

how am i going to prove it

take me out to supper

is that all anything else

please take me to a decent restaurant

rather than mcdonald’s

but a decent restaurant isn’t cheap

but i want to eat steak

oh it’s troublesome

i had a feeling you didn’t love me

all right all right

i’m going to make a reservation now

we’re going to have a steak

dad has a girlfriend

my parents are divorced

what caused your parents to divorce

my father has a new girlfriend


did your father cheat on your mother

yes mom was upset and enraged


what did your mother do when she found

out your father cheated

she told him to break up with his


what exactly did your father do

he’s left our home

that’s bad

my dad dumped my mom

and me

i believe he liked his new girlfriend a


yes but she dumped him after a year

they deliver

the cost of stamps continues to rise

i believe stamps used to be ascent

that happened a long time ago

it happened before i was born

a stamp now costs 42 cents


it will be 44 cents in may

have you ever had a letter go missing in

the mail

no i haven’t

neither have i

so for the money they do an excellent


they do indeed

perhaps we shouldn’t complain

a lost button

my shirt’s button fell off

why did the button fall off

i don’t know so i need to locate the


where did you drop your button i’m not



it is difficult to find a button

did you check your pocket

that’s a nice idea

i once discovered a button in my pocket

let me see

oh no it’s not in there

don’t worry

many shirts include an additional button

there is an additional button on here

all you have to do now is sew it on

did you say something


i’m hungry

i will open the fridge to see if there’s

anything to eat

it’s already 12 o’clock at night

is there anything wrong

right eating at night is very harmful

what are the effects of eating late

when you eat a late night dinner it

leads to several gastric issues


yeah and eating late leads to weight


have you checked yourself in the mirror

do you think i’m going to grow fat

i didn’t say anything like that

what exactly did you say

i just said that eating at night is bad

for your health

washed and folded

have you done your laundry

i did indeed

what have you washed

i washed the bedding and towels

what about the pillowcases

i did take them off the pillows and wash


did you use the dryer to dry everything

yes i did use the dryer to dry


so what did you do after that

i folded every towel

did you put the bed sheets on

yes and i also put the pillowcases on

the pillows

talk radio

do you like to listen to the radio

i listen all hours of the day and night

what music do you listen to

i mostly listen to talk radio

what is it

people discuss current affairs

what do they have to say

for example

they argued with each other whether to

reduce gas prices or not

i agree with the gas price reduction

me too

gasoline prices are very high right now

i spend a lot of money on commuting

the government should make a decision on

reducing petrol prices

a bad diet

i’m starving mom

check the refrigerator

oh no there isn’t anything to eat

are you certain

it’s nearly empty

yesterday i went to the market

i’m not seeing anything

i went out and purchased a bunch of

oranges and apples

i’m not interested in fruit i’m craving

something delicious

eat fruit it’s beneficial to your health

let me accompany you to the market next

time you go

no you always want to buy hot dogs and

candy bars

it’s not good for health at all


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