7 Ways to Improve Your English Speaking

Want to finally start speaking in your target

In this guide, you’ll discover the Top 7 Ways
to practice speaking —on your own — with

our lessons.

Let’s begin!

Number one: Shadowing

Shadowing is a proven learning technique where

all you do is.. repeat what you hear, in order
to practice speaking.

So, access any Audio or Video lesson on the
site, and press the play button to start.

Then, as you listen or watch, just repeat
the conversations.

Or even easier, read along, out loud, with
the dialog section.

The script is right there in front of you.

With our lessons, you can master entire conversations
just like that.

Number two: Read out loud.

I just mentioned it but reading out loud is
another powerful tactic… and deserves its

own mention.

With every lesson, you get written, word-for-word
transcripts and translations.

So, as you play the lesson, read the dialog
out loud as you hear it.


By reading out loud, you’re also practicing
your speaking skills.

You can do this with the lesson notes…

…the lesson transcript…

…or the dialog tool.

With the dialog tool, you can listen to each
line again and again

…and repeat out loud until you master them
all completely.

Number three: Speed up your reading to speed
up your speaking

Fact: Being able to speak without thinking
is a sign of language mastery.

If you’re talking to a native and can respond
quickly, they’ll assume that you’re fairly


How can you do this?

When you read… out loud, try increasing
your speed, every time.

So, start by reading with the Dialog tool.

If you’re like most learners, you’ll read
the first line slowly.

That’s because you’re still getting used
to the words – which is okay.

Re-read it.

On your second try, you know most of the words
and you’ll read a little faster…

Re-read it again.

On your third try, you’ll be even faster

  • at a native speaker’s speed.

And being able to read these phrases, out
loud and fast…

…will help you speak fast.

Number four: Record & compare yourself with
native speakers

In order to sound like a native speaker…
you must imitate native speakers.

So, here’s how.

Access the voice recorder
…which is in the Dialog study tool in every


Click on the microphone icon, listen to the
native speaker’s audio…

…and then record yourself.

You can then compare the two recordings side
by side…

…and practice and try again and again until
you perfect your pronunciation.

Number five: Get feedback from our Premium
PLUS teacher

…If you’re learning by yourself and don’t
have access to real teachers…

Then, you can always get feedback from our
Premium PLUS teachers.

With the My Teacher tool, you can record yourself

…and send the audio file to the teacher.

They will review it and tell you what to improve
and how.

That’s it.

Number six: Level up your speaking with Premium
PLUS Assignments

With Premium PLUS…

You can also get assignments that cover reading,
writing, listening, and even speaking from

your teacher.

These assignments can be tailored to your
goals and needs.

You get a new one every week…

Or anytime you are ready for a new one.

Number seven: Get Even More Lessons in the
Lesson Library

If you want EVEN more lessons on speaking
and conversations,

…visit our Lesson Library, and under “Category,”
choose “Conversation.”

You’ll get all of the pathways and lessons
that are focused on speaking.

If you enjoyed these tips, hit the “like”
button, share it with anyone who’s trying

to learn a language, and subscribe to our

We release new videos every week!

And, if you’re ready to finally learn language
the fast, fun and easy way…

..and start speaking from your very first
lesson…get our complete learning program…

Sign up for your free lifetime account right

Click the link in the description.

I’ll see you next time.
