Autumn Activities Speaking English Conversation Practice


autumn activities

let’s watch the following video to find

out what activities people often do in

the fall

dialog 1 apple picking



hey lucy guess what

what what is it

do you know that there’s an apple farm


really why have i never heard of that


i didn’t know about it either i just

heard from my cousin that he went apple

picking with his friends last week it’s

apple season and i know you like apples

a lot

so do you want to go to that farm with


are you kidding

you know that i love everything about

apples i’m definitely going


let’s also invite kelly rachel and sarah

to come with us

sure the more the merrier

okay i’ll text them later where exactly

is that apple farm

it’s in syracuse

what you said it’s nearby that’s not


oh it’s not that far away from here i

just did an online search

it only takes a bit more than three

hours to go from poukkeep sea to

syracuse if we go by train

well that’s still quite some time

come on

we have nothing to do on the weekend


besides think about all the amazing

things we can do there we can wander

around relax and pick plenty of apples

to bring home

yeah you’re right i guess the long trip

will be worth it

yeah it’ll be fun also we can make so

many things with the apples we pick

uh-huh apple juice

apple pie applesauce


do you know how much the tickets will be

i suppose we’ll need tickets to get into

the apple farm

no my cousin said we don’t need to buy

tickets anyone can visit the apple farm

after calling the farm’s owners

we only need to pay money if we want to

bring the apples back home

ah i see that’s great

let me talk to the guys and buy the

train tickets then

okay cool


dialogue 2

halloween costume


this saturday is halloween have you guys

had any ideas for your costumes yet

yep i’ll be a brown rabbit my cousin

helped me find the perfect costume

ooh nice

i’ll show you guys the costume soon it’s

really cute

what about you luke what character will

you be

i’m gonna be a mummy cool choice

yeah i’ll just need to use toilet paper

for my costume

don’t you think toilet paper is a little

bit too thin though

it’ll be hard to keep it still on your

body and it may even dissolve and break

up if you happen to get wet

you’re right why didn’t i think of that

ah i know we can use old white sheets

just rip them into long strips and wrap

them around you

great idea i’ll ask my mom to help me

with that

what will you be haley

i’m gonna be an evil witch


i thought you were a witch last year’s


yeah i’m the witch every year because it

is always my favorite halloween costume

i see

i need to think of something to make my

costume a bit different from last year

though do you guys have any suggestions

for me how about making a diy costume

this time

what does diy mean

it means do it yourself

instead of renting a costume from the


you can be as creative as you want and

it will save you lots of money

hmm interesting that doesn’t sound too

bad i already have a black dress at home

yeah you still have plenty of time left

you just need to buy a hat and a cape

you can design them however you want

yeah and i think i can also make my own

magic wand and broom

sounds great

thank you for all these awesome ideas

i’ll start preparing for my costume

right away let’s meet again on halloween


okie dokie see you guys

bye guys


dialog 3

sightseeing in the fall


hi julianne

hi melissa

hey julianne what are you doing this


i don’t think i have any plans what’s up

i’m thinking about going to boston to do

some sightseeing would you like to join


yes of course the weather is so

beautiful now it’ll be a shame if we

stay at home all weekend

how about we go there should we buy bus


don’t worry i managed to borrow my

cousin’s car let’s drive there

boston is only two hours from here and

we can also enjoy the sights on the way

yeah awesome i’m so excited i often hear

other people say that boston is most

beautiful in the fall

it really is i’ve been to boston in the

fall before

all the leaves on the trees would turn

yellow or red plenty of dry leaves also

fall on the ground

and there’s warm sunlight which shines

through layers of colorful leaves

it’s such a beautiful scenery that no

words can describe you’ve got to see it

for yourself

wow that sounds wonderful i’ve thought

of plenty of things we can do

we can have a picnic in the park

visit the famous harvard university

and take a walk on the street to enjoy

the beautiful weather and scenery

yeah sounds nice

i also want to try boston signature

dishes like lobster rolls and clam


they are classics i know a very good

restaurant in boston i’ll take you there

awesome thanks melissa


dialogue 4 chestnut roasting and pumpkin



hi meg

hey joe come on in what are you carrying

those bags look heavy let me help you

carry them inside

thanks these are chestnuts

chestnuts wow i can’t believe they are

selling chestnuts already autumn is

really here

i know right halloween is this weekend

and it’s gonna be thanksgiving soon

anyway i saw some raw chestnuts when

going grocery shopping at the local

farmers market yesterday

they looked so good that i couldn’t help


i bought some so that we will have

something to eat while carving pumpkins


great idea

roasted chestnuts are one of my favorite

street food in the cold season

but i always have been buying roasted

chestnuts from street vendors

i actually have never tried roasting

them at home before

don’t worry roasting chestnuts at home

are not hard at all i’ll show you how to

do that

cool let’s get to the kitchen


so what do we do

first we need to go through all the raw

chestnuts we bought and pick out the

best ones

how do we know which ones are not good

look at their shells the good ones will

have hard and shiny shells

they shouldn’t be too light and rattle

when you shake them

ah okay let me see most of the chestnuts

seem fine and not spoiled

yeah i like to shop at the farmer’s

market because most of the food there is


right i agree

oh i just found three chestnuts that are

cracked it’s best if we throw them away

okay what’s next

we need to wash them properly and dry

them off because we’ll touch the shells


eating alright done

next we’ll make an x-shaped cut on the

shelf this step is really important

because it will prevent the chestnuts

from exploding when being roasted

ah that’s why

then we’ll put them in the oven right

yeah it’ll take 10 to 20 minutes we’ll

wait till shells burst open and the

chestnuts look golden brown

i see thanks for teaching me how to make

roasted chestnuts i could do it at home


no problem

well we wait for the chestnuts let’s

switch to carving the pumpkins

here are the pumpkins we picked out on

thursday let me find two sharp knives

okay let’s start by cutting out the top


do you need a spoon i often remove some

of the flesh so it’s easier to carve

good idea can i also borrow a marker and

want to draw the face before i start


here you are be careful when carving

hey will thanks


you’re done already so fast

yep i’m done how does it look

it looks amazing you are really an


thanks i’m used to carving pumpkins

since i do this every year

hey i think our chestnuts are done

roasting they smell so good

yay let’s get them out and eat them

while they’re still hot


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