Conversation Between Parents and Child English Speaking Conversation Practice


parents and children

we all have moments where we want to

stop studying john does too

watch to find out how his family helps

him get through those times

dialogue one

waking up for school



wake up it’s seven already

five more minutes mom

please let me

sleep you need to get up for school or

else you are going to be late baby

i know but seven is still early just

give me a few more minutes okay

no you need to get to school early for

your science exam remember

you told me to wake you up early

science exam

oh no i forgot about it

why didn’t my alarm clock go off okay

i’m up i’m up

dialogue 2

a call from the teacher



is this john’s mom

oh hi yes this is her

may i ask who i am talking to

i am john’s teacher i’m calling to talk

to you about his performance at school

i see

well is there anything wrong with it

i am sad to tell you that he is not

doing very well academically especially

in science

this is his weakest subject also he was

very talkative during today’s exam

oh i am so sorry

thank you for informing me about this

i will have a talk with my son when he

comes home from school today

yes that’s a good idea

if there is anything i can help you with

please let me know

thank you again teacher

no problem

i really do believe that john is a

bright child he just needs a little


i get it thank you

well talk to you later i hope everything

is going to be fine

dialogue three

i don’t want to go to school


hi honey how was school

hey mom it was fine boring as ever

boring why so can you tell me

because i don’t understand anything mom

i don’t want to go to school anymore


what subjects do you find the hardest


i don’t know


history as well

it is so boring

and what about science

oh my god don’t get me started on


i probably failed today’s exam for it

it’s okay i understand when i was your

age i wasn’t good at science either


grandpa took time off from work to help

me do my homework so i improved a lot

do you want me to help you honey we can

try together

that sounds great mom thank you

dialogue for

meeting the teacher


hello john’s mom right

yes you must be jon’s teacher nice to

finally meet you

nice to meet you too

please have a seat

thank you i was informed that you wanted

to see me in person

yes that is right

is there anything wrong has john done

something bad again

not really i want to inform you that jon

has surprisingly made a big improvement

in his performance at school

wow are you serious

yes he has been staying back after

school for extra classes and group work

his friends have helped him a lot as

well for the past few weeks

that is amazing i cannot thank you and

jon’s friends enough

no don’t thank us thank john

he has really tried so hard this time

and i can see immediate results from his


i’m very glad to hear this teacher

dialogue 5

stay up late



mina time for bed


can we play a bit more mommy there’s no

school tomorrow

no baby you can play tomorrow morning

can’t you

besides it is already past your regular


i know mom but we are having a lot of


i don’t want to sleep yet


tell you what

if you go to bed now i will read you a

story how does that sound

i don’t like hearing stories

i do can you read me two stories mommy

you see jon your sister listens to me

more than you

fine let me clean up these toys first

good boy

mina help your brother clean as well

okay mommy

dialog 6 a messy room


john you need to clean up your room it

is so messy

oh mom

why are you in my room

come on get up you shouldn’t throw your

clothes onto the floor like this

i know i know

i will pick them up later

no you pick them up now

all right is that good enough mom


you have to put all your trash in the

bin and take it outside

also tidy up your desk what’s with the

books laying all around

got it mom

remember to sweep the floor as well

my feet are dirty just from walking in



be quick honey dinner is almost ready

dialog 7 a new pet


john i want a pet

a pet which pet do you want

i don’t know

a cat

nah cats are too lazy what about a


ew no

i hate spiders you know that don’t you

i’m just joking

why don’t we get a dog

a dog sounds nice i want a little puppy

i want a bigger dog so we can take it

outside to play

no a small dog is better that way we can

cuddle with it

hmm that is also true

why don’t we ask our parents about it

first before making a decision



mom dad what do you guys think about

getting a dog as a pet

that’s fine but you and your sister need

to take good care of it

we know

we are just wondering if we should get a

small or big one

a small one would fit our family better

since we don’t have a yard

see i told you

dialog 8 enjoy your meal


what are we having for dinner honey

we’re having pizza darling

did i hear pizza

yeah that’s right your favorite parent

just ordered some pizza

i love you both equally

what about you mina who do you love more

me or your dad


i don’t know

this is a hard question

you can tell us


oh my god

my heart

but i still love you dad

love you too baby

pizza is here come grab a piece everyone

this pizza is so good where did you get

it dad

at the local shop i think they just

changed their chef

well it’s really tasty let’s eat it

again soon


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