How to Talk About Time in English Learn English Speaking Easily Quickly


what time is it

what time is it

conventional everyday questions or

communication when talking about the

exact time

see the following situations to learn

how to ask questions and answers about


situation 1.

jackson it’s exactly 4 45 pm

can you be quicker please

okay i almost finished

you are as slow as a snail

i’m coming

hurry up

we can be stuck in traffic jams if we

are only five minutes late

i know

take my car keys alice

here it is

oh my god there are so many cars

it’s a long queue

what time is it alice

it’s almost 10 past five

it’s too early the party is going to

start at six o’clock

we can go there in 45 minutes

if there’s no heavy traffic like this

don’t worry i’ll go a shorter way

it’s up to you as long as we arrive

there in time

of course

i don’t think we can be at the

restaurant at exactly 6 pm


now it’s almost half past five and it

takes us about one hour to go there with

the traffic problem jackson

no way i just glanced at my watch a few

minutes ago

it cannot be 5 30.

so what time is it

just almost 5 20.


turns out my watch is fast

30 minutes later

alice do you see where it is well

eventually we will get there

i told you we would be at the party in

time now it’s exactly six o’clock

i know it’s exactly eight to six

let’s go in


situation two


hi sally are you on the road uh how much

longer does it take for you to be in the


wait wait on the road to where

oh no

do you really ask that question

why not it’s too early now

too early you don’t know what time it is

do you

what time is it

a quarter to seven


exactly a quarter to seven

oh my gosh

i’ll arrive there now

hurry up you may be late

taxi taxi

uh get in please

where would you like to go i need to go

to the map box company please

lady bang the door please



no problem

how long does it take to get there if no

jam we can get there around a quarter

past seven o’clock

excuse me but could you drive a bit

faster i’m in a hurry

i can’t break the traffic rules

just a bit faster i need to be present

at the office by 7 15.

don’t worry now it’s just 5 to 7. it

usually takes 15 minutes to get there

thank you

i’ll go the shorter way the road ahead

often has heavy traffic

thank you so much

have you got the time here

i left both my phone and watch at home

five past seven lady

will we get there in time

i’ll try

many thanks

my presentation to the board starts at

half past seven so i’m a little bit in a


is it nearly 7 15

no don’t worry we’re nearly there about

8 minutes

here we are now it’s exactly 7 past 7.

you won’t be late

thank you

how much is it your total is uh

uh that’s fine keep the change thank you

so much

there was nothing

hi john has the meeting started

not yet


why could you tell me the time please

23 past seven

if so you must have been in the meeting

room why are you here

you’re so lucky sally the meeting is

delayed it starts at eight o’clock

oh how lucky i am

i did set an alarm at about a quarter to

six but it didn’t go off

so that’s why i was late


let’s prepare you for your presentation


okay thanks for calling john


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