If I were you I wouldnt stay up so late English Speaking Skills Practice



i were you if clause

type 2 is used to express dreams

unreal situations and things that

are unlikely to happen watch this video

to learn ways you can use a type 2

conditional sentence

dialogue one it’s mia’s first

time cooking she asks her parents

david and michelle for their options

mom dad please come try this dish that i


i am not sure if it is good or not

let me see

oh i think it is quite good

come on dad do not lie it can’t be good

with that look on your face

it is good for your first time

thank you anyway what about you mom what

do you think of this dish

if i were you honey i would add another

pinch of salt to it

it is a little bit bland i got it mom

anything else no it really is not bad

for your first time

great job honey thank you

by the way dad if i were you i would

give my honest


what i really think it is not bad

maybe a little bad sure dad whatever you


oh sweetheart i will eat anything you

cook you know that

thank you for saying that dad i really

appreciate it

you’re welcome david do not ruin your


but i would not forget to email my boss

if i were you in your position

oh yes i almost did thank god you

reminded me

i will do that after dinner

dialogue too tom john

and alice are schoolmates tom really

likes alice

and he wants to ask her out he asks for

john’s advice on how he should do that

hey john i have something to tell you

of course why are you hesitant though

well um i don’t know if i should tell

you or not

it’s a bit personal oh come on

we are best friends just spill it okay

so i kind of like alice alice

is the girl from our class yes

oh my god tom you do realize everyone

knows that right

no what my feelings for alice

yes what else you are so obvious

but have you told her yet no

i haven’t i want to invite her to the

pool party this

saturday night but i don’t know where i

can find her

well except in our class of course but

that class is on friday i think she will

already have made plans by then

if i were you i would just give her a

call bro

if i had her number i would do that


oh you don’t have her number i can give

you it

amazing how do you have it and i don’t

well let’s just say i am obviously the


likable one between us two oh please

john give me a break


dialogue three lauren and michael

are neighbors they go to the gym


hey michael looking good today

thanks lauren i can’t say that about you

though what happened

oh i’m just tired i haven’t had a good

sleep since forever

if i were you i wouldn’t stay up so late

you need to sleep in order to have good

skin and let your muscles rest

i know but i have so much work to do

i hate being an accountant that’s why i

want to become an artist

not only because it is my passion but

also i can work whenever i want

you want to become an artist that is so


what do your parents think about it i’ve

not told them yet

i’m not sure if they would support me or


why not if i were you i would be honest

with them

tell them why you want to become an

artist and let them know how happy it

would make you

i think all parents want their kids to

be happy

you are right i’m thinking of telling

them this weekend but i don’t know

maybe i should not just do it

get it out of the way michael i’m sure

you will be a great artist

thank you so much lauren i appreciate it

dialogue 4 linda and mark recently got


linda lets mark know that they are going

to be parents

oh my god mark mark come here

what’s wrong darling i think i am


oh my god this is the best news ever

you are going to be an amazing mom linda

and you are going to be an amazing dad

i’m so happy have you told your parents


my parents yet no i have not

i told you as soon as i found out let’s

call them

if they knew they would be so surprised

and happy

i agree but should we tell them in

person instead of calling them

i think that would be more special sure

honey we can wait and do that later if

you want

yes i still can’t believe it

me neither how do you feel well i don’t

feel any different with my body than


because it hasn’t been long but i do

feel very excited

me too we should go see the doctor soon

i will make an appointment good idea


dialogue 5 mary peter and lisa

live under the same roof mary’s laptop

is broken

and she asks her housemates for help

this stupid laptop what’s wrong with it

i cannot open any files

what’s wrong mary why are you yelling

my laptop it isn’t working and i have a


important task due today let me see if i

can help

i think this issue is serious you should

probably get it fixed professionally

i don’t have time for that if jack were

here he would know how to fix it

oh mary you guys broke up a while ago

are you still not over him not really

i miss him a lot it’s all right take

your time

you know what you can use my laptop for

now and go get your

laptop fixed later thank you so much


you are a lifesaver you’re welcome

now get that task done girl i’m on it

are you sure you don’t need to use it

not until next week



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