In the Drugstore Useful English for Speaking Everyday


in the drugstore

in the drugstore we buy a lot of things

from daily necessities to medicines for

certain diseases

watch the video and see what people buy

at the drug store

situation 1 another drug


good morning how can i help you

good morning i have a prescription from

dr alex about my headache please give me

the drug for it

okay let me see it

here it is

okay wait for some minutes i will take

them for you

thank you so much


ah mary sorry but our pharmacy doesn’t

have bag type headache medicine as your

doctor prescribes

we ran out of it for three days we only

have two out of three that the doctor

prescribed what a pity

yes sorry about that but you can have

another type

what is that

these days people prefer a headache

paste to a pill headache paste is more

convenient for you

is that effective as pills

of course they are the same function

they also have similar headache

treatment ingredients

they are different only in the form of

use patches and

pills sounds good but does it work when

i use it with two other drugs

no problem i am sure it is no different

with the doctor’s prescription if you

ask your doctor about this he will agree

with me too i guarantee

okay take it for me and can you tell me

how i should use it

yes very easy you don’t have to pay

attention to use it on time whenever you

have a headache cut and stick a small

patch on your temple area it can reduce

the pain

thank you so much please put them in the

bag for me how much is this

nine dollars please

here you go have a nice day you do


situation two buy things at a drugstore


hello how can i help you

hello i need some small stuff

yes what are they i can take them for


first i need a bottle of shampoo

do you need a large or mini size

i think a small size is enough i just

use it during my trip for one week

okay what else

a toothbrush

what color

pink please

no give me two pink and black please i

buy them for my husband

okay what about toothpaste

no i don’t need it at home i still have

small tubes of toothpaste they are a

bonus when i buy the larger one they’re

useful now

is there anything else you need

let me think i need to prepare a lot of

things for the trip

ah give me a pair of face towels

okay and you can also use cotton pads

they are more convenient to carry and

use when traveling

that sounds good so i’ll take them

what kind do you want 120 pieces a bag

or bigger


bigger please if i don’t use it up

during the trip i can take it home and

use it

good idea is there anything else

no that will be all thank you so much

how much are they

your bill is twenty dollars

here it is thanks

thank you


situation three drugs for cough and

runny nose


hey mary what’s wrong you look tired are

you under the weather

hi jack i feel sick i think i have a


what are your

symptoms cough and runny nose yesterday

i just woke up and i had a frog in my


that’s awful you should buy drugs to end

this immediately

yes you’re right

hi how can i help you

yes i think i have a cold i’ve been

suffering a cough and runny nose for two


have you had a fever

actually no my temperature is stable do

you think i caught a cold due to the

change in weather

i think so a lot of people also came to

buy medicine today because of a cold

yes weather like this makes people so


okay i see you should use cough syrup

you will need to drink this three times

a day within one hour before or after

the meal

for three to four days your cough will

be treated

great how about the runny nose

yes i suggest you should use flu

medicine it relieves symptoms including

cough and runny nose

good but is there anything i need to

notice about when taking these drugs

yes you need to carefully check the

drug’s content to know if it contains

any chemical substance that’s you’re

allergic to

okay anything else

well you also need to remember to take

drugs regularly or else its function

will not be as effective as it should be

twice a day after lunch and dinner

does it have any side effects

i think it can make you a bit sleepy

okay no problem

if you have a fever come back to me and

take fever tablets

okay i’ll remember thanks

you’re welcome


situation four

drugs for diarrhea and vomiting


hi pharmacist

you look so tired what is the matter

well i have been suffering from diarrhea

and vomiting about three hours ago

i feel so exhausted because of this i

just walked some steps and was ready to


have you eaten anything strange before

yes i ate some chocolate in the morning

okay i see these symptoms seem to be

very serious

you may have food poisoning or some

digestive problems

that’s bad so what should i do to end


based on your symptoms i will write a

prescription for you

you need to take these anti-diarrhea

drugs twice a day before lunch and

dinner it will cure diarrhea and you

will feel better also you need to stick

with soft food such as porridge noodles

cereal and especially drinking water for


okay i’ll remember

but how do i deal with the vomiting

in order to cure the vomiting you will

need to eat the food as i mentioned

before and also stay away from fried or

sweets because they can make your

symptoms worse

does it have any side effects on my

stomach i have a stomach ache

don’t worry about that it is safe for


okay i see

and you should pay more attention to

your eating habits you should not eat

strange foods because they may not be

suitable for your body you may be


of course thanks for your useful advice


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