Learn English Speaking Easily Quickly English Conversation Practice Easy




i’m jack hello

my name is anne nice to meet you

it’s a pleasure so this is the house

it’s really beautiful yes it is

but it’s very difficult to keep clean

sorry not a good start

don’t worry your accent is very

clear where are you from

i’m from oxford wow

oxford 100 english

yes and you’re american

is that right yes but my family is from


oh italy is wonderful

my sister is in italy at the moment

where she’s in rome

studying italian painters

she’s really happy italians are

so friendly oh

that’s alice hi

she is also part of the family

oh it’s nice to meet you alice

so this is jack the new flatmate

yes nice to meet you jack

i’m from sydney in australia

and you are a capricorn

yes amazing i come from america

i’m from new york wow

the big apple yes

okay um can i put my things in the


let me help you

hey this is nice i’m

glad you like it it’s a mexican hat

you look great but look at this

a bottle of italian wine do you like




this wine is very good

yes it’s really good

um by the way you are

very lucky look it’s raining now

yes i am lucky

um that’s my photo album there

the pictures of all my friends are here

oh that’s interesting show me

so this is mary

she’s from ireland her mother and father

are greek her parents are from greece

yes they are greek

they’re from athens oh

and who’s that that’s alice

no that’s not alice

yes it is after a party

a halloween party haha

that’s funny and oh

and who are they that’s sharon

and peter they live in the flat near


they’re good friends she’s very pretty

um yes

hello my name is jack

i’m a new flatmate it’s nice to meet you

hello jack i’m peter nash

and sharon okay

and this is sharon

it’s a pleasure how are you sharon

fine thanks

oh good you’re friends


and you are a great cook

thank you jack i have a form i need to

fill in

can you help me of course

but what form finally

i have all the points and i can get that

marvelous set of

chinese plates

oh congrats all right

let me see the questions

what’s your name are you joking

okay okay a-n-n-e

and what’s your family name my surname

yes right baxter

b a x t

e r and what’s your phone number

it’s oh four

five four seven

eight six two

oh nine seven

o four five

four seven eight eight

two oh nine seven

no it’s oh four five four

seven eight six two oh nine

seven right

you have to remember this is your

telephone number two

you’re right are you married

no i’m single a pretty girl like you

is still single

yes for the moment i’m

single next question please

where are you from there are a lot of


it’s for your chinese plates

okay for the last time i’m from

england from oxford


no o x f o

r d just joking

it’s okay what’s next

just two more questions

the address is

45 trinity lane flat

c what’s the post code


c 1 4 r

n and what’s your job

i’m an employee of a publishing company

oh you were just the right person for me

i have a great love story to write


i always go shopping on saturdays

the first thing i do on saturday is to

drive to the supermarket

i sometimes go shopping on saturdays

but usually i sleep late

i’m always so tired on saturdays

i’m never tired at the weekend

the weekend is the time for fun

i paint go jogging go out with some


unfortunately i sometimes have to study

oh i sometimes do a little work at the


when i’m free i like going swimming

going to exhibitions or to concerts

if i have enough money oh

and every sunday i clean up the entire

flat and in the evening i watch tv

oh i never watch tv

it’s so boring

peter and i like going to the cinema on

the weekend

yes it’s important not to watch too much

tv an hour a day or so that’s enough

come on guys you talk like my


work tv housework on the weekends

life is more i want you to take me to

places where

young people have fun

great get ready grandpa

work is so hard guys i wake up at 6

30 every day have breakfast

and take the train to work every day

i know i get up at seven

but i have a friend at work who usually

gets up at six

why that’s too early

takes him an hour to drive to work

wow that’s a long drive


yes but he lives in the country

i think he’s lucky every weekend he can

go for walks

in the woods not in traffic jams

i guess that’s pretty nice he lives in

the countryside but works in the city

pretty nice combination

and what about you sharon

what time do you wake up i usually get

up at about

nine o’clock but

i live in the city it’s easy to get to


yeah but you get home very late

often at 6 30 or 7.

you know i sometimes have five or six

groups of tourists a day

you work too much my dear

and you sing too much peter


alice i bet you don’t wake up at six

o’clock every day

tell us something about your typical day

at university

well i sometimes have classes in the


but i usually have classes in the


on mondays i always attend lectures in

the morning

and where do you study

i usually study in the library but i


study at home too when i don’t have

classes in the morning

my friend david also studies at your


do you remember him david leary

yes i occasionally see him in the


and sometimes in the park

in the park doing what

he likes studying there he takes his


finds a nice park bench and reads there

not a bad idea you can study and

enjoy nature at the same time

yes i like the park too

unfortunately i often need books that

are in the library

and what about lunch do you usually make

sandwiches and take them with you

oh no i hate cooking

i usually have lunch in the cafeteria

with friends

oh i do just the opposite

i usually cook lunch at home i seldom

have a quick lunch

at coffee shops

okay guys stop with this boring talk

what about fun do any of you do anything


working and studying it’s saturday

remember you’re right jack

i’m so happy it’s saturday

me too it’s weekend time

time for shopping


hi sharon have a seat

thanks ann it’s almost ready

what’s for brunch oh no

pasta you can’t cook pasta

i’m trying to lose weight relax

dear it’s sunday

here try some

what about salt good

i guess i can eat it this time

the salt is okay do you like cooking

why don’t you cook lunch for us sometime

oh i love cooking but it takes time

and i can’t cook every day

well cooking is not my favorite hobby

but i’m the only one who knows how to


in this flat i can imagine

i really love baking cakes

um oh that’s true

i remember now and i love your cakes

thanks ann but cooking isn’t my only


i love going to the cinema and reading

as well i love being busy

so i don’t have time to think too much

think about what about what’s missing in

my life

but let’s talk about something else

so if you like movies

there’s a good film at the cinema


how about going together it’s a good


let’s ask jack too


hey jack good morning

look at this picture of beck nicholson


i know him can you win surf

yeah i’m not great but i can

win surf a little i like windsurfing in

the summer holidays

and what about you

no i’m afraid i can’t

but i can swim pretty well

it’s a great sport what sports do you

like doing

well i can play tennis but i’m not

very good at it oh

i can play chess very well

chess that’s not a sport

that’s a hobby

no it’s a sport

can you play chess no

i don’t like playing cards chess or

other table games

so what do you do during the winter

oh i go to the gym i can play basketball

pretty well

i can also do a little karate

that’s interesting i can do a little

karate as well

where do you go i like going to the

karate gym on 4th

street oh interesting

i’m looking for a gym why don’t we go

there together

i’m usually free on saturdays

sure but i never go on saturday

it’s the only day i have time to spend

with sharon

i usually go on friday afternoons

but now i’m so nervous about my audition

that i don’t have time for the gym and

for sharon

too she’s getting pretty angry

well if you want i can take her out


oh jack you’re such a good friend

maybe you can help me with my audition


all right


hi sharon how are you hi

jack i’m fine thanks

and you i’m fine too

why are you calling me well

i’m alone ann is out for a business


yeah me too peter is not at home

oh peter is two yes

he’s at an audition he is at an audition

today yes

well why don’t we have lunch together

when at home no

yeah don’t be doing anything

too fussy jack yes

something simple yes

so i’m going to your house right now

okay great

hi jack what’s up oh you’re here

um i’m preparing for lunch

ann is out and sharon is coming

great i’m hungry

hi jack hi

alice is here yeah she’s in her room

sorry about that i would like to be

alone with you but

you know yeah i know

okay sharon

i’m a cook what would you like

why don’t you cook some pasta

sounds good what kind of pasta do you


well we have macaroni

spaghetti let’s have lasagna

um that’s too much work

shall we have spaghetti great

excellent spaghetti with meat sauce

great and how about having some wine

with lunch it’s the middle of the day

i have to work later let’s just

have some mineral water

fine mineral water is good

and what about a salad too

a nice green salad with tomatoes and


your wish is my command

and about my wish i want wine

well here’s some red wine for you

thanks and do we have any roles

no but there’s a loaf of bread

great we’re set

what’s on tonight um just a moment

can you hand me the tv guide oh here you


what would you like to watch let’s watch

a documentary

oh documentaries are so boring

why don’t we watch la kids please

more soap operas i can’t stand

soap operas how about

watching the news fine

let’s watch the news and then maybe a


right that’s a good compromise

shall we make something to eat what

would you like

how about some sandwiches tuna fish

sandwiches okay

tuna fish sandwiches why don’t you go

and prepare them all for us

alright it’s my turn now

why what do you mean we had lunch with

sharon today and jack was the cook

oh what a piece of news

what would you like to drink let’s have

a beer

great we’ve got some good lager in the


tv sandwiches and a beer



hi alice what are you doing

i’m just relaxing a bit watching some tv

what’s on i’m watching the news

so what’s happening

in the world the usual

politicians are trying to pretend they

know what they are doing

alice you are such a skeptic

that’s the way i am what’s that

it’s a book i’m reading what’s it about

it’s a story about a woman a young woman

who can’t stand her father

that sounds interesting

yeah it’s not that bad

alice what’s wrong

do you want to talk about it

no i’m so tired now

i’m going to bed good night

what are you doing i’m connecting to the

internet because

i need to send an email

who are you sending an email to

to my boss in america he needs the

weekly report

immediately why

because he has a meeting with the

shareholders tomorrow morning

what’s happening with the laptop

the internet connection isn’t working

very well

sometimes it happens to my computer too

do you have a suggestion usually

peter lends me his computer

is peter at home no

i think there’s only sharon okay

i’m going anyway


yes i am listening to you

yes i’m listening

who’s she talking to i don’t know

i guess it’s her father

just a moment what do you want

nothing it’s four o’clock in the morning

is everything all right alice

it’s none of your business

what excuse us sorry to interrupt

listen i know it’s late

i’m sorry but i’m talking to my father

he’s in boston now it’s nine o’clock



what do you want

i’m not tired anymore

neither am i what about

eating something i don’t know

i’m not really hungry i’m going to the

internet to chat with a friend in italy

would you like to join me

now that i’m not sleeping anymore

would you like to see him how

i have pictures of him on my computer

and you know what he can see you too

with the webcam what

oh my gosh no

please i’m horrible now

no you’re not and besides

he might be interested why

do you think i need a boyfriend

fine i’m looking forward to seeing you

bye bye oh my god

okay guys don’t panic

what we have to be strong

and try to keep calm what are you

talking about

she’s coming tomorrow morning

who for god’s sake who

aunt mary the owner of the flat

so what your auntie

what’s so terrible about her

let me explain imagine me

in 50 years you mean

you old with your manias

your cleaning obsessions

oh my god okay okay don’t

panic so

what do we have to do let me

see what do you have scheduled for today

today is a busy day i have to finish my


no way painting means brushes

colors dirt and mess everywhere

as for me let’s check my date book

date book i don’t believe it you mean

you don’t have a pda

please alice i have a program on my


i don’t need a pda as well

i’m just surprised that’s all you are

usually highly technological

that’s not entirely true i like to use

paper and pen as well

okay leave it guys let’s go

straight to the point

what’s on your schedule today

i’m meeting a client from four to five

and then i’m going to the mall why are

you going to the mall

i want to buy a new modem for my pc

a new modem that’s not exactly

business yes

well there’s something wrong with mine

okay maybe it’s not that important

i can go tomorrow morning

that’s very kind of you jack well

let me see i’ve got a list with all your

duties here

but what is it it’s always with me

for emergencies you know

like this one jack

at your order general

you have to clean up the kitchen

you’re washing the dishes cleaning the


and the fridge the burners and the basin

oh and finally you have to sweep

and mop the floor i’m ready

oh and obviously you have to clean your

bedroom too

sounds exciting alice

you have to clean the living room

you have to throw all these magazines

out put

all the cds in order clean up the carpet

and dust the furniture

do i have to mop the floor as well

of course as for me i’m cleaning the

bathroom and

all the windows well

i want you both in the living room at

half past

six for a detailed report okay

yes sir yes sir


well done guys i’m proud of you

neat and clean rather stressful

i know but at last the flat is

perfectly clean

yes but now it’s us

that needs to be cleaned oh

excuse me hello

aunt mary everything is ready for your

arrival i’m picking you up at the

airport tomorrow at


really oh

i understand what is shame

oh no no not a problem at all

i hope you get well soon

right bye bye

so what

and mary isn’t coming anymore

she’s got cold

hey guys i’ve got the part

but what’s happening here

nothing special congratulations peter


can you help me

have you got a moment peter

i’ve got a problem with my computer

oh i don’t know very much about


and i’m going out

they’re waiting for me at the theater

always busy eh

okay okay sharon take it easy

shall we have a look thanks peter

you’ve got a big heart let’s see if i

can help before you

thank me all right

i can’t use this program

i use it every day and today it isn’t

opening hmm

why don’t you turn the computer off and


turn it on again okay peter

that’s really a great idea

you are a genius what would i do without


i know my dear what are you working on

i’m writing my curriculum because i

would like to find a new job

listen peter i don’t know how to write


can you help me please

i’m sorry sharon i’m in a hurry

i have no time i’m late

they’re waiting for me very kind as


listen peter ann

alice and i are going to the cinema this


would you like to come i’d like to

but i can’t i have to

go to the theater yes i know

you always have something else to do

come on sharon what’s the problem

maybe you are jealous of my career

oh peter i’m just tired of always coming


hi anne house war come

yes at last

can i ask you a question

sure uh how are you and peter

we’re fine thanks listen

i want to go to that book shop do you


oh yes the one with lots of

photography books yeah

and thriller books yeah

and with the red coffee tables and


on the windows yeah

where you can sit down and find a

delicious hot chocolate

yes and that’s the one

the london reader it’s a great place

yes how do i get there

is it far you can walk from here

it’s about 10 minutes away

great okay let’s

see go out the front door

and turn left easy enough

go straight ahead past the traffic light

right straight ahead past the traffic


turn right into june lane

june lane follow june lane

to the end of the street and turn right

on may avenue just a moment

turn left on may avenue

no no no turn right

onto may avenue and the bookshop is

hi sharon what are you girls

talking about i’m giving

sharon directions for the london reader

so turn right onto may avenue

in the book shop is the second shop on

the left

next to the butcher no

anne sharon the bookshop

is on the right past the museum

and between a chemist’s and a bank

no no jack you are wrong

the bookshop is okay okay guys

be quiet don’t worry i’ve got my map


sharon i can come with you

if you don’t mind great

that’s very kind of you jack

jack housework do you remember

hey alice what are you doing

do you mind giving us a hand with the


please can’t you see

i’m cleaning the computer

i see i see why is the computer

on just a moment

i don’t understand how to connect

to the internet on this computer

can you help me okay

but just for one moment

thanks jack okay

click on that icon

what’s an icon that symbol

on the screen do you mean this picture

of a telephone yes

click on that right now what

enter your username and password

okay and click on

that button there click on

that button

and now you are connecting to the


hey that’s easy

it’s very easy alice

you’re hopeless with computers

and with housework 2

come on alice it’s time to clean up this

mess now


jack where were you yesterday evening

why there was a great

party at mary’s

really i wasn’t invited

i can’t believe that everyone

was invited i’m sure

i wasn’t anyway

i was busy yesterday

ah did you have a meeting with some


no i didn’t

so what

where were you i was with

robert at the red lion pub

that’s impossible robert

was at the party oops

i always get them mixed up

i was with charles

charles was at the party too

come on jack

who were you with you’re too

curious alice okay

okay i was with a girl

oh and

what well what’s her

name do we know her

how old is she stop

alice stop it’s none of your business

okay okay you don’t want to tell us

hmm that’s okay

i like a mystery it makes life

exciting well

let’s change the subject peter

where were you yesterday evening

why weren’t you at the party i was at

the theater

we’re preparing a performance

and you sharon where were you

me where were you

um i was at home watching a film

on tv which one

um the latest film starring nicole


what’s the name yes

mulan rouge really

that’s strange i remember

here look it’s on tv today

really oh they always show the same


on tv

oh don’t get up i’ll get the door

daily conversations talk about your



there’s a postcard for you alice

for me oh it’s from my father

he was in the bahamas last week

really i was in the bahamas last

summer just you

oops sorry sharon

we were in the bahamas last summer

it was sunny and hot

the perfect weather for swimming and


it was fantastic

fantastic yeah fantastic

i’m sure it was i prefer holidays

in the winter it’s too hot

in the summer

i’m like going to the mountains

and skiing

my last holiday was two years ago

two years ago

yes it was a long time ago

i need another holiday soon


anyway was your father on holiday

in the bahamas alice

no he wasn’t he’s working on a new play


roy clark oh how fascinating must it be

to be a director

fame money and a lot of

traveling around the world

and no time for family

just a few calls postcards

and a lot of misunderstandings

why don’t you call him now i don’t

think that’s a good idea

why when was your last call

three weeks ago that’s a long time

come on alice call him

i’m sure he’ll be happy to hear from you

well maybe you’re right

okay i’ll call him

thanks jack for your advice

i mean


yes that’s exactly what i told him

i sent him an email asking for more


no i didn’t i’m sorry

i didn’t have enough time today

okay okay i’ll call him in 10 minutes


hi jack hi anne

so did you have a good day

no i didn’t it was a horrible day anne

i had a lot of work to do

first i met some clients in the city

we met at nine o’clock and finished at

two after that

i checked the monthly loss and profit


twice and then i wrote some letters

i’m so tired well

now relax have a glass of wine

you’re lucky i’m cooking lasagna

your favorite dish

no thanks and

i ate lasagna at lunch

oh but it’s not a problem

i’ll prepare something else

and after dinner we can watch

wimbledon on tv

there is a men’s singles match

it should be exciting i’m sorry anne

i i can’t

i have some work to finish

and then i’m going to my karate gym

that’s how i relax

hey jack just a moment

didn’t you notice anything

did you clean the kitchen

no i didn’t oh

did you receive your marvelous set of

chinese plates

no jack nothing about the house

it’s about me oh

i see you bought a new pair of shoes

didn’t you they’re very nice

well i have to go now it’s late

it doesn’t matter go bye

such a waste of time


hey anne thanks a lot for the tip on the

bookshop oh my god

anne what’s happening here

makeup let me see

a new hairstyle a new dress

you look great

at last somebody noticed my

change it’s impossible not to notice

thanks well what were you talking about

oh i wanted to thank you for the tip on

the bookshop

it’s a great shop great

i’m glad you liked it i

love sitting and drinking a cup of

coffee and looking

at books yes that’s exactly

what i did i sat down

ordered a cup of coffee and red

and i found all the books i wanted

what books did you buy

i bought a biography about virginia


and a book about archaeology

and you what are you doing

i’m trying not to think about all my


so i’m looking at some pictures

can i see them sure

they’re pictures of us oh look

look at this one we’re in edinburgh

we went on a trip do you remember

yes i do how funny

alice was in that scottish hat

did we go by car oh

no we didn’t we went by train


and at the very last moment

peter didn’t come because of the


yes as usual

and who is this i don’t know

him oh that’s frank

a friend of mine i met him on holiday

in norway we had a good time together

and afterward

he went his way and i went my way

yeah that’s life

did you have an affair with him

no no i didn’t

nothing like that we were only good


do you keep in touch

no we don’t he wrote me a letter

five years ago he sent me an

invitation to his wedding

did you go no

i didn’t well unfortunately

i had a lot of work and i couldn’t get


hey but this is jack

how smart he looks in this picture

yes he does do you mind

anne if i keep this picture with me

i i do mind

no way i’m sorry sharon but

no why not

what do you care about it and you

what do you care about it

hey girls what’s happening here

nothing at all

talk about peter’s performance

how does the scarf suit me anne

oh very well you look fine

really i’m not sure

look maybe this one looks better

don’t panic peter everything is going to


all right tonight i don’t know

actually i have a sore throat

i’ll sing badly tonight i’m sure

come on peter you will sing

very well you are a professional

singer don’t forget it

well i’m going to have some tea

would you like some thank you anne

i would really like a cup of tea

if it’s not too much trouble

no not at all i’ll just add some water

to the pot

a cup of tea and my chocolate cake

will keep your mind off the musical

for five minutes at least

shall i give you a hand uh

yes thanks

here is the cake

oops oh peter

okay listen i know you are

nervous but try to be careful

please i’m sorry anne

how do you think the musical will go

i think it will go very well

greece is considered a classic musical

it’s successful entertaining

there will be loads of people clapping


do you really think so

sure i do hey

peter what time does the show start

at nine o’clock how are we going to get

to the theater

i’m going to drive i don’t think that’s

a very good idea

why not because parking there is almost

impossible okay

we’ll take the tube that’s a much better


when shall we leave around

8 30 no that’s too late

okay we’ll leave earlier

oh i’m so sorry anne

peter you’re hopeless okay

okay listen i think

you need to relax a bit

why don’t you go and take a nap

i can’t sleep i’m too nervous

okay why don’t you rehearse your part


i can’t i can’t remember anything

okay okay go wherever you want

just please leave me alone


hi anne hi peter i’m

starving is there anything to eat

how can you think about the food at a

time like this

why what’s the matter what’s the matter

the performance is tonight

come on peter don’t panic everything

is going to be all right tonight

don’t worry why

does everyone tell me the same stupid


because it’s the truth look

peter take this lucky charm

i bought it in portobello market this


i’ll give it to you as a lucky mascot

remember you have to kiss it three times

and then keep it in the right pocket of

your jacket

why just the right pocket well

i don’t know the woman who gave it to me

said this is what you have to do

anyway i’m sure it will bring you luck


i’m not so sure why not

shall we bet on it all right

sounds like fun how much

oh let’s make it interesting

if it brings you luck you’ll take me to


at bluebird bluebird

are you crazy that’s london’s most

expensive restaurant

i know i know but the musical is

important to you peter

isn’t it all right alice

what will you do if it doesn’t bring me


well i will cook dinner for a month

but you can’t cook

peter that’s why i said it

this way i’m sure you will make it bring




well guys why don’t we go to the cinema


that’s a great idea what’s on

well there’s this new film with

schwarzenegger that should be good

you’re joking right no i’m not

what would you suggest how about going

to the disco

the disco are you crazy alice

that’s not even music that’s simply

noise come on peter

it’s saturday night we have to do

something special

something exciting and

going dancing is surely more exciting

than going to the cinema

i agree with alice let’s go dancing

what about a third choice i guess

ann is right why don’t we try to find a

good compromise

come on guys how boring and


are you and you

are more frivolous than i am alice

come on guys don’t argue now please

let’s vote on it well

alice and i want to go dancing


peter and ann don’t how about you sharon

i don’t know well

the disco is probably more entertaining

than the cinema

great okay guys

three against two let’s go



here’s my party hat how do you like it

you look great i

envy you the hat really suits you

well i envy your room anne

but with all this traffic how do you


oh i’m used to it

which disco are we going to

paradise it’s a new disco on kings road

it’s very nice did tom

and you go there together


yes we went last saturday


we spent a nice night together

maybe i asked the wrong question

you don’t like tom do you

he’s boring very boring

besides he’s an aries

and he talks too much last

night for example he showed me

all the pictures of his holiday in the


he talked for an hour about the


but i hate the mountains

why do you say that the mountains are


and spectacular i prefer the beach

it’s more relaxing and entertaining

oh i don’t know i think the beach is

more boring

than in the mountains why do you say


well think about it lying on the beach

every day it’s much more interesting to

be walking in the countryside

yes but it’s usually colder in the


i think the beach is also more romantic

girls stop talking nonsense

how do i look you look very pretty alice

thanks sharon but you look better than


no how can you say that

you are much more tanned than i am

yes but you are in better shape

and me how do i look

you are very pretty too anne

i’m sure i’m not nearly as beautiful as


come on guys stop making

stupid comparisons

let’s just say that we are all different

hey girls okay are you ready

i need your advice which shirt is better

according to you the red one

it’s much better than the blue one for a

disco night

and you sharon what do you think

well i think the red one is funnier

well the blue one is more professional

i prefer the blue one so

girls which shirt should i put on

i told you the red one with that one on

you’ll look more macho yes

macho that’s the right word

really macho i like it

okay i’ll put on the red shirt

do you agree with alice sharon

about being macho i mean

come on jack it’s late

the disco is waiting for us

talk about the best soccer team

hey peter did you see the match

yesterday evening which match

which match ajax vs

juventus those teams are boring

excuse me excuse me

ajax is the best football club in the


i’m afraid i don’t have a clue

i know that only music matters

anyway in your opinion

which is the best team

i don’t know i heard

arsenal is the best of all time

they’ve got the most aggressive players

the most important coach the toughest


peter peter you

are so mistaken

okay what’s so great about ajax

first of all their defense is superb

it’s much more intelligent than

arsenals no but you promised me

richard it’s richard you’re always busy

no i don’t want to go anymore

anyway thanks daddy thanks for your


you are the worst father in the world

don’t worry i’m gonna have a great party

all the same

yes with my friends

they do love me bye


is everything okay alice

no nothing is okay

my father keeps on being the same

come on alice don’t cry

please tell us what happened

well you know

i told you my father decided

to give me a trip for my birthday

well he promised to come with me

and just now he told me that he

can’t anymore because

he has some important work to do

as usual don’t be

angry with him even if he has something

important to do you can leave for your


anyway no

i don’t want to go anymore

well don’t worry alice

we are going to give a big party for you

isn’t that true guy absolutely

of course you are the most

brilliant the smartest

and the funniest roommate we’ve ever had

even if sometimes you are a bit lazy

you need a special party

thanks a lot you are the best

friends in the world

the musical was great wasn’t it

yes it was

peter was excellent

well now let’s think about the party

it’s time for fun uh

by the way who is coming to the party


well david will be here

mary paul and tom

will be here as well everyone will be


i wonder if jack will be here

jack why

he’s leaving on a business trip tomorrow


he doesn’t know exactly when he’ll be


hey girls what are you talking about

anne was telling me that you won’t be

coming to the party this evening

it isn’t true is it

yes it is i’m

afraid i can’t business before pleasure

you never will change will you

excuse me hello

oh hi i

don’t really have a choice listen

jack i was wondering if you really have

to go away on business

or if you’re not coming to peter’s


for some other reason

no sharon i

i do have a business engagement

anyway since you asked

i’ll tell you there’s more

i’m jealous of peter

oh come on jack

you only care about business

sure that’s what they all say

but you know i i’m interested in you

and sharon

are you are you really interested

in me

ann who were you talking to on the


mary she wanted to know what time the

party is going to start

i think it’ll start at about nine


won’t it well girls

i have to go finish my presentation

see you later bye

back to work you’ll never quit

will you what is shame

that jack isn’t coming he’s a very

interesting person i wonder

if you are falling in love with him

come on you can tell me

okay but don’t tell

anyone uh-huh

yes he’s quite handsome

do you think he likes me sharon

what a question it’s

none of my business don’t be so

difficult sharon i was

just asking confidently

your opinion you are my friend

sharon i’m sorry anne

i didn’t mean to hurt your feelings

i’m just a bit nervous these days

why because of peter

we’re having some problems

i’m sorry anne but i don’t want to talk

about that

i’ve got to go see you later

bye bye

oh jack you’re always

so messy you leave your things

everywhere but

what’s this in the pocket

huh what it’s jack and sharon

and he’s kissing her oh my god

now i understand everything

it’s a shame jack isn’t here isn’t it

yes it’s just not the same without him

is it well business is business you know

well and i wonder what wonderful food

you cooked for us this evening

and hello are you there

oh sorry peter i was

miles away what did you say

what did you cook for us oh

your favorite fish and chips

oh what would i do without you

hey what about me

i brought the beer yes

we are glad you did cheers cheers

cheers to peter’s success

well guys this is the right time for

an important announcement

last night there was a famous director

at the theater we met after the show

and he told me he was preparing a

musical to be performed

all over japan so he wants to see

me for an audition next week

cheers you’ll be

famous soon peter

surprise jack

jack well well

well not so dedicated to your work

are you peter

get me up here now you’re talking

hi anne is everything okay

yes no jack

everything is fine it was just

really a surprise for me


daily conversations talk about the


and the city


hi sharon what’s up

hi jack i’m okay

don’t worry everything is just fine

really i don’t think so

come on tell me what’s happening

some problems with peter

no well yes

but i don’t think you are the right

person to talk with

maybe you’re right but i can’t

stand seeing you so sad

and this what does this mean

don’t worry i’m not leaving forever

my colleague lucy invited me to spend

the weekend at her house

she is a cottage in the countryside near


we’re leaving in the evening right after


the countryside is so lovely there

i hope so i need a break

living with peter is getting hard

he is so nervous about his concert

he can only think and talk about that

he seems miles away and as for his music

he’s excessive he goes

on singing all day long

he doesn’t speak with me anymore

he sings with me sharon

can you pass me the salt please


i like it when you smile i think a

weekend in the countryside

is exactly what you need

i didn’t know you liked the country so


are you joking i love the countryside

it’s so quiet and relaxing

a lot of people think it’s boring

well they don’t know what they are


what jack are you using cliches now

like the countryside is safe and the

city is dangerous

or the country is clean and the city is


and don’t forget the country is cheap


yes there’s that too the city is very


just think how much the rent is for this


don’t remind me i have to pay mine

tomorrow morning

well jack it was good talking with you

you make me laugh sometimes

i think about us and

how we were together once

we were we are a wonderful couple

don’t forget it all right

oh hi jack

do you have a moment i

always have time for you anne

can i ask you a question sure

how can i help you well

i need your advice i want to buy a new

car ah you should buy a fast

expensive sports car

come on i can’t afford a sports car

my car’s old it’s too big and it’s


to drive very good reasons to buy

a new car yes

i like to buy a small stylish car that’s


too expensive hmm

a small stylish car that’s not too

expensive and for young

people of course you shouldn’t buy a car

for old people

so what car should i buy

i don’t understand anything about cars

well what about buying a ferrari

are you joking

just kidding let me think

oh oh can i have a look

how about this car it’s nice

isn’t it expensive all cars

are expensive these days

by the way did you hear about sharon

yes i met peter in the afternoon

he told me they quarreled

but i don’t think we should worry about

it do you

hm maybe we should

what do you think of sharon ann

she’s very pretty yes

she is what about me jack

do you think i’m good looking

come on anne you are very attractive

do you really think so

yes anne you are always on my mind


what are you doing anne my boss asked me

to book

two rooms for two of our most demanding


they would like a quiet hotel near our

publishing house

and of course with this creature


so i’m making a few telephone calls

and listen to this song for a moment

it’s ray charles last recording it’s


i’ve got a lot to do sharon

just for one minute anne come on

i’m afraid i can’t now why don’t you go

over to alice’s

she’s having a shower you know

when alice gets in the bathroom she

takes at least two hours

well do whatever you want

just please get out of this room

man what’s the matter today

why are you treating me so badly

that’s enough sharon i know

everything about it everything about

what that you’ve got a lover

a lover are you going crazy

anne oh don’t try and pretend with me

sharon and i call you a friend

but it’s the truth and

who is my romantic lover by the way

you know i’m talking about jack

jack what are you talking about

the photograph the one that you and jack

are kissing

it’s not what you think anne

so then you tell me you know

a picture says more than a thousand


that photo is from three years ago

we were engaged

oh what you and jack were engaged

i know i know i wanted to avoid

stupid gossip and also because of peter

so now you’re telling me well

i can’t believe it i know

i didn’t want to hurt your feelings

see now you are angry with me that’s why

well you’re right sharon i am mad at you

and now i look like a fool

i’m sorry anne really

oh my hair

what’s going on it’s alice

oh my god come on let’s go see what’s


what’s happening alice

why are you screaming my hair

look it’s

it looks your hair is green

i know but how

okay imagine this

i’m washing my hair while

coloring my hair actually

i want to change my look my mobile rings

it’s tom he’s telling me all about this

great party yesterday evening

i’m listening to his story and i don’t

realize that time flies

more than an hour


it’s always the same old story alice

anyway green suits you

it looks it looks very original very


just like you well

alice don’t be offended but

you look like a frog

thanks and that’s the nicest compliment

what shall i do well

why don’t you call a hairdresser and

make an appointment

and in the future try to avoid

changing your look

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