Learn English Speaking Easily Quickly Practice English Conversation Topics


one thousand english conversation

practice for everyday life

000 english conversations close to real

life that will help us learn the most

common english words

let’s watch the video to improve your

english listening and speaking skills

lesson one introductions

dialogue one

good morning are you a new student

oh good morning yes

pleased to meet you i’m dave

i’m anna it’s nice to meet you

where are you from

i am from france and you are malaysian

aren’t you

oh no i am not malaysian

so where do you come from

i come from thailand


dialogue too


hi what’s your name

i’m james what’s yours

john is my name

where are you from

i’m from germany and you

i’m from california

i’m glad to see you

it’s a pleasure to meet you


dialogue three

how do you do i’m linda nice to meet you

hi there i’m jesse

oh jesse are you a new employee in the

accounting department

oh yes

where do you come from

i’m from moscow

russia oh it’s a beautiful country

thanks and you what is your hometown

my hometown is florida


dialogue for

have we met before i am john

i don’t think we’ve met i’m brit

yeah where are you from brit

i’m from new york

oh you lived in new york

how long did you live there

about three years what about you are you

also from new york

oh yes i come from new york


dialogue five

good morning

pleased to meet you i’m john harris

good to meet you

what’s your name

i’m david greene

nice name

you can call me david

okay david where are you from

i live in chicago and you

my hometown is ashia near kobe

are you here for business or to relax

i’m on vacation so how about you

on business

is this your first time here

i have been here three times already

anyway it’s a pleasure to meet you

me too


dialogue six

you are mr scott aren’t you

sorry i’m not

i’m sorry

may i ask what is your name

i’m harry you are

let me introduce myself i’m lucy

oh hello lucy where are you from

i’m from italia and you

i’m from germany

are you here for a vacation

no i’m here on business i’ve had a busy

schedule recently

me too

this is also my first time in this city

oh really

i’ve been here many times

so how do you think about this city

this is a beautiful place


dialog 7

how do you do what’s your name

hi i’m lisa i’m from canada

i’m alex from russia

how long did you live there

i have lived in san francisco for 10


do you like living here

of course i love everything in this city

very nice to meet you

good to know you


dialog 8


what is your name

everyone calls me ken

my name is sam

ken where are you from

i’m originally from saint petersburg

russia what about you

i’m from the united states

are you on a vacation

yes i’m on vacation

how long are you planning to stay

perhaps two weeks

so how about you

i’m on business i’ll be leaving the next


how’s everything

not bad how about you



dialogue nine

peter hey how’s it going

yeah great what about yourself

yeah can’t complain


lesson two

personal information

dialogue one

what age are you

i’m in my early thirties

are you married

i have been married for four years

how old are you

i’m 28 years old

you are married aren’t you

yes i am also married

how many children have you got

i’ve got only two children

what are you going to do

i’m a stay-at-home mom

what are you going to do

i am a teacher so linda how about you

i work as an accountant do you enjoy

your job

no not really but i do make a good


what do you enjoy doing in your spare


on weekends i enjoy reading books and

hanging out with my friends


dialogue too

how old are you

i’m 26 years old

are you married

i am in fact i’m engaged to be married

next month

what do you do for a living

i am a real estate agent what about you

what do you do for a job

i am the director of marketing

what exactly does your company do

we offer digital equipment for sale

what do you do for fun in your spare


my hobbies are reading and writing


dialogue three

what is your age

i am in my mid-forties

are you single or married

my husband and i have been divorced for

two years

what do you do for a living

i work as a doctor

do you enjoy your job

yes i really like it

what do you do in your free time

i spend time with my family members and



lesson three professions

dialogue one

what is your job

i am working as a doctor for a local

hospital how about you what is your


well i’ve just quit my job and i’m

looking for a better job


dialogue too

what do you do for a living

i’m unemployed and now i’m looking for a


how about you what line of work are you

in i work in television


dialogue three

what do you do

i’m the human resources manager i work

for a large corporation

so how about you what’s your job

i own my own company

great what exactly does your company do

we sell ladies clothing


dialogue 4

what line of work are you in

i work for myself i own my own company

what exactly does your company do

it is in fact a small pharmacy

do you enjoy your job

of course

you’re a student aren’t you

yes i am a university student studying

do you have a part-time job

i work in a restaurant as a waiter

how about you what do you do

i work as the ceo’s personal assistant

is it a large corporation

no it has 150 employees

are you satisfied with your job

yes however sometimes this job also

makes me tired

what sort of work do you do

i work in public relations

do you enjoy your job

no not at all but i make a good living

lesson four

talking about food and restaurants

dialogue one

we will go to lunch

would you care to join us great i’m

hungry too what do you want to eat

i know a great japanese restaurant

that’s great i adore japanese cuisine

why do you like it so much do you

believe it’s healthy

sure it’s loaded with fresh seafood and


do you enjoy mexican cuisine

no not at all

why it’s extremely popular

it’s far too hot to eat i prefer italian


do you enjoy korean cuisine

yes i like it a lot

what about russian cuisine

i enjoy russian it’s

excellent what about fast food


oh my goodness

it’s not good for you

let’s go out to eat

what do you want to eat

up to you give me some names

there is a new steakhouse named steak

plus on rose street

people said it had a tasty menu


dialogue too

it’s been a long time since we have met

each other

why don’t we go out for dinner or



oh i love it

where would you like to go

what about thailand food for dinner


that’s great let’s go

do you enjoy eating out

yes because of my busy work i often go

out to eat

what is your favorite type of food

traditional russian cuisine is my



lesson five


dialogue one

what hobbies do you have

ice dancing is a hobby of mine

whoa you know how to do ice dancing

yes i do

when did you learn how to do that

i’ve been doing it since i was eight

years old

how about you

what kinds of things do you like to do

i enjoy playing guitar

do you have the ability to sing as well

yes i also compose music

are there any hobbies you do

when i have time i enjoy scuba diving i

go diving twice or three times a year

diving in my opinion is extremely


i agree with you that it is very


so you must follow all of the rules so

when will you teach me scuba diving


dialogue too

well you speak german very well


what source did you use to learn it

my first wife was of german origin

what is your native language

italian language

your english is impeccable thanks for

your compliment i lived in canada for

two years i was employed there

do you still speak any other languages

i can also speak french and know a

little bit of spanish however i cannot

read or write

you are truly a multilingual person


dialogue three

what are some things you like to do in

your free time

i’ve always liked to draw and paint

how long have you known how to do that

i first learned how to do it in high


and you

what would you do if you had more free


i enjoy gardening outside my country

house i have a large garden

what plants are planted in the garden

i grow fruit trees like mangoes apples


lesson six

talking about family

dialogue one

how many children do you have

i’m married and have two children a son

and a daughter

how old are they

the boy is 10 and the girl is 12.

what does your husband do my husband is

a teacher he works in a primary school

do you live with your family in the city

actually we’re living in my own

apartment we have been there for five

years it’s small but comfortable


dialogue two

i don’t have brothers or sisters

but i have two cousins

do you maintain contact

yeah they live in the outskirt of the


how often do you visit them

i always visit them every summer


dialogue three

my father currently resides in france

what is his age


what about your mom

she passed away three years ago

you visit your father often

yes i visit my father three or four

times a year


dialogue four

my son is 28 years old

is he married

yes he is married he has a daughter who

is my granddaughter she’s adorable

how about you how is your husband

oh he died a long time ago


dialog 5

are you married

i’m engaged to be married next month


and you do you have any children

yes i have a daughter she is six years

old she lives with her mother who is

also my ex-wife

do you see your daughter on a regular

basis every weekend for sure


lesson 7

weather and climate

dialogue one

oh my it’s really hot i’ve never seen

such scorching weather in my life

it’s like the whole world is boiling

oh look at the thermometer

the temperature has hit 96 degrees


well i just hope it’ll level off

do you want to go to the beach

good idea

i’ll pack up and we’ll be on our way

remember to wear sunscreen if you don’t

want to get sunburned

i remember

i will also bring an umbrella

i’ll bring a surfboard

great i’ll take the sunglasses for the

two of us can we go to huntington beach

it’s known for its surf beaches

i love that beach let’s go


dialogue 2

last year i visited egypt

did you enjoy it

it was far too hot

the ideal seasons to visit egypt are in

the fall and spring

do you enjoy the weather in the emerates

no way it’s too hot and dry

yes fresh water is a major issue in that


another issue is dust it’s constantly

there in the air

ammo mrites is a great location to visit

but not to live


dialogue three

last year’s spring was below freezing

what about this coming year

we’re fortunate this year since we

receive a lot of sun and don’t get much



dialogue 4.

what miserable weather i think it’s

going to rain later

yes that sounds like thunder and there’s

a strong wind

maybe the wind will drop and the sea

will settle down again

i certainly hope so


dialogue 5.

last winter a buddy of mine relocated to



he received a job offer

what does he think of the british


he says it is dreadful it constantly


lesson eight


dialogue one

spain is one of the most popular tourist

destinations in the world

have you ever visited there

yes i have been there three times

did you enjoy it

yes absolutely but it’s quite hot

in spain did you visit barcelona

of course this city by the sea is

extremely attractive

you know barcelona is without a doubt

spain’s cultural capital

i hope i can also visit spain once in my


next vacation go there with your family

and how was your most recent vacation to


oh that was fantastic

did you get sunburned

yes because it was really hot

what exactly did you do

we spent the morning on the beach then

after lunch we rented a car and drove


dialogue 2


when was the last time you visited rome

i visited there last month

is this a business trip

no i’m on vacation

every day we went sightseeing we went to

a lot of interesting locations and saw a

lot of intriguing stuff so how about you

have you ever visited rome

never but i’d want to visit there


it’s one of the most enthralling places

i’ve ever seen i think you should go

there at least once in your lifetime

last month i had a vacation in egypt

did you enjoy it it was amazing but the

weather there is too hot

i’ve been to many places like hawaii

germany france but never in egypt

it really is an ideal destination the

sea water is clear blue and extremely

clean you can go diving or take pictures

while there it’s a great experience


dialogue three

did you have a good journey

oh yes

where did you go

it was greece this time

how long were you there

ten days

what exactly did you do

we took a trip around the islands it is

very beautiful

i was here to eat seafood and i enjoy

the wonderful natural

which island was your favorite

creed was the most thrilling location

i’d want to return there


lesson nine


dialogue one

excuse me can you help me

certainly what can i do for you

yeah i’m seeking a leather belt for


what do you think about this belt

i really like this is it okay if i try

it on

of course you can try it on

how does it fit

it really suits me


dialogue 2.

i am looking for a red wine sweater

take a look at this one ma’am

can i try it on somewhere

sure there’s a fitting room right over

there please let me know if you require

a different size

the color is so beautiful i’ll take it

yeah both popular design and color fit

you very much

can i pay with my card

of course

welcome back again


dialogue three

good day ma’am

hello please show me the style of zara

dress this winter what color do you want

brown or black

what size do you normally wear


what about this dress do you think it’s


oh it’s lovely i’m going to try it on

okay the changing rooms are located over


how does it fit

the hue is appealing to me but i’m

worried the dress is too big for me

could you kindly get me a smaller size

not an issue i’ll bring you a 42. how

does that fit


that dress really suits you


dialogue for

good morning what do you want to buy

yeah i’m looking for a suit from a man

okay now follow me

please have a look at these sir the

pattern is popular at present

how does this suit look on me

i suggest you buy this


dialog 5

hello i am looking for a pair of high


what about these shoes

oh they’re so fashionable can i try this


sure what size shoes do you normally



this is a number 38.

any good

no not really it’s the wrong size it’s

too close

i need a larger size

okay i’ll find you a 39.

what colors are popular this season

gray and deep crimson


dialog 6

what do you want to buy

i’ve brought this dress back to exchange


may i ask why you’re returning them i

bought them for my daughter but it’s the

incorrect size

okay you want to exchange or you want to


i’d like to give it back

do you keep the receipt

it’s right here

thank you very much please sign here

here’s the 52 dollars you paid

thank you kindly


dialog 7


how are you

great thank you very much

how can i help you

i purchased the sweater for my husband

two days ago however it is in the

incorrect color

no problem do you want to exchange it or

return it

i want to exchange it

certainly please leave this sweater here

and i’ll take a different color sweater

in exchange for you

thank you very much

i like your wist watch

do you truly believe that it appeals to

me as well when i was traveling from

paris i acquired it from a duty-free


it looks very expensive how many are


i just had to pay 300 euros the initial

cost was 490 euros

still overpriced for me


lesson 10


dialog 1

that’s a nice piece of jewelry

do you like it

yes it’s fantastic

thank you very much

where did you buy it from

i bought it during my trip to milan last



dialogue 2

i absolutely love what you’re wearing


you do i just bought this outfit a

couple of days ago

seriously it looks really nice on you

thank you


dialogue 3

you have an excellent command of the

english language

thank you for your kind words

it’s not meant as a compliment where did

you learn it i mean

an online friend taught me


dialogue four

i think that you look very cute today

is that right thanks

i really like that outfit

thanks i think you look nice today too

thank you i just got these shoes today

really what kind of shoes are they

these are called all-star chuck taylors

i really like those how much did they


they were about forty dollars


dialog 5

you look wonderful in that new dress

do you really think that

i just tell the truth


dialog 6.

what a great job you have done with this


thanks i needed that


lesson 11 at the restaurant

dialog one

i’ll have the tomato soup to start and

the roast beef with mashed potatoes and


would you like something to drink please

have a glass of red house wine and a

small bottle of still mineral water

sure i’ll bring it shortly



dialogue 2.

i’m thinking caesar’s salad with shrimp

for an appetizer

and grilled salmon with vegetables for

the main course

would you like to drink something we

have fruit juice soda wine and tea

give me one orange juice and one tea cup

do you need anything else

no thanks


dialogue three

please filet mignon

with french fries for me and salmon

steak with rice for my partner

what about a glass of wine

could you please show us the wine list

sure it’s right here

please bring us a bottle of cabernet

sauvignon 2004

okay thank you very much


dialogue 4

would you like to see the dessert menu


tonight’s dessert specials include

chocolate mousse cake and a spicy rum

apple crisp

i would love the apple crisp

okay i’ll be right back with your



dialog 5

do you need anything else

no i’m full can i have the bill

yes this is your bill please check it

thank you but could you please direct me

to the ladies room

ma’am this way


dialog 6

please a rib eye steak with baked

potatoes for me and a beef filet with

garlic butter and french fries for my


would you like something to drink

i’d like wine what kinds are there

here is the wine list i’ll take this

would you like anything for dessert

that’s enough


dialog 7

the spaghetti looks really good but i

think the pasta is better what would you


i recommend the lasagna it’s excellent

that sounds great i’ll have that


what would you like to drink i’ll have



would you like to see the dessert menu

no thanks can we have the bill please

here’s your bill

thanks for watching don’t forget to like


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