Stop Speaking Like A Textbook

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm is your english natural or

do you sound like a textbook let’s talk

about it do you ever wonder why your

english sounds different than a native

speakers english and how can you fix

these differences i want to teach you

how to find the differences between your

english and fluent natural native

speaker english but first i want to tell

you three reasons why it’s important to

know the differences between what you’re

saying and what a native speaker would

say the first one is that if you know

these differences it will help you speak

better it will help you speak better the

second one is it will help other people

understand you better and finally it

will help you understand english TV

shows and movies much better when you

realize what native speakers are saying

compared to what you say these things

will happen you’ll speak better people

will understand you better and you’ll

understand TV shows and movies much

better these three reasons for speaking

natural english are all linked together

when you speak better you can connect

with more people you can meet people

when you travel you can connect with

your clients or your co-workers you can

make new friends around the world and

when other people can understand you

well you can have more confidence

because people stop asking you to repeat

what you’re saying again and again and

finally when you can understand TV shows

and movies this will help you have

something to talk about with your new

friends and you can learn more about

different cultures and entertainment and

have a good time with English in this

series I’m going to teach you six tips

for speaking natural English and I have

a present for you

you can download the free guide for

these six tips as well as a list of

resources different websites that you


used to get started today speaking

natural English so if you’re not on my

website click the link below this video

to view this full free lesson and also

download the free guide 6 tips for

speaking natural English I hope that

you’ll enjoy this series and it will

help you to stop sounding like a

textbook and start sounding like a

natural native speaker let’s get started
