Talking About Your Home Speaking English Everyday to Improve English


decorating the room

interior decoration is an extremely

interesting topic in daily life

everyone has a passion for decorating

their own house

let’s watch the video to see

conversations about interior decoration

situation 1 decorate a new apartment


sophia the new apartment will be

available in a month i think it’s time

for us to discuss the interior design

joe i was going to tell you these days i

have been looking at many different

designs online here are some styles i

feel interested in

okay show me what you’ve got

so this is a modern style with kind of

white plain walls a darker color tone

for furniture

and a lot of glasses and marble flooring


to be honest it looks great i love

simplicity however we plan to have a

baby in the near future

so do you think we should try something

a little bit softer

you were right

how about this traditional style with a

neutral color tone with floral patterns

looks a bit old-fashioned to me

you like this style don’t

you um

not really i just like the cozy feeling

so do i i prefer something that makes me

feel at home

any other options that are both modern

and cozy

yes this one what do you think it still

looks simple and modern but a lot cozier

with a warmer color

light gray or brownie is trending this


i like this one especially the wooden


we can use it for bedrooms very

affordable i want to have carpet in the

living room

alright how about the kitchen

i want material that is easy to clean

and waterproof

right how about the color

i’m into brown or beige colors like this


me too in short our taste is modern but


neutral brown beige tone

then i think wooden furniture will be an

excellent match

sure i will note it down

we will discuss a detailed design

tomorrow okay

yes i will do more research


situation 2

decorating the room for a baby girl


hi anna how are you

hi kate i’m great and you

come in

are you back from work just now

i’m good and yes i haven’t seen you for

months too busy with the new job

today i remember that you will be in

labor in over a month so i tried to

leave work early today to visit you so

nice of you come and take a sit

don’t mind my messy place we are

redecorating a bedroom for my little one

oh really how is it going it must be the

cutest room in the house

we have just started recently

how was your plan for the baby girls


we always like minimalism you know so

the room style will match with other

rooms also

three walls are light brown and one wall

is white the floor will be covered with

beige carpet and a white fur rug

nice that’s very modern and cute at the

same time what are there in the room i

can see the crib over there

i try to only put necessary kinds of


there will be a crib a medium-sized

wardrobe for clothes and a small cabinet

for things like diapers or little things

for the baby all in white

wait you mentioned one white wall before

that right why only one

good question

i intended to put a huge wooden shelf

that has the size of the whole wall

what is it for

for children’s books and toys and for

decorating purposes also

i think books and toys are very colorful

so they will be stand out on the white


very unique idea

my friends usually spend the wall on

cute stickers

i also decorate other walls with cute

pictures of animals

but also in a minimalism style

ah i forgot to mention a chair that’s


have you bought all those furniture

yes i have

not many though the only thing that

takes time is painting in the big shelf

sounds like a very lovely room remember

to send me a photo when you finish the


sure i will

thanks for watching

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