TIP 1 6 Tips For Speaking Natural English

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm are you ready to stop

sounding like a textbook let’s get

started welcome to tip number one in the

series six tips for speaking natural

english stop sounding like a textbook

and start sounding like a native speaker

tip number one is listen to natural

materials every day I know that I say

this a lot listen listen listen

but it’s so valuable and today I want to

give you some extra tips for listening

some people think that they should only

listen and they feel bad if they need to

look at some subtitles or if they need

to read a transcript don’t feel bad

about this if you need to use the

dictionary the dictionary is our friend

it’s not a big deal these are excellent

resources that you can use to improve

your English if you need to use English

subtitles go ahead I recommend reading

it again and again and again to

challenge yourself so that eventually

you can try to listen to a movie a video

something without subtitles but if you

need to use subtitles for a little bit

it’s okay if you want to read a

transcript from a video or from a

podcast go ahead this is a great

resource to get it in your head when I

want to learn a new French song I

learned to speak French and I love

listening to French songs and when I

want to learn a new French song I listen

to it a few times and then I read the

lyrics the lyrics are like the

transcript of the of the song then I

read the lyrics and I get a better

feeling for the words that I missed and

it helps me to see the words as well as

hear them so don’t feel bad if you need

to read a transcript read the subtitles

a little bit but I do encourage you to

try to use that only for a short time

and if you’re watching something again

and again if you’re listening to a


one time two times maybe three times the

final time at least try to listen to it

a little bit without any reading this is

a great challenge and listening is a

great skill that we can use to improve

language skills because you’re hearing

the words your ears and your speaking

are so connected a lot of natural

English teachers are expressing that

listening is really the key and I

totally agree that listening is

something that can transform your

English skills

so my tip today is listen to natural

material every day even if it’s only

five minutes if you listen to this video

for just five minutes once a day to get

some motivation go ahead and do it and

how can you start to listen to natural

material I want to give you some

resources so at the bottom of this

lesson on my website you can find a free

guide that you can download that’s going

to have some resources that you can

check out some podcast recommendations

some YouTube channel recommendations

that you can use to start speaking

natural English today so go ahead and

check out and download that free guide

if you’re not on my website you can

click on the link below the video go to

my website and download the free guide

and I’m looking forward to seeing you in

tip number two in the six tips for

speaking natural English series I’ll see

you again soon goodbye
