TIP 2 6 Tips For Speaking Natural English

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm how can you stop sounding

like a textbook and start sounding like

a native speaker let’s talk about it

welcome to tip number two in the series

six tips for speaking natural English

the first tip was to listen to natural

material everyday and the second tip is

to write new expressions in your

notebook I recommend writing new

expressions in a complete sentence in

your notebooks so when you hear a new

expression a new sentence a new word in

a movie maybe I say it maybe you see it

in the newspaper I recommend writing it

in your notebook in the complete

sentence so that you can have a context

for the word now if you would like to be

extra organized you can make different

categories in your notebook you can have

a category for different topics a

category for different types of words

depending on your learning style and how

you like to organize things or maybe you

don’t like to organize things you just

want to write it down I recommend

writing it down so that you can have a

chance to connect the written words and

also the words that you heard so this is

a really good thing because it’s helpful

if we use all the different English

skills writing listening reading

speaking and connect them to be able to

learn something new so if you only

listen to something that’s okay but if

you listen and write something that’s

doubly as good so today I recommend

writing new expressions in a full

sentence in your notebook even if you

never go back and read over them it’s a

great exercise to write it out and to

see the word and take a little bit of

extra time on that new expression so

this is my number two tip for today I

want to give you the full free guide six

tips for speaking natural English in a

PDF file below this video so if you’re

on my website

click on the link so that you can

download this free pdf you can see all

six tips with some extra resources and

ideas to help you start speaking

naturally and stop sounding like a

textbook check out the PDF download the

guide and I’ll see you again in the next

video tip number three goodbye
