TIP 4 6 Tips For Speaking Natural English

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm how can you stop sounding

like a textbook and start sounding like

a native speaker let’s talk about it

welcome to tip number four in the series

six tips for speaking natural english

tip number four is shadow real english

at least once a week shadow means simply

imitation so you repeat directly after a

native speaker so that you can imitate

their intonation their vocabulary the

expressions they use shadowing is a

great technique to help you feel more

comfortable and confident using natural

expressions and this is especially great

if you don’t have a speaking partner if

you don’t have someone to speak with

it’s great to shadow at least once a

week so that you can exercise your

speaking muscles this might sound silly

but it’s totally helpful if you speak at

least once a week even if it’s only

shadowing this will be natural speech

you’re using those muscles your ears are

hearing your voice using natural English

so you’re training your brain to use

natural English so shadowing once a week

is tip number four but what resources

should you use to shadow I want to give

you a free guide that has a list of

resources that I recommend using to

shadow to listen that you can use for

all of the other tips that I talked

about one two three and number four so

if you download the free guide below

this video you can get the PDF instantly

in your email and I would love to share

this with you you can get the full free

list of the six tips for speaking

natural English all organized for you as

well as a list of resources that I would

love to share with you so I look forward

to sharing this guide with you and I

hope to talk to you the next time for


number five see you later goodbye