TIP 6 6 Tips For Speaking Natural English

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm how can you stop sounding

like a textbook and start sounding like

a native speaker let’s talk about it

welcome to tip number six the final tip

in the series six tips for speaking

natural english six tips for speaking

natural english today is number six and

i want to tell you it is learn from

other English learners mistakes English

learners often make the same mistakes a

lot of my students make the same

mistakes as each other so sometimes I

feel like I am repeating my advice and

you know what I do when I feel like I’m

repeating the same things to each

student I make a video about it this way

I can share it with all of you and if my

student makes a mistake I can say hey I

made a video about that check it out and

that way a wide variety of people can

watch it and you can learn from each

other’s mistakes so it’s my goal to

provide you with these kind of videos to

help you learn from each other’s

mistakes so what I recommend doing is

going to my website and watching these

free expression videos you can learn a

lot from each other there are a lot of

great comments and a lot of great

content to help you sound like a native

natural speaker and I have a special

gift for you below this video you can

download the free guide 6 tips for

speaking natural English this guide

shows all 6 tips plus some extra

resources so that you can go to websites

YouTube channels podcasts that I

recommend so that you can start sounding

like a native speaker and not sounding

like a textbook so go ahead and download

the free guide and I’ll see you again

the next time goodbye