Talking About Likes and Dislikes in English Spoken English Lesson

Hi, I’m Stephanie.

Welcome to Oxford Online English!

In this lesson, you can learn how to talk
about things you like or dislike in English.

What do you like doing most of all?

What’s your favourite thing to do?

What things do you have to do regularly, but
you aren’t so keen on?

What about the things you can’t stand doing?

Can you think of something you really hate?

During this lesson, you’ll learn how to
talk about things that you like and dislike using

clear, natural English.

Let’s go back to a question you heard before:
what’s your favourite thing to do?

So, what kind of music are you into?

I’m a big fan of blues, classic soul, things
like that.

I really love Billie Holliday and a lot of
stuff from that era.

What about you?

I listen to a lot of different stuff, but
what I really like is hip-hop.

Do you listen to music a lot at home?

Oh sure, all the time.

My favourite thing to do at the end of a long
day is put on a record and just chill out

on the sofa with some good tunes.


You mean vinyl?

Of course!

There’s no other way to listen.

I wouldn’t go that far!

Music makes me happy wherever I am.

I can listen on my phone, at home, on vinyl,
on CD…

I don’t care.

I just like it!

Here, you heard several useful phrases to
talk about things you really like.

Can you remember any of them?

If you really like something, you can say:

I really love…

I’m a big fan of…

What I really like is…

My favourite thing to do is…
… makes me happy

In the gap, you can put a noun, or an -ing

For example:

I really love seafood.

Or: I really love swimming in the sea.

This is true for all these phrases.

Look at two more:

I’m a big fan of 80s glam rock.

I’m a big fan of listening to music when
I go jogging.

You can also vary some of these phrases, to
make them stronger or weaker, or just to add


For example:

What I really enjoy is getting up late on
a Sunday and going for coffee with friends.

My absolute favourite food is spicy chicken

Doing yoga in the morning makes me feel good.

Okay, what about you?

Can you make some sentences using these phrases?

You can talk about music, or any other topic
you like.

Pause the video and write down two or three
sentences, using the language from this section.


Let’s move on to part two.

Where shall we go?

How about pizza?


I’m not keen on the pizza places around

There’s a Chinese place nearby which is
supposed to be alright.

Want to check it out?

Honestly, I don’t like Chinese food so much.

I quite like Japanese food, though.

Are there any Japanese places around here?

No, don’t think so.

That doesn’t help then.


Spicy food isn’t my thing.



KFC’s alright.

Let’s go to KFC.

So, we live in a town with all these great
restaurants, and we’re going to KFC?


What’s wrong with KFC?

It’s not bad.

Fine, let’s go.

In this dialogue, you heard phrases to talk
about low-level likes and dislikes.

If you like something, but not that much,
how can you say that?

Here are the three ways you heard:

I quite like…

It’s alright.

It’s not bad.

The word alright doesn’t mean that something
is good by itself.

However, with a positive intonation, it can
mean that you like something.

Again, you can use these phrases with a noun
or an -ing verb, like this:

I quite like going for a short walk after

The film was alright.

This garlic sauce is not bad!

What if you don’t like something?

What could you say?

Here are the phrases you heard in the dialogue:

I’m not keen on…

I don’t like … so much
… isn’t my thing

Let’s see how you could use them:

I’m not keen on horror films.

I don’t like going to the gym so much.

Getting up early isn’t my thing.

Again, you can use many of these phrases in
different ways, by changing or adding words.

For example:

I quite enjoy cycling.

I’m not massively keen on that plan.

Spending hours sitting on the beach isn’t
exactly my thing.

What about you?

In our dialogue, we talked about food.

Can you use the language you’ve seen to
make two or three sentences about yourself?

You can write about food, or any other topic.

For extra practice, say your sentences out

Say them several times, until the pronunciation
is comfortable.

Try to remember them, so that you can say
them without reading.

This way, you’ll remember the language better.

Pause the video and write your sentences now;
start again when you’re ready.

Okay, you’ve seen how to talk about things
you like a lot, or things you like a little.

But what if you really don’t have an opinion
about something?

What a great movie!

What did you think?

It was okay.

You didn’t like it?

I didn’t mind it.

I’ve seen better; I’ve seen worse.

You’re difficult to please, aren’t you?

I thought it was amazing!

Don’t you think he’s a great director?

I really like everything he’s made.

I don’t have strong opinions about him.

So, what do you like?

Honestly, I haven’t seen many movies that
have impressed me recently.

I saw that new ‘Blade Runner’ film.

And, you didn’t like it?


I could take it or leave it.

You’re annoying.

Anyway, what shall we do now?

Get a drink, or something to eat?

I’m not bothered either way, to be honest.

In that dialogue, I did not have a lot of
strong feelings about, well, anything really.

Can you remember the words and phrases I used
to express this?

Often, you can express this kind of idea just
with a word or a gesture.

Imagine you’re watching something on TV,
and someone asks you if it’s a good show

or not.

You can express that it’s neither good nor
bad by making a ‘meh’ noise and shrugging.

However, there are also some useful phrases
you can use, such as:

It’s okay.

I don’t mind…

I don’t have strong opinions about…

I can take it or leave it.

I’m not bothered either way about…

Like the phrases you’ve seen in other sections,
you can use these with a noun or an -ing verb,

except for I can take it or leave it, which
is a fixed phrase, meaning that you can use it

as a response to someone else’s question
or suggestion.

Let’s see how you could use these phrases
to talk about different things:

The modern art museum was okay.

I don’t mind doing housework.

I don’t have strong opinions about which
curtains we buy.

I’m not bothered either way about where
we go.

When you use okay, like the word alright,
a lot depends on your intonation.

The word okay literally means ‘not good
and not bad’.

However, with positive intonation, it can
have a positive meaning, like quite good.

With negative intonation, it can mean something
like not very good.

Listen to the difference:
It’s okay!

It’s okay.

It’s okay.

In this way, okay can mean different things.

Also, the phrase I’m not bothered either
way is more informal, and could sound rude

or dismissive if you use it in the wrong situation,
so think about where you are and who you’re

talking to before you say it.

So, it’s your turn to practice again!

Can you think of a movie or TV show that was
just okay—not that good, and not that bad?

Your job is to write three sentences
about yourself using the language from this


If you can’t think of a movie or TV show
to talk about, you can choose a different


Pause the video and write your sentences now.


Finally, let’s see how you can talk about
things you hate.

That’s IT!

I’m finished with that place.

I’m definitely quitting this time!

I can’t work there another day.

What happened now?

He is the worst manager ever!

I can’t stand working with him.

I used to like going to work, but now I absolutely
hate it!

I have to find another job.

You know you’ve been saying that for…


Since I met you?

Yeah, but this time I mean it.

Even the little things are starting to drive
me crazy, like the way he fidgets with his

coffee cup when he talks.

So, have you started looking for a new job?

Not yet, but I will.

I need a change.

What about your colleagues?

I thought you got on well with them.

Some of them are alright, but I have no time
for that woman in the accounts department.

I really dislike the HR guy, too, whatever
his name is.

You know, maybe you should be less negative.

If you go to work with that kind of attitude,
I’m not surprised you clash with people.

What do you mean, negative?

I can’t stand people telling me what to

What are you even talking about?

I have no time for people like you and your
stupid advice…

Okay, here you heard a lot of phrases to talk
about something—or someone—you strongly


Can you remember any of them?

If you really dislike something, you can say:

I can’t stand…

I absolutely hate…
… drives me crazy.

I have no time for…

I really dislike…

As before, you use these phrases with a noun
or an -ing verb.

For example:

I can’t stand people who cut in line.

I absolutely hate every song he’s ever made.

Walking behind someone who walks really slowly
drives me crazy!

Some of these phrases are more general.

You can use I can’t stand…, I absolutely
hate…, or I really dislike… to talk about

anything: people, things, or activities.

However, with the other two phrases,
you would use them to talk about people and

their habits.

For example:

She’s always late, which drives me crazy.

I have no time for people who say nice things
to your face, then gossip behind your back.

Okay, what about you?

It’s your last practice: pause the video,
and write three sentences about things you

strongly dislike.

Use the language from this section, and start
again when you’re ready.

How was that?

Could you use the language easily?

Did you check to make sure you didn’t make
any mistakes?

Finally, we have a question for you: what
do you like or dislike most about studying


Please tell us in the comments!

Remember that you can find more of our free
English lessons on our website: Oxford Online

Thanks for watching!

See you next time!