May the 4th Be With You Star Wars Day in English

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hi everyone it’s May 4th do you know

what that means

May 4th May the fourth it’s a great day

for people that love both Star Wars and

terrible puns apparently if you love

both those things then today is your day

live it up have a Karelian ale or two or

play that hologram chess game you know

the one the bookie is supposed to win go

crazy in fact we already made a video to

teach you Star Wars vocab related to

this geeky holiday so just click on the

link somewhere around here or in the

description and it will take you to

English class where you can

watch the video from there you can log

in and get started if you haven’t signed

up yet then you can sign up now it’s

free and I think it only takes like 30

seconds to do so click on the link in

the description and you can get a free

account see you guys on the sites may

the force be with you Luke Skywalker

more like Luke Skye faller great Joe

Felicia okay thanks very much bye

